Elmo DSP 305 User Manual

Elmo Motion Control
CANopen DSP 305
Implementation Guide
Version 1.1- April 2006
Important Notice
This guide contains proprietary information belonging to Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
Such information is supplied solely for the purpose of assisting users of servo drives in implementing CANopen networking.
The text and graphics included in this manual are for the purpose of illustration and
reference only. The specifications on which they are based are subject to change without notice.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Corporate and
individual names and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
Doc. No. MAN-
Copyright 2006
Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Revision History
Ver. 1.1 Apr. 2006 COB-ID Changes (MAN-CAN305IG)
Ver. 1.0 Nov. 2004 Initial Release (MAN-CAN305IG)
Elmo Motion Control Ltd.
64 Gisin St., P.O. Box 463
Petach Tikva 49103
Tel: +972 (3) 929-2300
Fax: +972 (3) 929-2322
Elmo Motion Control Inc.
1 Park Drive, Suite 12
Westford, MA 01886
Tel: +1 (978) 399-0034
Fax: +1 (978) 399-0035
Elmo Motion Control GmbH
Steinbeisstrasse 41
D-78056, Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel: +49 (07720) 8577-60
Fax: +49 (07720) 8577-70
CANopen DSP 305 Implementation Guide
MAN-CAN305IG (Ver. 1.1)
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Objectives of LSS ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Abbreviations and Terms........................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 LSS Hardware Restrictions (LSS Address) ............................................................... 1-2
1.4 LSS Operating Restrictions......................................................................................... 1-2
1.5 Elmo Documentation .................................................................................................. 1-3
2 LSS Modes................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Configuration and the Operation Modes................................................................. 2-1
3 LSS Services ................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 LSS Master-Slave Synchronization & Protocol......................................................... 3-1
3.2 Switch Mode Services ................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.1 Switch Mode Global.......................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Switch Mode Selective...................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Configuration Services................................................................................................ 3-4
3.3.1 Configuration Node-ID .................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.2 Configuration Bit Timing Parameters............................................................. 3-5
3.3.3 Activate Bit Timing Parameters....................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4 Store Configuration Parameters ...................................................................... 3-7
3.4 Inquiry Services........................................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.1 Inquire LSS Address ......................................................................................... 3-8
Inquire Vendor-ID Protocol............................................................................. 3-8
Inquire Product-Code Protocol........................................................................ 3-8
Inquire Revision-Number Protocol................................................................. 3-9
Inquire Serial-Number Protocol...................................................................... 3-9
3.4.2 Inquire Node-ID................................................................................................ 3-9
Inquire Node-ID Protocol ...............................................................................3-9
3.5 Identification Services............................................................................................... 3-10
3.5.1 LSS Identify Remote Slaves............................................................................ 3-10
Inquire Node-ID Protocol .............................................................................3-10
3.5.2 LSS Identify Slave Protocol............................................................................ 3-11
3.5.3 Example............................................................................................................ 3-12
4 Implementation Rules ............................................................................................... 4-1
CANopen DSP 305 Implementation Guide
MAN-CAN305IG (Ver. 1.1)
1 Introduction
This document describes the objects and operational modes of the Elmo DSP-based motion controller implementation of the CiA DSP 305 protocol. The Elmo Harmonica digital servo drive (part of the examples are shown in this document.
The DSP in CiA DSP 305 stands for Draft Standard Proposal.
The DSP in Elmo DSP-based motion controller stands for Digital Signal Processor.
With the DSP 305 Layer Setting Services and protocol, unconfigured devices in a network can be identified by their unique manufacturer, product, serial and revision number. After identification Bit Rate and Node ID can be configured for each device.
SimplIQ family of digital servo drives ) is used whenever
1.1 Objectives of LSS
CiA DSP 305 CANopen Layer Setting Service and Protocol (LSS) services and protocols were created to enable the following parameters to be read and changed through the network:
The CANopen Node ID
The CAN baud rate
The LSS address
This increases the “plug–and-play” capabilities of devices on CANopen networks as pre­configuration of the network is less restrictive.
The LSS Master is responsible for configuring these parameters on one or more LSS Slaves on a CANopen network.
1.2 Abbreviations and Terms
The following terms are used in this document:
COB (Communication Object): A unit of transportation in a CAN network.
Data must be send across a CAN network inside a COB. A COB can contain at most 8 bytes of data.
COB-ID Each COB is uniquely indentified in a CAN network by a number called
the COB Identifier (COB-ID). The COB-ID determines the priority of the COB for the MAX sub-layer.
Elmo Composer An Elmo software application used for controller setup, application
downloading and monitoring.
Hexadecimal Numbers marked with either “h” (such as 1000h) or “0x” (such as
0x1000) refer to a hexadecimal value. Objects and numbers may appear in either form in different CAN documents
CANopen DSP 305 Implementation Guide
MAN-CAN305IG (Ver. 1.1)
LMT (Layer Management): Functions to inquire and change the settings of
certain parameters of the local layers on a CAL module.
LSS (Layer Setting Services): Functions to inquire and change the settings of
certain parameters of the local layers on a CANopen network. An LSS Master can change the following parameters of LSS Slaves:
Node ID
Timing parameters of the physical layer (Baud Rate)
LSS address
The LSS Slave can be configured for a CANopen network without using
any hardware based devices such as DIP-switches.
LSS Master The device that configures other modules via a CANopen Network.
There may be only one LSS Master in a network.
LSS Slave The device that is configured by the LSS Master via a CANopen Network
is called the LSS Slave.
MAC (Medium Access Control): One of the sub-layers of the Data Link Layer
in the CAN Reference Model that controls who gets access to the medium to send a message.
NMT (Network Management): One of the service elements of the application
layer in the CAN Reference Model. The NMT serves to configure, initialize, and handle errors in a CAN network.
1.3 LSS Hardware Restrictions (LSS Address)
All LSS Slaves must support valid Object Dictionary entries for Identity object [1018h] which has 32 bits for each part of the LSS Address:
Vendor-ID (numerical number)
Product-Code (numerical number)
Revision-Number (major an minor revision as numerical number)
Serial-Number (numerical number)
A Product-Code, Revision-Number and a Serial-Number are assigned by the device supplier. The LSS address which must be absolutely unique. No other LSS slave may have the same LSS address.
1.4 LSS Operating Restrictions
To function properly the following restrictions apply:
All devices on a CANopen network must support LSS.
There can be only one LSS Master.
All nodes are required to start-up with the same initial baud rate.
LSS communication can take place during any NMT state such as “stopped”
or "pre-operational".
CANopen DSP 305 Implementation Guide
MAN-CAN305IG (Ver. 1.1)
1.5 Elmo Documentation
This manual – included in the Elmo CANopen Implementation Guide – is part of the Elmo
SimplIQ digital servo drive documentation set, as outlined in the following diagram:
In addition to this document, the
SimplIQ documentation set includes:
The Harmonica, Bassoon, Cello and Cornet Installation Guides, which provides full
instructions for installing
SimplIQ digital servo drives.
The Composer User Manual, which includes explanations of all the software tools that
are a part of Elmo’s Composer software environment.
SimplIQ Software Manual, which describes the comprehensive software used with
SimplIQ line of digital servo drives.
The CANopen Implementation Guide, which explains how to implement CANopen DS
301-based communication (including DSP 402) with a
SimplIQ digital servo drive.
SimplIQ drives are fully compliant with CiA’s DSP305 protocol for Layer Setting
Service (LSS).
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