■ chapter 2 bios setup and security feature
In this chapter, you will learn how to
enter the BIOS Setup Menu and
manipulate various hardware control
settings. You will also learn how to use
the built-in security features.

■ chapter 2 bios setup and security feature
The Setup Utility is a hardware configuration program built into
your computer’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). It runs and
maintains a variety of hardware functions. It is a menu-driven
software, which allows you to easily configure and change the
The BIOS contains manufacture’s default settings for the
computer’s standard operations. However, there are occasions
when you may be required to modify the default settings in the
BIOS. For example, you may need to configure the BIOS power
management (APM) settings if you are using DOS, Windows 3.1, or
non-Windows operating system.
The BIOS allows you to set up passwords to limit access to users.
This is an important feature because a great deal of vital
information is carried within the computer nowadays. Unauthorized
access can be prevented. Later in this chapter, you will learn how to
use this security feature.

■ chapter 2 bios setup and security feature
Entering the BIOS Setup Screen
First turn on the power. When the BIOS performs the POST
(Power-On Self Test), press F2 key quickly to activate the AMI
BIOS Setup Utility.
You may need to press F2 key fairly quickly. Once the system begins to load
Windows, you may have to retry by cycle-power on again
Leaving the BIOS Setup Screen
When you have finished modifying the BIOS settings, exit the BIOS.
It takes a few seconds to record changes in the CMOS.
BIOS Action Keys
Function Key Command Description
Leaves a sub-menu to return to the
ESC Exit
previous menu OR exits the BIOS setup
while saving changes.
F1 General Help Shows the Help Screen
F10 Save and Exit
<Tab> Select a field Selects the next field.
↑ Select an item Selects the next upper item.
↓ Select an item Selects the next lower item.
- Lower value Selects the next value within a field.
+ Higher value Selects the next value within a field.
Saves changes and reboots the