Elektron MULTISPOT MX 3900, MULTISPOT MX 4900 Operating Manual

Operating Manual
MX 3900 and MX 4900
Item no. 327 670 Be sure you have read and understood Revision: 2.0 – Translation this operating manual before you carry
Version: 18
, March 2010 out any works on and/or with this
ELEKTRON Bremen GmbH Hinterm Sielhof 22 28277 Bremen Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 421 – 54 90 6 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 421 – 54 90 6 – 19
E-Mail: vertrieb@elektron-bremen.de Web: www.elektron-bremen.de
Release: ELEKTRON Bremen GmbH
MX 3900 / MX 4900
1. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Information concerning the operating manual .................................................................... 4
1.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Warning notes for operating resistance welder .................................................................. 5
1.4 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Copyright............................................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Warranty and guarantee ..................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Customer service ................................................................................................................6
2. HEALTH AND SAFETY.................................................................................................................7
2.1 Responsibilities of the operating company ......................................................................... 7
2.2 Personal protective equipment (PPE)................................................................................. 7
2.3 Particular dangers............................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Correct behaviour in accidents and dangerous situations................................................ 10
2.5 Symbols the operating company must install in the immediate vicinity of the equipment 10
3. TRANSPORT, PACKAGING, STORAGE ................................................................................... 11
3.1 Safety during transport...................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Symbols on packaging...................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Acceptance after shipping................................................................................................. 11
4. DESIGN AND FUNCTIONALITY.................................................................................................12
4.1 Overview spot welding pliers ............................................................................................ 12
5. OPERATION................................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 Installation and preparation of spot welding pliers............................................................ 13
5.1.1 Mounting ring bar.................................................................................................. 13
5.1.2 Connecting the pliers............................................................................................ 14
5.1.3 Preparation of the spot welding pliers .................................................................. 15
5.2 Preparing the welding spot ............................................................................................... 17
5.3 Operating the spot welding pliers...................................................................................... 18
5.4 Welding set up, for example at the MI-100control ............................................................ 19
6. SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Pliers MX 3900..................................................................................................................20
6.2 Pliers MX 4900..................................................................................................................20
6.3 Power requirement............................................................................................................ 20
6.4 Working conditions............................................................................................................ 21
6.5 Exposure limit values ........................................................................................................ 21
6.6 Type plates........................................................................................................................ 21
INDEX.................................................................................................................................................... 22
MX 3900 / MX 4900
General information
1. General Information
1.1 Information concerning the operating manual
This operating manual provides important directions for handling the device. Compliance with any and all information contained herein concerning health, safety and safe behaviour and pro­cedures is a prerequisite for safe work. Shall apply in addition: any and all local accident prevention regulations, any and all general safety regulations that may apply to the scope of application of this equipment The manual is an essential part of this product and must be stored ready at hand not far from the equipment so that people can use it at any time without any problems..
1.2 Symbols
Safety information This manual uses symbols to highlight important safety information. In addition, there is always a signal word heading the information indicating the severity of the danger or hazard that may be encountered. Be sure to comply with any and all safety information. Proceed with care and circumspection. Prevent accidents and damage to people and property.
… indicates a situation that is imminently dangerous and will entail the death of people and severe injuries unless it is properly avoided and prevented.
... indicates a situation that may become dangerous and may entail the death of people and severe injuries unless it is properly avoided and prevented.
... indicates a situation that may become dangerous and may entail medium and small injuries unless it is properly avoided and prevented.
… indicates a situation that may become critical and may entail damage to property unless properly avoided and prevented.
Electricity constitutes a danger to life and limb.
Electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic fields pose a potentially fatal hazard to people with pacemakers or other magnetisable implants.
Moving machine parts
There is a danger of injury as long as the device moves.
Harmful substances
Danger due to poisonous, at least harmful vapours.
Crushing hazard
There is a danger of injury as long as the device is operating.
Hot surfaces
Danger of burning due to hot surfaces.
Slip hazard
Slip hazard due to water coming out.
Stumbling hazard
Danger of injury due to stumbling and falling.
MX 3900 / MX 4900
General information
Tipps, tricks and recommendations
1.3 Warning notes for operating resistance welder
When operating resistance welding devices the accident prevention regulation BGV B11 (electromagnetic fields) and the BG-regulations BGR B11 have to be fol­lowed. The power supply unit and supply lines of welding gun and spot welding tongs generate a strong electromagnetic field during operation. Electromagnetic fields may cause irritations of sense organs, nerves- and muscle cells as well as mal functions of body supporting devices (deaf aid, pacemaker etc.) and of electronic devices and data memories. Cable pliers: At a distance of 15 cm perpendicular to the frame enclosed by the electrodes the expo­sure limit values of the EU-Directive 2004/40/EG and the identical basic values corre­sponding to the accident prevention regulation BGV B11 will most probably be adhered to. At the welding cable of spot welding tongs the exposure limit values of the EU­Directive 2004/40/EG and the identical basic values of the accident prevention regula­tion BGV B11 will be already adhered to at distances from 7 cm for sure.
Further notes for operating with magnetic fields:
Magnetic fields occur during the welding process only (time of current flow). The head must not be in the vicinity of the frame enclosed by the electrodes or the
electrodes themselve during the welding process.
The welding cables must not be guided along or in the vicinity of head and spines.
1.4 Disclaimer
Any and all information contained in this operating manual has been written on the basis of per­tinent standards and regulations, the state of the art, and the long-standing insights and experi­ence of our staff. The manufacturer cannot be made liable for damage due to:
non-compliance with this operating manual  non-compliance with the purpose and intent of this equipment  deployment of unskilled personnel  unauthorised constructional changes, alterations etc.  unauthorised changes, modifications etc. to design and engineering etc.  use of unauthorised spare and wear parts
The scope of the delivery you actually receive may deviate from explanations and/or represen­tations in this manual - if and when you ordered special options, your equipment is a special de­sign and/or technical progress facilitates improvements.
NOTE! ... highlights information that may be helpful to maintain efficient and troublefree operation.
MX 3900 / MX 4900
General information
1.5 Copyright
This operating manual is protected by copyright. It may be used for internal purposes, exclu­sively. The manual and/or its contents may not be relinquished to third parties and/or communi­cated, processed, used and/or reproduced in any way or form whatsoever (not even in excerpts and/or for internal purposes) without the prior written consent of the manufacturer. Contravention shall entail damage claims.
1.6 Warranty and guarantee
The guarantee conditions are a separate document within the sales records.
1.7 Customer service
Our customer service will be happy to provide technical support.
For contact information see our homepage or see page 2 of this manual.
MX 3900 / MX 4900
Health and safety
2. Health and safety
This section contains an overview of the most important health and safety at work aspects in order to protect employees and to guarantee safe and troublefree operation. Non-compliance with any and all of the information, safe behaviour and procedures etc. con­tained herein may entail severe health and safety risks.
2.1 Responsibilities of the operating company
This equipment has been designed for professional use. The owner/operator or operating company therefore is subject to any and all legal obligations concerning health and safety at work. That means, in addition to this operating manual, any and all accident prevention, health and safety at work and environmental regulations pertaining to this equipment's scope of applica­tion shall apply as well. This means in particular:
The operating company must be informed about any and all pertinent health and safety at
work regulations and must carry out a risk assessment in order to determine additional hazards existing under the specific conditions in the specific work environment at the place of operation. Any and all findings from such a risk assessment must then be used to draw up additional operating instructions for the operation of this equipment.
During the entire lifetime of this equipment, the operating company must check in regular
intervals whether such additional operating instructions are still up to date and must up­date them when necessary.
The operating company must unambiguously determine and communicate responsibili-
ties concerning the installation, operation, maintenance and cleaning of this equipment.
The operating company must make sure that any person handling this equipment has
read and understood this operating manual. Operating personnel, in addition, must be trained in regular intervals and must be informed about the dangers existing in connection
with this equipment. (For a draft of a training report form, see "Appendix” The operating company is responsible that the equipment is in proper working order at all times. Therefore:
The operating company must make sure that any and all maintenance jobs described in
this manual are really carried out.
The operating company must have any and all safety labels, markings etc. on the equip-
ment checked for integrity and readability in regular intervals.
2.2 Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Wearing PPE during work is essential to minimise health and safety risks.
Be sure to be always wearing the appropriate PPE for the job at hand. Be sure to take note of and comply with warning signs concerning PPE that may be in-
stalled at the workplace.
Wear principally
At all works wear principally:
Non-inflammable safety clothing
is a tight-fitting sort of special clothing that is not inflammable, covers arms and legs completely and tears easily (instead of getting pulled in). Its main purpose is to protect against burns.
Safety shoes
protect the wearer's feet against falling objects, slippery surfaces and being run over by vehicles.
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