e™ System Summary
The X-Line loudspeaker product line consists of the Xvls and Xvlt full-range
line-array loudspeaker systems, the Xfil1 and Xfil2 full-range downfill
loudspeaker systems and the companion Xsub subwoofer.
• The Xvls has a 90H x 5.0V coverage pattern and utilizes a rectangular
• The Xvlt has a 120H x 8.5V coverage pattern and utilizes a 5-degree-wedge,
top-to-bottom trapezoidal enclosure.
• The Xfil1 and Xfil2 are mirror image systems having a 120H x 40V coverage
pattern and utilizing a 20-degree, slant-front enclosure - one of each is
required for a stereo system.
• The Xsub utilizes the same rectangular shell as the Xvls.
Mirror-image versions of the Xvls, Xvlt and Xsub systems are not required
because they can simply be turned upside down to create a mirror image. All
the enclosures have the same outside dimensions. The Xvls, Xvlt, Xfil1 and
Xfil2 are only available with internal rigging hardware, while the Xsub is
available either with or without rigging hardware.
The X-Line line-array loudspeaker systems are typically hung in a straight line. The full-range
systems, (Xvls, Xvlt and Xfil1/Xfil2) are hung in one column with Xvls systems at the top of the
column, Xvlt systems towards the bottom and finally one Xfil1 or Xfil2 at the very bottom. The exact
number of the three different types (Xvls, Xvlt and Xfil) will depend on the acoustic requirements of
the venue. Furthermore, not all arrays will require all threes types. The companion Xsub subwoofer
systems would either be stacked on the ground underneath the Xvls/Xvlt full-range column or would
be hung in a separate column suspended next to the full-range column. Each column of
loudspeakers is then suspended from a grid which is in turn secured to the building structure
(usually via a motorized hoist). The external X-Line rigging hardware consists of hinge assembles at
the rear and chain strap assemblies at the front. To suspend the loudspeakers overhead, three
different sets of rigging are required.
Pro Audio Group • Telex Communications Inc. • 12000 Portland Ave South • Burnsville, MN 55337 USA • Tel: 952-884-4051 • Fax: 952-887-9212
e™ Loudspeaker Flying Summary

Attaching the Top Loudspeaker to the Grid:
The first set of rigging is used to secure the top enclosure of the column to the grid. There are two
pieces of rear rigging hardware and two pieces of front rigging hardware required for this purpose.
The front hardware consists of two Xvsg chain assemblies. Two types of rigging hardware may be
used at the rear - either two Xvhg flexible-chain grid hinges or two Xvhl solid-arm linking hinges.
Xvhg chain grid hinges allow a flexible attachment to the grid. This makes attachment to the grid
faster; however, the grid cannot ride on top of the loudspeakers during transportation. Xvhl solidarm linking hinges allow a rigid attachment to the grid. This makes attachment to the grid a bit
slower; however, the height is less and the grid may now ride on top of the loudspeakers during
transportation. The Xvhg offers a higher rigging strength when the top box is angled down more
than 20 degrees, while the Xvhl offers greater rigging strength when the top box is angled down
less than 20 degrees. (Note that the Xvhl linking hinge is the same hardware used to link two
enclosures together.) This hardware will work for attaching any of the loudspeaker systems to the
grid. The selection of whether to use the Xvhg or Xvhl for the rear rigging hardware is left to the
Linking One Loudspeaker to Another:
The second set of rigging is used to link two enclosures together. Again there are two pieces of rear
rigging hardware and two pieces of front rigigng hardware required for this purpose. The front
hardware consists of two Xvsl chain strap assemblies. The rear hardware consisits of two Xvhl
linking hinge assemblies. This hardware will work for linking Xvls or Xvlt enclosures.
Attaching the Downfill at the Bottom:
The third set of rigging is used to attach the Xfil1 or Xfil 2 to the bottom of the column of
loudpeakers. As before, there are two pieces of rear rigging hardware and two pieces of front
rigging hardware required for this purpose. The front hardware consists of two Xvsd chain strap
assemblies. The rear hardware consisits of two Xvhl linking hinge assemblies. This hardware will
work for attaching the Xfil1 or Xfil2 to either the Xvls or Xvlt enclosures. (Note that the Xvhl linking
hinge is the same hardware used to link Xvls or Xvlt systems together; however, the Xvsd chain
strap at the front is different.)
The Xvhg, Xvhl, Xvsg, Xvsl and Xvsd rigging assemblies are all manufactured and sold by
EV/Telex. EV/Telex does not manufacture or sell grids; however, the EV/Telex engineers have
worked with ATM Flyware (a third-party company which specializes in rigging hardware for the
professional loudspeaker industry) to develop a grid for the X-Line loudspeakers that ATM will sell
direct to our customers.
Loudspeaker & Rigging Packages
Special loudspeaker/rigging sales packages have been created that include one flying Xvls, Xvlt,
Xfil1, Xfil2 or Xsub loudspeaker and all external rigging required to link two boxes together. For the
flying Xvls, Xvlt and Xsub, that includes one loudspeaker, two Xvsl front chain assemblies and two
Xvhl rear hinge assemblies. For the Xfil1 and Xfil2, that includes one loudspeaker, two Xvsd front
chain assemblies and two Xvhl rear hinge assemblies. All orders for customers should be placed for
these packages and not for the individual loudspeakers without rigging. The customers should be
reminded that these rigging packages only include the linking rigging hardware and not the
hardware required to attach to the grid. Therefore, the customers should be reminded that they
additionally need to place orders for that grid hardware (two Xvsg front chain assemblies per
column of loudspeakers and either two Xvhg flexible chain rear hinge assemblies or two Xvhl solidarm rear hinge assemblies per column of loudspeakers). Furthermore, because rigging can be
misplaced or lost in the field, customers should be encouraged to place orders for a few pieces of
spare rigging (Xvhl, Xvhg, Xvsl, Xvsd and Xvsg).
Pro Audio Group • Telex Communications Inc. • 12000 Portland Ave South • Burnsville, MN 55337 USA • Tel: 952-884-4051 • Fax: 952-887-9212