Electro-Voice X-Array XF, X-Array XN, X-Array XB, X-Array XCB, X-Array XCN Reference Manual

Flying Manual
and Structural Ratings
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
RIGGING-SAFETY WARNING This document details general rigging practices appropriate to the sound industry, as they would apply
to the rigging of Electro-Voice X-Array™ loudspeaker systems. It is intended to familiarize the reader with standard rigging hardware and techniques for suspending X-Array™ loudspeaker systems over­head. Only persons with the knowledge of proper hardware and safe rigging techniques should attempt to suspend any sound systems overhead. Prior to suspending any Electro-Voice X-Array™ loudspeaker systems overhead, it is essential that the user be familiar with the strength ratings, rigging techniques and special safety considerations outlined in this manual. The rigging techniques and practices recom­mended in this manual are, of necessity, in general terms to accommodate the many variations in loud­speaker arrays and rigging configurations. As such, the user is expressly responsible for the safety of all specific X-Array™ loudspeaker-array designs and rigging configurations as implemented in practice.
All of the general rigging material contained in this manual is based on the best available engineering information concerning materials and practices, as commonly recognized in the United States, and is believed to be accurate at the time of the original printing. As such, the information may not be directly applicable in other countries. Furthermore, the regulations and requirements governing rigging hardware and practices may be superseded by local regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any Electro-Voice loudspeaker system is suspended overhead in accordance with all current federal, state and local regulations.
All specific material concerning the strength ratings, rigging techniques and safety considerations for the X-Array™ loudspeaker systems is based on the best available engineering information concerning the use and limitations of the products. Electro-Voice continually engages in testing, research and develop­ment of its loudspeaker products. As a result, the specifications are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any Electro-Voice loudspeaker system is suspended over­head in accordance with the strength ratings, rigging techniques and safety considerations given in this document and any manual update notices. All non-Electro-Voice associated hardware items necessary to rig a complete X-Array™ loudspeaker array (grids, chain hoists, building or tower supports and mis­cellaneous mechanical components) are the responsibility of others.
Electro-Voice February, 1998
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
1.1 Overview of the X-Array™ Flying Systems............................................................................ 1-2
1.2 Loudspeaker Enclosure Details ............................................................................................. 2-5
1.3 Rigging Hinge Details ...................................................................................................... ...... 5 -7
1.4 Rigging Strap Details ............................................................................................................. 7-8
1.5 Grid Details ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Enclosure and Horn Orientation .......................................................................................... 9-10
2.2 Adjusting the Vertical Angles ............................................................................................. 10-12
Using the Xrsl (long wire-rope rigging strap) Between Enclosures ........................................ 10
Using the Xrsl (at the Grid ................................................................................................. 10-11
Using the Xrss (short wire-rope rigging strap) Between Enclosures ................................. 11-12
Using the Xrss at the Grid ......................................................................................................11
Multiple Enclosure Angles ...................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Adjusting the Horizontal Angles ......................................................................................... 12-13
2.4 Balancing and Distributing the Load .................................................................................. 13-14
Array Load Distribution...................................................................................................... 13-14
Balancing the Grid.................................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Using Pull-Up Lines ........................................................................................................... 14-15
Pull-Up Line Techniques ................................................................................................... 14-15
CAUTIONS for Pull-Up Lines ................................................................................................. 15
3. RIGGING-STRENGTH RATINGS, SAFETY .............................................................................. 15-23
3.1 Working-Load Limit and Safety Factors ...................................................................... 15-16
Definitions.................................................................................................................... 15-16
CAUTIONS for Working-Load Limits and Safety Factors................................................. 16
3.2 Structural Rating Overview.......................................................................................... 16-17
3.3 Simplified Structural-Rating Guidelines ............................................................................ 17
The Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 17
CAUTIONS for the Simplified Structural-Rating Guidelines ........................................ 17-19
Discussion of Array Examples.......................................................................................... 19
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
3.4 Complex Structural-Rating Analysis .................................................................................. 19-20
Rear Rigging Point Structural-Strength Rating.................................................................. 19-20
(Xrhg, Xrhp, Xrhl & NH32102-2) Xrhg (grid hinge) Xrhp (pick-up hinge) Xrhl (linking hinge) NH32102-2 (New Haven double-stud swivel-ring fitings)
Front Rigging Point Structural-Strength Rating ................................................................. 20-21
(Xrss, Xrsl & NH32102-2) Xrss (short wire-rope rigging strap)
Overall Enclosure Structural-Strength Rating ........................................................................ 21
CAUTIONS for a Complex Structural-Rating Analysis ........................................................... 21
3.5 Special Considerations ...................................................................................................... 21-23
Double-Stud Fittings.......................................................................................................... 21-23
Flying a Single Enclosure.......................................................................................................23
3.6 Electro-Voice Structural Analysis Procedures ........................................................................ 23
4. RIGGING INSPECTION AND PRECAUTIONS.......................................................................... 23-24
5. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................ 24
Rigging References Mechanical Engineering References Acoustical Engineering References
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................. 24
A. SERVICING THE X-ARRAY™ RIGGING................................................................................. 25
B. X-ARRAY™ RIGGING ACCESSORIES................................................................................... 25
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
The X-Array™ product line represents important advancements in concert-sound-reinforcement technology. The design goals called for the high­est acoustic-output capability with the highest fidelity, in lightweight, compact enclosures that were easy to array. The development began with a clean sheet of paper and took an integrated ap­proach. The individual loudspeaker drivers, horns, enclosures, rigging hardware and system configu­rations were designed from the ground up specifi­cally for this high-performance application. A brief description of the X-Array™ product line is in­cluded below. Consult the individual system engi­neering data sheets for detailed specifications.
Xf: Far-field, two-way, MB/HF loudspeaker sys­tem with a 40°H x 20°V coverage pattern. The system has two ND12A 305-mm (12-in.) MB drivers and two ND5-16 76-mm (3-in.) HF com­pression drivers. The Xf utilizes the full-size X-Array™ enclosure shell and the standard X-Array™ flying hardware.
Xn: Near-field, three-way, LF/MB/HF loud­speaker system with a rotatable 60° x 40° cover­age pattern. The system has one EVX-180B 457-mm (18-in.) woofer, one ND12A 305-mm (12-in.) MB driver and one ND5-16 76-mm (3-in.) HF compression driver. The Xn utilizes the full­size X-Array™ enclosure shell and the standard X-Array™ flying hardware.
Xb: Bass loudspeaker system with two EVX-180B 457-mm (18-in.) woofers. The Xb utilizes the full-size X-Array™ enclosure shell and the standard X-Array™ flying hardware.
Xds: Subwoofer loudspeaker system with two EVX-180B 457-mm (18-in.) woofers. The Xds utilizes the double-wide X-Array™ enclosure shell and does not have flying hardware.
Xcn: Compact near-field, two-way, MB/HF loud­speaker system with a rotatable 60° x 40° cover­age pattern. The system has one ND12A 305-mm (12-in.) MB driver and one ND5-16 76-mm (3-in.) HF compression driver. The Xcn utilizes the half­size X-Array™ enclosure shell and the standard X-Array™ flying hardware.
Xcb: Compact bass loudspeaker system with one 457-mm (18-in.) EVX-180B woofer. The Xcb utilizes the half-size X-Array™ enclosure shell and the standard X-Array™ flying hardware.
Numerous accessories are available to complete an X-Array™ loudspeaker system, including rig­ging hardware, digital electronic controllers, power amplifiers, cables, racks, cases, dolly boards and speaker covers. See
B. X-Array™ Rigging Accessories
for a list of
available accessories and where to purchase
them. See
Appendix A. Servicing the X-Array™
for service information.
1.1 Overview of the X-Array™ Flying System
The X-Array™ rear-hinge/front-strap flying system makes constructing arrays easy, predictable and repeatable. The hinging concept, combined with the trapezoidal enclosures, allows arrays to be constructed with the least possible spacing be­tween enclosures.
A basic two-enclosure flying system is shown in Figure 1 that illustrates the integral components that make up a typical X-Array™ flying system. All of the flying X-Array™ loudspeaker systems utilize horizontal rigging-track hardware on the back of the enclosure (at both the top and bottom) and vertical rigging-track hardware on the front of the enclosures (at both the left and right sides). The rear rigging-hinge hardware provides the
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X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
primary support for the loudspeaker enclosures, while the front rigging hardware is mainly for aim­ing the enclosures vertically. (The front does pro­vide some secondary support, however.)
Figure 1a illustrates an array column suspended with a grid. Like the loudspeaker systems, the grid utilizes horizontal rigging-track hardware at the back and vertical rigging-track hardware at the front. The top enclosure is secured to the grid with two quick-release Xrhg grid hinges at the rear, and two quick-release Xrss short wire-rope rigging straps at the front. The grid hinge has only one possible vertical attachment position on both the enclosure and the grid. The front straps, how­ever, have six possible vertical attachment posi­tions to choose from on the enclosure and two possible vertical attachment positions to choose from on the grid. The grid hinges allow the enclo­sure to pivot from its top back corner. The vertical angle of the top enclosure, relative to the grid, is set by the linear position of the front rigging straps in the track on the front of the enclosure and on the grid.
The bottom enclosure shown in Figure 1a is linked to the top enclosure with two quick-release Xrhl linking hinges at the rear and two quick-release Xrsl long wire-rope rigging straps at the front. The linking hinges allow the bottom enclosure to pivot from the back corner of the top enclosure. The vertical angle of the bottom enclosure, relative to the top enclosure, is set by the linear position of the front rigging straps in the track on the front of the top and bottom enclosures. Additional enclo­sures may be linked together in the same fashion, as long as the working-load limits for any of the enclosures, rigging hinges or straps are not ex­ceeded. The array column is raised into position by a motorized chain hoist of sufficient load rating.
Figure 1a shows the short Xrss rigging straps securing the top enclosure to the grid and the long Xrsl rigging straps linking the two enclosures because this is the most common configuration; however, the straps may be interchanged in many circumstances. When the short Xrss rigging straps are used between the top enclosure and the grid, the enclosure may be angled upward relative to the grid or downward a moderate amount. When the long Xrsl rigging straps are used between the top enclosure and the grid, the enclosure may be hung parallel to the grid, or angled downward substantially relative to the grid. When the long Xrsl straps are used between en­closures, the bottom enclosure may be hung parallel to the top enclosure or angled downward substantially relative to the top enclosure. When the short Xrss straps are used between enclo­sures, the bottom enclosure may be hung parallel
to the top enclosure or angled downward a mod­erate amount relative to the top enclosure.
When a grid is used, each array column must be balanced by adjusting the position of the grid hanger towards the front or back until the grid hangs level. Several of the grids may be con­nected together horizontally and raised in unison. When using the grid, the splay angle between array columns is adjusted by the positioning of the grid retractable-coupler arms.
In permanent installations, the motorized chain hoists and grids are sometimes eliminated, and the loudspeaker columns can be secured directly to the building structure. This application is shown in Figure 1b. The back of the top enclosure is sus- pended with two Xrhp pickup hinges. Each Xrhp pickup hinge utilizes standard chain that will ac­cept chain connectors, shackles or other standard rigging hardware which are, in turn, secured to the building structure via custom wire-rope or chain assemblies. The front of the enclosure is suspended by two New Haven NH32102-2 double-stud swivel-ring fittings attached to the front track of the enclosure and which are, in turn, secured to the building structure via two custom wire-rope or chain rigging assemblies. The hard­ware and techniques used to secure and angle the bottom enclosure to the top enclosure are identical to the previously described case where a grid was employed.
In installations where a custom grid is employed that does not use track that is compatible with the X-Array™ Xrhg grid hinge or the Xrss or Xrsl rig­ging straps, the Xrhp pickup hinge and custom wire-rope rigging straps that utilize New Haven NH32102-2 double-stud swivel-ring fittings can be used to suspend the top enclosure as illus­trated in Figure 1b.
Note that the weight of an array can be quite sub­stantial and the grid, chain hoists and building structural supports used to suspend the array must be capable of supporting such a load with a sufficient safety factor. The reader is directed to section
5. References
of this manual for a list of rigging references (for background in general rig­ging practice) and mechanical engineering refer­ences (for background in structural engineering analysis).
1.2 Enclosure Rigging Hardware Details
All of the flying X-Array™ models utilize identical rigging hardware, and they all have the same strength ratings. Figure 2 shows key dimensions, weights and the centers of gravity for all of the X-Array™ systems.
A proprietary high-strength aluminum-alloy track is used at the back of the enclosures near the top
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X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
584.2 mm (23.00 in.)
353.8 mm (13.93 in.)
733.2 mm (28.87 in.)
758.8 mm (29.88 in.)
914.4 mm (36.00 in.)
457.2 mm (18.00 in.)
384.1 mm (15.12 in.)
WITH EXTERNAL RIGGING: 90.2 kg (199 lb)
914.4 mm (36.00 in.)
WEIGHT: 121 kg (267 lb)
736.6 mm (28.98 in.)
758.8 mm (29.88 in.)
1166 mm
(45.92 in.)
667.2 mm (26.27 in.)
423.3 mm (16.67 in.)
457.2 mm (18.00 in.)
584.2 mm (23.00 in.)
353.8 mm (13.93 in.)
733.2 mm (28.87 in.)
758.8 mm (29.88 in.)
914.4 mm (36.00 in.)
441.3 mm (17.38 in.)
409.2 mm (16.11 in.)
WITH EXTERNAL RIGGING: 90.2 kg (199 lb)
584.2 mm (23.00 in.)
353.8 mm (13.93 in.)
733.2 mm
(28.87 in.)
758.8 mm (29.88 in.)
914.4 mm (36.00 in.)
457.2 mm (18.00 in.)
438.5 mm (17.26 in.)
WITH EXTERNAL RIGGING: 86.6 kg (191 lb)
page 3
WEIGHT: 87.1 kg (192 lb)
WEIGHT: 87.1 kg (192 lb)
WEIGHT: 83.5 kg (184 lb)
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
(17.07 in.)
433.6 mm
WEIGHT: 55.8 kg (123 lb)
(29.88 in.)
758.8 mm
(28.87 in.)
733.2 mm
353.8 mm
353.8 mm
(13.93 in.)
(13.93 in.)
733.2 mm
(28.87 in.)
758.8 mm
(29.88 in.)
584.2 mm
(23.00 in.)
(15.40 in.)
391.2 mm
WEIGHT: 60.8 kg (134 lb)
584.2 mm
(23.00 in.)
595.9 mm
595.9 mm
(23.46 in.)
(23.46 in.)
301.6 mm
292.1 mm
(11.88 in.)
(11.50 in.)
and bottom for the attachment of two Xrhg, Xrhl or Xrhp rigging hinges. The track/bracket assem­bly is extruded as a single piece. One assembly ties into the back and top of the enclosure, while a second assembly ties into the back and bottom of the enclosure. High-strength, aluminum-alloy bars inside the enclosure tie the top and bottom track/bracket assemblies together, minimizing the load applied to the enclosure shell. The track dimensions are similar to the widely used heavy­duty aircraft L-track (such as the New Haven NH34030-3HD or ATM Fly-Ware™ ATM-TRACK). The cutouts in the rear rigging track are shown in Figure 3a. The large cutout in the center of the track is for inserting the rigging hinges. The small holes in the base of the track are for locking the rigging hinges. The round cutouts on either side are provided so that two New Haven NH32102-2 double-stud swivel-ring fittings may be installed for light-duty lifting applications and for pull-ups. Key dimensions for the rear rigging hardware are presented in Figure 3a. (See section
3. Rigging­Strength Ratings, Safety Factors and Special Considerations
for a detailed discussion of the structural strength of the enclosure rear rigging points.)
At the front of the enclosure is another pair of proprietary high-strength, aluminum-alloy track/ bracket assemblies which are also extruded as a single piece. One assembly ties into the left side, top, bottom of the enclosure, while a second as­sembly ties into the right side, top and bottom of the enclosure. The front track extends from the top to the bottom on both sides of the enclosure, eliminating the load applied to the enclosure shell. These track dimensions are also similar to the widely used heavy-duty aircraft L-track (New Haven NH34030-3HD or ATM Fly-Ware™ ATM­TRACK). On both sides of the enclosure, the front rigging track has six cutouts near the top and bottom, as shown in Figure 3b. The New Haven NH32102-2 double-stud swivel-ring fittings on the Xrss and Xrsl wire-rope rigging straps may be installed at any of the cutouts. The relative angle between a pair of enclosures (or the top enclo­sure and the grid) is set by the position of the front rigging-strap fittings in the track cutouts. Key dimensions for the front rigging hardware are presented in Figure 3b. (See section
3. Rig­ging-Strength Ratings, Safety Factors and Special Considerations
for a detailed discussion of the structural strength of the enclosure front rigging points.)
To facilitate the installation and removal of the linking hinges, alignment feet are installed on the top and bottom of the X-Array™ enclosures. Male feet (protruding feet) are located on the bottom of the enclosures, while female feet (concave
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X-Array™ Loudspeaker Systems
79.0 mm (3.11 in.)
25.4 mm (1.00 in.)
48.0 mm (1.89 in.)
the chain near the ends of the track, as shown in Figure 5a. (Note: If one grid hinge is installed in­correctly with the chain at the center of the track, the second grid hinge will not fit into the track cut­out.) Key dimensions for the Xrhg grid hinges and the enclosure are presented in Figures 4a and 5a.
To install an Xrhg grid hinge into the track of an enclosure, grasp one of the hinge bases and
dishes) are located on the top. When one enclo­sure is stacked or lowered on top of another, the male feet on the bottom of the upper enclosure slide into the female feet on the top of the lower enclosure, automatically aligning the enclosures. If the enclosures do not self align, a light side­ways push is all that is needed to make the feet engage and align. These features allow fast assembly and disassembly of large loudspeaker arrays in touring applications.
1.3 Rigging Hinge Details Xrhg Grid Hinge: Two Xrhg grid hinges are used
to attach the back of an X-Array™ enclosure to the back of an X-Array™-compatible grid. (See section
1.5 Grid Details
for a discussion of the grid.) Each grid hinge consists of two precision­machined steel bases connected by an alloy-steel chain, as shown in Figure 4a. Each grid-hinge base has a locking pin which locks the hinge in place horizontally in the track on the grid or X-Array™ enclosure. (See section
3. Rigging­Strength Ratings, Safety Factors and Special Considerations
for a detailed discussion of the
structural strength of the grid hinges.) The Xrhg grid rigging hinges need not be installed
in the top enclosure and the grid simultaneously. The length of chain allows the grid hinges to be installed in the grid first. The grid can then be floated above the top enclosure while the other ends of the grid hinges are installed in the track at the rear of the enclosures. The grid hinges must be used in pairs and must be installed with
firmly insert the hinge base into the long center cutout in the track, pressing in until the spring­loaded locking pin is fully retracted. Then apply pressure to slide the hinge base sideways to­wards the end of the track until the spring-loaded locking pin drops into the hinge-locking-pin hole in the base of the track. Once the locking pin is fully engaged, the grid hinge base will be immovable in the track. ALWAYS CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE GRID-HINGE BASES ARE SECURELY LOCKED INTO THE TRACK, AND THAT THE LOCKING PINS ARE FULLY ENGAGED IN THE TRACK BEFORE LIFTING ANY LOUDSPEAKER ENCLOSURES OVERHEAD. Use the same tech­nique for installing the other end of the Xrhg grid hinge in the track at the rear of the grid.
To remove the Xrhg grid hinge, grasp the locking­pin knob and pull out while applying pressure on the hinge to slide the hinge base toward the long cutout at the center of the track. The hinge base
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