Table of contents
Safety 5
1.1 Important Safety Instructions 6
1.2 Precautions 6
1.3 Suspension 6
Introduction 7
System overview 8
3.1 Dimensions 9
3.1.1 Accessories dimensions 10
Designing an X1 or X2 array 13
4.1 Applications for which X-Line Advance arrays are most appropriate 13
4.2 Determining X1 and X2 array configuration with LAPS 3 13
Preparing X-Line Advance elements for installation 14
5.1 Recommended preflight procedures 14
5.2 Element configuration 14
Rigging system 15
6.1 Overview of the flying system 15
6.2 Rigging the boxes together 15
6.3 Setting rear link angles 17
6.4 Deciding which grid configuration to use 20
6.4.1 X12TC-GRID compact grid 20
6.4.2 X12TE-GRID extended grid 23
6.4.3 X12PU-BGK pull-up kit 28
6.5 X12T-DOLLY and X12-128-DOLLY 31
6.5.1 Stacking X1 & X2 loudspeakers onto a X12T-DOLLY 32
6.5.2 Stacking X12-128 subwoofer(s) onto a X12-128-DOLLY 35
6.6 Assembling and flying an array 37
6.6.1 Flying arrays from the dolly 37
6.6.2 X12TC-GRID with pull-back to venue 41
6.6.3 X12TE-GRID using X12PU-BGK to pull-up to grid 43
6.6.4 Storing empty dollies 44
6.6.5 Landing arrays onto a dolly 45
6.7 Array building techniques 48
6.7.1 Multiple ways to fly the X12TC-GRID 48
6.7.2 Multiple ways to fly the X12TE-GRID 49
6.7.3 Array build strength considerations 50
Subwoofer arrays 52
7.1 Subwoofer array configuration 52
7.2 Subwoofer cardioid options 53
Rigging structural strength ratings and safety factors 54
8.1 Structural introduction 54
8.2 Structural rating overview 54
8.3 LAPS 3 structural evaluations simplified structural rating guidelines 55
8.4 Specific safety considerations 55
8.5 Working-load limit and safety factor definitions 56
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Electro-Voice Installation Manual 2015.04 | 02 | F.01U.310.953