Electro-Voice Variplex II XL, Variplex-XL Specifications

3-Way Screen System
· THX® approved*
· Patented high-frequency system
· Vari-Intense Technology for
smooth, even coverage
· Compact design for use in large
to small rooms
· Ring Mode Decoupling(RMD provides greater Intelligiblity
· Digital Dynamics Capable
· Factory pre-assembled mid/high unit
The Electro-Voice Variplex
-XL is de­signed specifically for use in ultra-high-fi­delity cinema applications. The system is
approved* and offers Electro-Voice
patented technologies. The V ariplex
-XL is a full three-way configuration that addresses many performance issues not addressed in other three-way designs. The V ariplex employs ElectroVoice’s patented
Vari In­tense- (VI) variable-intensity low distortion horn system. This design offers two funda­mental advantages. The variable horn throat impedance provides uniform sound pressure levels over the entire auditorium. Conven­tional horn systems attempt to do the same by aiming the center of the high-frequency/ mid-frequency horn toward the rear of the room. This conventional approach wastes fully one-half of the system energy and head­room, and radiates that wasted energy onto the ceiling and walls, thus producing reflec­tions that further degrade overall intelligi­bility and system clarity. The patented vari­able- intensity approach, on the other hand, compensates for the natural phenomenon of sound reduction with distance and produces
THX is a registered trademake of Lucasfilm Ltd.
* The Variplex-XL is THX approved for, screen to last row distances, greater than 80 feet
U.S. Patent 5,020,630, Loudspeakers & Horn Therefor.
extremely uniform coverage for the entire seating area. The same level of fidelity in the front, middle and the back of the room is achieved while substantially reducing re­flected energy and consequently greatly im­proving tonal quality and intelligibility. The advantages are twice the headroom and greatly improved fidelity.
The Variplex
-XL is also unique in that its three-way design utilizes a bass/mid-bass/ high-frequency approach rather than a con­ventional bass mid-range/high-frequency design. This mid-bass/high-frequency ap­proach produces superior vocal clarity. Also incorporated into the Variplex Electro-Voice’s RMD
,or Ring Mode Decoupling, employ-
-XL is
ees mechanical and acoustical equaliza­tion to resolve system resonances (or ring­ing modes) and frees electrical equalizers to perform the job they were originally intended to perform, that being room equalization and correction of the spectral characteristics inherent in the tranducers themselves. Prior designs have frequently attempted to "re­solve” loudspeaker design issues with elec­trical equalizers. RMD
substantially im-
proves system transient detail and further
refines system clarity. The unique performance enhancements and system capabilities are ideally suited to the high dynamic-range demands of digital ma­terial. When the pre-assembled HPK­Variplex
Electro-Voice’s THX
-XL is used in conjunction with
approved subwoofers, the combination defines a new standard for realism and total system accu­racy.
Low Frequency Assembly Instructions
Refer to Figures l and 2 for the following The Low Frequency Unit comes shipped as two pieces (2-TL606MXL's).
1. Turn one of the low frequency units up­side down and the other is right side up, ar­range as illustrated in figure 1.
2. Remove the isolation gasket stips from the low frequency accesory bag (shipped with the HPK-V ariplex
-XL. Attach the strips to
the up-side down speaker as shown in figure 1.
3. Remove the locking brace the low fre­quency acessory bag and attach it to the back of the unit right side up.
V ariple x™- XL 3- Way Screen System
Figure 1—Low Frequency Speaker Assembly
Variplex™ XL 3-Way Screen System
V ariple x™-XL 3-W ay Screen System
Figure 2—Low Frequency Wiring Configuration
4. Slide to two units together, with the backs almost touching and the front slightly appart. Engage the brace to the other speaker and tighten the bolt. Pull the front of the units together. Pass the 1/4-20 x 1 1/2 inch bolts through the holes opposite the T-nuts in each of the enclosures front baffle inside edge. (see figure 1) Tighten bolts unitl a 1/16 inch remains between the two enclosures.
5. Now that the Low frequency units are at­tached, the input panels can be connected. (See Figure 2 for referance) There are three wiring configurations possible. The speak­ers maybe wired in Series with one amp channel input or wired in Parallel with one amp channel input. Finally they may be wired seperately, each speaker on one amp channel. (NOTE: Use red jumper plugs
but, do not us wire jumpers between J1 and J2 when using this particular configu­ration.) Series wiring configuration: Connect J1 to
J1 and J2 to J2, using supplied wire jumper.
Select the supplied white jumper plug and the yellow jumper plug. The white jumper plug is to be installed on the speaker which has T1 and T2 connected to the amplifier source. The yellow jumper is installed on the other speaker, for a nominal impedance of 12 ohms. Parallel wiring configuration: Connect J1 to J1 and J2 to J2, using supplied wire jumper. Select the two supplied red jumper plugs and install one in each of the input panels. The amplifier source may be connected to either input panel at T1 and T2, for a nomi­nal impedance of 2.8 ohms.
Seperate wiring configuration: Do not con- nect J1 to J1 amd J2 to J2. Select the two
supplied red jumper plugs and install one in each of the input panels. The individual am­plifier channels may be connected to each of the input panels at T1 and T2 for indivdual nominal impedances of 6 ohms.
Variplex™ XL 3-Way Screen System
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