Electro-Voice T251i Product Information

Trapezoidal Speaker System
• HS-style suspension hardware is preinstalled, eyebolts are included and may be suspended vertically or horizontally
• Enclosure is paintable (supplied with white textured paint)
• Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMDTM) for increased intelligibility
• PROTM circuit provides HF driver protection
• Rotatable constant-directivity 60° x 40° horn
• High-excursion, 400 W, DL15ST 15-in. woofer
• Biampable, passive network in­cluded
The compact, trapezoidal-shaped Electro-Voice T251i is a 400-watt, two-way, biampable, con­stant-directivity speaker system. The system combines professional-quality components, arranged in a time-coherent vertical array, with an unusually robust, installation­friendly, vented enclosure. The result is clear and articulate, high-quality sound for per­manent installation.
The enclosure is constructed of 13-ply void­free, birch plywood. This high-strength shell is painted with a textured, neutral, white paint. Suspension hardware is preinstalled and three eyebolts are included in the ship­ping carton. Small rubber feet and mount­ing screws are also included but not attached to each system for the less likely situation where the system will not be suspended.
The high-frequency section of the T251i uti­lizes a 60° x 40° constant-directivity horn driven by a wide-bandwidth, two-inch tita­nium-diaphragm DH2T driver. This driver uses a unique convex-drive phasing plug structure for smooth and extended high-fre­quency performance. The voice coil is coupled to the diaphragm with EV’s exclu­sive Resonant Drive
technology. This in-
creases and smooths the high-frequency re­sponse and reduces the amount of internal equalization required for flat frequency re­sponse.
EV’s self-resetting PRO the crossover network to guard the compres­sion driver from damage. If input power to the driver exceeds the nominal rating, the PRO™ circuit is activated, reducing the power delivered to the driver by 6 dB. The system will remain in this mode of opera­tion until input power is reduced to a safe level.
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMDTM)
The T251i controls both acoustical and mechanical ring modes to provide dra­matically increased intelligibility, using techniques learned from the development of the Electro-Voice X-Array™ concert speakers. There is much less coloration of the sound from resonating sources, leaving only the intended sound to be heard by the audience. The optimally vented bass section of the T251i is designed using Thiele-Small parameters for efficient performance to below 50 Hz. The DL15ST high-excursion 15-inch woofer features be­ryllium copper lead wires with a low-mass,
circuit is built into
extended-length, edge-wound voice coil and high-temperature materials. EV’s unique Thermo Inductive Ring (TIR top of the pole piece, where the extended­length voice coil would normally be exposed, placing metal in close proximity to the coil and providing a major heat-transfer path that helps keep the voice coil cool.
Notes on Installation
Any suspension system is only as strong as its weakest link. The installer must ensure the top mounting points have sufficient load bearing capability to safely suspend the cabi­net. The initial support cables or chains should be as close to vertical as possible and never more than 30° from vertical. Once the system is installed none of the chains or cables should touch or rub against the cabi­net. Local codes and regulations, if they exceed Electro-Voice’s recommendations, should be followed at all times. Electro-V oice recommends that a safety fac­tor of at least 8:1 be adopted. The Electro-Voice HS-style suspension compo­nents supplied in the T251i exceed this rec­ommended safety factor when the system is installed in compliance with Electro-Voice recommendations.
) is placed on
T251i Trapezoidal Speaker System
It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure the speaker system has been installed cor­rectly. Electro-Voice strongly recom­mends that all suspended items be in­spected at least once a year and any dam­aged parts be replaced immediately.
All Electro-Voice HS- and HST- systems follow the same principles. Put minimum stress on the cabinet and make each cabinet hang independently of any other device.
Suspending the Electro-Voice T251i Speaker System
Part of the T251i’s versatility is that it can be mounted either vertically or horizontally, and has a rotatable horn. The mounting sys­tem is conceptually very simple. Two alu-
T251i Trapezoidal Speaker System
minum tubes pass vertically through the cabi­net and each is secured via two oversize cast brackets (threaded flanges). The enclosure is sandwiched between the four (two on each end) brackets. The enclosure is essentially resting between the brackets.
When installing the T251i, two of the three supplied forged eyebolts are screwed into the upper two brackets. The third eyebolt should be screwed into the appropriate T-nut on the rear panel of the enclosure. When mount­ing the enclosure vertically, use the lower T-nut. When mounting the enclosure hori­zontally, use the T-nut located in the center of the rear panel of the enclosure. This is necessary for aiming the system. The center of gravity is arranged so the enclosure is di­rected towards the ceiling. In order to pro­vide a downward or horizontal projection angle, the pull-up point must be used.
If multiple cabinets are to be suspended, each system requires its own rigging points. Sys-
tems should not be suspended from each other. The eyebolts must be connected us-
ing suitably rated chain with connectors such as shackles or threaded chain connectors, or suitably rated aircraft cables to suspend and aim the system.
Constant-Directivity Speaker System
The crossover frequency and speaker com­ponent geometries have been selected so that the directional characteristics of the woofer and constant-directivity horn match at the
crossover frequency (approximately 90° cir­cular coverage patterns for each) to create a special system type—the constant-directiv­ity system. At higher frequencies the hori­zontal coverage pattern remains constant and the vertical pattern smoothly transitions to a 40° angle above 4,000 Hz. Response within the 60° x 40° rated coverage angle is uni­form, which means dependable audience coverage without hot spots or dead zones at certain frequencies. The 60° x 40° disper­sion characteristic also helps avoid early re­flections from nearby floor or side wall sur­faces which could degrade intelligibility. The controlled directivity of the high- and low-frequency transducers also eliminates response irregularities caused by diffraction off nearby enclosure edges and, in combina­tion with an essentially flat on-axis frequency response, produces a total acoustic power output that is uniform with frequency.
Enclosure Construction
A combination of dado-cut joints, tough ad­hesives and proper bracing ensures a soni­cally dead enclosure free from panel reso­nances. The flying hardware is preinstalled in the T251i. The exterior of the T251i is covered with a white textured paint that is also paintable if the installer desires.
Rotating the High-Frequency Horn
The T251i high-frequency horn may be eas­ily rotated about its major axis, providing coverage independent of enclosure orienta­tion. First remove the enclosure grille, then the horn. Both are affixed with #2 Phillips­head screws. Rotate the horn 90° about its axis and reinstall the components.
Biamped or passive crossover with Neutrik
connectors. Pins 1+ and 1- are used
in passive crossover. Biamped Operation The T251i is shipped from the factory in “full
range mode” with its passive crossover uti­lized. If biamp operation is desired, this is easily achieved. The input panel/crossover assembly (on the back of the system) must first be removed using a #2 Phillips screw-
driver. After removing the input panel/cross­over assembly, notice the crossover instruc­tion label on the side of the panel. There are four automotive fuses on the printed circuit board. These fuses are not functioning as fuses, but rather are functioning together as a four pole switch. To convert the T251i to biamp operation, move each fuse over one position. The fuses should, once again, all be in one column and nearest the word BI­AMP on the printed circuit board. Replace the input panel/crossover assembly in the enclosure and carefully replace the screws– being careful not to strip the holes. To return the system to full-range operation, repeat the steps in a similar manner. Remember, all
fuses must be arranged in a vertical col­umn for safe, proper operation.
Neutrik Speakon
connectors are used. Pins 1+/1– are wired to the low-frequency driver and pins 2+/2– to the high-frequency sec­tion. The high-frequency section incorpo­rates a low-frequency blocking capacitor with a 3-dB-down point of 800 Hz and
circuit auto resetting overload pro-
tection. Frequency Response The combination of a 15-inch woofer, wide-
bandwidth high-frequency driver and an equalized crossover results in the wide and smooth overall response shown in Figure 1. The T251i’s axial frequency response was measured in Electro-Voice’s large anechoic chamber at a distance of 10 feet with a swept sine-wave input of 4 volts. Figure 1 has been averaged and corrected for 1 watt/1 meter.
Directivity A unique feature of the T251i is the con-
stant-directivity dispersion provided by the 60° x 40° horn. The polar response of the system at selected one-third-octave band­widths is shown in Figure 2. These polar re­sponses were measured in an anechoic envi­ronment at 10 feet using one-third-octave pink-noise inputs. The frequencies selected are fully representative of the polar response of the system. Beamwidth of the system uti­lizing the complete one-third-octave polar data is shown in Figure 3. R index (D
) are plotted in Figure 4.
and directivity
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