Electro-Voice NetMax N8000 Brochure

This Factory Direct was submitted by Electro-Voice.
Live Sound makes every
effort to eliminate any use of market­ing inspired hyperbole.
tems to satisfy the increasing requirement for feature-rich, higher quality audio systems that are more intuitive and ergonomically correct, yet simultaneously keep with the cur­rent technological state of the art. One area of increased development is that of integrated systems, with network­able and software controlled systems rapidly becoming a popular choice. But, at the end of the day, with all of the options that are available, what is the best choice?
Electro-Voice (EV) has made major investments in this trend with the development of the NetMax, a modu-
lar audio routing and control hard­ware and the IRIS-Net software plat­form. NetMax is a hardware system that provides analog and digital audio routing; mixing and matrixing; CobraNet audio networking; digital signal processing (DSP); and a variety of options for data connection and control, TCP/IP networking, remote control and supervision. In addition, the IRIS-Net software platform inte­grates the control and configuration of many products under the Telex Pro Audio umbrella into a single, open­sour
ce software application.
EV’s IRIS-Net software is the latest ver­sion of the I.R.I.S. (Intelligent Remote­Integrated Supervision) audio control and supervision software platfor
m. First developed in 2001, it was released in 2002 as the control, config­uration and monitoring platfor
m for the proprietary Precision Series DSP Remote Contr
olled Amplifiers. Since then, IRIS has been used in many high profile applications including 2005’s Houston Rodeo, Live 8 and on Kenny Chesney’s
e in the SunTour
IRIS-Net pr
ovides a complete set of tools for real-time control and moni­toring of an audio system down to the transducer level. Details such as signal levels,
component temperature,
impedance, output current and volt-
Live Sound International March 2006
Total Audio Solutions
Electro-Voice offers total solutions with NetMax and IRIS-Net
By Ethan Wetzell
The EV NetMax N8000 audio processing and matrix system.
+ 4 hidden pages