This Factory Direct was submitted by
Live Sound makes every
effort to eliminate any use of marketing inspired hyperbole.
udio professionals have the
challenge of designing sys-
tems to satisfy the increasing
requirement for feature-rich, higher
quality audio systems that are more
intuitive and ergonomically correct,
yet simultaneously keep with the current technological state of the art. One
area of increased development is that
of integrated systems, with networkable and software controlled systems
rapidly becoming a popular choice.
But, at the end of the day, with all of
the options that are available, what is
the best choice?
Electro-Voice (EV) has made major
investments in this trend with the
development of the NetMax, a modu-
lar audio routing and control hardware and the IRIS-Net software platform. NetMax is a hardware system
that provides analog and digital audio
routing; mixing and matrixing;
CobraNet audio networking; digital
signal processing (DSP); and a variety
of options for data connection and
control, TCP/IP networking, remote
control and supervision. In addition,
the IRIS-Net software platform integrates the control and configuration of
many products under the Telex Pro
Audio umbrella into a single, opensour
ce software application.
EV’s IRIS-Net software is the latest version of the I.R.I.S. (Intelligent RemoteIntegrated Supervision) audio control
and supervision software platfor
First developed in 2001, it was
released in 2002 as the control, configuration and monitoring platfor
m for
the proprietary Precision Series DSP
Remote Contr
olled Amplifiers. Since
then, IRIS has been used in many high
profile applications including 2005’s
Houston Rodeo, Live 8 and on Kenny
e in the SunTour
IRIS-Net pr
ovides a complete set of
tools for real-time control and monitoring of an audio system down to the
transducer level. Details such as signal
component temperature,
impedance, output current and volt-
Live Sound International March 2006
Total Audio Solutions
Electro-Voice offers total solutions with NetMax and IRIS-Net
By Ethan Wetzell
The EV NetMax N8000 audio processing and matrix system.