Electrolux GP Operation Manual


Electrically and steam heated
Doc. 62.9694.03
Edition 1
62.9692.03 Page 1
1. CONSTRUCTION/ FUNCTIONS......................................................................................... 3
2. ELECTRIC DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................... 4
3. MAINTENANCE CHECK LIST............................................................................................ 6
4. ACCESS TO INSIDE........................................................................................................... 7
5. FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS.............. .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ............................................ 7
5.1 FU1. OPERATING FOIL ................................................................ .................................... ...............7
5.2 FU2. UNIVERSAL CONTROL .................. ... .................................... ... ... .................................... ....... 8
5.2.1 PARAMETER PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................................................... 8
5.2.2 MANUAL PARAMETER INPUT ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.2.3 PROGRAMMING SPECIFIC APPLIANCE AND USER DATA ........................................................................ 9
5.2.4 TRIMMING OF TEMPERATURE MEASURING ............................................................................................. 11
5.2.5 TEST FUNCTIONS FOR SERVICE APPLICATION ....................................................................................... 11
5.2.6 TROUBLESHOOTING DISPLAY .................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.7 OPERATING PRINT (UP) ............................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.8 CONTROL PRINT (SP) .............................................................. ..................... ................................................ 13
5.2.9 CONTROL SWITCH (S) ............................................................. ..................... ................................................ 13
5.2.10 SAFETY THERMOSTAT (F1) ......................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.11 FOOD SENSOR (B1) ...................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.12 ELECTRIC HEATING (EI, EA) ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.2.13 END SWITCH (ES) .......................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.14 TERMINALS .................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.15 CONTROL FUSE (X4) ..................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.16 CONTACTORS (K) ......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.17 HEATING RESISTOR (E11) ........................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.18 POWER ISOLATOR (H) .................................................................................................................................. 16
5.3 FU1.3. MOTOR TILTING ...............................................................................................................17
5.3.1 CONTROL SYSTEM (KS) ............................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 TILTING MOTOR (AN) .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.3 SWITCH (CK) .................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.4 LID (D) ............................................................................................................................................. 19
5.4.1 LID HINGE (DG) .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Page 2 62.9692.03
5.5 MIXING UNIT ................................................................................................................................... 20
5.6 PAN .................................................................................................................................................21
5.6.1 BEARINGS, PIVOTS .......................................................................................................................................21
5.6.2 CASING (MN) ..................................................................................................................................................21
UNIVERSAL CONTROL DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS .....................................................22
62.9694.03 Page 3
This document refers to the following tilting frying pans:
Operating instructions 76.9694.01 delivered with the appli-
Installation instructions76.9698 delivered with the appli-
Spare parts list 76.9694.02 distributed by the service
Electrical diagrams 91.2046, 91.2048, delivered with the
The serial number of the appliance is marked on the type
plate. The 8 digits give following information:
Y last digit of the year of production
WW week of production
XXXXX running number
Maintenance work, adjustments, conversions and repairs
may only be carried out by an authorized technician. These
technicians must be instructed by the manufacturer and
carry out the work in accordance with specific national and
local regulations. Parts requiring replacement are only to
be replaced by original spares.
Follow strictly the attention and warning label indications
on the appliances.
Cleaning and maintenance may only be carried ou t when
the appliance is cold.
In case a connection with a sealing is opened, always a
new sealing should be used when installing the connection.
The manager is responsible for ensuring that all compo-
nents relevant for safety (jacket safety valve, drain valve,
pressure gauge, thermostat, excess-temperature thermo-
stat) are in perfect working order at all times. The operating
condition of these components must be examined by an
authorized technician at least once a year and any defects
remedied if required.
Before beginning any servicing, all appliances must be dis-
connected from the power supply; the steam, condensate,
hot water and drinking water pipes must also be turned off
or closed. Disconnection from the power supply is effected
by switching off at the main switch or removing the fuses
fitted to the power supply.
The internal wiring in the appliance as well as the earth
connections must be carried out in accordance with the
complete electrical schematic. Basically, all metal parts on
which electrical connections are located must be earthed.
Boiling pans of this design and operating function do not
require special acceptance tests. They are subjected to a
pressure and operating test which meets the regulations on
the manufacturer's premises. Recurrent pressure testing is
not compulsory. To ensure the complete operating effi-
ciency and safety of appliances, however, owners should
arrange for personnel authorized by the manufacturer to
check on all safety equipment and to conduct pressure
tests at regular intervals.
After the appliance has been connected up, the service
agent must carry out a test of all functions in the course of
which all the programs and operating states of all operating
elements as laid down in the operating instructions are
The conclusion of a maintenance agreement should be
recommended to the user.
An obligatory service check is required annually.


The food is heated by the thick base of the pan under which
several electric rod heaters are located. The pans are
equipped with an electronic comfort control unit with regulation
of the bottom resp. food temperature with or without program-
ming of the cooking time and starting time. The control system
is operated via a membrane keyboard. The pan has a variable-
speed tilting facility powered by an electric motor. All types can
be fitted with a mixing unit if required.


Pan bottom made of steel or nickel-chrome plated steel.
Floor mounting on feets or wheels.
Electronic control of pan-base and cooking temperature
or process control system of pan-base and cooking tempera-
ture regulation with programmable cooking and starting time
Hoseproof IP X5
Heating up times (see schedule) of an empty pan from 68°F
(20°C) to an average bottom temperature of 446°F (230°C)
Tilting frying pans,
electrically heated
060 E
(15.9 gal)
080 E
(21.1 gal)
100 E
(26.4 gal)
Electrically heated tilting frying pans
060 E
(15.9 gal)
080 E
(21.1 gal)
100 E
(26.4 gal)
Wattage kW 12,2 15,2 18,2
Voltage 208V/3~N
Current A
35.5 31 15.7
Voltage 240V/3~N
Current A
43.8 38.1 19.8
Voltage 480V/3~N
Current A
43.8 38.1 23
Net content in lt (=max.
63 84 104
Heating up times, min. 20 20 20
El. tilting motor: Wattage
kWVoltageCurrent A
230V/1*NE, 50 Hz
Page 4 62.9694.03


The precise specifications of the individual electric compo-
nents are given in the corresponding parts list. These must be
used in conjunction with the electrical schematic valid for the
A1 Control print
A2 Operating print
B1 Food temperature sensor
B2 Bottom temperature sensor
E Heating elements
E10 Tilting control
E11 Heating resistor
F1 Excess-temperature thermostat
K1.2 Contactors
K4 Safetycontactor
M1 Tilting motor
Q1 Power isolator, optional
S1 Control switch
S2 End switch for horizontal position of
the pan
S1 Tilting switch
X0-.. Terminals
X4 Control fuse
T1 Single- phase transformer (only for
voltage 230V)
EO/SI Connection for energy optimizing
Fig. 1 Electric diagram, electrically heated frying pan60 LT - 100 LT (15.9 gal - 267.4 gal) 208 V and 240 V
62.9694.03 Page 5
The precise specifications of the individual electric compo-
nents are given in the corresponding parts list. The se must be
used in conjunction with the electrical schematic valid for the
A1 Control print
A2 Operating print
B1 Food temperature sensor
B2 Bottom temperature sensor
E Heating elements
E10 Tilting control
E11 Heating resistor
F1 Excess-temperature thermostat
K1.2 Contactors
K4 Safetycontactor
M1 Tilting motor
Q1 Power isolator, optio nal
S1 Control switch
S2 End switch for horizontal position of
the pan
S1 Tilting switch
X0-.. Terminals
X4 Control fuse
T1 Single-ph ase transformer (only for
voltage 230V)
EO/SI Connection for energy optimizing
Fig. 2 Electric diagram, electrically heated frying pan60 LT - 100 LT (15.9 gal - 267.4 gal) 480 V
Page 6 62.9694.03


S = Part is relevant for safety
If, during servicing, an increased number of failures is
noted for a part that is relevant for safety, a written report
must be sent to the "Aftersales" office responsible without
Measuring the temperature of the pan base
Precise measurement of the temperature of a pan base using
methods in which contact with the base takes place by touch-
ing it with a probe (thermocouple, thermometer, etc.) is very
unreliable and generally leads to deviations in the order of
minus 68°F (20°C) to 104°F (40°C). The use of heat-conduct-
ing paste does not result in any substantial improvements.
Correct results can be achieved by means of infrared meas-
urement using a pyrometer (e.g. Raytek's Raynger, series
ST2L). To prevent reflection from the pan base, a heat-resist-
ant, fibre-glass tape (e.g. Scotch Brand tape from 3M) must be
bonded to the area to be measured. A surface area of 2 x 2
inch) 5 x 5 cm is enough for this purpose.
Check Fault B Remedy
Connections for protective
Connections for equipoten-
Check that all electric con-
nections and contacts to
terminals, coils, switches
and junctions are tight.
In case of loose contacts
B tighten contacts.
Check contactors and
The contacts must move
freely without sticking or
jamming. Check all contac-
tors for traces of burning.
In case of defects or faults B
replace contactor or relay.
Measure the individual
phase currents with a
clamp-on ammeter on the
power supply immediately
before the connection termi-
nals with the appliance
switched on full and com-
pare the currents with the
data on the electrical sche-
Identify defective consumers
(heating systems) by care-
fully measuring the individ-
ual currents. If major
deviations are discovered
B Replace.
Inspect internal wiring. In case of defect cables
B replace cables.
Check condition of all oper-
ating foils.
Defective foils
B replace.
Optical inspection of the
whole control unit.
S If faults are discovered
B repair faulty units or
exchange parts.
Test all operating functions
and check that the control
unit works correctly.
S If problems are encountered
B find reason and repair fail-
Check switches for easy
movement and correct func-
If the switch is hard to turn or
makes a noise
B replace.
Compare the digital display
of the bottom temperature
with the actual value meas-
If the deviation is
B trim the display again.
Compare the food temper-
ature display with the actual
If the deviation is
B trim the display again.
Inspect fixation and condi-
tion of all temperature sen-
sors (jacket, food,
deaeration, excess temper-
ature) and check electrical
S If sensors, fixation, electrical
connections are found to be
B replace the parts con-
Inspect condition and func-
tion of the safety thermo-
If sensors, fixation, electrical
connections are found to be
B replace the parts con-
Test if all heating elements
work well by measuring the
indicated heating-up time or
measure the current.
If larger differences are noted
B exchange the faulty heat-
ing element.
Check all elements of the
display on the operating
panel with service test 1.
If any element of the display
B exchange the whole oper-
ating print.
Inspect fixation and condi-
tion of all switches (power
isolator, control, tilting, stir-
rer) and check electrical
If defects to any fixation or
electrical connections are
B replace the parts con-
Check function of acoustic
If the sound is offkey or no
sound is heard
B exchange the whole con-
trol print.
Check the lid for correct
shape or damage.
If irreparably damaged
B replace the lid.
Check the lid hinges for
correct function.
If defective
B disassemble, clean,
grease, adjust the hinge.
Inspect pipework and screw
connections (pans with
external heating) for tight
In case of leakage
B replace seals or pipes.
Check function of mixing
unit for function. Check for
leaks of water connections.
If the tap drips or if any pipes
B replace seals.
Check Fault B Remedy
62.9694.03 Page 7


Sheeting of console, support, pan



Operating foils (FO) are bonded to the sheetmetal surfaces
(cover plates) with self-adhesive coatings. They are removed
with a spatula, a screwdriver or a knife.
Remove the connecting rail
(VS)Loosen the front nuts M6
from underneath. Bend the rail
up slightly at the front. Pull the
rail out of the appliance.
Switch panel (F) removal:
Unscrew the two screws at
location (1) underneath the
switch panel and the nuts (MH)
at location (2) on the top, pull
out the switch panel at the tom
and then lift up out of the fixa-
tion. The panel is turned up 90°
like a door and hung at the top
on the console.
Cover (A) removal:
If there is a connecting rail
installed to the cover it has to
be removed first. (see 5.3.1.).
Remove the nuts (MU) (two on
a single console, four on a twin
console) at the relevant loca-
tion (2). Lift the cover at the
front and pull it out of its clip
attachment at the back (3). If a
mixing unit is fitted, this does
not need to be removed from
the cover.
Service panel (V) removal:
Remove the two external nuts
(6) at the front and pull the
panel from its rear attachment
points (5).
Floor mountingh
Sidewall (S) removal:
To remove this, the switch
panel (F) must be removed
first. Remove the nuts (4) and
(5) inside. The upper internal
wall (W) cannot be disassem-
bled. It must be removed and
refitted together with the pan.
The panels are refitted in the
reverse order to that described
Cover (A). The height of the
cover can be levelled by fitting
more or fewer shims (BE) and
tightening the nuts (MH).
Hanging the operating panel
(F) on the console
Removing the pan base
Set the pan in the horizontal
position. Remove the screws
(SB) from underneath and
take out the base (BD) from
Fitting the base (BD).
Carefully clean any remains
of the old seal from the edge
of the base. Stick a new
sealing strip (DB) on the
edge of the base. Carefully
position the threaded clip
(SM) on the jacket (MK).
Tighten the screws (SB).
Pan jacket. The pan jacket
is not removed during normal
servicing work. Please refer
to § FU1.6 for instructions.
Removing the Front pan
cover (VA):
The front panel of the pan
cover can be removed as fol-
lows without removing the
base (BD): remove the front
screws (SB), pull off the
panel underneath the pan,
draw the panel down and out
of the pan flange.
The surfaces to which the foil is to be applied
must be clean and dry, i.e., free from dust,
grease, rust, paint, etc. Suitable for cleaning:
toluol or 3M article S-152 stick remover.
Procedure: shake the can thoroughly and
spray evenly on the surface to be cleaned.
(Distance about 6 - 8 inch (15 - 20 cm).) Rub
over with a clean lint-free cloth. If surfaces are
heavily soiled, repeat the process.
Sticking on the foil
Remove the protective backing, taking care
not to touch the adhesive. After positioning
press down well. It is important to apply firm,
even pressure. The ideal working temperature
is approximately 77°F (25°C). Temperatures
below 50°F (10°C) should be avoided since
the adhesive becomes too hard and instanta-
neous adhesion is reduced. Following applica-
tion, the foil has a working temperature range
from -40°F (-40°) to +248°F (+120°C) continu-
ous temperature load and 356°F (180°C)
short-time temperature load.
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