1. Connect your microphone to the MIC input on the right side of the V256 using a
balanced XLR cable.
2. Using an unbalanced instrument cable, plug your instrument into the INST Input Jack on
the right side of the V256.
3. Connect a balanced XLR cable to the EFFECT output jack on the left side of the V256.
Connect the other end of the XLR cable to the line input of a mixer.
4. Connect an unbalanced instrument cable from the INST output jack on the left side of
the V256. Connect the other end of the instrument cable to the instrument input of a
mixer, or the input of an amplifier.
5. Plug the AC Adapter into a wall outlet.
6. Plug the barrel connector of the AC Adapter into the 9V power jack at the top of the
Polarity is center negative
7. If using a condenser microphone, flip the Phantom Power switch up to the top position,
otherwise leave it off. The Phantom Power switch is located on the right side of the
V256, next to the XLR MIC input.
8. Push the MIC BYPASS footswitch until its associated LED is OFF. Sing into the
microphone, you will hear your dry vocal at this point. Adjust mixer settings as well as
the MIC GAIN switch on the V256 to obtain optimal mic levels.
1. Connect your microphone to the MIC input on the right side of the V256 using a
balanced XLR cable.
2. Using an unbalanced instrument cable, plug your instrument into the INST Input Jack on
the right side of the V256.
3. Connect an unbalanced instrument cable from the INST output jack on the left side of
the V256. Connect the other end of the instrument cable to the input of a guitar, bass,
or keyboard amplifier.
4. Plug the AC Adapter into a wall outlet.
5. Plug the barrel connector of the AC Adapter into the 9V power jack at the top of the
Polarity is center negative
6. If using a condenser microphone, flip the Phantom Power switch up to the top position,
otherwise leave it off. The Phantom Power switch is located on the right side of the
V256, next to the XLR MIC input.
7. Push the MIC BYPASS footswitch until its associated LED is OFF. Play the instrument,
you will hear only dry instrument signal at this point.