Cock Fight Plus
Wah and Talking Pedal with Fuzz
What happens when you mate our popular Cock Fight (Cocked Talking
Wah with Fuzz) with a foot controlled rocker pedal? You get the Cock
Fight Plus! The Cock Fight Plus can be switched between two types of
filters: a traditional wah pedal filter (“CRY”), or a formant filter (“TALK”)
that you can use to create vowel sounds. Vary the sweep of either filter
with the integrated foot pedal. The Cock Fight Plus also includes a FUZZ
section that can be added before or after the filter, or taken out of the
circuit entirely. Use the BOTTOM and BIAS controls to explore even more
tone shaping possibilities.
Toggle between buffered bypass and effect mode by firmly pushing
the Cock Fight Plus pedal downward, in the toe direction, until you hear
a click from its footswitch.
Please Note: The Cock Fight Plus does not provide a visual indication
that it is in either effect or bypass mode or that it is powered up.
While in effect mode, rock your foot back and forth on the pedal to
sweep the filter and alter the tone of your instrument.
You may find your tone is especially sweet at certain spots along the
pedal’s sweep. When you hit just the right spot, carefully remove your
foot from the pedal so that the tone remains fixed. This use of the pedal
is commonly referred to as a “cocked wah.”

VOL Knob
Use the VOL (volume) knob to adjust the master output volume.
CRY/TALK Toggle Switch
The “up” position selects the CRY setting. CRY simulates the type of
filter found in a typical wah pedal circuit. The “down” position selects the
TALK setting. This setting—as its name implies—produces throaty/vocal
vowel sounds.
FUZZ PRE/X/POST Toggle Switch
The PRE position places the fuzz before the filter. Use this position for a
more vintage Hendrix vibe. The position marked X removes the fuzz
entirely from the circuit. The POST position places the fuzz after the
filter and yields a more modern sound.
BOT Knob
The BOT (BOTTOM) Knob is a low frequency boost control that is
slightly above unity gain when set fully clockwise. Set this knob fully
counterclockwise to remove the BOTTOM circuit from the signal path.
TIP: When used with a bass guitar or other low frequency sources, the
BOTTOM adjustment can help retain the bottom end typically lost along
certain positions of the filter sweep.
Use the TONE knob to vary the fuzz sound from dark to bright.
The BIAS knob controls the amount of bias voltage supplied to one of
the two transistors in the fuzz circuit. Turn the BIAS knob fully clockwise
to supply a nominal voltage to produce a “normal” fuzz sound. Turn the
bias control down (counterclockwise) to decrease the bias voltage to get
the so-called “dying battery” sound. This type of sound is characterized
by a decrease in sustain and by notes that get choked off as you play
with less force.
Set the amount of fuzz with the DRIVE knob.