Effekta Office 400, Office 600, Office 800, Office 1000, Office 1500 Service Manual

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply OFFICE 400-2000
Operating Manual V 1.23
Versions / Article Numbers:
Translation of the original operating manual
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Legal Notice
Legal Notice
by EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH
This documentation is solely intended for the operator and his staff. The content of this documentation (texts, figures, drawings, graphics, plans, etc.) may not be copied or distributed in part or in full without our written consent, nor can it be used without authorization for competitive purposes or given made accessible to third parties.
The publication and copyright of this documentation are retained by:
EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH
Rheinwaldstraße 34 78628 Rottweil, Germany
Phone: + 49 (0) 741 17451 - 0 Fax: + 49 (0) 741 17451 - 22 Email: ups@effekta.com Internet: www.effekta.com
Operating Manual: V 1.23 Language: English Release date: 01/2017
We reserve the right to make changes to the design and the system that will im­prove the system, the production process or the product.
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Preface ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Validity ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Storage ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Abbreviations, Terms and Symbols............................................................................ 6
1.5 Information obligation ................................................................................................ 9
1.6 Warranty conditions ................................................................................................. 10
1.7 Limitation of Liability ................................................................................................ 11
2. Safety Instructions ................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Proper Use .............................................................................................................. 12
2.3 Prevention of personal injury / property damage ...................................................... 13
2.4 Environmental protection ......................................................................................... 13
2.5 Transport and Storage ............................................................................................. 13
2.6 Positioning ............................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Connection .............................................................................................................. 14
2.8 Operation................................................................................................................. 15
2.9 Working with accumulators ...................................................................................... 16
2.10 Maintenance, service and malfunctions ................................................................... 16
3. UPS device description ......................................................................................... 18
3.1 Topology and operation modes ................................................................................ 18
3.2 UPS device components.......................................................................................... 19
4. Storage and Unpacking ......................................................................................... 24
4.1 Storage of the UPS .................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Transport to the installation site ............................................................................... 24
4.3 Unpacking and positioning of the device .................................................................. 25
5. Installation and Connection of the UPS ............................................................... 26
5.1 Connection of the UPS device ................................................................................. 27
6. Operation of device and service ........................................................................... 30
6.1 Operation and operation modes of the UPS ............................................................. 30
7. Initial operation of the UPS ................................................................................... 34
8. Error messages and support ................................................................................ 35
9. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 36
10. Service-Hotline ...................................................................................................... 36
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Table of Contents
11. Software ................................................................................................................. 37
12. Maintenance and service....................................................................................... 38
12.1 Measuring the support time (autonomous time) ....................................................... 38
12.2 Replacing components / accumulators ..................................................................... 39
12.3 Maintenance and service contracts .......................................................................... 39
13. Technical Data ....................................................................................................... 42
14. Scope of delivery / Accessories ........................................................................... 44
15. Optional accessories ............................................................................................. 45
15.1 Communication adapter SNMP ................................................................................ 45
15.2 External Bypass ....................................................................................................... 45
16. Wear parts ................................ ................................................................ .............. 46
17. Declaration of conformity...................................................................................... 47
UPS: OFFICE 400 – 2000
1. Introduction
1.1 Preface
Dear Operator, This manual is required for the operation of the uninterruptible power supply
described herein. This operating manual should provide you with support for working responsi­bly and give basic information about the uninterruptible power supply, namely on how it works, its application and, in addition, what you should do in the event of malfunctioning. Furthermore, this operating manual contains instruc­tions for the transport and storage as well as for the handling and installation of the uninterruptible power supply.
The planning guidelines in this operating manual only relate to special re­quirements and characteristics of the uninterruptible power supply. All na­tional and local provisions and regulations for electrical installations have to be adhered to in the installation process. The same applies to the operation of the device.
The content of this operating manual may change due to technological pro­gress. We have done our best to present the content correctly and clearly. If, however, we have made errors, we would be grateful if you would let us know.
We do not assume any liability for errors in this operating manual or any con­sequences resulting thereof.
The uninterruptible power supply is intended to protect sensitive electronic systems and equipment from interferences that could occur due to bad elec­tric quality or network failures.
Please read this operating manual carefully and take note particular note of the safety instructions!
If you have questions about the device, the technical supervisor at your com­pany or our employees will gladly assist you.
Your EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
1.2 Validity
The descriptions in this operating manual relate solely to the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) defined in the technical data as a whole or as it refers to modules, components and individual parts that were developed and built by EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH ( Chapter 13. Technical Data).
Read this documentation carefully and familiarize yourself with the product before you start operating it.
1.3 Storage
The operating manual for the device must be stored in the vicinity of the de­vice at all times so it is immediately available if need be.
Pass this manual on to any subsequent users of the product.
1.4 Abbreviations, Terms and Symbols
In this manual, the abbreviation UPS stands for: uninterruptible power supply. Typically, accumulators are used as energy storage of the UPS-equipment.
Colloquially these are referred to as batteries or rechargeable batteries. A battery bank is then the term for the centralization of several accumulators into a group that forms the energy storage.
Danger, Warning, and Attention references are explicitly marked by the re­spective symbols (pictograms) and must be adhered to without fail. See the following list and explanations:
Danger / Warning Levels / Notes:
Text that is marked with DANGER! provides a warning about dangers. If acci­dent prevention measures are not taken, these dangers result in serious (irre­versible) injuries or even death!
UPS: OFFICE 400 – 2000
Text that is marked with WARNING! provides a warning about hazards. If ac­cident prevention measures are not taken, these hazards may result in seri­ous (irreversible) injuries or even death!
Text that is marked with CAUTION! provides a warning about hazards. If acci­dent prevention measures are not taken, these dangerous situations can lead to slight or medium reversible injuries.
Text that is marked with ATTENTION! contains very important instructions for situations that, if accident prevention measures are not taken, may result in damage to the product and / or its functions or an object in its vicinity.
This symbol indicates text that contains notices or instructions / comments or tips.
Warning about danger spots:
General warning about danger spots!
Specific warnings:
Warning about dangerous electrical voltage!
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Warning about proper handling of accumulators!
Instruction Symbols:
Take note of the provided documentation and/or instructions!
Disconnect before working!
Environmental Symbols:
Identifies instructions for recycling.
Identifies components that are subject to the Electronic Scrap Regulation.
Identifies components or parts that must be disposed of properly. Do not throw these into the household waste.
UPS: OFFICE 400 – 2000
Text Symbols:
This dot marks descriptions of activities that you should carry out.
Requirement that must be fulfilled, for example:
The DC circuit breaker is “OFF”.
This dash marks specification lists.
This arrow marks a cross reference. If a cross reference to another chapter is necessary in the text, this is short­ened for clarity.
Example: OM, 2 Safety Instructions This means: see Operating Manual, Chapter 2 Safety Instructions. If the cross reference refers to a page, figure or position number, this infor­mation is added at the end of the cross reference.
Example: Fig. 4-4, Pos. 1 This means: see (in this manual in Chapter 4) in Figure 4, the position number 1.
Numbers in brackets refer to the positions in the figures.
Annotations within the text are marked with ** and explained accordingly.
1.5 Information obligation
This operating manual must be read and understood by all persons and quali­fied personnel working with this device (this equipment).
This applies, in particular, to maintenance, operating and cleaning personnel including persons responsible for transportation and/or disposal.
EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH is not liable for damage incurred or caused by staff who have not been trained or who have been insufficiently trained!
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
1.6 Warranty conditions
The receipt of delivery is considered as the record for the initial purchase and should be kept in a safe place. It will be necessary for making use of the war­ranty. If the product is passed on to another user, this user has the right to the warranty for the remainder of the warranty period. The purchase receipt as well as this declaration should also be given to the new owner if the device is passed on.
We guarantee that this device, upon delivery, is in a functional state and tech­nically conforms to the descriptions in the enclosed documentation.
The warranty period for UPS devices corresponds to the minimum periods stipulated by law.
The warranty ceases to apply in the following cases:
if the defect is caused by: freight damage, accident, natural disas-
ters, misuse, vandalism;
in case of improper use, defective maintenance or incorrect repair
by third parties;
in the event of changes, unauthorized intervention, improper oper-
ation, false installation or other modifications not approved by us;
in the case of improper use such as the connection of the device
to unsuitable energy sources or unsuitable loads, or in general use in an unsuitable environment, etc.;
in the event of failure to follow instructions in the provided docu-
for any defects caused by a lack of due care, e.g. splash water,
in the event that the product is incompatible due to possible tech-
nical innovations or regulations (policies) that occur after the pur­chase;
in the case of malfunctions or damage caused by the connection
to incompatible devices or accessories;
in the event of developments that are related to the normal ageing
process of the product (wear parts);
in the event of defects that were caused by external fixtures, e.g.
electrical outlets;
in the event of failure to provide due maintenance and care for the
The warranty period for replaced and/or repaired parts as part of this warranty expires together with the original warranty for the product.
UPS: OFFICE 400 – 2000
Devices that are supplied without accessories are replaced without accesso­ries. The return of the device is only accepted if it is sent in the original pack­aging.
Incurred transport costs are generally not included in the warranty. In general, you shall bear the cost of repair and exchange of the device. We are not liable for damage or consequential damage, whether directly, un-
intentionally or caused by negligence. EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH does not provide either explicit or implicit
warranties related to this device and its quality, performance, salability or suit­ability for a certain purpose. In some countries, the exclusion of implicit war­ranties is not permitted by law. In this case, the validity of all explicit and im­plicit warranties is limited to the warranty period. With the expiration of these periods, all warranties lose their validity. In some countries, a limitation of the validity period of implicit warranties is not permitted by law so that the afore­mentioned limitation does not take effect.
1.7 Limitation of Liability
Claims to damage compensation are excluded unless they involve intent or gross negligence by EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH or its employees. This does not affect liability according to the Product Liability Act. Under no cir­cumstances are we liable for:
Claims that third parties make against you due to losses or dam-
Loss or damage of your records or data or the costs of recovering
this data.
Subsequent economic damage (including lost profits or savings) or
concomitant damage, even in the event that we were informed of the possibility of such damage.
Under no circumstances is EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH responsible for any accidental, indirect, specific, consequential or other damage of any kind (including, without any limitation, damage related to a loss of profits, interrup­tion of business, loss of business information, or any other losses) that result from the use of the device or are connected with the device whether they are based on the contract, damage compensation, negligence, strict liability or other claims, even if EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH was informed about the possibility of such damage in advance. This exemption also includes any lia­bility that can result from the claims of third parties against the initial pur­chaser.
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
In some countries, the exemption or the limitation of concomitant consequen­tial damage is not permitted by law so that the aforementioned declaration does not enter into force
2. Safety Instructions
2.1 Introduction
The UPS is a device that has been produced according to the rules and regula­tions of technology for an uninterruptible power supply.
The device is safe when used properly and under consideration of the safety re­quirements and instructions provided in this operating manual.
2.2 Proper Use
The UPS and its related components may only be used for purposes in accord­ance with its design – to provide a primary energy source for electrical devices and a short-term supply from a secondary energy source for electrical devices which does not exceed the nominal power in its entirety. Any other use is con­sidered improper and can lead to injury of person or property and/or damage to the device!
The device is not designed for use in
explosive; dusty or humid; radioactive or; biologically or chemically contaminated atmospheres!
For information about the respective IP protection class of the device please contact our service centers.
In addition, the device class must be noted with regard to “electromagnetic com- patibility” (EMC). Radio interference does not occur with Class 1 devices. How­ever, Class 2 devices can cause radio interference in residential areas. In this case, the operating company may be requested to take appropriate measures!
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Safety Instructions
For this reason, please note the information about the device class in the speci­fications provided (13 Technical Dat).
2.3 Prevention of personal injury / property damage
Please read this operating manual carefully to familiarize yourself
with the device. Under no circumstances should you ignore the sa­fety information.
Pay particular attention during the installation and initial operation of
the device.
Operate this product only in the proper and appropriate manner and
always within the mandated performance parameters (13 Tech­nical Data).
Only perform maintenance and service work that is described in the
documentation. Observe the required steps. Only use original re­placement parts from EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH.
2.4 Environmental protection
Send the product back to EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH after the end of its service life. We will ensure its environmentally friendly disposal.
2.5 Transport and Storage
The UPS may only be transported to the intended location in the original pack­aging. The same applies to moves or returns.
The packaging has a very good device-specific protective function. However, all devices damaged during transport must be checked by EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH before the initial operation. The same applies in general for any damages to the device.
Should the device be in storage for more than 4 months, the battery bank of the UPS device must be charged urgently. For more, see Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden. Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefun­den werden..
Due to the possibility of existing energy storage (accumulators) within a UPS, devices must generally be inspected by EFFEKTA Regeltechnik GmbH or a
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Safety Instructions
qualified service center after transportation damages. In the case of transporta­tion damages, there is a high risk that the energy storage units and/or their elec­trical connections have been affected. As a result, short circuits and/or the leak­ing of electrolytes cannot be ruled out. For this reason, the unit must be isolated until an inspection has been performed.
In addition, the device should not be transported or stored upside-down.
2.6 Positioning
Only operate the UPS in well-ventilated rooms, ensuring the specified ambient temperature range (according to 13 Technical Dat).
The UPS should not be placed in the vicinity of heat sources. Always take the operating conditions into account when positioning the device. Maintain the minimum distance to adjacent equipment and walls necessary for
ventilation purposes (see 13 Technical Dat and 5 Installation and Connec­tion of the UPS ensure that the necessary air circulation is provided.
Never place or operate the device in a moist environment. Liquids must, as a rule, be kept away from the device.
Due to major temperature differences, condensation or dew effects may occur after the positioning of the UPS. Therefore, an acclimatization period of at least two hours must be observed before any further steps are taken. Make sure the temperature adjustment has been completed and that any surfaces with con­densation inside and outside the device have completely dried.
Never operate the UPS in a combustible and/or unventilated environment.
2.7 Connection
Always use the connection terminals provided for the purpose of connecting the UPS.
To avoid electrical hazards, the connection of the unit may only be made under de-energized conditions.
The PE (protective earth) conductor must be connected without fail. The UPS­device, as well as the connected loads, must not be used without the PE con­ductor under any circumstances!
UPS: OFFICE 400 - 2000
Safety Instructions
The UPS output is supplied with power even in the event of a power outage; ac­cording to the provisions included in EN62040-1, the lines and power outlets supplied by the UPS must be clearly labeled!
In addition, the following points must always be followed when connecting the UPS:
Install all connections appropriately and keep the cable length as
short as possible;
Only use suitable power cables when connection the UPS to the
mains power supply and pay attention to the required current carry­ing capacity;
Only use suitable power cables when connecting appliances to the
UPS and pay attention to the required current carrying capacity;
The safeguarding of any appliance must always be performed imme-
diately in front of an appliance and may never be done centrally in front of the UPS;
Never operate any household devices or tools such as e. g. fan heat-
ers, vacuum cleaners, electric drills, hairdryers, toasters, etc. by means of the UPS;
Do not connect any appliance to the UPS that could overload the de-
In general, only use appropriate tools for the installation.
2.8 Operation
Only qualified personnel are allowed access to the unit and the operation of the equipment.
It must be kept in mind that the UPS includes an energy storage or is connected to an external energy storage unit. This means that the UPS outlet can be cur­rent-carrying even when the UPS has already been disconnected from the mains power supply.
Consequently, the UPS output is guaranteed to be de-energized only when the device has completely shut down and has been disconnected from the mains power supply.
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