Edwards STP-603, STP-H451, STP-1003, STP-H301, STP-H803 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual (A)
STP Series Turbomolecular Pumps
Generic Instruction Manual
Applicable Models:
STP-603/1003 series
STP-H301/H451 series
STP-H803/H1303 series
STP-A803/A1303 series
STP-A2503/A3003 series
STP-A2803/A3503 series
STP-F2203 series
STP-XH2603P/XH3203P series
STP-XA2703/XA3203 series
STP-XA4503 series
STP-XW3503 series
STP pump consists of the three-volumed Instruction Manuals.
Instruction Manual (A): (This Instruction Manual)
Instruction Manual (B): STP pump specific information Instruction Manual (C): STP control unit Instruction Manual
STP pump generic Instruction Manual
Copyright 2010 Edwards Japan Limited. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.
The description of this product consists of the three-volumed Instruction Manuals. Read through each Instruction Manual before operation. The separate volume contents of each description are as follows:
Instruction Manual (A)
STP pump generic Instruction Manual:
Installation of the STP pump
Installation of the STP control unit
Safety functions
Maintenance and inspection
Storage and disposal
Service, Spares and accessories
Instruction Manual (B)
STP pump specific information:
Technical data
How to Secure the STP pump
Temperature Management System TMS
Instruction Manual (C)
STP control unit Instruction Manual:
Technical data
Serial communication protocol
STP-Link (except for SCU-750)
Storage, transportation and disposal
Service, spares, and accessories
Keep the manuals in an easily accessible location.
STP Series Turbomolecular Pump


Section Title Page
1.1 Scope and definitions 1
1.2 Applied standards 2
1.3 Limited warranty 2
1.3.1 Warranty period 2
1.3.2 Item warranted 2
1.3.3 Disclaimer 3
1.3.4 Spare parts 3
1.4 Precautions for safe operation of the STP pump 4
1.4.1 Usable gases 4
1.5 Maintenance and inspection precautions 5
1.6 Labels 5
1.7 Operation principle of the STP pump 8
1.8 Temperature management system 9
1.9 Name of the STP pump 10
2.1 Precautions before installation 13
2.1.1 Operating environment 13
2.1.2 Installation area 14
2.1.3 Bench 15
2.2 Unpacking 16
2.2.1 Unpacking the STP pump 16
2.3 How to install the STP pump 18
2.3.1 Cleaning the seal 20
2.3.2 STP pump installation positions 21
2.3.3 Secure the STP pump 22
2.3.4 Precautions of vacuum piping 22
2.3.5 Vacuum piping method 23
2.3.6 Connecting the purge port 24
2.3.7 Connecting the water cooling pipe 24
2.3.8 Attaching a baking heater 25
2.3.9 Installation of the air cooling unit 25
2.3.10 Installation of the TMS unit 26
3.1 STP control unit 27
3.1.1 SCU-800 27
3.1.2 SCU-750 28
3.1.3 SCU-1400 28
3.1.4 SCU-1500 29
3.1.5 SCU-1600 29
3.2 Cable connection 30
3.2.1 STP connection cable 30
3.2.2 Power cable 31
3.3 How to connect the cables 32
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
Section Title Page
4.1 Before starting the STP pump 35
4.1.1 Tuning 35
4.1.2 Operation of vacuum system 36
4.2 Pump operation 36
4.2.1 LED indication during operation 36
4.2.2 Starting the STP pump after a safety function operates 37
4.3 Gas pumping, cooling and baking the STP pump 37
4.3.1 Gas pumping 37
4.3.2 How to introduce a purge gas 38
4.4 Cooling the STP pump 38
4.4.1 Water-cooling method 38
4.4.2 Air-cooling method 39
4.5 Baking the STP pump 39
4.6 How to use the TMS unit 40
4.6.1 Parameter set mode 40
4.6.2 Starting/stopping the TMS unit 40
4.6.3 Temperature control 40
5.1 Safety functions 41
5.1.1 Power failure 41
5.1.2 Operation after a power recovery 41
5.1.3 Abnormal state of magnetic bearing 42
5.1.4 Excessive vibration 42
5.1.5 Motor driver overload 42
5.1.6 Overheating inside the STP pump 42
5.1.7 Overheating inside the STP control unit 43
5.1.8 Overspeed 43
5.1.9 Abnormality/Error in the TMS unit (for use with the TMS unit) 43
5.1.10 Failure of the air-cooling fan (for SCU-800 only) 43
6.1 Maintenance and inspection 45
6.2 Cleaning 46
6.3 Inspecting the deposit 46
6.4 Overhaul 47
6.5 Transporting for repair or overhaul 48
7.1 Storage of the STP pump 49
7.2 Disposal 50
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
Section Title Page
8.1 Introduction 51
8.2 Service 51
8.3 Spares 51
8.4 Accessories 52
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
Figure Title Page
1 STP pump installation warning label 5 2 Hot surface warning label 5 3 Heavy product caution label 6 4 Connector caution label 6 5 Caution label 6 6 TMS heater surface caution label 7 7 Rotation instruction label 7 8 Cross sectional view of the STP pump 8 9 Configuration of the STP pump (Typical pump model) 10 10 Example of lifting the STP pump 16 11 Example of lifting the STP pump (horizontal positioning) 17 12 Installation of the STP pump to the vacuum equipment 19 13 STP pump installation positions 21 14 Positions of the outlet port on the horizontally
or slanted installed STP pump 21 15 Positions of the cooling water port and baking heater 24 16 SCU-800 27 17 SCU-750 28 18 SCU-1400 28 19 SCU-1500 29 20 SCU-1600 29 21 SCU-750/SCU-800 STP connection cable 30 22 SCU-1400/SCU-1500/SCU-1600 STP connection cable 30 23 SCU-750 power cable 31 24 SCU-800 power cable 31 25 SCU-1400/SCU-1500/SCU-1600 power cable 31
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump


1.1 Scope and definitions

This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards Turbomolecular Pump (abbreviated to "STP pump" throughout this manual). In this manual, the control unit for the turbomolecular pump is referred to as the "STP control unit". You must use the STP pump as specified in this manual.
The procedures in this manual must be followed before you install, operate and maintain the STP pump. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; these instructions are mandatory. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below:
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in serious injury
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result minor personal injury in
damage to the equipment, associated equipment and/or process.
Note: Items you must follow during operation and maintenance.
or death to people.
Throughout this manual, page, figure and table numbers are sequential.
The units used throughout this manual conform to the SI international system of units of measurement; US equivalent units of measurement are also given.
The following IEC warning labels/symbols appear on the STP Pump Instruction Manual:
Warning - refer to accompanying documentation.
Note: An alarm function is incorporated into this STP series. Alarm and cautionary messages are
Warning - risk of electric shock.
Warning - heavy object.
displayed on the LCD of the STP control unit. Note that the words "WARNING" and "CAUTION" displayed on the LCD indicate the need for overhaul of the pump or precautions during the operation. They do not have the same meaning as the much more serious symbols for "WARNING" and "CAUTION" used in the instruction manual.
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1.2 Applied standards

STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
The STP pump conforms to the following directives and standards:
1. Applied Directives
EC Machinery Directive
EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
EC Low Voltage Directive
2. Applied Standards
EN61326 (class A)
3. Applied Standards (Only some model. Contact Edwards about recognized model.)
UL61010-1, 2 Requirements)

1.3 Limited warranty

Edition (Electrical Equipment for Laboratory Use; Part 1: General
This WARRANTY applies to the customer to whom Edwards has delivered this product.

1.3.1 Warranty period

Edwards warrants this product against defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery or during the period specified in the agreement made by and between the customer and Edwards.

1.3.2 Item warranted

1. This warranty applies only to the product delivered from Edwards to the customer.
2. If any defect is found during this period, Edwards will, at its option, repair or recondition the product free of charge. The costs for repair or replacement of the product after the warranty period has passed will be at your own charge.
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1.3.3 Disclaimer

STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
Edwards makes no warranty with respect to any damage occurred due to any of the following during the warranty period:
1. Handling, operation or maintenance other than that specified herein.
2. Failure to follow any of the warnings or cautions enumerated in this manual.
3. Installation, operation or maintenance using parts which are not specified by Edwards.
4. Maintenance personnel other than those authorized by Edwards or Service office have
disassembled, reconditioned, or tampered the product.
5. Defect resulting from the not-specified use of the product.
6. When the product is used under special conditions without obtaining the written consent of
Edwards (particular gases, strong magnetic field and the radiation are added to the product).
7. Defect resulting from deposit.
8. Water cooling system defect resulting from water quality used.
9. Defect resulting from the installation of the product (exclude the installation by authorized
10. Deterioration in the external because of use (discoloration, scratches and so forth).
11. Product damage occurred during transport or other factors not attributable to Edwards.
12. Product breakage or damage due to natural disasters, fire or other external factors.
13. Deterioration in the basic performance due to the use of the product beyond limits of the use.
14. Any direct, incidental or consequential damage resulting from the use of the product.
15. When continuously operated without overhaul after the WARNING indication ("WARNING"
message) on the LCD.
16. Overhaul and replacement of maintenance parts.

1.3.4 Spare parts

Touch down bearing. (Touch down bearing should be replaced at Edwards, contact Edwards).
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump

1.4 Precautions for safe operation of the STP pump


1.4.1 Usable gases

1. Chlorine or fluorine system gases can be used in corrosion resistant pumps. When you use the following gases, contact Edwards.
Gases including alkaline metals except Li gas.
Gases including Ga, Hg, In, or Sn.
HBr gas.
2. Non-corrosion resistant pump cannot use the above gases including chlorine and fluorine system
To prevent an accident, confirm the characteristics of gases to be used, referring to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) you obtain from the gas supplier, and, keep MSDS
Warn of the danger of the gas with the warning label when the use gas is hazardous
Secure safety by wearing personal protective equipment when using the gas which
might influence damage health. In addition, take appropriate measure for depending
NEVER use any gas that is not specified as usable in this Manual. The use of such gas may
CAUTION corrode the STP pump and damage it.
Introduce a dry N2 gas (purge gas) to protect the inside of the STP pump when using reactive or
corrosive gas. The use of reactive or corrosive gas may result in product damage.
Cool the STP pump to prevent the STP pump from overheating when pumping gases.
and a safety advice of gas supplier.
WARNINGchemical material.
upon the properties of the gas to be used.
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump

1.5 Maintenance and inspection precautions

Perform any maintenance or inspection of the STP pump, following Section 6, "MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION".

1.6 Labels

The following labels are affixed to the STP pump. Read the contents of the labels before operation.
1. STP pump installation warning label
This label describes installation of the STP pump. Install the STP pump according to the precautions. Install the STP pump according to the precautions of Section 2, "INSTALLATION OF THE STP PUMP".
Figure 1 - STP pump installation warning label
2. Hot surface warning label
This label instructs operators so as not to touch the hot surface of the STP pump and the TMS unit. The TMS unit specification may lead to a considerable rise in temperatures outside the STP pump. (only with TMS unit)
Figure 2 - Hot surface warning label
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3. Heavy product caution label
STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
This label is affixed to the product with a weight of 18 kg or more. Follow the precautions of Section 2.2, "Unpacking" so as not to cause any accident during handling.
Figure 3 - Heavy product caution label
4. Connector caution label
This label describes lock of the connector. This label instructs operators to prevent the connectors from being disconnected while the STP pump is in operation.
Figure 4 - Connector caution label
5. STP pump/control unit caution label
This label describes precautions for operating the STP pump. Follow these precautions.
Figure 5 - Caution label
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
6. TMS heater caution label
This label instructs operators so as not to remove the TMS heater from the STP pump. (only with TMS unit)
Figure 6 - TMS heater caution label
7. Rotational direction instruction label
This label describes the rotational direction of the STP pump. The STP pump rotates in this direction.
Figure 7 - Rotation instruction label
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump

1.7 Operation principle of the STP pump

The STP series pump is a series of a magnetically-levitated turbomolecular pumps, each with the following features:
Oil free
Low vibration
High reliability
1. Rotor blade 5. Axial sensor
2. Stator blade 6. Axial electromagnet
3. Radial sensor 7. Touch down bearing
4. Radial electromagnet
Figure 8 - Cross sectional view of the STP pump
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
The STP pump (Figure 8) is configured so that rotor blade (1) and stator blade (2) are aligned alternately in the axial direction. Gas molecules are pumped from the inlet port to the outlet port by the high speed rotation of the rotor.
The STP pump is configured so that rotor blade (1) and stator blade (2) are aligned alternately in the axial direction
The rotor blade (1) is supported by the magnetic bearing without mechanical contact. Therefore, the STP pump requires no lubrication oil unlike conventional turbomolecular pumps using ball bearings.
The magnetic bearing consists of 5 pairs of active magnetic bearings. The rotor is supported in the radial direction by 4 pairs of radial direction active magnetic bearings that consist of radial sensor (3) and radial electromagnet (4). A pair of axial direction active magnetic bearings consists of axial sensor (5) and axial electromagnet (6) to support the rotor in the axial direction. Because the rotor is supported without mechanical contact, it can rotate at low vibration.
There is less heat generated from magnetic bearings because there is no friction. Therefore, the STP pump requires no cooling. However, the STP pump does require water-cooling or air-cooling during baking and gas pumping. Taking into consideration an unexpected failure of magnetic bearings, touch down bearings (7) coated with solid lubrication have been installed. They do not contact with the rotor during the rated operation.
A radial sensor, an axial sensor, a rotation sensor and a temperature sensor always monitor the magnetic bearing as well as the rotor. If an abnormality/error occurs, the rotor will stop.

1.8 Temperature management system

The Temperature Management System (TMS) maintains the temperature of the turbomolecular pump by monitoring the temperature using a thermistor in the base of the turbomolecular pump, and performing the TMS valve and base heater ON/OFF control.
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump

1.9 Name of the STP pump

1. Inlet port flange 4. Outlet port flange
2. TMS sensor connector 5. STP connector
3. Cooling water port 6. Purge port
Figure 9 - Configuration of the STP pump (Typical pump model)
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
Item Description Function
1 Inlet port flange Connected to the vacuum equipment (at the high vacuum
2 TMS sensor connector
A temperature sensor is attached for use with the TMS unit
3 Cooling water port
(water cooling unit)
Connected to the STP pump cooling water pipe. This port is used when water cooling the STP pump or using the TMS unit.
4 Outlet port flange Connected to the inlet port side of the backing-pump.
5 STP connector Connected to the STP connection cable.
6 Purge port*4 Introduces a purge gas.
In order to protect the inside of the STP pump when pumping reactive or corrosive gases. The STP pump is delivered with a blank flange attached to this port.
The STP pump in Figure 9 is a typical pump model. Refer to the STP Pump Instruction Manual (B).
Depending upon the pump model, the TMS unit (optional accessory) is not available. Refer to the STP Pump Instruction
Manual (B) for more detailed information.
Depending upon the pump model, the TMS sensor is built in the STP pump. Refer to the STP Pump Instruction Manual (B)
for more detailed information.
Depending upon the pump model, the STP pump is not equipped with water cooling unit. Refer to the STP Pump
Instruction Manual (B) for more detailed information.
Depending upon the pump model, the STP pump is not equipped with a purge port. Refer to the STP Pump Instruction
Manual (B) for more detailed information.
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STP Series Turbomolecular Pump
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