D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
Issue Draft 1
Instruction Manual
USB / RS232 & SLTA-10 / LON
Description Item Number
USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit
SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
1 Introduction ..............................................................................3
1.1 Scope and definitions............................................................... 3
1.2 Description ........................................................................... 4
1.2.1 D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit ............................... 4
1.2.2 D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit ............................ 5
1.2.3 Interface Kit Summary ........................................................ 8
2 Technical Data ...........................................................................9
2.1 D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit..................................... 9
2.1.1 Electrical........................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Operating Temperature ...................................................... 9
2.1.3 Cable ............................................................................ 9
2.1.4 Certifications................................................................... 9
2.2 D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit................................ 10
2.2.1 Electrical...................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Operating Temperature .................................................... 11
2.2.3 Cable .......................................................................... 11
2.2.4 Certifications................................................................. 11
3 Installation.............................................................................. 12
3.1 Unpack and inspect ............................................................... 12
3.2 Install the D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit ..................... 13
3.3 Install the D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit................... 15
4 Operation ............................................................................... 24
5 Maintenance and Safety.............................................................. 24
5.1 Inspect the connections.......................................................... 30
5.2 Communication problems........................................................ 30
5.2.1 Fault finding the USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit ........................ 30
5.2.2 Fault finding the SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit ..................... 31
6 Storage and Disposal .................................................................. 33
6.1 Storage ............................................................................. 33
6.2 Disposal............................................................................. 33
7 Abbreviations .......................................................................... 34
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and definitions
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the use of
two Edwards interface kits:
• D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit
o to connect a PC’s USB port to an Edwards pump’s RS232 port
• D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit
o to connect a user-provided SLTA-10 to an Edwards pump’s LON port
Read this manual before you install and operate either of those kits.
Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; you
must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in
injury or death to people.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the
equipment, associated equipment and process.
The following IEC warning labels appear on the pump:
Warning – refer to accompanying documentation.
Warning – Edwards offers European customers a recycling service.
The units used throughout this manual conform to the SI international system of units of
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
1.2 Description
1.2.1 D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit
The main component of this kit is D49951139, and Edwards cable assembly with a PC USB
TYPE A plug at one end and a pump RS232 5-way XLR plug at the other end.
A USBRS232 adapter, manufactured by FTDI, is built into the USB plug. The 5-way XLR
plug is intended to be connected into an Edwards pump’s PDT socket.
The kit also includes D37370726, an Edwards cable assembly to convert the 5-way XLR plug
to an RJ12 plug, for use with older pumps where the PDT connector is an RJ12 socket.
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
The primary purpose for this kit is to allow an Edwards pump with an RS232 interface to be
supported using various Edwards PC software tools such as EST (Edwards Support Toolkit),
FEUU (Flash EPROM Upgrade Utility) and others. So, the final component of this kit is
D37215870, an Edwards CD-ROM containing FTDI USB drivers for the Windows operating-
system, along with this instruction manual. Note that the CD-ROM does not contain the
actual Edwards PC software support tools, which must be acquired separately.
1.2.2 D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit
The main component of this kit is D49951141, an Edwards cable assembly with two 2-way
Weidmuller plugs at one end and a pump LON 4-way XLR plug at the other end.
The two Weidmuller connectors plug into a SLTA-10, an RS232LON adapter box, which is
manufactured by Echelon. The black Weidmuller connector carries 24 volts power from
the pump to the SLTA-10. The orange Weidmuller connector carries LON network
communications between the SLTA-10 and the pump.
The kit does not include the actual SLTA-10, which the user must purchase separately,
either directly from Echelon http://store.echelon.com/network_interfaces.asp or from an
Echelon distributor such as AVNET Express or RS.
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
There are several variants of the SLTA-10. The one required for use with Edwards pumps is
“SLTA-10/TP-78 Serial LonTalk Adapter” and the Echelon part number is “73352R”.
It is very important to purchase that specific variant, which is the only one that has the
“TP-78” (Twisted Pair – 78k baud) transceiver compatible for use with Edwards pumps.
The SLTA-10 has an RS232 9-way D-sub socket, which is intended to be connected to a PC
via an appropriate interface cable. However, neither the user-provided SLTA-10 nor the
Edwards provided SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit provide such an interface cable. The
user must purchase their own means of connecting their PC to the SLTA-10. Edwards
recommends, but does not supply, suitable USBRS232 adapters from FTDI: e.g.
US232R-10 Premium USB-Serial Converter US232R-100 Premium USB-Serial Converter
The ‘-10’ and ‘-100’ specify the cable length: 10cm (~4”) or 100cm (~40”), respectively.
Those FTDI US232R-10 and US232R-100 products can be ordered directly from their on-line
shop http://apple.clickandbuild.com/cnb/shop/ftdichip or from distributors such as
DigiKey, Farnell, Mouser or RS. They can also be ordered from EasySync, via their own
web-site http://www.easysync-ltd.com/category/115/usb-to-rs232.html z
whose part-numbers are ES-U-1001-R10 and ES-U-1001-R100, respectively.
When using a USBRS232 adapter with the SLTA-10, the connector locking nuts on both
parts tend to clash with each other.
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when plugged into each other

D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
The SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit therefore includes a 9-way D-sub “gender changer” (a
back-to-back 9-way D-sub plug and 9-way D-sub socket) whose own locking screws can be
removed, allowing it to be fitted between the USBRS232 adapter and the SLTA-10.
locking screws
The sole purpose for this kit is to allow an Edwards pump with a LON interface to be
supported via an SLTA-10 using various Edwards PC software tools such as EST, FEUU and
others. So, the final component of this kit is D37215870, an Edwards CD-ROM containing
Echelon LON drivers and associated utilities for the Windows operating-system, along with
this instruction manual. Note that the CD-ROM does not contain the actual Edwards PC
software support tools, which must be acquired separately.
This table shows which Edwards pump controller generations and types include a LON
Gen 1 (iQ, Mk1 iH)
Gen 2 (Mk2–5 iH/iL, iF)
Gen 4 (iXH/iXL, pXH, GXS/CXS)
System Controllers (Various)
Note that it is only necessary to connect a PC to a pump controller via a LON interface for
Gen 1 pumps: iQ and Mk1 iH. All later generations of pumps have an RS232 interface,
which is the Edwards recommended method for using with Edwards PC support software
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
1.2.3 Interface Kit Summary
If you need to run Edwards PC software tools to support a Gen 1 pump (iQ or Mk1 iH) then
you must connect the PC to the pump via its LON interface. The currently preferred
method for doing that is to purchase your own FTDI USBRS232 adapter and your own
Echelon SLTA-10 RS232LON adapter and to use them in conjunction with D372-15-810,
the Edwards SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit.
However, if you need to run Edwards PC software tools to support a Gen 2 or later
generation pump (Mk2-5 iH, iL, iF, IPX/EPX EUC, iGX/GX, iXH/iXL, GXS/CXS) then you
should connect the PC to the pump via its RS232 interface. The currently preferred
method for doing that is to use D372-15-805, the Edwards USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit.
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2 Technical Data
2.1 D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit
2.1.1 Electrical
USB powered, +5V dc from the PC
15mA operating supply current
USB 2.0 full speed compatible
USB Type A male connector
Pin 1: VCC (+5V dc)
Pin 2: Data-
Pin 3: Data+
Pin 4: Ground
D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
RS232 EIA-232 compatible
RS232 XLR 5-way male connector
Pin 1: 0V / Return
Pin 2: n/c (no connection)
Pin 3: TXD (transmit data from the pump to the PC)
Pin 4: RXD (receive data to the pump from the PC)
Pin 5: n/c
2.1.2 Operating Temperature
0° to +60°C
2.1.3 Cable
UL2464, 24 AWG, 5mm diameter
1.8m length
2.1.4 Certifications
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
The active part of the D372-15-805 USB Pump RS232 Interface Kit is a USB adapter cable
assembly manufactured by FTDI: their part number is USB-RS232-WE-1800-BT
Edwards adds the 5W XLR connector to that FTDI product, which is already CE marked and
meets European and FCC EMC standards. FTDI’s Declaration of Conformity is shown below,
indicating compliance with the European EMC Directive.
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D372-15-860 Issue Draft 1
2.2 D372-15-810 SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit
2.2.1 Electrical
Weidmuller 2-way black connector, type 1716470000
Pin 1 & Pin 2: power-supply, polarity insensitive
Weidmuller 2-way orange connector, type 1281760000
Pin 1 & Pin 2: LON network, polarity insensitive
LON XLR 4-way male connector
Pin 1: 0V / Return
Pin 2: +24V dc (from the pump)
Pin 3 & Pin 4: LON network, polarity insensitive
2.2.2 Operating Temperature
0° to +60°C
2.2.3 Cable
Belden 8723, 22 AWG, approximately 4mm diameter
1.8m length
2.2.4 Certifications
NOTE: The Edwards SLTA-10 Pump LON Interface Kit contains no active parts. This kit
needs to be used in conjunction with a user-supplied USBRS232 adapter, such as those
recommended from FTDI, and an Echelon SLTA-10 RS232LON adapter.
Refer to the documentation accompanying those user-supplied items for their own
technical data.
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