Edwards SCU-750, SCU-800, SCU-1400, SCU-1500, SCU-1600 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Profibus Module for SCU-750/800/1400/1500/1600
Issue E Original
Description Item Number
Profibus Module for SCU-750/800/1400/1500/1600 D397-51-500
Declaration of Conformity
We, Edwards Limited,
Crawley Business Quarter, Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9LW, UK
declare under our sole responsibility, as manufacturer and person within the EU authorised to assemble the technical file, that the product(s)
Profibus Module for SCU-750/800/1400/1500/1600 0397-51-500
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s)
EN61326-1:2013 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory (Class B Emissions, Use. EMC requirements. General requirements Industrial Immunity)
and fulfils all the relevant provisions of 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
Note: This declaration covers all product serial numbers from the date this Declaration was
signed onwards.
16.07.2015, Eastbourne
Larry Marini, Senior Technical Manager Date and Place
This product has been manufactured under a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2008
P200-02-300 Issue E
D397-51-880 Issue E


Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... ................................ 1
1.1 Scope and definitions ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Outline description ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Applicable SCU models .................................................................................................. 2
2 TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................3
2.1 Mechanical data .......................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Operating and storage data ............................................................................................ 3
2.3 Electrical data ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3.1 d.c. Power connector ................................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Profibus connector ...................................................................................................... 4
2.3.3 RS232 Connector .........................................................................................................5
3 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 6
3.1 Unpack and inspect ...................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Fitting the module ....................................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Rack mounting ........................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2 Panel mounting .......................................................................................................... 7
3.2.3 DIN rail mounting ........................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Electrical connections ................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Bus termination .......................................................................................................... 9
3.5 SCU-750 control unit set up ............................................................................................ 9
3.6 SCU-800/1400/1500/1600 control unit set up ......................................................................10
3.7 iX-455 control unit set up .............................................................................................10
4 OPERATION ...................................................................................... 11
4.1 Profibus system information ..........................................................................................11
4.2 Simple set up instructions .............................................................................................11
4.3 Front panel display .....................................................................................................11
4.4 Address set up ...........................................................................................................12
4.5 Baud rate .................................................................................................................14
4.6 Software format ........................................................................................................14
4.6.1 Parameterisation ........................................................................................................15
4.6.2 Configuration ............................................................................................................ 15
4.6.3 Configuration failure ...................................................................................................15
4.6.4 Diagnostics description ................................................................................................16
4.6.5 Data exchange values ..................................................................................................16
4.7 Software modules .......................................................................................................17
4.7.1 Module 01 - Pump Command ..........................................................................................17
4.7.2 Module 02 - Pump State ...............................................................................................18
4.7.3 Module 03 - Warning flags .............................................................................................18
4.7.4 Module 04 - Failure flags ..............................................................................................19
4.7.5 Module 05 - Pump Speed ...............................................................................................20
4.7.6 Module 06 - Motor Current ............................................................................................20
4.7.7 Module 07 - Motor Temperature ......................................................................................20
4.7.8 Module 08 - Control Unit Temperature ..............................................................................20
4.7.9 Module 09 - Supervisor software version ............................................................................20
4.7.10 Module 10 - Motor Drive software version ..........................................................................21
4.7.11 Module 11 - Active Magnetic Bearing software version ...........................................................21
4.7.12 Module 12 - Profibus software version ...............................................................................21
4.7.13 Module 13 - Pump Serial Number .....................................................................................21
4.7.14 Module 14 - Control Unit Serial Number ............................................................................21
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D397-51-880 Issue E
4.7.15 Module 15 - Pump Run Time ..........................................................................................21
4.7.16 Module 16 - Control Unit Run Time ..................................................................................21
4.7.17 Module 17 - Damage Limit counter ..................................................................................22
4.7.18 Module 18 - Speed Setpoint ...........................................................................................22
4.7.19 Module 19 - Xh Vibration ..............................................................................................22
4.7.20 Module 20 - Xb Vibration ..............................................................................................22
4.7.21 Module 21 - Z Vibration ................................................................................................22
4.7.22 Module 22 - Speed Demand ...........................................................................................23
5 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................... 24
5.1 Fault finding .............................................................................................................24
6 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL ....................................................................... 25
6.1 Storage ...................................................................................................................25
6.2 Disposal ...................................................................................................................25
7 SPARES AND ACCESSORIES ..................................................................... 26
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................26
7.2 Accessories ...............................................................................................................26
Index ........................................................... ................................... 27
For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.


Figure Page
1 Pin connections for the 2-way power connector .................................................................... 3
2 Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type socket ........................................................................... 4
3 Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type plug ............................................................................. 5
4 Dimensions of the Profibus module (mm) ............................................................................ 6
5 Panel mounting the module ............................................................................................ 7
6 DIN rail mounting the Module .......................................................................................... 8
7 Profibus module rear connections .................................................................................... 9
8 Profibus front panel display ...........................................................................................11
Table Page
1 Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type socket ........................................................................... 4
2 Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type plug ............................................................................. 5
3 Component checklist ....................................................................................................6
4 Serial interface cable ................................................................................................... 8
5 SCU-750 control unit command interface and communications parameters ................................... 9
6 Front panel symbols and their functions ............................................................................12
7 Address switch settings ................................................................................................12
8 Summary of software modules ........................................................................................17
9 Fault finding guide ......................................................................................................24
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D397-51-880 Issue E


1.1 Scope and definitions

This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards SCU Series Profibus Module. The module must be used as specified in this manual.
Read this manual before installing and operating the module. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; these instructions must be obeyed. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process.
Throughout this manual, page, figure or title numbers are sequential. The following labels appear on the module:
Warning - refer to accompanying documentation.
Edwards offer European customers a recycling service.
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D397-51-880 Issue E

1.2 Outline description

Edwards take no responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper use of the equipment.
This equipment provides remote control of an Edwards Turbo pump. Refer to the safety information in the turbo pump control unit manual.
This unit should not be relied upon for safety related functions.
The SCU Series Profibus Module provides a Prof ibus DP V0 slav e interfac e for the SCU turb omolecular pump control units listed in Section 1.3. The module communicates with the control unit using the RS232 interface. Commands received from the Profibus network are relayed to the control unit. Data from the control unit is stored in the module and transmitted over the Profibu s network when requested. The front panel of the module has four LE Ds which indicate the status of the module and the Profibus network. The Profibus slave address is set using rotary switches. The back panel of the module has a 9-way 'D' connector for the Profibus network, a 9-way 'D' connector for the RS232 link to the control unit and a power connector.
Refer to the product manuals listed in Section 1.3 for full operation of the turbo pump control units.

1.3 Applicable SCU models

The Large-Medium Series Profibus Module is for use with the following SCU models:
SCU Control Unit Product Manual
SCU-750 MT-56E-101 SCU-800 MT-49E-101 SCU-1400 MT-72E-101 SCU-1500 MT-59E-101 SCU-1600 MT-76E-101 STP-iX455 series control unit MT-64E-002
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2.1 Mechanical data

Weight 0.28 kg Dimensions 129 x 30.5 x 117 mm
Refer to Section 3.2 for installed dimensions and panel cut-out.

2.2 Operating and storage data

Ambient operating temperature 0°C to 40°C Humidity Max 90% RH non-condensing Maximum altitude 2000 m IP rating IP30 - indoor use only Ambient storage temperature -30°C to 70°C
D397-51-880 Issue E

2.3 Electrical data

Do not exceed the maximum supply voltage. Excessive supply voltage will cause permanent damage to the control electronics and may result in a mechanical hazard in some failure conditions.
Electrical supply 9 V d.c. to 52 V d.c. Power consumption 5 W max. Switch on surge 500 mA max. Fuse No internal fuse

2.3.1 d.c. Power connector

Connector type 2 Way Receptacle. Mating part is cable-mount
Terminal Block (supplied). Suitable parts include: Phoenix MSTB 2.5/2-G-5.08; Weidmuller BLZ 5.08/2; Amp 796634-2; IMO 21.950/2 (Refer to Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Pin connections for the 2-way power connector
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D397-51-880 Issue E

2.3.2 Profibus connector

Connector type 9-way ‘D’ type socket (Refer to Figure 2) Profibus Data signals Electrically compliant with RS485 specification.
Profibus Power Supply 10 mA supply (protected) for external terminator
Chassis For Profibus cable screen connection Repeater control signal Digital signal, nominally 0-5 V but with series 340 ohm
Figure 2 - Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type socket
Isolated from chassis.
resistors if required.
resistor. High = module transmitting. Low = Receiving or Idle.
Table 1 - Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type socket
Pin Allocation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Chassis (box) Not connected Profibus Data + (B) Control Signal for Repeater Profibus Data reference (isolated) Profibus 5V output (isolated) Not connected Profibus Data - (A) Not connected Chassis (box)
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2.3.3 RS232 Connector

Connector type 9-way ‘D’ type plug (Refer to Figure 3)
For connection to serial comms port of SCU control unit only.
RS232 protocol 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, no parity
Figure 3 - Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type plug
Table 2 - Pin connections for 9-way ‘D’ type plug
D397-51-880 Issue E
Pin Allocation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Not connected RS232 receive RS232 transmit Not connected RS232 common Not connected Not connected Not connected Not connected Chassis (box)
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D397-51-880 Issue E


3.1 Unpack and inspect

Remove all of the packaging material and check the module . If the module is damaged, follow the Edwards return of equipment procedures that are laid out in the back of this manual. Do not use the module if it is damaged.
Check that the package contains the items that are listed in Table 3. If any of these items are missing , notify the supplier in writing within three days. If the module is not to be used immediately, store in suitable conditions as described in Section 6.1.
Table 3 - Component checklist
Quantity Description Check()
1Module 1 Instruction Manual 1 DC Power Connector 2DIN Rail clips 2 Mounting screws 4 Rubber feet 1 CD (includes GSD file) 1 RS-232 cable for SCU connection

3.2 Fitting the module

The unit is IP30 rated. Please ensure that the unit is not installed where fluids can enter into the Module.
The module can be rack mounted, panel mounted, DIN rail mounted or free-standing. Sufficient space must be provided at the rear of the unit for the cables. If right-angled connectors are used additional space will be required.
If the unit is to be used free-standing it should be laid flat to ensure stability. The four self-adhesive rubber feet can be used to prevent sliding. Figure 4 shows the dimensions of the module with the rubber feet attached.
Figure 4 - Dimensions of the Profibus module (mm)
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