Eddie Bauer enRoute User Manual

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Read all instructions BEFORE USING
this child restraint.
Para recibir las instrucciones en español,llame al
1-800-544-1108 o solicitarse por escrito al dirección por arriba.
Weight: 30-100 pounds (13.6-45.4 kg)
Height: 34-57 inches (85.1-
144.8 cm)
This child restraint is designed for use by children whose:
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BBeelltt--PPoossiittiioonniinngg BBoooosstteerr
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Replacement Parts List
NOTE: If requested color is not available, similar color will
be substituted.
Part Cost Quantity Total Cost
Seat Pad . . . . . . . .$24.99 X______= $ ______________
Cup Holder
Inserts . . . . . . . .$3.99 X______= $ ______________
Instructions . . . . . . .$0.00 X______= $ ______________
Merchandise Total $______________ Shipping and handling: $______________
Sales Tax $ ____________
(Indiana,California, Arkansas, and Massachusetts residents add applicable sales tax.
Grand Total $ ______________
No shipping and handling on instruction manuals on quantities 6 or less. Add $.50 for each instruction manual over 6,then add applicable shipping
and handling.No shipping and handling on instructions for quantities under 6. Add $.50 for each instruction over 6, then add applicable shipping and handling.
Up to $25.00 . . . . . . . . . .$5.95
$25.01 to $50.00 . . . . . . .$6.95
$50.01 to $75.00 . . . . . . .$8.95
$75.01 to $100.00 . . . . . .$9.95
$100.01 to $150.00 . . . . .$10.95
$150.01 to $200.00 . . . . .$11.95
$200.01 and up . . . . . . . .$13.95
Outside Continental USA $10.00
Failure to follow the warnings on the labels and in the instruction manual can result in the death or serious injury of your child.
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Before You Begin...
Table of Contents
General and Warm W eather Use..................................................4
Registration and Recall....................................................................4
Aircraft Installation ..........................................................................4
Choosing Restraint and Position ..................................................5
Understanding Y our V ehicle ........................................................6-7
Child Restraint Parts....................................................................8-9
Preparing Child Restraint ............................................................10
Headrest Adjustment ....................................................................11
Adjusting Backrest..........................................................................12
Cupholder ........................................................................................13
Knowing Y our V ehicle Belts ..........................................................14
Belt-Positioning Booster Use ....................................................15
Belt-Positioning Booster Installation
Seat Back Installation ......................................................16-17
Without Seat Back Installation ......................................18-19
Removing Seat Pad for Cleaning ..........................................20-22
Troubleshooting ..............................................................................23
Warranty ..........................................................................................24
Replacement Parts Order Form ..........................................25-26
Thank you for choosing this car seat,referred to throughout this manual as a child restraint.The DJG family is committed to creating a child restraint with the most comfort and convenience available today.
Remember, parents are a child’s first teachers and examples.If you always buckle your seat belt,your child will think it is the natural thing to do.Make it a firm rule that the vehicle does not go until everyone is buckled up. Make no exceptions.
No one can predict if use of a child restraint will prevent injury or death in a particular crash.However, combined with careful driving,proper use of a child restraint can lower a child’s risk of injury or death in most crashes.
Your child’s safety is worth the time it will take to read and follow these instructions. After reading, if you still have questions or have any problems with this child restraint,please contact our Consumer Relations Department at:
Dorel Juvenile Group,Inc.
Website: www.djgusa.com Fax: 1-800-207-8182 Mailing Address: Dorel Juvenile Group,Inc.
P.O.Box 2609 Columbus,IN 47202-2609
Telephone: 1-800-544-1108
7 A.M. to 6 P.M.EST M-TH 7 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.EST FRI
On the bottom of the shell there is an expiration date for use of this child restraint. Do not use this seat after the expiration date.
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According to accident statistics,children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seating positions than in the front seating positions.
Never place a child less than one-year old forward-facing.
Do not use this child restraint if the midpoint of your child's head is above the top of the vehicle seat back or vehicle headrest.
Check vehicle instructions for more information about air bag/child restraint use.
The vehicle belt must stay tight at the belt path. If you don’t,your child could be seriously injured or killed.
Never take your child out of the child restraint or try to tend to your child’s needs while the vehicle is moving.Never leave child unattended.
Do not use a child restraint with damaged or missing parts.
Do not substitute parts or try to modify the child restraint in any way.
Failure to follow these warnings could result in the serious injury or death of your child. To help you recognize those instructions which are most critical for your child’s safety,we use this symbol :
Do not use a child restraint that has been in a crash.You must get a new child restraint.
Use the child restraint only on vehicle seats that face forward.Do not use on seats that face the sides or rear of the vehicle.
Check the vehicle belt before each use. Use only if the belt can be tightened properly and securely.
This child restraint should be securely belted in the vehicle even when not in use.In a crash or sudden stop,an unsecured child restraint could injure other occupants.
Dorel Juvenile Group does not recommend the use of any child restraint accessories except those provided by DJG.
Never allow any child to play with this child restraint;it is not a toy.
Do not remove any of the warning labels or other labels on the child restraint.
Placing your child in a hot child restraint may result in burns.
Do not use this child restraint without the seat pad.
Read instructions for other warnings.
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Registration and Recall Information
This child restraint is not certified for aircraft use. Aircraft seats are not equipped with lap/shoulder belts,which are required for use with this child restraint.
Aircraft Installation
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons.You must register this restraint to be reached in a recall. Fill out the registration card attached to the child restraint or send your name,address and the restraint’s model number and manufacturing date to:
Dorel Juvenile Group,Inc. P.O.Box 2609,Columbus,IN 47202-2609 Attn:Consumer Relations or call 1-800-544-1108
You can now register your child restraint online at www.djgusa.com. Please do not send in your registration card if you registered your child restraint online.
For recall information,call the U.S.Government's Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800­424-9153),or go to http://www.NHTSA.gov.
Choosing Restraint and Position
Your child’s height,weight and age determine how your child restraint should be placed in the vehicle and which restraint should be used.
Booster with Backrest 30-100 lbs (13.6-45.4 kg)
34-57 in.(85.1-144.8 cm) and Over 1 Year Old
Vehicle lap/shoulder belt combination
Child and child restraint face the front of the vehicle and are placed in the back seat.
General and Warm Weather Use
To help protect your vehicle seat’s upholstery from damage, use a towel underneath and behind child restraint.
To avoid your child being seriously burned,take the following precautions:
1.Park in the shade or where sun does not directly hit the child restraint.
2.Cover the child restraint with a sheet or blanket when not in use.
3.Check for hot seat and buckles before placing child in child restraint.
Booster without Backrest
40-100 lbs (18.1-45.4 kg) 43-57 in.(110.1-144.8 cm) and Over 1 Year Old
Vehicle lap/shoulder belt combination
Child and child restraint face the front of the vehicle and are placed in the back seat.
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Your vehicle’s features may be considerably different than those pictured here.Consult your vehicle owner’s manual to help identify your vehicle’s specific features.
Understanding Your Vehicle
A.Anchor Bracket
For T op Anchorage Strap
(Forward-facing only)
B. LA TCH Anchors
(In seat bight)
C.Seat Buckles
D.Air Bag
(Consult your vehicle owner’s manual for all air bag locations)
E.Seat Bight
(Where seat cushions
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