Copyright 2007 by Eclipse, Inc. All rights reservedworldwide. This publication is protected by federalregulation and shall not be copied, distributed,transmitted, transcribed or translated into any human orcomputer language, in any form or by any means, to anythird parties, without the express written consent ofEclipse, Inc.
other injury, loss, damage or expenses, whether direct orconsequential, including but not limited to loss of use,income, or damage to material arising in connection withthe sale, installation, use of, inability to use, or the repairor replacement of Eclipse’s products.
Any operation expressly prohibited in this manual, anyadjustment, or assembly procedures not recommended or authorized in these instructions shall void the warranty.
Disclaimer Notice
In accordance with the manufacturer’s policy of continualproduct improvement, the product presented in thisbrochure is subject to change without notice or obligation.
The material in this manual is believed adequate for theintended use of the product. If the product is used forpurposes other than those specified herein, confirmationof validity and suitability must be obtained. Eclipsewarrants that the product itself does not infringe upon anyUnited States patents. No further warranty is expressed orimplied.
Liability & Warranty
We have made every effort to make this manual asaccurate and complete as possible. Should you find errorsor omissions, please bring them to our attention so that wemay correct them. In this way we hope to improve ourproduct documentation for the benefit of our customers.Please send your corrections and comments to ourMarketing Communications Manager.
It must be understood that Eclipse’s liability for its product,whether due to breach of warranty, negligence, strictliability, or otherwise is limited to the furnishing ofreplacement parts and Eclipse will not be liable for any
Document Conventions
There are several special symbols in this document. Youmust know their meaning and importance.
The explanation of these symbols follows below. Pleaseread it thoroughly.
How To Get Help
If you need help, contact your local Eclipse representative.You can also contact Eclipse at:
Please have the information on the product label availablewhen contacting the factory so we may better serve you.
Product NameItem #S/NDD MMM YYYY
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personalinjurt hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoidpossible injury or death.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in deathor serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result indeath or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result inminor or moderate injury.
Is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
Indicates an important part of text. Read thoroughly.
The Eclipse AH-MA DualBlock burner belongs to thefamily of "AH-MA burners" and it is designed for work atthe core of the air flow to be heated. It is modular and withthe mixing in the head. The burner itself is supplied with aflange to couple it to the wall or it can be mounted on aplate ready for insertion into the unit machine or duct,needing a minimum combustion chamber. The fan may beinterior or exterior to the machine or duct. The standardapplications are for ducts in depression or lightly over-pressured.
These burners are designed to obtain an extremely cleancombustion. Their complete independence from the airflow to be heated permits their application in all types offurnaces, ovens and dryers, even when there is a highdegree of humidity, very low concentration of oxygen,large variations in the flow, etc.
The great flexibility of the power that these units can workwith, a ratio higher than 20 to 1 permits changing from themaximum to minimum power to correctly attend the needsof the system temperature.
External Mounting
This manual has been written for people who are alreadyfamiliar with all aspects of a combustion system and itsadd-on components, also referred to as “the burnersystem”.
These aspects are:
• Design / Selection
• Use
• Maintenance
The audience is expected to be qualified and haveexperience with this type of equipment and its workingenvironment.
The purpose of this manual is to ensure the installation ofa safe, effective, and trouble-free combustion system iscarried out.