All numbers subject to variation due to production tolerances. ECLER SA reserves the right to make changes or
improvements in manufacturing or design which may affect specifications.
Safety Instructions
In order to get the optim um operation and efficiency f rom your mixing unit, it is VERY IMPOR TANT - before you
plug anything - to read this m anual v ery car efull y and tak e ser iousl y into acc ount all cons iderat ions sp ecif ied within
it. We strongly recommend that its maintenance be carried out by our Authorised Technical Services.
This apparatus must be earthed through its mains cable.
Do not expose the unit to rain or water splashes, and do not place liquid containers or incandescent
objects like candles on top of the unit.
Any change in the configuration of the unit must be carried out by a qualified technician. Should any
connection / disconnection task be done, always disconnect the unit from the mains supply.
Warranty Descriptions
Your ECLER equipm ent has undergone exhaustive laborat ory and qualit y control tests before leaving the fac tory.
Nevertheless, your may be in need of our Technical Service during the period covered by the Guarantee or
afterwards. In that cas e, caref ully protect your equipm ent in its or iginal pac ket and s end it to our Technical Service
with the transport and insur ance paid. Attac h a photocop y of your Guarantee Certificate an d a detailed desc ription
of the defect you have observed.
ECLER S.A. guarantees th e NUO4.0 mixer against material defec ts and manuf acturing faults for the period of one
year, starting from the original purchase date.
ECLER, S.A., will repair th e defective equipment within the aforem entioned period, with no charge for parts and
To ensure the validity of the G uarantee, it is essential that the attached Guar antee, Registration Card is f illed out
correctly and remitted to your ECLER distributor, within 10 DAYS after date of purchase.
The Guarantee is non-transferable and protects the original buyer only.
The Guarantee does not cover:
Damages caused by mistreatment or negligent handling, lack of elementary precautions, disregard to the
instructions in the manual, faulty connection or accidents.
ECLER, S.A., will not be held respons ible for any direct or indirect dam age, loss or other damage or iginated b y or
relating to the set.
* sets that have been manipulated, altered or repaired other than at the authorized Technical Service centers.
* the exterior fittings and electro-m ec hanica l parts, nor their wear due to use.
* shipping and insurance expenses, nor for damages the set may incur during its transport.
This Guaranteed is valid only for repairs or services carried out at an authorized Technical Service Center.
Congratulations for acquiring a genuine, profes s ional E CLER device!
The NUO4.0 is a prof essio nal DJ mixer designed and m anufac tured b y ECLER; an ent erprise with headq uarter s in
Barcelona, which works on professional audio equipment since 1965.
The NUO4.0 is a profess ional audio mixer thought f or any kind of DJ, due to its wide range of functions, which
make it a console able to mix any kind of music style: techno, house, minimal, electro, hip hop, …
The NUO4.0 is a mixer though t for scratching techniques, due to the vers atility of the adjustments of faders and
crossfaders. The NUO4.0 i s fur therm or e able to wear t he ET ERNA L c r ossf ader , ECLER ’s magnetic crossfader wit h
5 years guarantee, which has been specially designed for scratching specialists.
This genuine mixer uses the best components available on the market, obtaining the highest possible sound
quality. The over 40 years of ex perience in the design of profess ional audio equipment make that the c ircuits are
extremely efficient a nd a warm and c rystal cle ar anal ogue s ound is o btained. All c ircuits ar e m ounted an d tes ted in
our factory site in Barcelona.
Furthermore, the NUO 4.0 is a mixer which has be en specially designed for a ll kinds of professional ins tallations,
thanks to its two ba lanced outputs and its t wo microphone inputs. Its desi gn and resistance turn it into the ideal
console for professional installations, as well as for mobile applications executed by trendiest DJ’s.
The main consideration to be taken when looking for the best setup location for the NUO4.0 has to be the
maximum commodity for the user and the easiness for realizing the necessary connections.
The NUO4.0 has been basically designed as an on desk mixer and its usual
location will be between two turntables or CD players. The mixer is 37 cm
(14.57") deep and 32 cm (12.6") wide.
Using the metallic side panel kit (o ptionally avai lable) you m ay fix your NUO4.0
directly on a support surface or on those side panels which also allow you to
skew it. The "NUORAKI" metallic holders allow you to install the mixer in a
standard 19" rack.
Because of the high gain of the PHONO and MICRO inputs, alwa ys try to place
the mixer as far away as pos sible from noise sources (dim mers, engines, etc.)
and mains wires. For th e very same reason, and und er any circumstance, you
should never remove the unit's metallic cover.
The power consumpt ion of t he NUO4 .0 is very low, so they do not n eed an y coo ling, but you sho uld a void ex treme
temperatures and the atmosphere should be as dry and dust free as possible.
The NUO4.0 operates no w with a new universal input power suppl y “Switching Power Supply” and can pe rfectly
works without any interna l modific ation from 90V to 264V – 47 to 63Hz. Make sure that t he mains-w ire is far away
from the signal-cables in order to avoid any possible audio hum.
In order to protect the unit from an eventual electric al overload it carries a T 0.5A f use. Should it ever blow up,
unplug the unit fr om mains and replace it with an identical one. If the new fuse blows again contact immediatel y
with our authorized technical service.
CAUTION: Fuse substitutions have to be performed by a qualified technician.
Audio input connections
INPUT 1 PHONO Turntable
INPUT 2 PHONO Turntable
INPUT 3 PHONO Turntable
INPUT 3 MICRO Microphone
INPUT 4 PHONO Turntable
INPUT 4 MICRO Microphone
Phono Inputs
Phono Turntables m ust be fitted with a magnetic car tridge with nom inal output leve l between -55d BV and -25dBV
(1,77 to 56mV). T he PHONO inputs (35) of th e NUO4.0 have a high headr oom (margin before satur ation) and it
can handle higher ou tput c artr idg es than what is usual . These inputs are supp lie d wi th a nominal input sens itivity of
Line Inputs
The sensitivity of the input s mark ed as LINE ( 36) is 0 dBV (1V). You ca n connec t sound so urces s uch as CD , DAT
or MP3 players, as well as keyboards and other instruments.
Microphone input
The MICRO inputs ( 13, 37) are a djusted f or a nom inal input level of -35dBV. The front al conn ector ( 13) is a c om bo
XLR3/Jack type, while the rear connector (37) is a XLR·type. These microphone inputs allow connections in
balanced mode. The connection has to be done as follows:
Hot or direct signal > Pin 2 Tip
Cold or inverted signal > Pin 3 Ring
Ground > Pin 1 Sleeve
The microphones must have low impedance (from 200 to 600Ω) and must be monophonic. For unbalanced
connections, a short circ uit m ust be done between pi n 3 and ground or th e center r ing. The NUO4.0 wears an 18V
Phantom power for c ondenser m icrophones. An int ernal jum per allows disabl ing the phantom power. T he NUO4.0
MICRO input is delivered ex works with enabled phantom power (see the configuration diagram).
Audio outputs connections
MASTER Main power amplifier
BOOTH Booth/Room2 power amplifier
REC Recording
FX Send/Return External effect device (Input and Output)
Headphones Headphones
MASTER output
This stereo output feeds the PA system through balanced XLR3 connectors (38, 39) and an unbalanced RCA
connector (40). The nominal level for MASTER output is set to 0dBV (1V), but can be set to +6dBV using an
internal jumper. The MASTER output level is controlled by the MASTER potentiometer (24).
Near the MASTER c on trol l er you w ill f in d t he L +R switch (27), whic h ad ds th e lef t c hann el an d t he r ight c ha n nel f or
MASTER and BOOTH outp uts. This function is especi ally useful if a f ailure occurs on one of the channe ls during a
live session (a typical example could be a bad c ontact in the turntable ’s capsule). Enabling this switch, the mixer
will send the L+R sum to both loudspeakers, so that the major part of the audience will not notice the malfunction.
MASTER and BOOTH have a balance controller BAL (26)
BOOTH output
Normally this is used to obtain an independent output for the DJ booth. This stereo BOOTH output wears a
balanced XLR3 output and an unbalanced RCA output. The nominal level for the BO OTH output is set to 0dBV
(1V), but can be adjusted to +6dBV usi ng an intern al j um per. T he BOOT H output leve l is con trol led b y the BOO TH
potentiometer (25).
Record output
There is a REC output (22 ) on the control surface, whic h uses RCA connectors. T he nominal output level f or the
REC output is 0dBV (1V). This output is taken post-fader, before the MASTER signal.
FX Send/Return effects loop
The RCA connectors on th e FX SEND output (41) an d the FX RETURN input ( 42) allow creating a si gnal loop for
external effects processors, samplers or sequencers. The nominal l evel for the SEND output, as well as for the
RETURN input, is 0dBV (1V).
The signal sent to the FX SEND output c an be taken before or behind the fader using the PRE/ POST switch (9)
and the send level ca n be set usin g the as sociat ed po tentiom eter (8). T he NUO4. 0 also wear s a general FX SEN D
controller (17), which a dds the four channels, a general FX RET URN controller (15) and a controller for t he FX
RETURN monitoring signal, FX PFL (16).
In order to obtain a high perf ormance, these should be of the high impedanc e type (200-600Ω). T hese are to be
connected to the headpho nes output (30) located on the controller surfac e using a stereophonic, normalized ¼’’
jack connector or a 3.5mm minijack connector. Sleeve is Ground, Ring is Right Channel and Tip is Left Channel.
Install and connect the NUO4.0 as described in the INSTALLATION paragraph nº1.
We will describe a “Quick Start” procedure using the LINE input of
channel 1 and headphone monitoring output only.
1. Set the controllers to their initial position
Set the rotating controllers GAIN, HI, MID and LOW from channel 1 (3,
4, 5, 6) to their central position. Set th e channel’s fader (11) to its lower
end and assign the A/OFF/B switch (10) to position A (the channel is
now assigned to the crossfader’s A side).
2. Connect the headphones
Connect them to the headphones output (30). Set the headphones
LEVEL controller (29) to minimum level and move the SELECT (28)
controller into PFL position.
3. Connect a CD player
Connect a CD p layer to LINE input on cha nnel 1 (36), insert a CD and
play the CD.
4. Connect the mixer's power cable
Connect the power c ab le t o the mixer’s power supp ly input (43) and turn
it on using the MAI NS IN PUT s witch (45). Both elem ents are located on
the mixer’s backside.
5. Select the input source
Make sure that chann el 1’s input switc h (1) is in LINE position and that
the channel’s VU-meter (2) glows up. If this doesn’t happen, verify that
the CD player is correctly connected and that there is an audio track
being played back.
6. Adjust the input level
Move the GAIN (3) control until the VU-meter shows 0dB.
7. Send the signal to the main output
Move the fader from channel 1 (11) all the way up and set the
crossfader (12) to side A.
8. Listen to the signal with your headphones
Press the PFL button (7) on c hanne l 1. Adjust the LEVEL contr ol ler (29) to obt ai n a c om f or table monitoring volume.
Now you should hear music with your headphones. Turn the SELECT controller (28) to the right to c rossfade the
PFL signal and the MIX s ignal. When this controller is c ompletely turned to the right, only the MIX s ignal will be
9. Try the operation of the tone controllers
Experiment with this po werful 3-way stereo equal iser (4, 5, 6). This tone contr ol has been designed f or a creative
sound edition: each way can be individually isolated using the big and ergonomic rotary controllers.
10. Verify the crossfader settings.
Each channel can be assigned to the crossfader using the A/OFF/B
switch (10). T he crossfader allows melting the signals assigned to its
sides. If the switc h is in pos ition A or B, the c hanne l is assigne d to o ne
or the other side of the crossfader. The OFF position disables the
crossfader function for this channel.
11. Adjust the crossfader curve
The XFADER SHAPE control (19) allows you to precisely adjust the
skew angle of the cr ossf ader’s c urve. T urning the c ontroller com pletel y
to the left, the two songs will be melt softly. The crossfader’s curve
raises when turning the controller to the right. Moving the controller
completely to the right, th e signal will enter suddenl y with just a short
movement of the crossfader, which is a very suitable feature for
scratching techniques.
This can be done using the switch (45) located at the mixer’s back panel. Now the LED ON (23) indicator will
highlight. Even if the noise produced while enabling the NUO4.0 is as low as possible and gets completely
cancelled if all faders are turned down, it is always recommendable to turn on the devices using the following
1. Sound sources.
2. Mixer, equalizers, active filters.
3. Finally, power amplifiers.
Powering off should be don e by followin g the exac t rever se sequenc e in order t o avoid an y possib le damage to the
Control Description
Input selector
Each channel features an input toggle switch selector (1).
Channel GAIN
All the NUO4.0 input channels ha ve an accessible input sens itivity GAIN control (3). The GAIN controls adjus t the
input level of each channel in order to compensate the different sources connected to the mixer.
The gain adjustments should be done with great care, using as a r ef erenc e t he V U-meter (2) on eac h chan nel. The
standard level reference used to mix audio signals is 0dBV.
The gain margin is set to ±15d B, but can be reduced to ±6dB V. This setting is independe nt for each channel and
can be done using soldering bridges. See the configuration diagram.
The tone control system for each channel of f ers a wide range of modification from -30 to +10dB f or lo w f r eque nc ies
(6) and high frequenci es (4) and f rom -25 to +1 0dB for m iddle frequ encies (5) . This wide ran ge of var iation, kno wn
as “kill” type, can completely a ttenuate the selected fre quency range and has bee n speciall y designed f or creative
usage during live sessions.
ATTENTION: Use equalization carefully, by boosting too much the low frequency range, you can induce an
excessive displacement of the speakers membrane.
Monitoring System
The NUO4.0 is equipped with a flexible and easy monitoring system that will allow the performers to finely tune PFL
(Pre-fader listening) and M ix levels of each input t hrough the VU-MET ER and the HEAD PHONES. Each c hannel
can be monitorized visually and pre-listened pressing the dedicated PFL (7) button.
For HEADPHONES monitoring, the SEL ECT rotary potentiometer (28) allows you to blend a se lecte d PF L to geth er
with the main MIX Program. The LEVEL rotary potentiometer (29) controls the level of headphones output.
Each channel has a dedicated VU-meter that allows visual monitoring of the PFL signal (2).
Sending to external effects units FX Send/Return
The 4 channels from the NUO4.0 are equipped with potent iometers (8) that allo w sendi ng the signal to an ex ternal
effects unit, sampler, etc. These potentiometers allow to precisely adjusting the signal level sent from each
The FX SEND output (4 1) has to be co nnected t o th e ef fec ts proc essor ’s input an d its o utput t o the R ET URN input
(42) or any LINE input (36).
This signal send ca n be configured either P RE or POST fader with th e PRE/POST toggle sw itch (9), so that the
level is affected or not by the channel fader.
The NUO4.0 also wears a general FX SEND con troller (17), which adds the four channels, a g eneral FX RETURN
controller (15) and a controller for the FX RETURN monitoring signal, FX PFL (16).
The NUO4.0 is equippe d with the new generat ion of ECLER 60mm faders (11) which are precise, extremely soft
and their features withstand over 4.000.000 manipulations, thanks to the ECLER VCA system (VCA: Voltage
Controlled Amplifier)
The usage of VCA technolog y allows the modif ication of the f ader's behavior. On the f rontal panel you will f ind the
FADER SHAPE potentiom eter (18), which allows adjusting the fader's curve so that the volume is proportionally
distributed on the fader’s range or that it appears suddenly.
Each channel can b e ass i g ned t o t he c r oss f ader (12) us ing t he A/OF F/ B switch (10). The cr oss f ader allo ws melting
the signals assigned to its sides. If the s witch is in positio n A or B, the chann el is ass igned to one or the other side
of the crossfader. The OFF position disables the crossfader function for this channel.
The NUO4.0’s crossfader includes a range of controls which allow adjusting its behavior and make it a really
accurate tool. The X FADER SHAPE co ntrol (19) allo ws you to precise ly adjust the s kew angle of the crossfader’s
curve. Turning the controlle r completely to the left, the two songs will be melt softly. T he crossfader’s c urve raises
when turning the controller to the right. Moving the c ontroller com pletely to the right, the sign al will enter suddenl y
with just a short movement of the crossfader, which is a very suitable feature for scratching techniques.
The REVERSE sw itch (20) inverts the cr ossfader’s direction . Depending on the selec ted direction, it is p ossible to
perform “cuts” as well as “transforms” moving the crossfader into the same direction.
The electronically correction for the CUT IN (21) is only effective if the NUO4.0 has been equipped with the optional
ETERNAL crossfader. If it only wears the s tandard cross fader, the CUT IN pote ntiometer m ust remain in the OFF
position. The CUT IN is the existing dist ance between the ph ysical end of the crossfader and the entering point of
the signal. The positi on with the shortest CUT IN provides a nearly instantan eous signal cut. To find t his position
the fader has to be set to an end and the C UT IN potentiometer m ust be turned rightwards until a m usical signal
can be heard. To enlarge the CUT IN time, turn the potentiometer to the left.
If you want to extend the life tim e of your crossfader, the NUO 4.0 allows the insta llation of the awarded ETERNAL
crossfader. This inducti ve crossfader techno logy is based on a magnet ic control s ystem and is completel y contact
free. The combination of thi s technolog y with an exc lusive, m echanical slid ing sys tem provides a s oft handli ng and
one of the most precise c rossfaders available these da ys. The inductive ETERNAL c rossfader has been specially
designed to execute ex treme turntablism techniques, which req uire an extremely soft and fast m ovement of the
If you wish to install the ETERNAL crossfader, please accomplish the following instructions:
1. Remove the buttons from the sliding and rotating potenti ometers
of the mixer surface.
2. Unscrew the out er scr ews hol ding t he m ixer contr ol plate in place
and remove it.
3. Remove the two screws holding the crossfader in place and
remove it.
4. Carefully disconnect the multipin connector.
5. Replace the crossfader with the ETERNAL crossfader.
6. Connect the multipin connector you disconnected before.
7. Fix it with the two screws. Make sure the orientation is the one described on the drawing.
8. Put the control plate back in place and screw it tight.
9. Put the potentiometer buttons back in place.
ATTENTION: Always use original ECLER replacement parts.
WARNING: the replacement of the crossfader has to be done by a qualified technician.
MASTER and BOOTH output levels
The NUO4.0 features t wo main output level contro ls MA ST ER and BO OTH. The MASTER level is contr o ll e d b y the
MASTER (24) level knob. The BOOTH level is controlled by the BOOTH (25) level knob.
The balance potentiometer BAL (26) and the L+R switch (27) affect both outputs.
Ground loops
Ensure at all tim es that no signal sourc es reaching the m ixing desk and no devi ces connected to its o utput have
their earths interconn ected; that is, earth shoul d never reach them via two or more different paths, as this could
lead to humming wh ich could even in terfere with sound r eproduction qu ality. In order to avoid earth loops , ensure
that the shielding of cables, if connected to the chassis, are never connected with each other.
Background noise
The use of active circuitry can yield, depending on the conf iguration, to a significant noise lev el. The NUO4.0 has
been designed for the m inimum poss ible noise. An yway, the noise le vel will al ways depend on the c orrect u se and
installation of the m ixer. It i s not the same s etting up t he FAD ER at " 2" and the MAST ER at "10 " that th e ot her wa y
round; FADER at "10" and MASTER at "2". In the first case you get a poor signal to noise ratio that will be fully
amplified by the m aster while o n the s econd we hav e a goo d sig nal to nois e ratio onl y amplifie d b y "2". As a result,
the background noise is greater in the first case than in the second one.
Audio connections
As a general rule of thum b, make the signal connections as short as possible and use the best connecto rs and
cable available. Cables and connector s are frequently he ld cheap, forgetting t hat a bad connec tion can result i n a
poor sound quality.
The control panel s hould never be cle aned with solvent or abrasive substanc es as it could bec ome damaged. To
clean it, use a slightly moist soft cloth, together with a neutral liquid detergent, and then dry it with a clean cloth. It is
advisable to remove all s weat stains after use. Be caref ul to ensure that water never enter s the machine through
any of the openings.
1. Input selector
2. LED VU Meter
3. Input sensitivity adjust, GAIN
4. Treble control, HI
5. Midrange control, MID
6. Bass control, LOW
7. Prefader listening control, PFL
8. Fx Send controller, FX SEND
9. Send switch to effect bus, PRE/POST
10. Send to XF switch, A/OFF/B
11. Fader
12. Crossfader control
13. Microphone XLR/JACK combo
connector, MICRO
14. LED VU Meter
15. Fx Return controller, FX RETURN
16. Prefader listening control, FX PFL
17. Fx Send controller, FX SEND
18. Fader Shape adjustment, FADER
19. Crossfader Shape adjuster,
20. Crossfader reverse function,
21. Crossfader "cut in time" adjustment,
22. Recording output, REC OUT
23. LED indicator, ON
24. Volume control, MASTER
25. Volume control, BOOTH
26. Balance control, BAL
27. Left and Right signal sum, L+R
28. PFL/MIX monitoring crossfader,
29. Headphones volume control, LEVEL
30. Stereo jack headphones
31. Ground pin, GND
32. Left channel balanced output,
33. Right channel balanced output,
34. RCA output, BOOTH
35. Phono input, PHONO
36. Line input, LINE
37. Micro input, MICRO
38. Left channel balanced output,
39. Right channel balanced output, MASTER R
40. RCA output, MASTER
41. External FX send output, FX SEND
42. External FX return input, FX RETURN
43. Mains socket
44. Fuse holder
45. Power switch
14 15
Todos los datos están sujetos a variación debida a toleranc ias de producción. ECLER S.A. se reserva el derecho de
realizar cambios o mejoras en la fabricación o diseño que pudieran afectar las especificaciones.
Instrucciones de seguridad
Para conseguir la máxima funcionalidad del aparato y su máximo rendimiento, es muy importante antes de su
conexión, leer detenidam ente y tener m uy presentes l as c onsiderac iones que en este m anual se es pec ifican . Para
garantizar el óptimo funcionamiento de este aparato, recomendamos que su mantenimiento y eventuales
reparaciones sean llevadas a cabo por nuestros Servicios Técnicos autorizados.
Este aparato debe conectarse a tierra a través de su cable de red.
No exponer la unidad a l a lluvia o a s alpicad uras de ag ua, no col ocar r ecipient es que cont engan lí quidos
u objetos incandescentes tales como velas sobre el aparato.
Cualquier cambio e n la configuración de la unidad d ebe ser llevado a cabo por técnic os cualificados. Cualquier
conexión o desconexión de la unidad debe ser realizada, siempre, con la unidad desconectada de la red.
Descripción de la garantía
Su equipo ECLER ha superado ensayos de laboratorio y exhaustivos controles de calidad antes de salir de
fábrica. No obstante podría darse el caso que n ecesite nuestro Servici o Técnico durante el period o que cubre la
garantía o posteriorm ente. En tal caso, protej a cuidadosamente la uni dad en su caja original y envíelo a nuestro
Servicio Técnico con los gastos y el seguro pagados. Adjunte una fotocopia del certificado de garantía y una
descripción detallada del defecto observado.
ECLER S.A. garantiza e l mezclador NUO4.0 ante defectos de mat eriales o fabricación durante el period o de un
año transcurrido tras la fecha de compra original.
ECLER S.A. reparará el eq uipo defectuoso dentr o del periodo especific ado, sin cargo alguno para piezas y mano
de obra.
Para asegurar la validez de la garantía es preciso que la Garantía y la Tarjeta de Registro se rellenen
correctamente y se remitan a su distribuidor ECLER, en el plazo de 10 días después de la fecha de compra.
La garantía no es transferible y solamente protege al comprador original.
La garantía no cubre:
Daños ocasionados por malos tratos o manejo negligente, falta de cuidados elementales, desatención de las
instrucciones del manual, conexión equivocada o accidentes.
ECLER S.A., no será responsable por ningún daño directo o indirecto, pérdida o perjuicio originado por o en
relación con el equipo.
* aparatos que hayan sido manipulados, alterados o reparados fuera del Servicio Técnico autorizado.
* el mueble exterior, los componentes electromecánicos ni su desgaste por uso.
* los gastos de envío y seguros, ni los daños que el aparato pueda sufrir durante el transporte.
Esta garantía es válida sólo si las reparaciones o servicios se realizan en un Servicio Técnico autorizado.
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