Ecler MIMO 54 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

1.1. Safety Precautions 04
4. INPUTS 05
4.1. Inputs 1 to 4, program 05
4.2. Input 5, priority 06
4.3. Phantom power 06
5.1. Zone outputs 06
5.2. Phones output 07
6.1. Power-up 07
6.2. Input gain 07
6.3. Destination selection for Input #5 / MPAGE4 microphone signal 07
6.4. Equalization 08
6.5. Output volume adjustments 08
6.6. Wall remote control connection and MPAGE4 console 08
6.7. Audio monitoring system 09
6.8. Security caps 09
6.9. Ground loops, background noise 09
6.10. Inputs and zones identification 09
6.11. Cleaning 09
All numbers subject to variation due to production tolerances. ECLER SA reserves the right to make changes or improvements in manufacturing or design which may affect specifications.
Thank you for your confidence and for choosing our MIMO54 audio matrix. It is VERY
IMPORTANT to carefully read this manual, to fully understand its contents before any connection in order to maximize your use and get the best performance from this equipment. In order to guarantee the optimum operation of this unit, we strongly recommend that its maintenance be carried out by our Authorised Technical Services.
1.1. Safety Precautions
This apparatus must be earthed through its mains cable. Do not expose the unit to rain or water splashes, and do not place liquid containers or
incandescent objects like candles on top of the unit.
Any change in the configuration of the unit must be carried out by a qualified technician. Should any connection / disconnection task be done, always disconnect the unit from the mains supply. There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit.
The MIMO54 is a 5 input sources/4 zone outputs audio matrix especially designed for multizone
sound system applications with independent source selection and volume adjustment. It also manages priority signals and messages for the diffusion of generic and/or evacuation warnings. Generic paging can be done from a MPAGE4 console (optional) with real-time selection of destination zones, or from a desktop or other microphone, with destination zones selection from the front panel ZONE switch.
Main characteristics:
 4 stereo program inputs (two of them accepting microphone/line levels, the last two accepting line
levels only).
 4 monophonic zone outputs, with 2-band tone controls for each output (adjustable with a
screwdriver on front panel).
 Switchable phantom power supply for microphone inputs.  Fifth signal input (microphone/line) with priority (dual operating mode: PRIORITY /
 Independent source selection and output volume adjustment (per zone).  Connectivity with remote control panels for zone source selection and volume adjustment.  MPAGE4 paging console (optional) can be connected for real time paging functions to selected
destination zones.
 Local or remote zone control mode selection (from the device front panel or from remote control
 Headphones monitoring section.  Euroblock connectors for inputs and outputs (input #1 has also a XLR type connector for
MIC/LINE L signal).
 Removable front panel knobs with safety caps (included) to prevent unwanted access.
The MIMO54 has been especially designed to be installed in a standard 19" rack, taking up 1U. Two considerations must be taken in account when looking for your MIMO54 location: one is the
maximum comfort of use and the other is to allow an easy access to the equipment input and output connections.
Since the MIMO54 power consumption is very low, it doesn’t require forced ventilation.
Nevertheless, you must avoid extreme temperature conditions and keep the atmosphere of the room in which it is located as dry and dust-free as possible.
Keep the equipment far from noise sources (variable voltage regulators, motors, etc…) as well as
from power cables. The MIMO54 operates under voltages between 90 and 264 V at 47 to 63 Hz. This device features an over dimensioned power supply that adapts to the mains voltage in any country of the world with no need to make any adjustments.
In order to protect it from potential overloads, the MIMO54 is equipped with a 0.5A time-delay
(slow-blow) mains fuse (28). If it gets blown up, you must replace it with an identical one. NEVER
CAUTION: Fuse substitutions have to be performed by a qualified technician.
The MIMO54 accepts two types of balanced audio inputs: microphone (MIC) and stereo line (LINE).
4.1. Inputs 1 to 4, program
Input Channels 1 and 2 accept microphone or line signals. Channels 3 and 4 accept line signals
only. Finally, Channel 5 is dedicated to priority signals and accepts microphone or line signals.
All input terminals are Euroblock connectors, except the XLR type for MIC/LINE L Input 1.
Euroblock connectors wiring diagram is the following:
Hot or direct signal > Pin + Cold or inverted signal > Pin ­ Ground > Pin
And for XLR connector:
Hot or direct signal > Pin 2 Cold or inverted signal > Pin 3 Ground > Pin 1
Microphones should have a low impedance (200 to 600) and be monophonic. For UNBALANCED connections, you must short pin 3 (negative) to ground.
For inputs with a MIC/LINE selection, suitable operating position should be set with the dedicated back panel switch:
 Engaged: line signal  Released: microphone signal
NOTE: In microphone mode the MIC ADJ sensitivity knob located next to the previous switch is enabled.
The gain for each input source (1 to 5) is set with the GAIN rotary knob on the front panel (one
per input channel). Please refer to section 6. CONSIDERATIONS for more information.
Stereo LINE inputs accept 0 dBV (1 V) line level signals from CD and DVD players, multimedia
devices, MP3 players, radio tuners, TV receivers, etc. Turntables CAN NOT BE CONNECTED directly to the MIMO54, as none of the inputs has a built-in RIAA preamplifier.
4.2. Input 5, priority
The signal received at the input #5 is processed as a high-priority signal, having two kinds of
 Priority mode or Talkover:
Attenuates the program signal in all zone outputs, superimposing #5 input signal. Destination zone selection can be done from the front panel micro-switches (labeled ZONE), or from zone selection keys on MPAGE4 optional console (see "6.3. Destination selection for Input #5 / MPAGE4 microphone signal" for more information).
NOTE: you can also use a MPAGE4 console and simultaneously leave some zones permanently selected as paging destination with front panel ZONE switch. These zones (permanently selected) always receive voice messages sent from MPAGE4 unit, regardless of whether they are selected or not by their keys.
Priority mode can be activated by automatic detection of a signal at the 5th input, or by PRIO potential free contact closure (dry contact) on the back panel. Internal jumpers are used to select activation mode (signal detection (default) or contact closure), attenuation (- 20, -30 (default) or - 80 dB) and recovery time (1, 2 (default) or 3 seconds). Please refer to section 9. CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM for more information.
 Emergency/Evacuation mode:
Mutes the current program signal in All zone outputs and replaces it with Input #5 signal. Additionally, zone outputs volume controls (front panel knobs and remote panels) are ignored, as the signal diffusion has a preset volume adjusted with EVAC VOL control on the back panel. This mode is only activated by closing the EVAC potential free contact
on the back panel.
4.3. Phantom power
An internal jumper activates the Phantom power supply for all microphone inputs at a time, allowing to connect condenser microphones. Please refer to section 9. CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM for more information.
5.1. Zone outputs
The MIMO54 has four main or zone outputs, all balanced and with Euroblock connectors: ZONE
1, ZONE 2, ZONE 3 and ZONE 4.
Euroblock connector should be wired as indicated:
Hot or direct signal > Pin + Cold or inverted signal > Pin ­ Ground > Pin
On these outputs, a balanced circuit emulates a transformer. To use an output in unbalanced
mode, you must short unused output pin to ground. Otherwise the output signal won’t have the suitable level and quality.
5.2. Phones output
In the MONITOR section, the PHONES output allows to monitor any zone output signal, from 1 to
4, as well as the signal received through the fifth input of the equipment, dedicated to high-priority signals.
In order to obtain the best performance, headphones impedance must be high (200 to 600Ω). Connect your headphones to the PHONES (14) output on the front panel by means of a standard stereo 1/4" phone jack (ring = right channel, tip = left channel and sleeve = ground). Select the signal to listen with the ZONE selector (12) and set its volume with the rotary knob VOL.
6.1. Power-up
This is done by means of the Power switch (27). Although the MIMO54 produces minimum noise
at power-up, it is highly recommended to power up all devices according to the following sequence: sound sources, mixers, processors and equalizers and, finally, power amplifiers. The sequence has to be reversed for power-down. Following this order will prevent transients produced by devices powering­up/down to affect the following devices in the chain, remaining inaudible.
6.2. Input gain
The gain is controlled with the GAIN volume knob (4) for each input.
The SP indicator (2) lights to indicate a signal presence in this input.
The CLIP indicator (3) warns that the channel is nearly overloaded. As a rule of thumb, this indicator should never stay permanently lit.
On the front panel, Input # 5 has a GAIN knob acting as a general control of this signal send to zone outputs in Priority mode (see 4.2. Input 5, priority). Additionally, inside the unit, 4 adjustment potentiometers allow to attenuate the individual signal sent from Input 5 to the 4 output zones, customising this input sound volume for the different zones in Priority mode. Please also refer to section 9. CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM for information about the location and the setting of these potentiometers.
6.3. Destination selection for Input #5 / MPAGE4 microphone signal
Next to the INPUT 5 gain knob on the front panel, use the ZONE 4 ways switch to define the
destination zones for this input in Priority mode (see section 4.2. Input 5, priority). An output zone (from 1 to 4) is selected as Input #5 destination when its switch is activated (downwards).
Additionally, MPAGE4 console can be used to page destination zones selected in real time. MPAGE4 control panel has a gooseneck microphone and 6 user keys:
 ZONE 1 to 4: paging zone selection keys. They have a LED that illuminates when the key
is engaged, indicating that this zone is selected. These are mechanical latching switches (maintaining their state after being activated)
 ALL : selects all zones (1, 2, 3 and 4) for paging. It is also a latching switch with a LED
that illuminates when the key is engaged
 PAGE: non-locking key but with LED indicator, enabling paging while it is pressed. Paging
stops when the key is released ("push to talk"). If MPAGE4 unit is configured to produce a ring chime, it will be played first at the moment you press the PAGE key
When using a MPAGE4 console with the MIMO54, bear in mind the following points:
 The MIC/LINE input 5 sensitivity dial must be set to the LINE position.  The PRIO MODE internal jumper which defines how the PRIO/EVAC function works
should ideally be in the CONTACT position (contact closure activation using the MPAGE4 keys). By default it is the VOICE position (automatic activation by input level detection).
You can also use a MPAGE4 console (optional) and, simultaneously, leave some zones permanently selected as paging destination with front panel ZONE switch. These zones (permanently selected) always receive voice messages sent from MPAGE4 unit, regardless of whether they are selected or not by their keys.
If you want to work in Priority mode with activation by external contact closure, connect this external contact to PRIO terminals on the back panel. Please also refer to section 9. CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM for information about internal jumpers’ set-up associated to this mode.
NOTE: remember that in the other operating mode for input # 5 (Evacuation / Emergency), the ZONE paging selector and zones selected in a MPAGE4 unit are disabled, since in this mode program signal is always muted in ALL zone outputs of this unit and replaced by input #5 signal.
6.4. Equalization
Tone controls (7-8) provide a gain/attenuation of ±15 dB for each one of the BASS and TREBLE
bands. Because of the intended applications of this unit, it has a tone control system adjustable by screwdriver, thus preventing unauthorised or unintentional use during its normal operation.
6.5. Output volume adjustments
Output volume can be adjusted for each zone by two controls:
 The VOL rotary knob on the front panel (one per output zone) when the associated
REM/LOC switch is in LOCal position (released)
 The LEVEL rotary knob on the remote wall panel (if installed) when the associated
REM/LOC switch is in REMote position (engaged)
The active source can be selected for each zone by two controls:
 The SOURCE rotary selector on the front panel (one per output zone) to select one
equipment input (1 to 4) or none (OFF)
 The INPUT rotary selector on the wall remote panel (if installed) when the front panel
associated rotary selector (SOURCE) is on REMote position. Available options are also input sources 1 to 4, or none (OFF)
Finally, with Input #5 in Evacuation/Emergency mode, back panel EVAC terminals are momentarily shorted while an evacuation message is sent to Input 5 and its volume is adjusted with the VOL rotary knob located next to these terminals.
ATTENTION: use special care when setting the general output level for each zone, so that CLIP indicators never remain permanently lit (saturation or clipping), neither MIMO54 zone outputs nor power stages to which it is connected, but only (and at the most) at the rhythm of low frequencies in the sound sequence. Otherwise the signal feeding the power stages would suffer high distortion levels and have low acoustic quality and intelligibility.
6.6. Wall remote control connection and MPAGE4 console
The wall remote controls are connected to MIMO54 by means of a standard CAT5 cable
terminated on both ends with RJ-45 connectors: insert one of them in a REMOTE port on the back panel (ZONE 1, ZONE 2, ZONE 3 or ZONE 4) and the other in the RJ-45 port of the remote control.
RJ-45 connector wiring
Pin 1 to Pin 1 White/Orange GND Pin 2 to Pin 2 Orange REMOTE VOL (10V÷0V MIN÷MAX) Pin 3 to Pin 3 White/Green GND Pin 4 to Pin 4 Blue N.C. Pin 5 to Pin 5 White/Blue N.C. Pin 6 to Pin 6 Green VCC (+10V) Pin 7 to Pin 7 White/Brown GND Pin 8 to Pin 8 Brown REMOTE ZONE (0, 3, 5, 7, 10V → OFF, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4)
The same cable type is used to connect a MPAGE4 unit (optional) to the MIMO54 PAGER connector (23).
6.7. Audio monitoring system
Use the MONITOR section to monitor the sound volume and content for output zones and Input
#5, as described in section 5.2. Phones output.
6.8. Security caps
The unit is supplied with security caps that are very useful accessories to prevent unwanted
manipulations of front panel rotary knobs after commissioning. To use these caps, smoothly remove the rotary knobs and replace them with the provided caps.
6.9. Ground loops, background noise
You should always make sure that signal sources feeding the unit as well as all devices
connected to its outputs do not have their grounds interconnected. To resume, ground must never come from two different paths. Should this ever happen, noises could occur and seriously affect the sound quality.
Cable shields, when connected to the chassis, must never be interconnected so as to avoid
ground loops.
This equipment has been designed for the lowest possible background noise. Independently of
the electronic design itself, total background noise level will directly depend on the correct installation and use of all units in the audio chain.
6.10. Inputs and zones identification
On the front panel, there are spaces (1) dedicated for label writing in order to easily identify
inputs and assigned zones.
6.11. Cleaning
The front panel should not be cleaned with dissolvent or abrasive substances because silk­printing could be damaged. To clean it, use a soft cloth slightly wet with water and neutral liquid soap; dry it with a clean cloth. Be careful that water never gets into the unit through the holes of the front panel.
1. Space reserved for writing
2. Visual indication, SP
3. Visual indication, CLIP
4. Channel volume control, GAIN
5. Destination zone selector, ZONE
6. Local/Remote selector, LOC / REM
7. Bass control, BASS
8. Treble control, TREBLE
9. Volume control OUTPUT, VOL ZONE
10. Input selector, SOURCE
11. Visual indication, ON
12. Phones source selector, ZONE
13. Volume control for the headphones output, VOL
14. Headphones connection stereo jack, PHONES
15. Input sensitivity adjustment, MIC ADJ
16. Input selector, MIC / LINE
17. Signal input XLR3 connector, MIC / LINE L
18. Signal input screw terminal, LINE R
19. Signal input screw terminal, MIC / LINE L
20. Signal input screw terminal, LINE L
21. Volume control, EVAC
22. Screw terminal, PRIO / EVAC
23. RJ-45 connector, PAGER
24. Output screw terminal, OUTPUT ZONE
25. RJ-45 connector, REMOTE ZONE
26. Ground terminal, GND
27. Power switch
28. Fuse holder
29. Mains socket
1.1. Precauciones 12
4.1. Entradas 1 a 4, programa 13
4.2. Entrada 5, prioridad 14
4.3. Alimentación Phantom 15
5.1. Salidas de zona 15
5.2. Salida de auriculares 15
6.1. Encendido 15
6.2. Ganancia de las entradas 15
6.3. Selección de destino entrada nº 5 / señal de micrófono de la MPAGE4 16
6.4. Ecualización 17
6.5. Ajuste de volumen de salidas 17
6.6. Conexión de controles remotos de pared y consola MPAGE4 17
6.7. Sistema de monitorización auditiva 18
6.8. Tapones de seguridad 18
6.9. Bucles de masa, ruido de fondo 18
6.10. Identificación de entradas y zonas 18
6.11. Limpieza 18
Todos los datos están sujetos a variación debida a tolerancias de producción. ECLER S.A. se reserva el derecho de realizar cambios o mejoras en la fabricación o diseño que pudieran afectar las especificaciones.
Agradecemos su confianza por haber elegido nuestra matriz de audio MIMO54. Para conseguir la máxima operatividad y rendimiento de su equipo es MUY IMPORTANTE, antes de su conexión, leer detenidamente y tener muy presentes las consideraciones que en este manual se especifican. Para garantizar el óptimo funcionamiento de este aparato recomendamos que su mantenimiento sea llevado a cabo por nuestros Servicios Técnicos autorizados.
1.1. Precauciones
Este aparato debe ser conectado a tierra mediante su cable de alimentación.
No exponga el aparato a la caída de agua o salpicaduras, no ponga encima objetos con líquido ni fuentes de llama desnuda, como velas.
Cualquier cambio en la configuración debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado. En caso de requerir alguna intervención y/o conexión desconexión del aparato debe desconectarse previamente de la alimentación. En el interior del aparato no existen elementos manipulables por el usuario.
MIMO54 es una matriz de audio con 5 fuentes de entrada y 4 salidas de zona, especialmente diseñada para aplicaciones de sonorización multizona con selección de fuente y ajuste de volumen independientes. También integra la gestión de señales y mensajes con prioridad para la difusión de avisos de tipo genérico y/o de evacuación. Los mensajes de voz de tipo genérico pueden enviarse desde una consola MPAGE4 (opcional), con selección en tiempo real de las zonas de destino, o bien desde un micrófono de sobremesa o de otro tipo, con selección de las zonas de destino desde el conmutador ZONE del panel frontal.
Características principales:
 4 entradas estéreo de programa (dos de ellas admiten señales micrófono / línea, las otras dos
sólo de línea).
 4 salidas monofónicas de zona, con ajuste de tonos de 2 bandas por salida (accesibles en panel
frontal mediante destornillador).
 Alimentación Phantom conmutable para las entradas de micrófono.  Quinta entrada de señal (micrófono / línea) con prioridad (modo de funcionamiento dual:
 Selección de fuente y ajuste de volumen de salida independiente (por zona).  Conectividad con paneles de control remoto para selección de fuente y ajuste de volumen de
 Conectividad con consola de avisos MPAGE4 (opcional) para las funciones de envío de
mensajes de voz con selección de zona(s) de destino en tiempo real (“paging”)
 Selección de modo de control de zonas local o remoto (desde el frontal del aparato o desde los
paneles de control remoto).
 Sección de monitoraje mediante auriculares.  Conectores Euroblock en entradas y salidas (la entrada nº 1 incluye también conector tipo XLR
para la señal MIC / LINE L).
 Controles de panel frontal reemplazables por tapones de seguridad (incluidos) para evitar
manipulaciones indeseadas.
MIMO54 ha sido especialmente diseñado para su ubicación en muebles rack de 19", ocupando una unidad de altura. Dos consideraciones deben tenerse muy presentes en el momento de buscar la ubicación de su MIMO54: por un lado la máxima comodidad de utilización y por el otro permitir un fácil acceso en la realización de las conexiones, de las que el equipo va a ser punto de llegada y partida. Dado que el consumo del MIMO54 es muy bajo, éste no precisa ventilación forzada. Sin embargo, debe evitarse que esté expuesto a una temperatura extrema y que la atmósfera del local en que esté emplazado sea lo más seca y limpia de polvo posible. Debe procurarse situar el equipo alejado de fuentes de ruido (variadores de tensión, motores, etc...) así como de los cables de red. El MIMO54 funciona con tensión alterna de 90 a 264V y 47 a 63 Hz. Este aparato equipa una fuente de alimentación sobredimensionada capaz de adaptarse sin ningún tipo de ajuste a la tensión de red de cualquier país del mundo. Para protegerlo de eventuales sobrecargas, el MIMO54 está protegido con un fusible de red (28) de 0,5A temporizado. En el caso de que éste se fundiera se sustituiría por otro de idénticas
PRECAUCIÓN: El cambio de fusibles debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado.
El MIMO54 admite dos tipos de entradas de audio balanceadas: micrófono (MIC) y línea (LINE) estéreo.
4.1. Entradas 1 a 4, programa
Las vías de entrada 1 y 2 admiten señales de micrófono o línea. Las vías 3 y 4 admiten señales de línea únicamente. Finalmente, la vía 5, reservada para las señales con prioridad, admite señales de micrófono o línea.
Los conectores de las entradas son todos en formato Euroblock, excepto en el caso del conector MIC / LINE L de la entrada 1, tipo XLR.
En el caso de los conectores Euroblock el conexionado es el siguiente:
Vivo o señal directa > Terminal + Frío o señal invertida > Terminal ­ Masa > Terminal
Y para el conector XLR:
Vivo o señal directa > Terminal 2 Frío o señal invertida > Terminal 3 Masa > Terminal 1
Los micrófonos deben ser de baja impedancia (de 200 a 600 ) y monofónicos. Para conexiones NO balanceadas cortocircuitar a masa el terminal 3 o negativo.
En las entradas que disponen de selección MIC / LINE es preciso ajustar a la posición de trabajo adecuada el conmutador correspondiente del panel posterior:
 Pulsado: señal de línea
 No pulsado: señal de micrófono
NOTA: En el modo micrófono se habillita el ajuste de sensibilidad ubicado junto al pulsador posterior, rotulado como MIC ADJ.
El ajuste de ganancia de cada fuente de entrada (1 a 5) se efectúa mediante el control giratorio rotulado como GAIN en el panel frontal (uno por entrada). Consulte la sección 6. CONSIDERACIONES para más información.
Las entradas LINE estéreo admiten señales de nivel de línea de 0 dBV (1 V) procedentes de reproductores de CD, DVD, dispositivos multimedia, MP3, sintonizadores de radio, receptores de TV, etc. NO PUEDEN CONECTARSE directamente a este equipo platos giradiscos, ya que ninguna de las entradas del MIMO54 dispone de previo RIAA.
4.2. Entrada 5, prioridad
La señal conectada a la entrada nº 5 se procesa como señal prioritaria sobre el resto, trabajando en dos posibles modos:
 Modo Prioridad ó Talkover:
Atenúa la señal de programa presente en cualquier de las salidas de zona de destino, superponiendo a ella la señal existente en la entrada nº 5. La selección de las zonas de destino se puede realizar desde los microinterruptores del panel frontal (rotulados como ZONE), o bien desde las teclas de selección de zonas de la consola opcional MPAGE4 (vea el apartado “6.3. Selección de destino entrada nº 5 / señal de micrófono de la MPAGE4” para más información).
Nota: También es posible emplear una consola MPAGE4 y, simultáneamente, dejar algunas zonas permanentemente seleccionadas como destino de los mensajes, empleando para ello el conmutador ZONE del panel frontal. Dichas zonas (de selección permanente) siempre recibirán los mensajes de voz enviados desde la unidad MPAGE4, independientemente de si se han seleccionado o no mediante su botonera
La activación del modo de prioridad puede realizarse mediante detección automática de presencia de señal en la 5ª entrada, o bien por cierre del contacto libre de potencial rotulado como PRIO en el panel posterior. La selección del modo de activación (por detección de señal o por cierre de contacto, por defecto en modo detección de señal), atenuación (-20, -30 ó –80 dB, -30 dB por defecto) y tiempo de recuperación (1, 2 ó 3 segundos, 2 segundos por defecto) se realizan mediante puentes internos o jumpers. Consulte la sección 9. DIAGRAMA DE CONFIGURACIÓN para más información.
 Modo Emergencia / Evacuación:
Enmudece la señal de programa presente en TODAS las salidas de zona de la unidad, reemplazándola por la señal existente en la entrada nº 5. Adicionalmente, los ajustes de volumen de salida de las zonas, tanto los del panel frontal como los de los paneles remotos, son ignorados, siendo la difusión de la señal realizada a un volumen predefinido gracias al control rotulado como EVAC VOL del panel posterior. La activación de este modo se realiza únicamente mediante cierre del contacto
libre de
potencial rotulada como EVAC en el panel posterior.
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