Ecler MAC40v User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

1.1. Safety Precautions 04
3.1. Placement and mounting 05
3.2. Connectable Signal Sources 05
4.1. Start up 06
4.2. Monitoring 06
4.3. Channel gain and equalization 07
4.4. Using the CROSSFADER 07
4.5. Outputs 07
5.1. Ground loops, background noise 08
5.2. Cleaning 08
7.1. Configuration diagram 29
7.2. Function list 30
7.3. Function diagram 32
7.4. Block diagram 33
All numbers subject to variation due to production tolerances. ECLER S.A. reserves the right to make changes or improvements in manufacturing or design which may affect specifications.
We thank you for trusting on us and choosing our MAC40v mixer. In order to get the most in operation and efficiency from your mixing unit, it is VERY IMPORTANT for you - before you plug anything - to read this manual very carefully and take seriously into account all considerations specified within it. In order to guarantee the optimum operation of this unit, we strongly recommend that its maintenance be carried out by our Authorised Technical Services.
1.1. Safety Precautions
shafts with any kind of material. Any change in the configuration of the unit must be carried out by a qualified technician. Should any connection / disconnection task be done, always disconnect the unit from the mains supply.
The MAC40v mixer is designed for its use in discotheques, ballrooms, bars, disco bars and external P.A. applications. The MAC40v has 4 mixable channels, with 7 stereo inputs: 2 PHONO, 3 HIGH LINE (high line level for compact disc, DAT, MP3 players), and 2 LOW LINE; plus 1 more input for balanced microphones (¼’’ jack). All channels have a lever switch input selector, independent gain control and 3-band tone controls. The MAC40v also has a removable, externally exchangeable CROSSFADER that can be assigned to the channels. All inputs are PFL-capable in order to visually (through the VU meters) and acoustically (through headphones) monitor any signal connected to the inputs of the unit. In the MAC40v, we have cared specially about the roughness, long-time response and maximum adaptability to the DJ needs, getting a total ease of operation.
This apparatus must be earthed through its mains cable. Do not expose the unit to rain or water splashes, and do not place liquid containers or incandescent objects like candles on top of the unit. Do not obstruct the ventilation
There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit.
3.1. Placement and mounting
The first thing to take into account when looking for the placement of the MAC40v is your comfort and an easy access to all the connections. The MAC40v has 19" (482.6 mm), 6U (266 mm) rack mounting ears that allow you to place it in a standard rack. Because of the high gain of the PHONO and MIC inputs, the mixer must be placed as far as possible from noise sources (dimmers, engines, etc.) as well as from any mains cable. You should never, under any circumstance, remove the metallic cover of the mixer. The MAC40v, being a low consumption unit, does not need any cooling; you should anyway avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and the operating environment must be as dry and dust free as possible. The MAC40v operates under voltages between 90 and 264V at 47 to 63Hz. All models of the MAC v-series feature an overdimensioned power supply that adapts to the mains voltage in any country of the world with no need to make any adjustments. In order to protect the mixer from eventual mains overloads, it has a temporized 0,5 A (38) mains protection fuse. Should this fuse ever blow off, disconnect the mixer from mains and replace it with an identical one. NEVER REPLACE THE FUSE WITH ANOTHER ONE WITH A HIGHER VALUE.
3.2. Connectable Signal Sources
- Turntables / Phono: They must be fitted with a magnetic cartridge with nominal output level between -60dBV and -20dBV (1 to 100mV). The PHONO (29) inputs of the MAC40v have a high headroom (margin before saturation) and it can handle higher output cartridges than what is usual. These inputs are supplied with a nominal input sensitivity of
-50dBV (3.16mV) and are equipped with ¼’’ jack connectors. These inputs provide, through the input selector (1) at ATT position, an input sensitivity reduction of 20dB; this is, from -50 to -30dBV (3.16 to 31.6mV). The connection of balanced signals is as follows:
Hot or direct signal > Tip Cold or inverted signal > Ring Ground > Sleeve
Low impedance (200 to 600:) monophonic microphones must be used. In case of working with an unbalanced connection we recommend to use monophonic jack plugs although stereo jacks plugs are also suitable if the ring is short-circuited to the sleeve.
microphones. An internal jumper allows you to inhibit the phantom power supply. The default setting of this Jumper on the MAC40v is "Phantom ON". See diagram 7.1.
ATTENTION: Changing the fuse must be performed by qualified technical personnel.
- Microphones: The MIC inputs (25) are ready for a nominal input level of
The MAC40v features a Phantom power supply for the connection of condenser
-LINE Inputs. Given the important level differences between usual LINE and CD sources (e.g. Tape decks), the MAC40v provides specialized inputs for each source. The sensitivity of the HIGH LINE input (27) is 0dBV (1V), while the LOW LINE (26) sensitivity is
-10dBV(316mV). Compact disc, DAT, MP3, DVD Audio... should be connected to the HIGH LINE input. Tape recorders, cassettes, tuners, videos... should be connected to the LOW LINE input.
- Headphones: In order to achieve the best performance, they should be high impedance type (200-600:). They must be connected to the HEADPHONES OUT (22) connector, a standard ¼" stereo jack. Connect ground to sleeve, ring to right and tip to left.
- Other mixers: The MIX (32) input provides a direct access to the main mix bus, so this is a perfect input for another mixer to be plugged in without using up a regular input.
- Power amplifiers: See paragraph 4.5.
4.1. Start up
Power up the mixer by pushing the POWER (11) switch. The green pilot-light, integrated into the switch itself, will immediately light up. Although the noise generated by powering up the MAC40v is reduced to a bare minimum and is nearly null with the MASTER (12 and 21) faders down, it is always advisable not to forget about this power-up sequence: sound sources, mixer, equalizers, active filters and power amplifiers. Power down the equipment by following the inverse sequence. This way the peaks or transients produced by powering up / down a device do not affect the following one in the audio chain and, as a result, they do not reach the loudspeakers, which are the most vulnerable audio elements in this case.
4.2. Monitoring
The MAC40v is equipped with an acoustical and visual monitoring system, through headphones, CUE output and VU METER. When switching on any of the PFL (7) or AFL (14-17) buttons, signal(s) present at the input(s) and output(s) will be seen at the VU METER. If no switch is at the ON position, the signal present at the main mix bus is heard (open faders). It is also possible to monitor through the CUE (33) output. This output carries the very same signal as the headphones output does. Its nominal output level is 0dBV (1V) and it is controlled by the rotary knob MONITOR VOL (15).
4.3. Channel gain and equalization
These controls allow individual input sensitivity and tone adjustments for each channel. Thanks to the GAIN (2) control, you can precisely adjust the signal level of an incoming musical signal to match the level of the music that is playing on air through another channel. This operation may be performed visually (through the VU-meters) and acoustically (through the headphones), successively comparing both signals with the PFL buttons. The Gain knobs offer an adjustment range of ±20dB. The tone controls (3-4-6) of channels 1 and 2 have a range of -20 to +10dB, while channels 3 and 4 range from CUT to +10dB.
4.4. Using the CROSSFADER
The MAC40v provides a short travel sliding potentiometer placed horizontally. This potentiometer is called CROSSFADER (24) and enables a direct mixing of the signals present at the inputs. The odd channels 1 and 3 feature a XFA switch with activation indicator, that assigns this channel to side A of the crossfader. If these switches are not activated, the signal bypasses the crossfader circuit and passes directly to the main mix bus. An analogue XFB switch at the even channels 2 and 4 assign these signals to side B of the crossfader or direct them to the main mix bus. The MAC40v's CROSSFADER is based around an electronic VCA circuit that greatly extends its life and additionally has the great advantage of being removable and replaceable by yourself. To do so, just follow these instructions:
1- Remove the screws of the plate that hold the CROSSFADER. 2- Remove the set from the mixer. 3- Detach the multipin connector. 4- Replace the whole set or remove the screws that tie the potentiometer.
6- Attach the multipin connector. 7- Place the set on the mixer. 8- Fix the screws of the plate.
4.5. Outputs
The MAC40v mixer has two independent outputs, OUT1 and OUT2. Each one has its own volume control, with a sliding fader for OUT1 (21), and a rotary one for the OUT2 (12). Both outputs have a common balance control BAL (20) and a MONO (19) switch that converts an stereo signal into a monophonic one or sends one side to both channels. You must be careful when setting up the general output level of the mixer. The "clip" display of the connected power amplifiers must never remain permanently lit, but do it only occasionally by following the rhythm of the bass signals that are being played. The MAC40v mixing unit is factory adjusted at 0dBV/1V, although this output can be internally modified to +6dBV/2V. See diagram 7.1.
5- Tie the new potentiometer and the associated printed circuit and multipin
connector to the plate.
The OUT1 output (34-35) is balanced or symmetrical, and the pin-out of the connector is as follows:
Hot or direct signal > Pin 2 Cold or inverted signal > Pin 3 Ground > Pin 1
The balanced circuit simulates an output transformer, so if you wish to use OUT1 in non-balanced mode, you should short circuit the unused pin to ground. Otherwise, the signal will not have an appropriate level and quality.
5.1. Ground loops, background noise
You should always make sure that the signal sources coming to the unit, as well as all devices connected to its outputs, do not have their grounds interconnected, that is; ground must never come from two different devices. Should this ever happen, noises could occur and seriously interfere the sound quality. Cable shielding, when connected to the chassis, must never be interconnected, so as to avoid ground loops. The MAC40v mixer has been designed for the lowest possible background noise. Independently from the electronic design itself, background noise level will directly depend on the right installation and use of the mixing unit. I. e.: setting a channel VOL to "2" and the output to "10" is not the same as the other way round. In the first case, the signal coming to the mixing amplifier - which has got its own noise - is low, and so is the signal-to-noise ratio (low signal). When the output amplifier boosts the whole signal we will get a very high background noise. In the second case - with the channel fader at maximum - the mixing level is high, and so is the signal-to-noise ratio. When the signal reaches the VOL OUTPUT and is boosted, it will keep a much better signal-to-noise ratio than in the preceding case.
5.2. Cleaning
The front panel should not be cleaned with dissolvent or abrasive substances because silk-printing could be damaged. To clean it, use a soft cloth slightly wet with water and neutral liquid soap; dry it with a clean cloth. Be careful that water never gets into the amplifier through the holes of the front panel.
The OUT2 output (36) is non-balanced or asymmetrical. The MAC40v has two recording outputs: REC1 and REC2.
1.1. Precauciones 10
3.1. Ubicación y montaje 11
3.2. Fuentes de señal conectables 11
4.1. Puesta en funcionamiento 12
4.2. Monitoraje 12
4.3. Ganancia y ecualización de vía 13
4.4. Utilización del CROSSFADER 13
4.5. Salidas 13
5.1. Bucles de masa, ruido de fondo 14
5.2. Limpieza 14
7.1. Diagrama de configuración 29
7.2. Lista de funciones 30
7.3. Diagrama de funciones 32
7.4. Diagrama de bloques 33
Todos los datos están sujetos a variación debida a tolerancias de producción. ECLER S.A. se reserva el derecho de realizar cambios o mejoras en la fabricación o diseño que pudieran afectar las especificaciones.
Agradecemos su confianza por haber elegido nuestro mezclador MAC40v. Para conseguir la máxima operatividad y rendimiento de su mesa de mezclas es MUY IMPORTANTE antes de su conexión leer detenidamente y tener muy presentes las consideraciones que en este manual se especifican. Para garantizar el óptimo funcionamiento de este aparato recomendamos que su mantenimiento sea llevado a cabo por nuestros Servicios Técnicos autorizados.
1.1. Precauciones
con ningún tipo de material.
En caso de requerir alguna intervención y/o conexión desconexión del aparato debe desconectarse previamente de la alimentación. En el interior del aparato no existen elementos manipulables por el usuario.
El mezclador MAC40v está concebido para el uso en discotecas, salas de fiesta, pubs, disco bares y aplicaciones de sonorización. El MAC40v dispone de 4 vías mezclables, con 7 entradas estereofónicas: 2 de PHONO, 3 HIGH LINE (Línea de alto nivel para compact disc, DAT, reproductores de MP3), 2 de LOW LINE; y finalmente 1 entrada preparada para micrófono balanceado (jack1/4”). Todos los canales disponen de un selector de entradas de palanca, control de ganancia independiente para cada una de las vías así como controles de tono de tres bandas. El MAC40v incorpora un potenciómetro CROSSFADER reemplazable exteriormente y asignable desde las vías. Todas las entradas disponen de la función PFL para monitorizar visualmente mediante el Vu-Meter y acústicamente mediante auriculares cualquier señal conectada a las entradas de la mesa. En el MAC40v se ha cuidado por encima de todo la fiabilidad, dureza al paso del tiempo y la máxima adaptabilidad a las necesidades del Disc-jockey, consiguiendo de esta forma una total comodidad de operación.
Este aparato debe ser conectado a tierra mediante su cable de alimentación. No exponga el aparato a la caída de agua o salpicaduras, no ponga encima objetos con líquido ni fuentes de llama desnuda, como velas. No obstruya los orificios de ventilación
Cualquier cambio en la configuración debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado.
3.1. Ubicación y montaje
La principal consideración a tener en cuenta en el momento de buscar la ubicación del mezclador MAC40v debe ser la máxima comodidad de trabajo del operador, permitir una total facilidad en la realización de las conexiones que el mezclador va a ser punto de partida y llegada. El MAC40v equipa unos perfiles laterales que permiten, dado su tamaño standard de 19" (482.6mm) y 6 unidades rack de altura (266mm), enrracarlo. Dada la elevada ganancia de las entradas de PHONO y de MICRO debe procurarse situar
el mezclador lo más alejado posible de fuentes de ruido (variadores de tensión, motores, etc....) así
como de cualquier cable de red. Por esta misma razón y bajo ninguna circunstancia debe quitarse la tapa metálica del aparato. Ya que el consumo del MAC40v es muy bajo, éste no precisa ventilación, sin embargo debe evitarse que esté expuesto a una temperatura extrema y que la atmósfera del local en que esté emplazado sea lo más seca y limpia de polvo posible. El MAC40v funciona con corriente alterna de 90 a 264V y 47 a 63 Hz. Todos los modelos MAC serie v equipan una fuente de alimentación sobredimensionada capaz de adaptarse sin ningún tipo de ajuste a la tensión de red de cualquier país del mundo. Para proteger a la mesa de mezclas de eventuales sobrecargas, el MAC40v está protegido con un fusible de red (38) de 0.5A temporizado. En el caso de que éste se fundiera se sustituiría por otro de idénticas características. EN NINGÚN CASO DEBE PONERSE UN FUSIBLE DE VALOR MÁS ELEVADO.
3.2. Fuentes de señal conectables
- Platos giradiscos: Deben ir equipados con cápsula magnética capaz de dar un nivel de salida nominal entre -60 y -20dBV (1 y 100mV). Dado que las entradas de PHONO (29) del MAC40v tienen una elevada capacidad de sobrecarga, puede admitir cápsulas de mayor nivel de salida. Estas entradas tienen una sensibilidad nominal de -40dBV(10mV).
- Micrófonos: La entrada de Micro (25) está preparada para un nivel nominal de entrada de -50dBV (3.16mV). Es del tipo Jack 1/4". Permite a través del selector de entradas (1) en posición ATT una reducción de 20dB de la sensibilidad de entrada, pasaría pues de -50 a
-30dBV(3.16 a 31.6 mV). Esta entrada de micrófono admite la conexión en modo balanceado para ello se realizará la conexión del Jack estereofónico de 1/4" tal y como se indica:
Vivo o señal directa > Punta Frío o señal invertida > Aro central Masa > Aro posterior
Los micrófonos deben ser de baja impedancia (de 200 a 600:) y monofónicos. Para conexiones NO balanceadas emplear un jack monofónico. También puede realizarse una conexión no balanceada mediante un conector jack estéreo cortocircuitando a masa el aro central.
PRECAUCIÓN: El cambio de fusibles debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado.
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