Echelon Neuron Field Compiler User Manual

Neuron® Field Compiler
User’s Guide
Echelon, LONWORKS, LONMARK, NodeBuilder, Neuron, 3120, 3150, ShortStack, LonMaker, and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. OpenLDV and 3170 are trademarks of Echelon Corporation.
Neuron Chips, Smart Transceivers, and other OEM Products were not designed for use in equipment or systems, which involve danger to human health or safety, or a risk of property damage and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the Neuron Chips or Smart Transceivers in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and referenced in this document have been described for illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of these parts for each application.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon Corporation.
Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 1995, 2011 Echelon Corporation.
Echelon Corporation


Echelon’s Neuron® C programming language allows you to develop LONWORKS® applications for Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers. The Neuron Field Compiler 4.0 software is a Neuron C compiler toolchain that you can use to develop a field programming tool that generates applications for Echelon Series 5000 and Series 3100 Smart Transceivers and Neuron Chips. The Neuron Field Compiler 4.0 software includes an application that accepts a Neuron C source file and generates a downloadable Neuron image. The Neuron image can be used by a network management tool to download the application over a L network.


Echelon expects the Neuron Field Compiler to be used primarily by two different types of audiences:
Developers of field programming tools that are used to generate
End users of a field programming tool, which uses the Neuron Field
This document addresses the first audience (field programming tool developers), and thus assumes that you have an expert understanding of the Neuron C programming language, L Neuron C development platforms (the NodeBuilder Mini FX Evaluation Kit). In addition, a good understanding of either the Series 3100 or Series 5000 Smart Transceiver architecture is required.
applications for devices incorporating a Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
Compiler in a way that is generally transparent to the end user.
ONWORKS device development, and one of the Echelon
FX Development Tool or the

Related Documentation

The following manuals are available from the Echelon Web site ( applications for Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver devices:
FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart Transceiver Data Book (005-0139-01D). This manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the FT 3120
Introduction to the L
provides an introduction to the ISO/IEC 14908 (ANSI/CEA-709.1 and EN14908) Control Network Protocol, and provides a high-level introduction to L are used for developing, installing, operating, and maintaining them.
describes design guidelines for developing applications for open interoperable L Web site,
Neuron Field Compiler User’s Guide iii
) and provide additional information that can help you develop
and FT 3150® Smart Transceivers.
ONWORKS Platform (078-0391-01B). This manual
ONWORKS networks and the tools and components that
Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines. This manual
ONWORKS devices, and is available from the LONMARK
Mini FX User’s Guide (078-0398-01A). This manual describes how to use the Mini FX Evaluation Kit. You can use the Mini kit to develop a prototype or production control system that requires networking, or to evaluate the development of applications for such control networks using
ONWORKS platform.
the L
Neuron C Programmer’s Guide (078-0002-02H). This manual describes the key concepts of programming using the Neuron C programming language and describes how to develop a L
ONWORKS application.
Neuron C Reference Guide (078-0140-02F). This manual provides reference information for writing programs that use the Neuron C language.
Neuron Tools Errors Guide (078-0402-01C). This manual describes error codes issued by the Neuron C compiler and related development tools.
how to develop a L
FX User’s Guide (078-0405-01A). This manual describes
ONWORKS device using the NodeBuilder tool.
NodeBuilder Resource Editor User's Guide Release 4 (078-0194-01C). This manual describes L
ONMARK resource files and how to use the
NodeBuilder Resource Editor to view, create, and modify them.
NodeLoad Utility User’s Guide (078-0286-01F). This manual describes the NodeLoad Utility, which lets you download transceiver parameters or application software into Echelon’s Free Topology 3120 and 3150 Smart Transceivers and Power Line 3120, 3150, and 3170™ Smart Transceivers, even after they have been soldered into a device.
PL 3120 / PL 3150 / PL 3170 Power Line Smart Transceiver Data Book (005-0193-01B). This manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the PL 3120, PL 3150, and PL 3170 Smart Transceivers.
Series 5000 Chip Data Book (005-0199-01B). This manual provides detailed specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the FT 5000 Smart Transceiver and Neuron 5000 Processor.
All of the Echelon documentation is available in Adobe PDF files, you must have a current version of the Adobe Reader download from Adobe at:
PDF format. To view the
, which you can
Table of Contents
Welcome ......................................................................................................... iii
Audience ........................................................................................................ iii
Related Documentation ................................................................................ iii
Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started with the Neuron Field Compiler ........................................ 3
Hardware and Software Requirements.................................................. 3
Installing the Neuron Field Compiler .................................................... 4
Neuron Field Compiler Restrictions ....................................................... 4
Redistributing the Neuron Field Compiler .................................................. 5
Preset the LonWorks Path ...................................................................... 5
Install the Neuron Field Compiler ......................................................... 5
Install the LonMark Resource Files ....................................................... 6
Install the Hardware Template Files ..................................................... 7
Install Other Prerequisites ..................................................................... 7
Chapter 2. Using the Neuron Field Compiler ............................................ 9
Compiling a Neuron C Program .................................................................. 10
Command Usage .......................................................................................... 12
Calling the Neuron Field Compiler ............................................................. 15
Neuron Field Compiler Output ................................................................... 16
Processing Error Messages ................................................................... 17
Example Console Output ...................................................................... 17
NCA Error Messages ................................................................................... 18
Neuron Field Compiler User’s Guide v


This chapter introduces the Neuron Field Compiler, describes how to install it, and describes how to redistribute it.
Neuron Field Compiler User’s Guide 1


You can use the Neuron Field Compiler to develop a field programming tool for
ONWORKS devices based on Echelon Series 5000 or Series 3100 Smart
L Transceivers or Neuron Chips. A field programming tool typically provides a programming environment that is suitable for use by network integrators who create special-purpose applications for controllers at the time that the controller is installed and commissioned in a network. Your field programming tool would include an application that translates the field application representation created by the user to a Neuron C source file, and then uses the Neuron Field Compiler to generate a downloadable image from that source file.
Figure 1 shows the field programming process.
Figure 1. Your Application Generates Neuron C Code
After your application converts your programming constructs into Neuron C source code, it can call the Neuron Field Compiler to compile static or
2 Introduction
dynamically generated Neuron C source code. The Neuron Field Compiler generates a downloadable application image and interface files for the Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver.
Thus, your application presents its own programming interface for L device functionality and generates an internal representation of that functionality in the Neuron C language. However, your application users do not need to know the Neuron C language, or even that Neuron C code is generated. In addition, your application does not need to be able to construct downloadable application image files for Neuron Chips or Smart Transceivers, but instead can rely on the Neuron Field Compiler to generate them from the Neuron C code.

Getting Started with the Neuron Field Compiler

The following sections describe the requirements for using the Neuron Field Compiler software, downloading it, and installing it.
You use the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to develop the Neuron C constructs that your field programming tool will use, and you can use the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to test the generated Neuron C code. In addition, you use the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to create additional data files, such as descriptions of the target hardware configurations (hardware template files) and definitions of user-defined device resource types.
You use the Neuron Field Compiler with your Neuron C generation tool to compile the generated Neuron C code and produce the application image files.

Hardware and Software Requirements

To install and use the Neuron Field Compiler software, your computer must meet the following minimum requirements, in addition to those imposed by your operating system:
512 MB RAM (or the operating system minimum requirement)
Microsoft Windows
Windows XP SP3
50 MB of available hard-disk space
1024x768 screen resolution
To develop applications that use the Neuron Field Compiler, you must also have the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit installed. These products provide documentation and tools to help you create required additional data files. The NodeBuilder FX Development Tool also allows you to debug your generated Neuron C code.
Your end users do not need either the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit installed to run the Neuron Field Compiler.
Recommendation: Test your application with the Neuron Field Compiler runtime on a clean machine that does not have either the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit installed.
7 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows Vista® (32-bit), or
Neuron Field Compiler User’s Guide 3
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