Develop assembly language functions using the
Neuron® Assembly Language.
Echelon, LONWORKS,LONMARK,NodeBuilder, LonTalk,Neuron,
3120, 3150, ShortStack, LonMaker, and the Echelon logo are
trademarks of Echelon Corporation that may be registered in
the United States and other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Neuron Chips and other OEM Products were not designed
for use in equipment or systems, which involve danger to
human health or safety, or a risk of property damage and
Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the
Neuron Chips in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and
referenced in this document have been described for
illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested
by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to
determine the suitability of these parts for each
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon
Echelon’s Neuron® assembly language is the symbolic programming language for
Series 3100, Series 5000, and Series 6000 Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers.
You can write a Neuron assembly language function or program that interacts
with a Neuron C application program to provide L
or existing smart devices. The Neuron assembly language is not intended as a
general programming language for L
to optimize new or existing Neuron C applications.
ONWORKS devices, but should be used only
networking for new
This document describes the Neuron assembly language. The Neuron assembly
language can be used with any programmable Series 3100 device (Neuron 3120
Chip, FT 3120 Smart Transceiver, PL 3120 Smart Transceiver, Neuron 3150
Chip, FT 3150 Smart Transceiver, PL 3150 Smart Transceiver, and PL 3170™
Smart Transceiver) and with any programmable Series 5000 device (FT 5000
Smart Transceiver and Neuron 5000 Processor) or Series 6000 device. Where
applicable, this document identifies differences in the Neuron assembly language
that are specific to a particular device series.
This document assumes that you have a good understanding of general assembly
language programming concepts and techniques. It also assumes that you are
familiar with the Neuron C programming language and L
development. In addition, a general understanding of the Series 3100, Series
5000, or Series 6000 architecture is required.
Related Documentation
The following manuals are available from the Echelon Web site
applications for Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver devices:
•Series 5000 Chip Data Book (005-0199-01A). This manual provides
detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical
interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the Neuron
5000 Processors and FT 5000 Smart Transceivers.
) and provide additional information that can help you develop
ONWORKS device
•Series 6000 Chip Data Book (005-0230-01). This manual provides
detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical
interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the Neuron
6000 Processors and FT 6000 Smart Transceivers.
•I/O Model Reference for Smart Transceivers and Neuron Chips (078-
0392-01C). This manual describes the I/O models that are available for
Series 3100, Series 5000, and Series 6000 devices.
•FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart Transceiver Data Book (005-0139-01D). This
manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical
interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment
characteristics for the FT 3120
Neuron Assembly Language Reference iii
and FT 3150® Smart Transceivers.
• Introduction to the LONWORKS Platform (078-0391-01A). This manual
provides an introduction to the ISO/IEC 14908 (ANSI/CEA-709.1 and
EN14908) Control Network Protocol, and provides a high-level
introduction to L
ONWORKS networks and the tools and components that
are used for developing, installing, operating, and maintaining them.
Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines. This manual
describes design guidelines for developing applications for open
interoperable L
Web site,
ONWORKS devices, and is available from the LONMARK
•IzoT Commissioning Tool User's Guide ( 078-0514-01). This manual
describes how to use the IzoT Commissioning Tool to design, commission,
monitor and control, maintain, and manage a network.
•IzoT NodeBuilder® FX User’s Guide ( 078-0516-01). This manual
describes how to develop a L
ONWORKS device using the IzoT NodeBuilder
•Neuron C Programmer’s Guide (078-0002-01I). This manual describes
how to write programs using the Neuron C Version 2.2 programming
•Neuron C Reference Guide (078-0140-01G). This manual provides
reference information for writing programs using the Neuron C Version
2.2 programming language.
•PL 3120 / PL 3150 / PL 3170 Power Line Smart Transceiver Data Book
(005-0193-01A). This manual provides detailed technical specifications
on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating
environment characteristics for the PL 3120, PL 3150, and PL 3170™
Smart Transceivers.
All of the Echelon documentation is available in Adobe
PDF files, you must have a current version of the Adobe Reader
PDF format. To view the
, which you can
download from Adobe at:
Table of Contents
Welcome ......................................................................................................... iii
Audience ........................................................................................................ iii
Related Documentation ................................................................................ iii
Index ................................................................................................................. 221
This chapter introduces the Neuron assembly language and
the Neuron Assembler.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 1
An application program for a LONWORKS device that runs on a Series 3100,
Series 5000, or Series 6000 Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver uses the Neuron C
programming language. Although this language is very powerful and flexible,
there can be times when you want to optimize the application program for the
ONWORKS device, perhaps for code size or processing speed. You can use
Neuron assembly language to write functions or programs that provide such
Although Neuron assembly language functions can be smaller and faster than
those generated by the Neuron C compiler, they also have the following
•TheIzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool does not provide a Code
Wizard for assembly functions
•There are fewer automated validations and checks for Neuron assembly
•Functions written in assembly language can be harder to write, read, and
•Functions written in assembly language have a larger potential for error,
compared to higher language implementations
•Code written in assembly language cannot be debugged with the
NodeBuilder Debugger
Nonetheless, the Neuron assembly language is a powerful tool for managing
specific tasks for a Neuron C application program.
This chapter provides an overview of the tools, files, and syntax for Neuron
assembly language functions. The rest of this book contains the following
• Chapter 2, Neuron Architecture for Neuron Assembly Programming,
provides an overview of the Neuron architecture, hardware resources,
and addressing modes.
•Chapter 3, Writing a Neuron Assembly Utility Function, provides an
overview of stack-oriented programming and information about designing
assembly language functions. It also describes a recommended approach
to documenting changes to the stack.
•Chapter 4, Interfacing with a Neuron C Application, describes how a
Neuron assembly language function can work with a Neuron C
•Chapter 5, Exploring an Example Function in Neuron Assembly,
describes a simple example function in Neuron assembly.
•Chapter 6, Neuron Assembly Language Instruction Statements, describes
all of the supported Neuron assembly language instructions.
•Chapter 8, System-Provided Functions, describes system-provided
functions for various arithmetical or logical operations or for stack
This book also contains several appendixes with additional information.
Neuron Assembler Tools
You can create and edit Neuron assembly language files using any text editor,
such as Windows Notepad. The primary tool for working with Neuron assembly
language files is the Neuron Assembler. The Neuron Assembler translates your
source code, written in the Neuron Assembly language, into a Neuron object file
(.no extension). You can use the Neuron Librarian to create or manage code
libraries of Neuron object files, including those created from assembly language
In general, you do not need to use the Neuron Assembler when creating a small
number of utility functions for use with one specific Neuron C application. To use
assembly source code within a Neuron C application, the Neuron C Compiler
supports the #pragma include_assembly_file directive, which can be used to
copy a specified assembly source file directly into the compiler-generated output.
The main tools for working with Neuron C applications, which can interact with
Neuron assembly functions, are the IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool, and
the FT 6000 EVB. The IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool can produce
Neuron assembly listing output files for your Neuron C programs.
Neuron C Compiler for Assembly Programming
The Neuron C Compiler supports the #pragma include_assembly_file
directive. This directive can be used repeatedly within the same Neuron C source
code, specifying one assembly source file at a time.
The Neuron C compiler translates your Neuron C source code into Neuron
Assembly output. When it encounters the #pragma include_assembly_file
directive, the compiler copies the content of the referenced assembly source file
directly (without modification) into its own output stream.
See the Neuron C Reference Guide for more information about compiler
Neuron Assembler Command Line Tool
The Neuron Assembler, available from the command line as NAS.EXE,
translates source files written in the Neuron assembly language (typically using
a .ns file extension) into Neuron object files (.no file extension), which can then
be packaged into function libraries using the Neuron Librarian (NLIB.EXE).
The resulting function libraries can then be provided to the Neuron Linker
(NLD.EXE), and code that is contained in these libraries and referenced by the
Neuron C source code is linked with the application.
To run the Neuron Assembler, open a Windows command prompt (Start →
Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt), and enter the following
nas –switchesfile.ns
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 3
where –switches define any optional command-line switches (see NAS Command Switches) and file.ns specifies the source input file to assemble.
The command-line tools are installed in the LonWorks\bin directory.
For example, the following command runs the Neuron Assembler, assembles the
abc.ns source file, and generates an object file in the same directory:
NAS abc.ns
Command Usage
The following command usage notes apply to running the nas command:
•If no command switches or arguments follow the command name, the tool
responds with usage hints and a list of available command switches.
•Most command switches come in two forms: A short form and a long
The short form consists of a single, case-sensitive, character that
identifies the command, and must be prefixed with a single forward slash
'/' or a single dash '-'. Short command switches can be separated from
their respective values with a single space or an equal sign. Short
command switches do not require a separator; the value can follow the
command identifier immediately.
The long form consists of the verbose, case-sensitive, name of the
command, and must be prefixed with a double dash '- -'. Long command
switches require a separator, which can consist of a single space or an
equal sign.
Short form: nas –l …
Long form: nas --listing …
• Multiple command switches can be separated by a single space.
• Commands of a Boolean type need not be followed by a value. In this
case, the value yes is assumed. Possible values for Boolean commands
are yes, on, 1, +, no, off, 0, - (a minus sign or dash).
nas --listing=yes abc.ns
nas --listing abc.ns
•Command switches can appear at any location within the command line
or in any order (on separate lines) within a script.
NAS Command Switches
Table 1 lists the available command switches for the nas command. All
switches are optional.
4 Introduction
Table 1. Command Switches for the nas Command
Command Switch
--autotrunc -a Auto-truncate literals for byte-immediate operations
--define -d Define a specified conditional-compilation symbol
--defloc Location of an optional default command file
--file -@ Include a command file
--flex -x Specifies interpretation of flex segments
--headroom -h Report available memory headroom
--help -? Display usage hint for command
Description Long Form
--laserjet -j Make the listing LaserJet landscape
--listfile -L Specify an explicit listing file (with -l)
--listing -l Produce an assembly listing output file
--mkscript Generate a command script
--nodefaults Disable processing of default command files
--outfile -o Specify an explicit output file
--search -s Add a path to the search list for include files
--silent Suppress banner message display
--suboptimalwarning -w Display warnings for instructions that are not optimal
--warning Display specified value as a warning
Neuron Librarian Tool
A library is a collection of Neuron object files. Each object file contains one or
more compiled ANSI C source files or assembled Neuron assembly source files.
Members of a library are object files created by the Neuron Assembler or the
Neuron C compiler. Although you use the Neuron C compiler to create object
files for a library, you cannot include language constructs that are specific to
Neuron C in these functions.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 5
The Neuron Librarian, available from the command line as NLIB.EXE, allows
you to create and manage libraries, or add and remove individual object files to
and from an existing library.
See the Neuron C Programmer’s Guide for more information about the Neuron
IzoT N odeBuilder Development Tool
The IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool is a hardware and software platform
for developing applications for Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers. With the
IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool, you can perform many tasks for
developing L
generate Neuron C code for the device interface, compile and build your
application, and debug your application.
The IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool does not work directly with Neuron
assembly language files. However, it can produce an assembly listing output file
for your Neuron C programs, and it can embed your assembly source files into
your application if it includes the #pragma include_assembly_file directive.
The IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development tool can also provide Neuron function
libraries (which can contain object files based on your assembly source) to the
linker, thus making these assembly-coded functions available to your application.
Note that the IzoT NodeBuilder FX Development Tool does not directly support
debugging of code written in assembly or of any code brought in from a function
ONWORKS devices, including: write and edit Neuron C code,
See the IzoTNodeBuilder FX User’s Guide for more information about the IzoT
NodeBuilder FX Development Tool.
Assembler Files
The Neuron Assembler requires a single source input file, and produces one
object output file, and optionally also produces a listing output file. The
descriptions and requirements for native Neuron assembly files also apply to
Neuron assembly source files that are used with the Neuron C Compiler’s
#pragma include_assembly_file directive.
The following sections describe these files.
Source Files
A source file (the input file) contains zero, one, or more lines of Neuron assembly
source code. This source code can consist of Neuron assembly instructions or
Neuron assembly directives.
The following sections describe the file naming convention and file format for
source files.
Naming Convention
A file that contains Neuron assembly source can have any file name that is
allowed by the operating system, but the use of the .ns file extension is
6 Introduction
recommended. If no file name extension is provided on the command line, the
Neuron Assembler assumes an .ns extension.
A file that is used with the Neuron Librarian (NLIB) must follow the Windows
8.3 naming convention (for example, filename.ext, where filename is no more than
eight characters and ext is one of the allowable extensions for Neuron assembly
files, such as .ns and .no). Spaces are not allowed in the file name or the
File Format
Each line in an assembly source file is independent, with no line-continuation
character or terminator character. An assembly source line can contain one of
the following:
•A blank line (zero, one, or more whitespace characters (blanks, spaces, or
tabs), followed by a newline or carriage-return character). The Neuron
Assembler ignores blank lines.
•A comment. A comment starts with a semicolon character (;) and ends
with a newline or carriage-return character. The Neuron Assembler
ignores all characters after the semicolon.
• A label. A label is an identifier for an instruction, directive, or segment.
• An assembly instruction, with zero, one, or more arguments. The line
with the instruction can begin with an optional label, and can also end
with an optional comment.
•An assembler directive. The line with the directive can begin with an
optional label (if the directive allows one), and can also end with an
optional comment.
If the line contains a label, it must begin in the first column. If the line contains
an instruction or directive without a label, the instruction or directive must begin
beyond the first column. A comment can begin in any column, but always
extends to the end of the line.
Spaces or tabs separate the label, the instruction mnemonic or directive, and the
first argument (if any). Multiple arguments are separated by spaces, tabs, or
commas, depending on the syntax of the particular instruction or directive.
Thus, the basic format for an assembly source line is:
By convention, instruction mnemonics are specified in lower case and directives
are specified in upper case.
Output Files
The Neuron Assembler produces the following output files:
• An object output file
• An optional listing output file
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 7
The object output file contains assembled code, ready for the Neuron Linker.
Typically, the object output file has the same name as the input source file, but
has an .no file extension.
The listing output file contains the source instructions, directives, and comments
from the source input file, and includes the instruction opcodes and addressing
information (including symbolic or segment-relative addresses that are resolved
by the linker). The listing output file also can include source instructions and
directives from imported files. The listing output file is formatted for ease of
printing or viewing online. Use the --listing (-l) command-line switch to
generate a listing output file. Typically, the listing output file has the same
name as the input source file, but has an .nl file extension.
For both the object output file and the listing output file, you can use the -outfile (-o) command-line switch of the nas command to rename these files.
However, this switch does not allow you to redirect the files to another directory.
A listing output file consists of one or more pages of output. Each page begins
with two header lines and a subhead line:
•The first header line contains information about the version of the
Neuron Assembler and ends with the current page number. This line
starts with a page break control character (form feed), that is used for
printing control. This control character is usually represented by a
special symbol when you view the assembly listing file with a file editor.
•The second header line contains the date and time that the listing file
was created and ends with the name of the source input file.
•The subhead line is blank, unless you specify a subhead using the
SUBHEAD directive (see SUBHEAD (Listing Control).
The rest of a page of a listing output file contains assembly source lines with
additional information in the left-hand columns:
•The first field is a four-digit hexadecimal number that represents the
absolute or relative address of the line. If the assembly source line
defines a label, the four-digit number is the value of the label. For
relocatable segments, the value is relative to the beginning of the
•The second field (and subsequent fields) is a two-digit or four-digit
hexadecimal number that represents the opcodes or data bytes as
assembled. If the field contains four zeros followed immediately by an
asterisk (*), the field’s value cannot be determined at assembly time, but
must be resolved at link time.
Assembly source lines that are skipped because of conditional assembly are also
included in the listing output file. Lines that are skipped are marked with an
exclamation mark (!) in the left-most column to designate that the line was not
General Neuron Assembly Syntax
The general Neuron assembly language syntax is:
label keyword operand1 operand2 ; comment
8 Introduction
• label is an optional identifier, followed by white space
• keyword is a reserved name for an assembly instruction or Assembler
•The operands operand1 and operand2 are optional. There can be zero,
one, or two operands, depending on the specific instruction. When
present, they take the form of either literals or identifiers for data items.
Operand identifiers are either reserved names of registers or stack
pointers, or are assumed to be data items declared in another part of the
file. Depending on the instruction, two operands are separated by either
white space or a comma, and depending on the addressing mode, they can
be enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) or combined with other special
•The terminating semicolon and comment are optional, but highly
recommended for most assembly source lines. See Documenting Changes to the Stack for additional comment recommendations.
The following sections provide additional information about these syntax
A label is an identifier for an instruction, directive, or segment. The Neuron
Assembler defines label values by their position in the source file relative to the
instructions and directives. A relocatable label has no absolute value until link
A label can comprise either lower or upper case letters a..z or A..Z, the digits 0..9,
and any of the following special characters: underscore (_), period (.), or percent
(%). The first character cannot be one of the numeric digits, nor can it be the
period (.) character. Labels are case sensitive.
Note that Neuron Assembler keywords are reserved and cannot be used for
labels, regardless of case. Reserved words include instruction mnemonics,
assembler directives, or register names. See Appendix C, Reserved Keywords, for
a list of assembler keywords.
Assembly Instructions
An assembly instruction is a keyword that represents a class of machine
operation codes (opcodes). The specific opcode is defined by the instruction,
combined with its operands.
An assembly instruction can comprise either upper or lower case characters a..z
or A..Z and the underscore character (_). Assembly instructions are not case
Each instruction accepts zero, one, or two operands (which can include special
An exclamation character (!) can precede an instruction. This character indicates
that any warning that results from using the -w command line switch is
suppressed for that instruction. Using this character can be useful if the -w
switch warns of something that is intentional or otherwise unavoidable.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 9
See Chapter 6, Neuron Assembly Language Instruction Statements, for a
description of all supported instructions.
Many Neuron assembly instructions require one or two operands to define the
machine instruction (opcode). Operands add information to the instruction, and
define the data that the instruction should operate on.
For example, some instructions require a register name (such as TOS or DSP) as
an argument to specify the source or destination of the data for the instruction.
In general, you can specify operand names in upper or lower case.
Some instructions use immediate addressing, for which you specify the operand
by prefixing a number sign or hash (#) to the value. An immediate value is used
as a literal value. For example, a PUSH #24 instruction pushes the literal value
“24” onto the stack, whereas a PUSH 24 instruction pushes the contents of
location 24 onto the stack.
Some instructions use base-relative addressing, for which the operand specifies a
location within the base-page relative to its starting address. Specify such a
displacement by prefixing an exclamation mark (!) to the operand.
Some instructions use one or two operands that specify a pointer register,
sometimes also with a displacement, or they specify a displacement relative to
the data stack pointer (DSP) or return stack pointer (RSP). Specify these types of
arguments by enclosing the argument in square brackets ([ ]).
Literal Constants
A literal constant is a numeric value, such as 12 or 173. The Neuron Assembler
supports numeric values in any of four radixes (bases): binary (base 2), octal
(base 8), decimal (base 10), and hexadecimal (base 16).
The RADIX directive specifies the default radix for an assembly language
function (see RADIX (Default Radix). To explicitly specify the radix for a literal
constant, prefix the constant’s value with one of the following letters and the
apostrophe character (‘):
• b’ for binary numbers
• o’ for octal numbers
• d’ for decimal numbers
• h’ for hexadecimal numbers
You can specify the radix letter in either upper or lower case. You can specify
leading zeros for any literal constant without changing its value. However, if the
default radix is hexadecimal, a literal constant must always begin with a numeric
digit or leading zero.
For example, you can specify the decimal value 123 as b’01111011, o’173, d’123,
or h’7b.
10 Introduction
A symbol is one or more consecutive alphanumeric characters. A symbol can
comprise either lower or upper case letters a..z or A..Z, the digits 0..9, and any of
the following special characters: underscore (_), period (.), or percent (%). The
first character cannot be one of the numeric digits, nor can it be the period (.)
character. Symbols are case sensitive.
Note that Neuron Assembler keywords are reserved and cannot be used for
symbols, regardless of case. Reserved words include instruction mnemonics,
assembler directives, or register names. See Appendix C, Reserved Keywords, for
a list of assembler keywords.
A label is a type of symbol (see Labels). A symbol that acts as a label for the
EQU directive is defined explicitly by the directive’s argument expression,
regardless of whether the directive is in a relocatable segment. See EQU (Equate Symbol) for more information about this directive.
You can also define a symbol by importing its value from an assembled object file.
The value of an imported symbol is known only at link time. In addition, you can
export a symbol to make it available at link time to another assembly file or a
Neuron C file. See one of the following sections for more information about
importing and exporting symbols: APEXP (Application Symbol Export), EXPORT (Export Symbol), and IMPORT (Import External Symbol).
Some Neuron assembly instructions accept expressions as arguments. The
simplest expression consists of a literal constant or a symbol. However, the
assembler also accepts expressions for which the value is the result of a
computation. The computation can involve multiple literal constants or symbols
and use a variety of operators. If the value of an expression is not computable at
assembly time, the assembly object output file must contain sufficient
information for the Neuron Linker to compute the expression value at link time.
General Expressions
The assembler supports the following types of operators for creating general
• Unary
• Binary
• Special operators
All expression values are 16-bit expressions, and all operators produce 16-bit
results. All operations use unsigned two’s-complement arithmetic. You can add
parentheses to an expression to syntactically determine its boundaries without
changing its value.
Unary operators are symbols that appear in front of an expression and perform
an operation on the value of that expression. Table 2 lists the unary operators.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 11
Table 2. Unary Operators
Operator Description
- Two’s-complement arithmetic negation
~ One’s-complement bitwise negation
Binary operators are symbols that appear between two expressions and perform
an operation to combine the values of the two expressions. Table 3 lists the
binary operators.
Table 3. Binary Operators
Operator Description
+ Two’s-complement addition
- Two’s-complement subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division with integral truncation
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise Exclusive OR
The special operators are symbols that instruct the Neuron Assembler to perform
a specific action. The values of expressions that use special operators are
computed at link time. Table 4 lists the special operators.
Table 4. Special Operators
Operator Description
@ Specifies a special operator function
* Specifies the absolute address of the
current assembly instruction (only
computable at link time for relocatable
A special operator function begins with the @ character, followed by the function
name, and then by a parenthesized expression. The function names can be
specified in either lower or upper case. Table 5 lists the special operator
12 Introduction
Table 5. Special Operator Functions
Function Description
LB Extracts the low byte of the expression
HB Extracts the high byte of the expression
(logical shift right by eight bits)
NEAR Offset value for the RAMNEAR area
(only computable at link time)
The following example demonstrates the use of the @NEAR expression. The
example implements a one-byte variable in the RAMNEAR segment, and a
function named Example that increments this global variable.
; open RAMNEAR segment, declare one byte
; uninitialized variable
myVariable EXPORT
; The Example routine takes no arguments and produces
; no results, but increments the global variable
pNear EQU 1
Example APEXP ; ( -- )
push [pNear][@NEAR(myVariable)]
pop [pNear][@NEAR(myVariable)]
ret ; return to caller
Constant Expressions
A constant expression is a general expression that is computable at assembly time
and has a constant value in an appropriate range for the specified instruction or
An expression that is not constant is one that is computable only at link time or
that has a variable value at runtime. Such symbols must be designated as
imported symbols.
Important: An expression that uses either the * or @NEAR special operator
cannot be a constant expression.
When using negative constants, or expressions that yield negative results, in a
byte context, you must use the @LB special operator (or specify the --autotrunc
[-a] command-line switch) to obtain a one-byte value for the value. For example,
use PUSH #@LB(-1) instead of PUSH #-1 (the latter will fail assembly).
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 13
A displacement is a relative address value. A displacement can be interpreted as
a signed or unsigned number, depending on the instruction with which the
displacement appears.
To compute the absolute address value, add the displacement (using either
signed or unsigned arithmetic, as appropriate) to the absolute address of the
instruction that contains the displacement.
Address Expressions
An address expression is an expression that specifies an address, and can be one
of the following types of expression: a literal constant, a symbol with an optional
offset expression, or the * special operator with an optional offset expression.
The optional offset expression is a general expression with a prefixed + (addition)
or - (subtraction) operator.
An address expression can consist of a mixture of locally defined and imported
symbols from the same or from multiple segments. However, symbols from other
segments must be exported, even if they are not used by other modules.
A comment is part of an assembly source line that provides useful information to
the code developer. The Neuron Assembler ignores comments. A comment starts
with a semicolon character (;) and ends with a newline or carriage-return
Recommendation: Use comments to document changes to the data and return
stacks. See Documenting Changes to the Stack for a recommended method of
documenting stack changes.
Assembler Directives
An assembler directive provides information to the Neuron Assembler to control
or affect the processing of the remainder of the assembly file.
The directives have syntax analogous to the assembly instructions. Most
directives require arguments, which are similar to the operands of the assembly
See Chapter 7, Neuron Assembler Directives, for more information about the
Neuron Assembler directives.
Interfacing with Neuron C Programs
Typically, you use Neuron assembly language to create utilities that can be used
with an application that is written in Neuron C. The Neuron C program code
might call functions defined in Neuron assembly, or a Neuron assembly function
might call a Neuron C function or program.
See Chapter 4, Interfacing with a Neuron C Application, for more information
about how Neuron assembly language functions and Neuron C program interact.
14 Introduction
Neuron Architecture for Neuron
Assembly Programming
This chapter describes elements of the Neuron architecture that apply
to writing a function in Neuron assembly language.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 15
Neuron Architecture
For Series 3100 devices, the architecture of a Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver
includes three independent processors that share a common memory, arithmeticlogic unit (ALU), and control circuitry. Each processor has its own set of
registers, including an instruction pointer (IP) and a flag register (FLAGS),
which contains the processor ID and the Carry flag.
For Series 5000 and 6000 devices, the architecture of a Neuron Chip or Smart
Transceiver is essentially identical to the independent processors of a Series 3100
device; however, Series 5000 and 6000 devices also provide interrupt-processing
support. Depending on the device’s configuration, interrupts can run in a fourth
processor or share the main application processor. As with Series 3100 devices,
each processor has its own set of registers, including an instruction pointer (IP)
and a flag register (FLAGS), which contains the processor ID and the Carry flag.
The Neuron architecture uses a base page model for addressing memory. Each
processor has a base-page register (BP) that points to a 16-byte boundary in
RAM. The first eight bytes of the base page are used as four 16-bit pointers
(named P0 to P3), followed by 16 bytes that implement 16 one-byte data registers
(named R0 to R15).
Some addressing modes refer to those general-purpose registers, and one
addressing mode directly accesses all 256 base-page bytes, including the 24 bytes
for the general-purpose registers.
Many of the general-purpose registers have a pre-defined use within the Neuron
system firmware and application framework. See CPU Registers for more
Base-page pointers or the direct addressing mode is used to access to global data
(defined as memory outside the base page).
Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers are stack-oriented machines, using two
stacks: the data stack and the return stack. The data stack holds program data,
and the return stack holds return addresses and transient local data. In the
event of an interrupt, the return stack also holds some of the processor’s state
The data stack’s starting address is at low base page memory (after the generalpurpose register area), and moves upward. The data stack pointer (DSP) is an 8bit offset from the BP register. The return stack’s starting address is at the top
of the base-page memory, and moves downward. The return stack pointer (RSP)
is an 8-bit offset from the BP register.
A dedicated hardware register holds the top of data stack element (this element
is called TOS), and a special addressing mode allows for fast access to the
element below TOS (this element is called NEXT).
This stack-oriented architecture, with both data and return stacks growing
towards each other within the same 256-byte base page, is not normally
problematic, but deep recursion or large local variables, or a combination of both,
should be avoided to prevent the stacks from colliding. The programmer is
responsible for seeing that the two stacks never collide. For Series 5000 and
6000 devices, a stack collision or a stack underflow can be recognized by the
system firmware, and results in an entry in the device’s error log.
16 Neuron Architecture for Neuron Assembly Programming
A Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver is a big-endian device, that is, the mostsignificant byte (MSB) of an address or a 16-bit scalar is at a lower memory
address, and the least-significant byte (LSB) of an address or a 16-bit scalar is at
a higher memory address. For 16-bit addresses, a Neuron assembly language
function must be sure to read or write the MSB at a low address before reading or
writing the LSB at higher address.
Because the data stack grows towards higher addresses, 16-bit entities appear on
the data stack with the LSB nearer to TOS. For the return stack, which grows in
the opposite direction, 16-bit entities appear with the MSB nearer to TOS.
Most operations that require arguments require that these arguments are
pushed onto a stack, and when an operation is performed, its arguments are
popped from a stack and its result (if any) pushed back on.
In addition to the DSP, a Neuron assembly language function can use two
registers, TOS and NEXT, to work with the top of the stack and with the next
element below the top of the stack, respectively. See Overview of Stack-Oriented Programming for additional information about working with stacks.
For more information about the Neuron architecture:
•For Series 3100 devices, see the FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart Transceiver
Data Book or the PL 3120 / PL 3150 / PL 3170 Power Line Smart
Transceiver Data Book.
• For Series 5000 devices, see the Series 5000 Chip Data Book.
• For Series 6000 devices, see the Series 6000 Chip Data Book.
Hardware Resources for Assembly Programs
The Neuron architecture provides two major sets of hardware resources for a
Neuron assembly language function to use: CPU registers and stacks. To make
effective use of these resources, the Neuron assembly language implements a
number of addressing modes that provide efficient access to data, either through
the registers or through one of the stacks. The following sections describe these
hardware resources. See Addressing Modes for a description of the available
addressing modes.
CPU Registers
The Neuron architecture provides the following types of CPU registers for
Neuron assembly language programming:
• General-purpose 16-bit pointer registers and 8-bit data registers
• A flag register
• An instruction pointer
• A base-page register
• A data-stack pointer register (8-bit, BP-relative)
• A register containing the element on top of the data stack (TOS)
• A return-stack pointer register (8-bit, BP-relative)
The following sections describe these registers.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 17
General-Purpose Registers
The Neuron architecture defines 16 hardware memory locations that the Neuron
Assembler uses as general-purpose registers, typically named R0, R1, R2, and so
on, to R15, as described in Table 6. Each of the general-purpose registers is
eight bits wide.
Table 6. General-Purpose Registers
R0 Scratch register. A function can use this register as needed.
R1 Scratch register. A function can use this register as needed.
R2 Scratch register. A function can use this register as needed.
R3 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R4 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R5 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
Assume that any call to the firmware, or to any function in a
library or written in Neuron C, might change the contents of
this register.
Assume that any call to the firmware, or to any function in a
library or written in Neuron C, might change the contents of
this register.
Assume that any call to the firmware, or to any function in a
library or written in Neuron C, might change the contents of
this register.
R6 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R7 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R8 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R9 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R10 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R11 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R12 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R13 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R14 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
R15 Reserved for use by the system firmware.
18 Neuron Architecture for Neuron Assembly Programming
A scratch register is one that can be used for temporary data storage by multiple
programs or functions. Although some operations support a special addressing
mode to index data through the general-purpose registers, you should consider
registers R0..R2 as modified after calling any other function. See Chapter 8,
System-Provided Functions, for a description of these functions, including which
general-purpose registers each function uses and modifies.
Important: Do not use or modify R4 in your Neuron assembly functions because
the network processor uses it. Modifying the other reserved general-purpose
registers (R3 to R15) can also cause unpredictable results.
The Neuron Assembly language refers to the general purpose data registers by
their base-page relative indices, 8..23. A typical assembly language function
defines the mnemonics R0 to R15 for these registers by using the EQU assembly
Example: The following push instruction uses base page relative addressing.
This addressing mode addresses the argument through one operand, the index of
one of the general purpose data registers within the base page. This index must
be in the 8..23 range.
The following instruction pushes the value of the R0 register onto the data stack:
push !8
Defining mnemonic names for the general-purpose registers makes this
instruction more easily readable. The following example is equivalent to the
previous one:
R0 EQU 8
push !R0
However, because you define the R0 mnemonic, it carries no special meaning for
the Neuron Assembler. The Assembler does not validate that the mnemonic
refers to the correct or intended register.
For the purpose of clarity (and unless explicitly mentioned to the contrary), all
source code examples in this book assume that the following mnemonics are
R0 EQU 8
R1 EQU R0+1
R15 EQU R14+1
Finally, note that the mnemonics are user-defined symbols. Unlike pre-defined
register names or assembly instructions, user-defined symbols are case-sensitive.
Pointer Registers
The Neuron architecture defines four general-purpose pointer registers, typically
named P0, P1, P2, and P3, as described in Table 7. Each of the pointer registers
is 16 bits wide.
Neuron Assembly Language Reference 19
Table 7. Pointer Registers
P0 Scratch register. A function can use this register as needed.
P1 Always points to the beginning of the RAMNEAR segment.
P2 Used by Neuron C programs. Assume that any call to the
P3 Scratch register. Assume that any call to the firmware, or to
A scratch register is one that can be used for temporary data storage by multiple
programs or functions. That is, must typically be saved before and restored after
calling any other function.
Important: Do not modify P1 or P2 in your Neuron assembly functions.
Assume that any call to the firmware, or to any function in a
library or written in Neuron C, might change the contents of
this register.
Do not change this register’s content when working in a
Neuron C context.
firmware, or to any function in a library or written in
Neuron C, might change the contents of this register.
any function in a library or written in Neuron C, might
change the contents of this register.
The Neuron Assembly language refers to the general-purpose pointer registers by
their numerical identifier, 0..3. A typical assembly language function defines the
mnemonics P0 to P3 for these registers by using the EQU assembly directive.
Example: The following push instruction uses indirect-relative addressing.
This addressing mode addresses the argument through two operands: a pointer
register and an offset. The effective address of the operation’s argument is
obtained by adding the offset to the contents of the pointer register.
The following instruction pushes the 7th byte from the memory address pointed
to by the P0 register onto the data stack:
push [0][7]
Defining mnemonic names for the general-purpose registers makes this
instruction more easily readable. The following example is equivalent to the
previous one:
P0 EQU 0
push [P0][7]
However, because you define the P0 mnemonic, it carries no special meaning for
the Neuron Assembler. The Assembler does not validate that the mnemonic
refers to the correct or intended register.
For the purpose of clarity (and unless explicitly mentioned to the contrary), all
source code examples in this book assume that the following mnemonics are
20 Neuron Architecture for Neuron Assembly Programming
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