Echelon LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User Manual

LONWORKS® Twisted Pair Control Module User’s Guide
Echelon, LONWORKS, LONMARK, NodeBuilder, LonTalk, Neuron, 3120, 3150, ShortStack, LonMaker, and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Smart Transceivers, Neuron Chips, and other OEM Products were not designed for use in equipment or systems, which involve danger to human health or safety, or a risk of property damage and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the Smart Transceivers or Neuron Chips in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and referenced in this document have been described for illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of these parts for each application.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon Corporation.
Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 1992, 2011 Echelon Corporation.
Echelon Corporation


Echelon’s LONWORKS® Twisted Pair Control Modules contain the core elements for device designs using L module are an FT 5000 Smart Transceiver or Neuron circuit, I rectangular), Communications Transformer or twisted pair transceiver, and unbuffered access to the I/O, SERVICE~, and RESET~ signals.
ONWORKS technology. The core elements of a control
C EEPROM or JEDEC MO-052 AE PLCC memory socket (32-pin
3150® Chip, crystal clock
All of the Neuron 3150 L
ONWORKS Twisted Pair Control Modules share a
common footprint and I/O interface to allow systems with different media requirements to share common application electronics board designs. The FT 5000 Control Module has a similar I/O interface so that you can easily modify designs that use a Neuron 3150 Control Module to use the FT 5000 Control Module.
Table 1 lists the available modules.
Table 1. LONWORKS Twisted Pair Control Modules
Number Features
FT 5000 Control Module 55040R-10 Transformer-isolated, free topology, 78
kbps communications, up to 80 MHz system clock (the system clock rate is application configurable; see
Configuration for FT 5000 Control Modules on page 41).
TP/FT-10 Free Topology Control Module
TP/FT-10F Free Topology Flash Control Module
55020R-01 Transformer-isolated, free topology, 78
kbps communications, 5 MHz clock
55020R-10 Transformer-isolated, free topology, 78
kbps communications, flash memory support, 10 MHz clock
TP/XF-78 Control Module 55010R-00 Transformer-isolated, bus operation, 78
kbps communications, 5 MHz clock
TP/XF-78F Flash Control Module 55010R-10 Transformer-isolated, bus operation, 78
kbps communications, flash memory support, 10 MHz clock
TP/XF-1250 Control Module 55030R-10 Transformer-isolated, bus operation, 1.25
Mbps communications, 10 MHz clock
This manual provides technical specifications for the electrical and mechanical interfaces and operating environment characteristics for the control modules.
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide iii


This document provides specifications and user instruction for customers who have purchased any of Echelon’s Twisted Pair Control Modules.

Related Documentation

The following manuals are available from the Echelon Web site ( applications for Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver devices:
FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart Transceiver Data Book (005-0139-01D). This manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the FT 3120
I/O Model Reference for Smart Transceivers and Neuron Chips (078­0392-01B). This manual provides information about the I/O models used by Echelon’s Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers. It includes hardware and software considerations for each of the I/O models.
) and provide additional information that can help you develop
and FT 3150 Smart Transceivers.
Introduction to the L
ONWORKS Platform (078-0183-01B). This manual
provides an introduction to the ISO/IEC 14908-1 (ANSI/CEA-709.1 and EN14908) Control Network Protocol, and provides a high-level introduction to L
ONWORKS networks and the tools and components that
are used for developing, installing, operating, and maintaining them.
Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines. This manual
describes design guidelines for developing applications for open interoperable L Web site,
ONWORKS devices, and is available from the LONMARK
LonMaker User's Guide (078-0333-01A). This manual describes how to
use the Turbo edition of the LonMaker
Integration Tool to design,
commission, monitor and control, maintain, and manage a network.
Mini FX User’s Guide (078-0398-01A). This manual describes how to use the Mini FX Evaluation Kit. You can use the Mini FX Evaluation Kit to develop a prototype or production control system that requires networking, or to evaluate the development of applications for control networks using the L
how to develop a L
FX User’s Guide (078-0405-01A). This manual describes
ONWORKS platform.
ONWORKS device using the NodeBuilder tool.
Neuron C Programmer’s Guide (078-0002-02H). This manual describes how to write programs using the Neuron C Version 2.2 programming language.
Neuron C Reference Guide (078-0140-02F). T re
ference information for writing programs using the Neuron C Version
his manual provides
2.2 programming language.
Series 5000 Chip Data Book (005-0199-01B). This manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical
interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the Neuron 5000 Chips and FT 5000 Smart Transceivers.
ShortStack FX User's Guide (078-0365-01B). This manual describes how to develop an application for a L
FX Micro Server. It describes the architecture of a
ShortStack device and how to develop a ShortStack device.
All of the Echelon documentation is available in Adobe PDF files, you must have a current version of the Adobe Reader download from Adobe at:

Reference Documentation

The following documents and books provide additional information that can help you develop applications for Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver devices:
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B258 - 02(2008) Standard Specification for Standard Nominal Diameters and Cross­Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Used as Electrical Conductors.
Comité européen de normalisation electrotechnique1 (CENELEC) EN 55022 – Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement.
Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques 22 – Information Technology Equipment – Radio Disturbance Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement.
ONWORKS device using Echelon’s
PDF format. To view the
, which you can
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition, by Bernard Sklar, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Electrostatic Discharge Association standard ESD STM5.1: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing – Human Body Model.
EMC for Product Designers, Fourth Edition, by Tim Williams, Newnes,
EMI Troubleshooting Techniques, by Michel Mardiguian, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1999.
European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC.
Comité européen de normalisation3 (CEN) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards (such as the IEC 61000-4 series of standards).
High Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic, by Howard Johnson and Martin Graham, Prentice Hall, 1993.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
International Special Committee on Radio Interference
European Committee for Standardization
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide v
High-Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices, by Stephen H. Hall, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2000.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard ISO/IEC 14908 Control Network Protocol
Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering), by Clayton R. Paul, Wiley­Interscience, 2006.
Institute for Printed Circuits (IPC) / Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) Solid State Technology Association standard: IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D.1 – Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices.
Neuron Chip data book:
o Motorola
LONWORKS Technology Device Data
o Toshiba Neuron Chip TMPN3150/3120
o Cypress™ Neuron Chip Technical Reference Manual
See the Echelon Series 5000 Chip Data Book (005-0199-01B) or FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart Transceiver Data Book (005-0139-01D) for information
about Echelon Smart Transceivers.
Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, 2nd ed., by Henry W. Ott, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages, by Ronald B. Standler, John Wiley & Sons, 1989, 2002.
Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 15, Radio Frequency Devices.
US Military Standard MIL-STD-883 Test Method Standard, Microcircuits: Method 3015.7, Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Classification.
You can purchase copies of CENELEC documents, IEC EMC standards, ISO standards, US Military Standards, and CISPR documents from the Information Handling Services (IHS) Global page at:
. IEC EMC standards are
also available from the IEC at:
Table of Contents
Welcome ......................................................................................................... iii
Audience ........................................................................................................ iv
Related Documentation ................................................................................ iv
Reference Documentation .............................................................................. v
Chapter 1. Electrical Interface ...................................................................... 1
FT 5000 Control Module ................................................................................ 2
JP1 Connector .......................................................................................... 2
Neuron 3150 Control Modules ...................................................................... 3
P1 and P2 Connector Terminals ............................................................. 4
Reset Pin ......................................................................................................... 5
Service Pin ...................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2. Mechanical Considerations ....................................................... 7
FT 5000 Control Module ................................................................................ 8
Floorplan Layout ..................................................................................... 8
Mechanical Footprint .............................................................................. 8
Neuron 3150 Control Module ........................................................................ 8
Mechanical Footprint .............................................................................. 9
Chapter 3. Power Requirements ................................................................. 15
FT 5000 Control Module .............................................................................. 16
Control Module Power Requirements .................................................. 16
Neuron 3150 Control Modules .................................................................... 16
Control Module Power Requirements .................................................. 16
Chapter 4. Network Cabling and Connection .......................................... 19
Performance Characteristics and Cabling .................................................. 20
Free Topology TP/FT-10 and TP/FT-10F .................................................... 20
Wire Characteristics .............................................................................. 21
Cable Terminations – Free Topology ................................................... 21
Cable Terminations – Doubly Terminated Bus ................................... 21
TP/XF-78, TP/XF-78F, and TP/XF-1250 ..................................................... 22
Wire Characteristics .............................................................................. 22
Device Distribution Rule for TP/XF-1250 Segments ........................... 22
Cable Terminations – TP/XF-78, -1250 Segments .............................. 24
Chapter 5. Design Issues ............................................................................... 27
EMI Design Issues ....................................................................................... 28
Designing Systems for EMC ........................................................................ 28
EMC Design Tips ................................................................................... 28
FT 5000 Control Module PC Board Layout Guidelines ...................... 29
Neuron 3150 Control Module Keepout Areas ...................................... 31
ESD Design Issues ....................................................................................... 32
Designing Systems for ESD Immunity ................................................ 33
Designing for Interoperability ..................................................................... 34
Chapter 6. Programming Considerations ................................................. 35
External Memory Considerations ............................................................... 36
FT 5000 Control Module ....................................................................... 36
Using an Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter .................................... 36
Clearing the Non-Volatile Memory ................................................ 37
Neuron 3150 Control Modules .............................................................. 38
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide vii
Application Program Development and Export ......................................... 40
NodeBuilder FX Development Tool ...................................................... 40
Configuration for FT 5000 Control Modules ................................. 41
Configuration for Neuron 3150 Control Modules ......................... 43
Programming ................................................................................... 45
Mini FX Evaluation Kit ......................................................................... 45
ShortStack FX Developer’s Kit ............................................................. 45

Electrical Interface

FT 5000 Control Modules interface to the device application electronics and to the network through the JP1 connector. Neuron 3150 Control Modules interface to the device application electronics and to the network through two connectors, P1 and P2, respectively.
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide 1

FT 5000 Control Module

The following sections describe the electrical interface for the FT 5000 Control Module.

JP1 Connector

Figure 1 and Table 2 show the pinout of the JP1 header connector for the FT 5000 Control Module. The I/O pin function names defined in Table 2 are the same as those used in the Series 5000 Chip Data Book, which defines the functions and electrical characteristics for the signals. The I/O signals are connected directly to the FT 5000 Smart Transceiver without buffering.
Figure 1. FT 5000 Control Module JP1 Connector
Table 2. FT 5000 Control Module JP1 Connector
Pin Number Signal Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 RST~ Reset (active low)
3 CP3_RXLED RxActive for network activity LED
4 CP2_TXLED TxActive for network activity LED
5 NC No Connect
6 VDD3V3 3.3 V Input Power
7 GND Ground
2 Electrical Interface
Pin Number Signal Name Description
8 SCL I2C serial clock for in-circuit programming
9 SDA_CS1~ I2C serial data for in-circuit programming
10 SVC~ Service (active low)
11 IO0 IO0 for I/O objects
12 IO1 IO1 for I/O objects
13 IO2 IO2 for I/O objects
14 IO3 IO3 for I/O objects
15 IO4 IO4 for I/O objects
16 IO5 IO5 for I/O objects
17 IO6 IO6 for I/O objects
18 IO7 IO7 for I/O objects
19 IO8 IO8 for I/O objects
20 IO9 IO9 for I/O objects
21 IO10 IO10 for I/O objects
22 IO11 IO11 for I/O objects
23 MOV_GND Return (ground) for MOV ESD clamp
24 GND Ground
25 FT_NETA FT network connection
26 FT_NETB FT network connection
Note: The FT 5000 Control Module incorporates DC blocking capacitors and therefore can directly connect to either non-link power or link power channels.

Neuron 3150 Control Modules

The following sections describe the electrical interface for the Neuron 3150 Control Modules.
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide 3

P1 and P2 Connector Terminals

Table 3, Table 4 on page 5, and Table 5 on page 5 show the pinout of the P1 and P2 connector terminals for the Neuron 3150 Control Modules. The I/O pin function names defined in Table 3 are the same as those used in the Neuron Chip Data Book, which defines the functions and electrical characteristics for the signal names. The I/O signals are connected directly to the Neuron 3150 Chip without buffering.
Table 3. 18-pin I/O Connector (P1) for Neuron 3150 Control Modules
Pin Number Name Description
1 NC No Connect
2 IO0 IO0 for I/O objects
3 GND Ground
4 IO1 IO1 for I/O objects
5 GND Ground
6 IO2 IO2 for I/O objects
7 GND Ground
8 IO3 IO3 for I/O objects
9 RESET~ Reset (active low)
10 IO4 IO4 for I/O objects
11 IO5 IO5 for I/O objects
12 +5 V 5 V Input Power
13 IO6 IO6 for I/O objects
14 IO9 IO9 for I/O objects
15 IO7 IO7 for I/O objects
16 IO10 IO10 for I/O objects
17 IO8 IO8 for I/O objects
18 SERVICE~ Service (active low)
4 Electrical Interface
Table 4. 6-pin Network Connector (P2) for the TP/XF Control Modules
Pin Number Name Description
1 CTB Transformer center tap
2 CTA Transformer center tap
3 Data B Network data B signal
4 Data A Network data A signal
5 NC No connection
6 NC No connection
Note: CTA and CTB must be shorted together on the applications electronics board.
Table 5. 6-pin Network Connector (P2) for the TP/FT-10 and TP/FT-10F
Control Modules
Pin Number Name Description
1 1 No connection
2 2 No connection
3 Data B Network data B signal
4 Data A Network data A signal
5 5 No connection
6 6 No connection
Note: The TP/FT-10 and TP/FT-10F Control Modules incorporate DC blocking capacitors and therefore can directly connect to either non-link power or link power channels.

Reset Pin

Pin 2 of the JP1 header on the FT 5000 Control Module is the Smart Transceiver reset pin (RST~). Pin 9 of the P1 header on the Neuron 3150 Control Module is the Neuron Chip reset pin (RESET~).
The reset pin on the Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip can be driven low externally or can be used as an open drain output to provide a reset signal for the application circuit. The details of the recommended circuit and loading on the
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide 5
reset pin are described in the Series 5000 Chip Data Book or the Neuron Chip
Control Module
Smart Transceiver
or Neuron Chip
VCC = +3.3V for FT 5000 Control Module VCC = +5V for Neuron 3150 Control Module
Data Book.

Service Pin

You can access the service pin (SVC~) of the FT 5000 Control Module at pin 10 of the JP1 header. You can access the service pin (SERVICE~) of the Neuron 3150 Control Module at pin 18 of the P1 header.
This pin is used for various network installation and maintenance scenarios. The function of this pin is described in the Series 5000 Chip Data Book or Neuron Chip Data Book.
Figure 2 shows a typical circuit for the device service pin. Typical applications do not require debounce conditioning of momentary push buttons attached to the service or reset pins. The software response time associated with these inputs is long enough to effectively provide a software debounce for switches with a contact bounce settling time as long as 20 msec.
6 Electrical Interface
Figure 2. Typical Service Pin Circuit

Mechanical Considerations

This chapter discusses the mechanical footprint and connectors of the Twisted Pair Control Modules. Details of mounting to an application electronics board are provided.
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide 7

FT 5000 Control Module

AT 24C 512
43.18 mm (1.7 in)
29.85 mm (1.175 in)
Back View Front View
Side View
16 mm
(0.63 in)
The following sections describe the mechanical interface for the FT 5000 Control Module.

Floorplan Layout

Figure 3 shows three views of the floorplan layout of the FT 5000 Control Module with some of its prominent features labeled.
Figure 3. FT 5000 Control Module Floorplan Layout

Mechanical Footprint

Figure 4 shows the mechanical footprint for an FT 5000 Control Module. You can solder the module directly to your PCB as a through-hole part or mount it in a connector. The module includes a male Samtec, Inc. TSW-113-08-T-D-RA square post header, which fits into a 13x2 pin female connector, such as a Samtec, Inc. SSM-113-L-DV surface mount socket strip.
Figure 4. FT 5000 Control Module Mechanical Footprint
The figure also shows positioning for Richco mount card guides for the Control Module. The card guides are optional, depending on your application.

Neuron 3150 Control Module

The following sections describe the mechanical interface for the Neuron 3150 Control Modules.
Inc. VMCGE-30M-01 vertical
8 Mechanical Considerations

Mechanical Footprint

The Neuron 3150 Twisted Pair Control Modules share a common footprint and connectors as shown in Figure 5 on page 10. The most common control module mounting scenario uses socket strips on the application electronics board which connect with P1 and P2 as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7 on page 11. Example vendor information for socket strips that mate with the 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) square header posts of P1 and P2 are listed in Table 6 on page 11.
If necessary, taller socket strips can be used to gain more clearance between the control module and the application board. Decisions about component placement on the application electronics board must also consider the electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electrostatic discharge (ESD) issues discussed in Chapter 5, Design Issues, on page 27.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the maximum height of parts on both sides of the control modules. Application designs using the transformer-isolated twisted pair transceivers should maintain a minimum of 0.15 inch (3.81 mm) clearance from P2 pins and traces on the network side of the transformer to achieve the minimum isolation specified for these modules. Refer to EMI Design Issues on page 28 and Neuron 3150 Control Module Keepout Areas on page 31 for isolation requirements.
Three plated mounting holes that accept No. 6 (3.5 mm) mounting screws are electrically connected to the control module ground plane. When the 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) square posts of P1 and P2 are inserted into the sockets they provide enough holding strength (3 oz (85 g)/pin) to secure the control module against shock and vibration to the operating limits of the components on the control module. However, at least one metal standoff and fastening screw located at the mounting hole near the P2 connector is recommended to meet EMI limits and for ESD protection (see Chapter 5).
For the TP/FT-10 control modules, the recommended metal standoff height is
0.56 inch (14.3 mm) to provide adequate clearance. Note that the Methode Socket (referenced in Table 6) in this case is not recommended, because its minimum insertion depth requirement is not met. Use of metal 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) #6 standoffs together with metal spacers can achieve this. Alternately, metal 0.56 inch (14.3 mm) #6 standoffs alone will be adequate. For the TP/XF and TP/FT-10F control modules, 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) #6 metal standoffs alone are recommended.
Figure 8 on page 12 presents the height restrictions of the component side of the control module. The board is divided into two height zones: the maximum height of components in the first zone is 0.20 inch (5.1 mm). The second zone's components are 0.47 inch (11.93 mm) for the TP/XF and TP/FT-10F control modules and 0.555 inch (14.1 mm) for the TP/FT-10 control module. Care should be taken to ensure that no components on the application electronics board interfere with the height restricted areas of the control modules.
Figure 9 on page 13 shows the recommended PCB pad layout for the application electronics board to interconnect a control module with an application board that has socket strips mounted on the component side.
LonWorks Twisted Pair Control Module User's Guide 9
+ 38 hidden pages