Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual

LonTalk® Stack Developer's Guide
Echelon, LONWORKS, LONMARK, NodeBuild er, LonTalk, Neuron, 3120, 3150, LNS,
ShortStack, and the Ec helon logo are
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Smart Transceivers, Neuron Chips, and other OEM Products were not designed for use in equipment or systems, which involve danger to human health or safety, or a risk of property damage and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the Smart Transceivers, Neuron Chips, and other OEM Products in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and referenced in this document have been described for illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of these parts for each application.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval s ystem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon Corporation.
Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2012 Echelon Corporation.
Echelon Corporation

Table of Contents

Audience ........................................................................................................ix
Related Documentation ................................................................................ix
1 Introduction to LonTalk Stack ............................................................... 1
Overview ......................................................................................................... 2
A LONWORKS Device with a Single Processor Chip ..............................3
A LONWORKS Device with Two Processor Chips ...................................4
ShortStack Developer’s Kit ..............................................................4
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit......................................................... 6
Comparing Neuron-Hosted, ShortStack, and LonTalk Stack
Requirements and Restrictions for LonTalk Stack...................................... 9
Development Tools for LonTalk Stack........................................................ 10
LonTalk Stack Architecture ........................................................................10
Overview of the LonTalk Stack Development Process ..............................12
2 Getting Started with the LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit ..............19
LonTalk Stack Overview .............................................................................20
Installing the LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit............................................20
Hardware Requirements....................................................................... 20
Software Requirements......................................................................... 20
Installing the LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit .....................................21
LonTalk Stack Files ..................................................................................... 21
LonTalk Interface Developer....................................................................... 21
Example LonTalk Stack Applications ........................................................22
3 Loading the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip .............25
Loading Overview ........................................................................................26
Integrating a Custom Network Interface ................................................... 28
Defining Incoming Layer 2 Packet Buffers.......................................... 29
Functions................................................................................................ 29
4 Designing the Serial I/O Hardware Interface ...................................31
Overview of the Hardware Interface ..........................................................32
Serial Communication Lines ................................................................ 32
The RESET~ Pin ...................................................................................33
Selecting the Link-Layer Bit Rate........................................................ 34
Host Latency Considerations................................................................36
SCI Interface ................................................................................................36
Performing an Initial Echelon Smart Transceiver Health Check ............37
5 Creating a LonTalk Stack Serial MIP Driver....................................39
Overview of the Link Layer Protocol .......................................................... 40
Code Packet Layout...............................................................................40
Type Code Values............................................................................42
Acknowledgment Rules .................................................................. 44
Sequence Number Cycling and Duplicate Detection ....................45
Supported MIP Command Set .............................................................. 45
Layer 2 / Layer 5 Modes........................................................................ 46
Product Query Network Management .................................................47
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide iii
Serial MIP Driver Example.........................................................................47
Serial MIP Driver API ................................................................................. 47
Structures ..............................................................................................47
Functions................................................................................................ 48
6 Creating a Model File .............................................................................. 51
Model File Overview ....................................................................................52
Defining the Device Interface...................................................................... 53
Defining the Interface for a LonTalk Stack Application..................... 53
Choosing the Data Type .................................................................54
Defining a Functional Block .................................................................55
Declaring a Functional Block ......................................................... 56
Defining a Network Variable................................................................ 56
Defining a Changeable-Type Network Variable ...........................58
Defining a Configuration Property.......................................................59
Declaring a Configuration Property ..............................................59
Responding to Configuration Property Value Changes................62
Defining a Configuration Property Array ..................................... 62
Sharing a Configuration Property .................................................64
Inheriting a Configuration Property Type ....................................66
Declaring a Message Tag ...................................................................... 67
Defining a Resource File .......................................................................68
Implementation-Specific Scope Rules............................................ 70
Writing Acceptable Neuron C Code ............................................................70
Anonymous Top-Level Types ................................................................ 71
Legacy Neuron C Constructs ................................................................71
Using Authentication for Network Variables ............................................ 71
Specifying the Authentication Key....................................................... 72
How Authentication Works................................................................... 73
Managing Memory .......................................................................................74
Address Table ........................................................................................74
Alias Table .............................................................................................75
Domain Table......................................................................................... 75
Network Variable Configuration Table................................................ 76
Example Model files.....................................................................................76
Simple Network Variable Declarations ............................................... 76
Network Variables Using Standard Types ..........................................76
Functional Blocks without Configuration Properties ......................... 77
Functional Blocks with Configuration Network Variables................. 78
Functional Blocks with Configuration Properties Implemented
in a Configuration File ..........................................................................
7 Using the LonTalk Interface Developer Utility ................................ 81
Running the LonTalk Interface Developer................................................. 82
Specifying the Project File ....................................................................82
Specifying the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip
Configuration .........................................................................................
Configuring the LonTalk Stack ............................................................84
Configuring the Buffers ........................................................................ 85
Configuring the Application.................................................................. 86
Configuring Support for Non-Volatile Data......................................... 87
Specifying the Device Program ID ....................................................... 88
Specifying the Model File......................................................................89
Specifying Neuron C Compiler Preferences.........................................90
Specifying Code Generator Preferences ............................................... 91
Compiling and Generating the Files .................................................... 92
Using the LonTalk Interface Developer Files ............................................93
Copied Files............................................................................................ 94
LonNvTypes.h and LonCpTypes.h .......................................................94
FtxlDev.h................................................................................................ 95
FtxlDev.c ................................................................................................95
project.xif and project.xfb...................................................................... 95
Using Types .................................................................................................. 95
Bit Field Members ................................................................................. 97
Enumerations ........................................................................................98
Floating Point Variables .......................................................................98
Network Variable and Configuration Property Declarations .................100
Constant Configuration Properties...........................................................102
The Network Variable Table ..................................................................... 103
Network Variable Attributes .............................................................. 103
The Message Tag Table .............................................................................104
8 Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application...........................105
Overview of a LonTalk Stack Device Application.................................... 106
Using the LonTalk API .......................................................................106
Callbacks and Events .......................................................................... 108
Integrating the Application with an Operating System ................... 108
Providing Persistent Storage for Non-Volatile Data......................... 109
Restoring Non-Volatile Data ........................................................ 110
Writing Non-Volatile Data ...........................................................111
Tasks Performed by a LonTalk Stack Application ..................................112
Initializing the LonTalk Stack Device ............................................... 113
Periodically Calling the Event Pump................................................. 113
Sending a Network Variable Update .................................................115
Receiving a Network Variable Update from the Network ................ 117
Handling a Network Variable Poll Request from the Network........ 120
Handling Changes to Changeable-Type Network Variables ............ 120
Validating a Type Change ............................................................ 121
Processing a Type Change............................................................122
Processing a Size Change ............................................................. 123
Rejecting a Type Change .............................................................. 124
Handling Dynamic Network Variables .............................................. 124
Communicating with Other Devices Using Application
Messages ..............................................................................................
Sending an Application Message to the Network ....................... 126
Receiving an Application Message from the Network................ 126
Handling Management Commands.................................................... 126
Handling Local Network Management Tasks ................................... 127
Handling Reset Events........................................................................ 127
Querying the Error Log.......................................................................127
Working with ECS Devices........................................................................ 127
Using Direct Memory Files........................................................................ 128
The DMF Memory Window.................................................................129
File Directory ....................................................................................... 130
Shutting Down the LonTalk Stack device................................................ 131
9 Developing an IP-852 Router Application........................................133
Developing an IP-852 Router Application ................................................ 134
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide v
LtLogicalChannel ................................................................................134
LtIp852Router .....................................................................................134
10 Porting a LonTalk Stack Application ......................................... 137
Porting Overview .......................................................................................138
OSAL ....................................................................................................138
LonLink Driver .................................................................................... 138
Service LED .........................................................................................139
Socket Interfaces ................................................................................. 139
LonTalkStack Source Files .................................................................139
Application-Specific Files for LonTalk Stack Devices....................... 141
Application-Specific Code for IP-852 Interfaces....................................... 141
Selecting the Device Type.......................................................................... 141
File System Requirements ........................................................................ 142
Appendix A LonTalk Interface Developer Command Line
Usage ................................................................................................................
Overview ..................................................................................................... 144
Command Usage ........................................................................................144
Command Switches.................................................................................... 145
Specifying Buffers................................................................................ 147
Appendix B Model File Compiler Directives .......................................151
Using Model File Compiler Directives...................................................... 152
Acceptable Model File Compiler Directives.............................................. 152
Appendix C Neuron C Syntax for the Model File................................157
Functional Block Syntax............................................................................ 158
Functional Block Properties Syntax .........................................................161
Network Variable Syntax .......................................................................... 164
The Network Variable Modifier ................................................... 164
The Network Variable Storage Class .......................................... 166
The Network Variable Type .........................................................166
The Network Variable Connection Information ......................... 167
The Network Variable Initializer................................................. 170
The Network Variable Property List ...........................................170
Configuration Property Syntax ................................................................. 171
The Configuration Property Type ................................................172
The Configuration Property Modifiers ........................................ 172
The Configuration Property Initializer ....................................... 174
Declaring a Configuration Network Variable.................................... 175
Defining a Device Property List .........................................................175
Message Tag Syntax ..................................................................................177
Appendix D LonTalk API ..........................................................................179
Introduction................................................................................................ 180
The LonTalk API, Event Handler Functions, and Callback Handler
Functions ....................................................................................................
LonTalk API Functions ....................................................................... 180
Commonly Used LonTalk API Functions .................................... 181
Other LonTalk API Functions...................................................... 181
Application Messaging API Functions ........................................ 182
Non-Volatile Data API Functions ................................................ 182
Extended API Functions............................................................... 183
Event Handler Functions....................................................................184
Commonly Used Event Handler Functions.................................184
Dynamic Network Variable Event Handler Functions ..............185
Application Messaging Event Handler Functions ......................186
Non-Volatile Data Event Handler Functions.............................. 186
LonTalk Stack Callback Handler Functions .....................................187
Commonly Used Callback Handler Functions ............................ 187
Direct Memory Files Callback Handler Functions .....................188
Non-Volatile Data Callback Handler Functions ......................... 188
The Operating System Abstraction Layer................................................ 189
Managing Critical Sections.................................................................190
Managing Binary Semaphores ...........................................................190
Managing Operating System Events .................................................190
Managing System Timing ................................................................... 191
Managing Operating System Tasks ................................................... 191
Debugging Operating System Functions ...........................................191
Appendix E Determining Memory Usage for LonTalk Stack
Overview ..................................................................................................... 194
Memory Use for Code ..........................................................................194
Memory Use for Transactions............................................................. 194
Memory Use for Buffers ...................................................................... 195
Memory for LONWORKS Resources ..................................................... 195
Memory for Non-Volatile Data ...........................................................196
Memory Usage Examples for Data..................................................... 198
Appendix F Downloading a LonTalk Stack Application Over
the Network....................................................................................................
Overview ..................................................................................................... 202
Custom Application Download Protocol ...................................................202
Application Download Utility....................................................................203
Download Capability within the Application ........................................... 203
Appendix G Example LonTalk Stack Applications ............................205
Overview of the Example Applications.....................................................206
Building the Example Applications.................................................... 207
Running the Examples........................................................................207
Running the SimpleLtDevice Example .......................................208
Running the SimpleIp852Device Example.................................. 208
Running the Ip852Router Example............................................. 208
SimpleLtDevice and SimpleIp852Device Example Application
Main Function...................................................................................... 209
Application Task Function..................................................................211
Event Handler Function .....................................................................212
Application-Specific Utility Functions ...............................................213
Callback Handler Function................................................................. 213
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide vii
Model File............................................................................................. 214
Extending the SimpleLtDevice and SimpleIp852 Examples............ 214
IP-852 Router Example Application Details ............................................ 215
Appendix H LonTalk Interface Developer Utility Error and
Warning Messages.........................................................................................
Introduction................................................................................................ 220
Error Messages........................................................................................... 220
Warning Codes ...........................................................................................226
Hint Codes .................................................................................................. 228
Appendix I Glossary ...................................................................................231


Echelon’s LonTalk® Stack enables you to add a high-performance ISO/IEC 14908-1 control networking interface to any product that contains a microprocessor, microcontroller, or embedded processor. The LonTalk Stack includes a simple host application programming interface (API), a complete ISO/IEC 14908-1 protocol stack implementation, a link-layer driver, a simple hardware interface, and comprehensive tool support.
This document describes how to port the LonTalk Stack to your processor and how to develop an application for a L It describes the architecture of a LonTalk Stack device, and how to develop the device’s software. Software development of a LonTalk Stack device includes creating a model file, running the LonTalk Interface Developer utility, and using the LonTalk Stack API functions to program your LonTalk Stack application for the host processor.


This document assumes that the reader has a good understanding of the
ONWORKS platform and programming for embedded processors.

Related Documentation

In addition to this manual, the LonTalk Stack documentation suite includes the following manuals:
ONWORKS device using the LonTalk Stack.
Neuron C Programmer’s Guide. This manual describes the key concepts
of programming using the Neuron describes how to develop a L
Neuron C Reference Guide. This manual provides reference information
for writing programs that use the Neuron C language.
Neuron Tools Errors Guide. This manual describes error codes issued by
the Neuron C compiler.
The LonTalk Stack also includes the reference documentation for the LonTalk API, which is delivered as a set of HTML files.
After you install the LonTalk Stack software, you can view these documents from the Windows Start menu: select Programs Echelon LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit, and then select the document that you want to view.
The following manuals are available from the Echelon Web site and provide additional information that can help you
( develop L
ONWORKS applications:
Introduction to the L
introduction to the ISO/IEC 14908 1 Control Network Protocol, and provides a high-level introduction to L and components that are used for developing, installing, operating, and maintaining them.
ONWORKS Platform. This manual provides an
C programming language and
ONWORKS application.
ONWORKS networks and the tools
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide ix
Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines. This manual
describes design guidelines for developing applications for open interoperable L Web site,
ONWORKS devices, and is available from the LONMARK
FT 3120 / FT 3150 Echelon Smart Transceiver Data Book. This manual
provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the FT 3120
PL 3120
and FT 3150® Echelon Smart Transceivers.
/PL 3150®/PL 3170™ Power Line Smart Transceiver Data
Book. Provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical
interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the PL 3120®, PL 3150® and PL 3170™ Power Line Smart Transceivers. This data book also provides guidelines for migrating applications to the PL Smart Transceiver using the
NodeBuilder ShortStack
FX Development Tool, the Mini FX Evaluation Kit, or the
Developer’s Kit.
Series 5000 Chip Data Book. Provides detailed specifications on the
electrical interfaces, mechanical interfaces, and operating environment characteristics for the FT 5000 Smart Transceiver and Neuron 5000 Processor.
OpenLNS Commissioning Tool User’s User's Guide. This manual
describes how to use the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool to design, commission, monitor and control, maintain, and manage a network.
All of the LonTalk Stack documentation, and related product documentation, is available in Adobe version of the Adobe Reader
PDF format. To view the PDF files, you must have a current
, which you can download from Adobe at:
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide xi

Introduction to LonTalk Stack

This chapter introduces LonTalk Stack for embedded processors. It describes the architecture of a LonTalk Stack device, including a comparison with other L development solutions. It also describes attributes of a LonTalk Stack device, and the requirements and restrictions of the LonTalk Stack.
ONWORKS device
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 1


Automation solutions for buildings, homes, utility, transportation, and industrial applications include sensors, actuators, and control systems. A L network is a peer-to-peer network that uses an international-standard control network protocol for monitoring sensors, controlling actuators, communicating with devices, and managing network operation. In short, a L provides communications and complete access to control network data from any device in the network.
ONWORKS network
The communications protocol used for L
ONWORKS networks is the ISO/IEC
14908-1 Control Network Protocol. This protocol is an international standard seven-layer protocol that has been optimized for control applications and is based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model (the OSI Model, ISO standard 7498-1). The OSI Model describes computer network communications through seven abstraction layers. The implementation of these seven layers in a L devices within a L
ONWORKS device provides standardized interconnectivity for
ONWORKS network. The following table summarizes the CNP
OSI Layer Purpose Services Provided
7 Application Application compatibility Network configuration, self-installation,
network diagnostics, file transfer, application configuration, application specification, alarms, data logging, scheduling
6 Presentation Data interpretation Network variables, application messages,
foreign frame transmission
5 Session Control Request/response, authentication
4 Transport End-to-end
communication reliability
Acknowledged and unacknowledged message delivery, common ordering, duplicate detection
3 Network Destination addressing Unicast and multicast addressing,
2 Data Link Media access and framing Framing, data encoding, CRC error
checking, predictive carrier sense multiple access (CSMA), collision avoidance, priority, collision detection
1 Physical Electrical interconnect Media-specific interfaces and modulation
Echelon’s implementation of the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network Protocol is called the LonTalk protocol. Echelon has implementations of the LonTalk protocol in several product offerings, including the Neuron firmware (which is
included in a ShortStack
Micro Server), OpenLNS Server, SmartServers, i.LON
2 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
600 IP-852 Routers, and the LonTalk Stack. This document refers to the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network Protocol as the LonTalk protocol, although other interoperable implementations exist.

A LONWORKS Device with a Single Processor Chip

A basic LONWORKS device consists of four primary components:
1. An application processor that implements the application layer, or both
the application and presentation layers, of the LonTalk protocol.
2. A protocol engine that implements layers 2 through 5 (or 2 through 7) of
the LonTalk protocol.
3. A network transceiver that provides the physical interface for the
ONWORKS network communications media, and implements the physical
layer of the LonTalk protocol.
4. Circuitry to implement the device I/O.
These components can be combined in a physical device. For example, an Echelon Smart Transceiver product can be used as a single-chip solution that combines all four components in a single chip. When used in this way, the Echelon Smart Transceiver runs the device’s application, implements the LonTalk protocol, and interfaces with the physical communications media through a transformer. The following figure shows the seven-layer LonTalk protocol on a single Neuron Chip or Echelon Smart Transceiver.
Traditional single-chip approach
(Neuron Chip or Smart Transceiver)
Application layer
Presentation layer
Session layer
Transport layer
Network layer
Data link layer
Neuron C
(NodeBuilder FX,
Mini Kit)
Physical layer
Transceiver and
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 3
ONWORKS device that uses a single processor chip is called a Neuron-hosted
device, which means that the Neuron-based processor (the Echelon Smart Transceiver) runs both the application and the LonTalk protocol.
For a Neuron-hosted device that uses a Neuron Chip or Echelon Smart Transceiver, the physical layer (layer 1) is handled by the Neuron Chip or Echelon Smart Transceiver. The middle layers (layers 2 through 6) are handled by the Neuron firmware. The application layer (layer 7) is handled by your Neuron C application program. You can create the application program using the Neuron C programming language in either the NodeBuilder Tool or the Mini FX.
FX Development

A LONWORKS Device with Two Processor Chips

Some LONWORKS devices run applications that require more memory or processing capabilities than a single Neuron Chip or Echelon Smart Transceiver can provide. Other L to an existing processor and application. For these applications, the device uses two processor chips working together:
An Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
A microprocessor, microcontroller, or embedded processor. This is
typically called the host processor.
ONWORKS device that uses two processor chips is called a host-based device,
A L which means that the device includes an Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip plus a host processor.
ONWORKS devices are implemented by adding a transceiver
Compared to the single-chip device, the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip implements only a subset of the LonTalk protocol layers. The host processor implements the remaining layers and runs the device’s application program. The Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip and the host processor communicate with each other through a link-layer interface.
For a single-chip, Neuron-hosted, device you write the application program in Neuron C. For a host-based device, you write the application program in ANSI C, C++, or other high-level language, using a common application framework and application programming interface (API). This API is called the LonTalk API. In addition, for a host-based device, you select a suitable host processor and use the host processor’s application development environment, rather than the NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or the Mini FX application, to develop the application.
Echelon provides the following solutions for creating host-based L devices:
ShortStack Developer’s Kit
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit
ShortStack Developer’s Kit
The ShortStack Developer’s Kit is a set of development tools, APIs, and firmware for developing host-based L and a ShortStack Micro Server.
ONWORKS devices that use the LonTalk Compact API
4 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
A ShortStack Micro Server is an Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip with ShortStack firmware that implements layers 2 to 5 (and part of layer 6) of the LonTalk protocol. The host processor implements the application layer (layer 7) and part of the presentation layer (layer 6). The Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip provides the physical interface for the L
ONWORKS communications
channel. The ShortStack firmware allows you to use almost any host processor for your device’s application and I/O. The following figure displays the ShortStack solution for a host-based L
ONWORKS device.
A simple serial communications interface provides communications between the ShortStack Micro Server and the host processor. Because a ShortStack Micro Server can work with any host processor, you must provide the serial driver implementation, although Echelon does provide the serial driver API and an example driver for some host processors. An example driver is available for an
ARM7 microprocessor.
Host Processor
LonTalk API
ISO/IEC 14908-1
Layer 7
Serial I/O Driver
Smart Transceiver
ISO/IEC 14908-1
Layers 2 – 6
ISO/IEC 14908-2 or 3
Layer 1 PHY
Communications Channel
For ShortStack device development, you use the C or C++ programming language. Alternatively, you can develop ShortStack devices using any programming language supported by the host processor if you port the LonTalk Compact API and the application framework generated by the LonTalk Interface Developer utility to that language.
You use the Echelon LonTalk Interface Developer (LID) utility to create the application framework. Your application uses the Echelon LonTalk Compact
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 5
API, which is an ANSI C API, to manage communications with the ShortStack Micro Server and devices on the L
ONWORKS network.
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit
The LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit is a set of development tools, APIs, and firmware for developing host-based L Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip, a Layer 2 Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP), and the LonTalk API. You can also use the LonTalk Stack to create controllers that are attached to IP-852 channels, and IP-852 routers that route packets between IP-852 and native LonTalk channels.
The Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip includes Neuron firmware that implements the data link layer (layer 2) of the LonTalk protocol. The LonTalk Stack provides a Layer 2 MIP that transforms the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip into a network interface that can transmit and receive any packet from the host processor. The LonTalk Stack includes source code that implements layers 3 to 6 and part of layer 7 of the LonTalk protocol that you port to your host processor. The LonTalk Stack also includes a LonTalk API implementation that you port to your host processor that you integrate with your application. This solution enables you to develop high-performance controllers with up to 4,096 network variables and 32,767 address table entries.
Host Processor
ONWORKS devices that use the Echelon
LonTalk API
ISO/IEC 14908-1
Layers 3 – 7
With ECS
Serial I/O Driver
Smart Transceiver
Layer 2 MIP
ISO/IEC 14908-1
Layer 2
ISO/IEC 14908-2 or 3
Layer 1 PHY
Communications Channel
To develop the application for your host processor, you use a C or C++ compiler that supports the embedded processor. You will use the Echelon LonTalk Interface Developer utility to create the application framework, and then you can
6 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
develop your application using the Echelon LonTalk API to manage communications between the LonTalk Host stack, Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip, and other L
The LonTalk Stack includes an example communications interface driver for the serial link layer that manages communications between the LonTalk Host stack within the host processor and the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip with Layer 2 MIP. You need to include the physical implementation of the serial link layer in your LonTalk Stack device design, and you need to create the software implementation of the serial interface driver.
ONWORKS devices on the network.
Comparing Neuron-Hosted, ShortStack, and LonTalk Stack Devices
The following table compares some of the key characteristics of the Neuron-hosted and host-based solutions for L
ONWORKS devices.
Maximum number of network variables
Maximum number of aliases
Maximum number of addresses
Maximum number of dynamic network variables
Maximum number of receive transaction records
Neuron-Hosted Solution
254 254
254 127
15 15 32767
0 0 4096
16 16 32767
ShortStack FX
LonTalk Stack
Maximum number of transmit transaction records
Support for the LonTalk Extended Command Set
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 7
2 2 32767
No No Yes
File access methods supported
Link-layer type N/A 4- or 5-line
SCI or 6- or 7-line SPI
Typical host API runtime footprint
N/A 5-6 KB code
with 1 KB RAM (includes serial driver, but does not include optional API or ISI API)
2-line SCI
Native LonTalk protocol stack.
Includes LonTalk API, Linux Serial MIP driver, and the SimpleDevice example application.
IP-852 LonTalk protocol stack.
Includes LonTalk API, Linux Serial MIP driver, and the SimpleIp852Device example application.
Native LonTalk to IP-852 Router.
850 KB
955 KB
965 KB
Host processor type
Application development language
N/A Any 8-, 16-,
32-, or 64-bit microprocessor or microcontroller
Neuron C Any (typically
Includes Linux Serial MIP driver, and the Ip852Router example application.
Any 32- or 64-bit microprocessor or microcontroller
ANSI C or C++ for the embedded processor
8 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
1. ShortStack Micro Servers running on FT 3150 or PL 3150 Echelon Smart
Transceivers support up to 254 network variables. ShortStack Micro Servers running on FT 3120 Echelon Smart Transceivers support up to 240 network variables, and ShortStack Micro Servers running on PL 3120 Echelon Smart Transceivers support up to 62 network variables. A custom Micro Server can support up to 254 network variables, depending on available resources.
2. ShortStack Micro Servers running on FT 3150 or PL 3150 Echelon Smart
Transceivers support up to 127 aliases. ShortStack Micro Servers running on FT 3120 Echelon Smart Transceivers support up to 120 aliases. ShortStack Micro Servers running on PL 3120 Echelon Smart Transceivers support up to 62 aliases. A custom Micro Server can support up to 127 aliases, depending on available resources.
3. See the ISO/IEC 14908-1 Control Network Protocol Specification for more
information about the extended command set (ECS) network management commands. This document is available from ISO:
4. An implementation of the L
with the product.
5. For more information about the direct memory files (DMF) feature, see
Memory Files.
ONWORKS file transfer protocol (FTP) is not provided
Using Direct
The LonTalk Stack solution provides support for any host processor with the highest performance and highest network capacity, and it can be used on native
ONWORKS and IP-852 channels. The ShortStack solution provides support for
L any host processor, and supports TP/FT-10 and PL-20 channels. The ShortStack solution supports fewer network variables and aliases that the LonTalk Stack solution.

Requirements and Restrictions for LonTalk Stack

The LonTalk Stack requires that the application on the host processor use either an embedded operating system or software that implements a minimum set of operating system services.
The LonTalk Stack require about 850 KB of program memory on the host processor, not including the application program or the operating system. In addition, you must provide sufficient additional non-volatile memory for device configuration data and any non-volatile data that you include in your application.
You can implement configuration properties as configuration network variables or in configuration files. To access configuration files, you can implement the
ONWORKS file transfer protocol (FTP) or use the direct memory files (DMF)
L feature. See FTP or the DMF feature.
Using Direct Memory Files for more information about when to use
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 9

Development Tools for LonTalk Stack

To develop an application for a device that uses the LonTalk Stack, you need a development system for the host processor. In addition, you need the LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit, which includes:
LonTalk API
LonTalk Host Stack
LonTalk Stack device and generating the application framework
Example LonTalk Stack applications
If you are not using an FT 5000 Smart Transceiver with serial interface to your host, you will also need a NodeBuilder FX Development Tool or Mini FX Evaluation Kit to develop the MIP image for your network interface.
You also need a network management tool to install and test your LonTalk Stack device. You can use the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool, or any other tool that can install and monitor L Tool User’s Guide for more information on the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool.
You can use NodeBuilder Code Wizard that is included with the NodeBuilder FX tool, version 3 or later, to help develop your Neuron C model file. The model file is used to define the device’s interoperable interface.
Interface Developer utility for defining the interface for your
ONWORKS devices. See the OpenLNS Commissioning

LonTalk Stack Architecture

A LonTalk Stack device consists of the following components:
Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip with a Layer 2 MIP.
A microprocessor, microcontroller, or embedded processor running the
following software:
Host application that uses the LonTalk API.
LonTalk API
LonTalk host stack.
Non-volatile data (NVD) driver.
Operating system abstraction layer (OSAL).
Embedded operating system.
Serial I/O driver.
The following figure shows the basic architecture of a LonTalk Stack device.
10 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
The LonTalk Stack includes source code for the LonTalk API and the LonTalk host stack. The kit also includes source code for additional operating system and hardware APIs that you compile and link with your application. The LonTalk API defines the functions that your application calls to communicate with other devices on a L the host application.
The LonTalk API consists of the following types of functions:
Functions to initialize the host device after each reset.
A function that the application must call periodically. This function
Various functions to initiate typical operations, such as the propagation
Event handler functions to notify the application of events, such as the
Functions to interface with the operating system.
ONWORKS network. The API code provides ANSI C interfaces for
processes messages pending in any of the data queues.
of network variable updates.
arrival of network variable data or an error in the propagation of an application message.
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 11

Overview of the LonTalk Stack Development Process

The development process for a LonTalk Stack application includes the following steps:
1. Load the Neuron firmware and the Layer 2 MIP on the Echelon Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
2. Create the serial I/O hardware interface between your host processor and
the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
3. Develop a LonTalk Stack serial driver for your host processor that
manages the handshaking and data transfers between the host processor and the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
4. Create a model file that defines the interoperable interface of your
LonTalk Stack device, including its network inputs and outputs.
5. Use the LonTalk Interface Developer utility to generate application
framework files and interface files from the model file.
6. Use a C/C++ development tool to create the LonTalk Stack application,
with input from:
The application framework files generated by the LonTalk Interface
Developer utility
The operating system abstraction layer (OSAL) files, which you might
need to modify
The non-volatile data (NVD) driver files, which you might need to
The LonTalk host stack
The LonTalk API
A LonTalk Stack device is comprised of both hardware and software components; therefore, different people can be involved in the various steps, and these steps can occur in parallel or sequentially. The figure does not imply a required order of steps.
12 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
This manual describes the software development process for creating a LonTalk Stack device, which includes the general tasks listed in the following table.
Task Additional Considerations Reference
Install the LonTalk Developer’s Kit and become familiar with it
Load an application image file with the Neuron firmware and Layer 2 MIP onto an Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
Create the hardware interface between your host processor and the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
Chapter 2,
Getting Started with the LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit
Chapter 3,
Loading the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip
Chapter 4,
Designing the Serial I/O Hardware Interface
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 13
Task Additional Considerations Reference
Develop a LonTalk Stack serial driver for your host processor that manages the handshaking and data transfers between the host processor and the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip.
Select a microprocessor, microcontroller, or embedded processor.
Integrate the LonTalk Stack application with your device hardware
Chapter 5,
Creating a LonTalk Stack Serial Driver
The LonTalk Stack application runs on any microprocessor, microcontroller, or embedded processor. You must meet the LonTalk Stack hardware and software requirements to ensure that the LonTalk Stack device has sufficient RAM and non-volatile memory.
You integrate the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip with the device hardware. You can reuse many parts of a hardware design for different applications to create different LonTalk Stack devices.
Test and verify your hardware design
Select and define the functional profiles and resource types for your device using tools such as the NodeBuilder Resource Editor and the SNVT and SCPT Master List
You must ensure that the host processor and the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip can communicate using the serial interface.
You must select profiles and types for use in the device’s interoperable interface for each application that you plan to implement. This selection can include the definition of user-defined types for network variables, configuration properties or functional profiles. A large set of standard definitions is also available and is sufficient for many applications.
Chapter 6,
Creating a Model File
14 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
Task Additional Considerations Reference
Structure the layout and interoperable interface of your LonTalk Stack device by creating a model file
Use the LonTalk Interface Developer utility to generate device interface data, device interface files, and a skeleton application framework
You must define the interoperable interface for your device in a model file, using the Neuron C (Version 2.1) language, for every application that you implement. You can write this code by hand, derive it from an existing Neuron C application, or use the NodeBuilder Code Wizard included with the NodeBuilder Development Tool to create the required code using a graphical user interface.
You must execute this utility, a simple click-through wizard, whenever the model file changes or other preferences change. The utility generates the interface files (including the XIF file) and source code that you can compile and link with your application. This source code includes data that is required for initialization and for complete implementations of some aspects of your device.
Chapter 6,
Creating a Model File
Appendix C,
C Syntax for the Model File
Chapter 7,
Using the LonTalk Interface Developer Utility
Complete the LonTalk API event handler functions and callback handler functions to process application-specific
ONWORKS events
Modify the Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) files for your application’s operating system
Modify the non-volatile data (NVD) driver files
You must complete the event handler functions and callback handler functions for every application that you implement, because they provide input from network events to your application, and because they are part of your networked device’s control algorithm.
Depending on the type of non-volatile memory that your device uses, you can use one of the non-volatile data drivers provided with the LonTalk Stack, make minor modifications to one of these drivers, or implement your own driver.
Chapter 8,
Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application
Appendix D,
LonTalk API
Integrating the Application with an Operating System in
Chapter 8,
Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application
Providing Persistent Storage for Non-Volatile Data in
Chapter 8,
Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 15
Task Additional Considerations Reference
Modify your application to interface with a L
network by using the LonTalk API function calls
Test, install, and integrate your LonTalk Stack device using a L
ONWORKS network
tool such as the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool
You must make these function calls for every application that you implement. These calls include, for example, calls to the LonPropagateNv() function that propagates an updated network variable value to the network. Together with the completion of the
Chapter 8,
Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application
Appendix D, LonTalk API
event and callback handler functions, this task forms the core of your networked device’s control algorithm.
Commissioning Tool User’s Guide
16 Introduction to the LonTalk Stack
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide 17
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