Echelon IzoT Resource Editos User Manual

IzoTTM Resource Editor’s Guide
Create, view, and modify resource definitions for IzoT and LONWORKS® applications and devices.
Echelon, FTXL, LonScanner, LonSupport, LON, LonWorks, Neuron, 3120, 3150, LonMark, LonPoint, LonTalk, NodeBuilder, ShortStack, and the Echelon logo are trademarks of Echelon Corporation that may be registered in the United States and other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Neuron Chips and other OEM Products were not designed for use in equipment or systems which involve danger to human health or safety or a risk of property damage and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the Neuron Chips or LonPoint Modules in such applications.
Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and referenced in this document have been described for illustrative purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of these parts for each application.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Echelon Corporation.
Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©1997–2014 by Echelon Corporation. Echelon Corporation
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................... v
Purpose .......................................................................................................... vi
Audience ......................................................................................................... vi
Content ........................................................................................................... vi
Related Manuals ............................................................................................. vi
For More Information and Technical Support ................................................. vii
1 Introduction to Resource Files ........................................................ 1
Introduction to Resource Files ......................................................................... 2
2 Getting Started .................................................................................. 5
Installing the Resource Editor.......................................................................... 6
Starting the Resource Editor ........................................................................... 7
Setting Resource Editor Options ..................................................................... 7
3 Using Resource Folders ................................................................... 9
Introduction to Resource Folders .................................................................. 10
Browsing the Resource Catalog .................................................................... 10
Adding a Resource Folder ............................................................................. 12
Removing a Resource Folder ........................................................................ 12
Moving a Resource Folder ............................................................................ 12
Refreshing the Resource Catalog ................................................................. 13
Searching for a Resource .............................................................................. 13
4 Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set ................................ 15
Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set ................................................. 16
Using the Standard Program ID Calculator ............................................ 20
Viewing Resource File Properties ................................................................. 24
5 Creating and Modifying Resources ............................................... 25
Introduction to Creating and Modifying Resources ....................................... 26
Creating and Modifying a Network Variable or Configuration Property
Type ............................................................................................................... 26
Using the OpenLNS CT Browser to Calculate Raw Values.................... 31
Creating and Modifying a Structure or Union NV or CP Type ................ 32
Creating and Modifying an Enumerated NV or CP Type ........................ 32
Creating and Modifying a Bitfield ............................................................ 33
Creating and Modifying a Reference NV or CP Type ............................. 34
Creating and Modifying a Functional Profile .................................................. 35
Adding a Network Variable Member to a Functional Profile ................... 38
Adding a Configuration Property Member to a Functional Profile .......... 41
Using Cascading Resource File Sets ..................................................... 44
Creating and Modifying an Enumeration Type ....................................... 45
Creating and Modifying a Language String ................................................... 48
Adding a String to a Language File ......................................................... 48
Adding a String While Defining a Resource ............................................ 49
Searching for a Language String ............................................................ 50
Creating, Modifying, and Translating a Language File ........................... 53
Creating and Modifying a Resource Format .................................................. 55
Using The Text Format Specifier ............................................................ 58
Using Conversion Specifications ...................................................... 60
Using a Conditional Format .............................................................. 61
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide iii
Using a Scaling Factor and Unit String ............................................ 61
Using Localized List Separators ....................................................... 62
Using Localized Time and Date Formats ......................................... 62
Copying Resources ....................................................................................... 63
Removing and Obsoleting Resources ........................................................... 64
Purging a Resource File Set ................................................................... 64
Converting a Resource File Set..................................................................... 65
6 Generating Resource Files ............................................................ 69
Generating Resource Files ............................................................................ 70
Resource Reports .......................................................................................... 71
Appendix A: Language File Extensions ............................................. 73
Appendix B: NodeBuilder Resource Editor Software License
Agreement ............................................................................................ 75
iv Preface


This document describes LONMARK resource files and how to use the IzoT
Resource Editor to view, create, and modify them.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide v
OpenLNS CT User’s Guide (078­0488-01A)
Describes how to use the OpenLNS CT Commissioning Tool to design, commission, modify, and maintain LONWORKS networks.
This document describes resource files and how to use the IzoT Resource Editor to view, create, and modify them.
This document is intended for device manufacturers who are creating resource files for their IzoT and LONWORKS® devices, and is also intended for network integrators who need to view resource definitions.
This guide includes the following content:
Chapter 1, Introduction to Resource Files, presents an introduction to resource files.
It describes the types of resources contained within resource files and how they are used by network tools.
Chapter 2, Getting Started, describes how to install and start the IzoT Resource
Chapter 3, Using Resource Folders, describes how to use the resource catalog to view
all available resource folders on your computer, and how to add, move, and remove resource folders.
Chapter 4, Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set, describes how to create or
modify a resource file set.
Chapter 5, Creating and Modifying Resources, describes how to define new resources
and how to modify existing resources.
Chapter 6, Generating Resource Files, describes how to generate resource files once
you have made changes using the resource editor.
Appendix A, Language File Extensions, lists the file extensions used for language
Appendix B, NodeBuilder Resource Editor Software License Agreement, contains the
software license that you must agree to.
Related Manuals
The documentation related to the IzoT Resource Editor is provided as Adobe® PDF files. The PDF files are installed in the Echelon NodeBuilder program folder when you install the NodeBuilder tool. You can download the latest NodeBuilder documentation,
including the latest version of this guide, from Echelon’s website at
The following manuals provide supplemental information to the material in this guide. You can download these documents from Echelon’s Web site at
vi Preface
Documents the standard network variable types (SNVTs), standard configuration property types (SCPTs), and standard enumeration types that you can declare in your applications.
Neuron C Reference Guide (078­0140-02G)
Provides reference information for writing programs using the Neuron C language.
Neuron C Programmer’s Guide (078-0002-02I)
Describes how to write programs using the Neuron® C Version 2.2 language.
Languages Supported
Contact Information
The Americas
English Japanese
Echelon Corporation Attn. Customer Support 550 Meridian Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 Phone (toll-free): 1-800-258-4LON (258-4566) Phone: +1-408-938-5200 Fax: +1-408-790-3801
English German French Italian
Echelon Europe Ltd. Suite 12 Building 6 Croxley Green Business Park Hatters Lane Watford Hertfordshire WD18 8YH United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)1923 430200 Fax: +44 (0)1923 430300

For More Information and Technical Support

The NodeBuilder Resource Editor ReadMe file provides descriptions of known problems, if any, and their workarounds. To view the NodeBuilder ReadMe, click
Start, point to Programs, point to NodeBuilder, and then select NodeBuilder Resource Editor ReadMe First.
If you have technical questions that are not answered by this document, the NodeBuilder Resource Editor online help, or the NodeBuilder Resource Editor ReadMe file, you can contact technical support. To receive technical support from Echelon, you must purchase support services from Echelon or an Echelon support partner. See for more information on Echelon support and training
You can also enroll in training classes at Echelon or an Echelon training center to learn more about developing devices. You can find additional information about device development training at
You can obtain technical support via phone, fax, or e-mail from your closest Echelon support center. The contact information is as follows:
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide vii
Languages Supported
Contact Information
Echelon Japan Holland Hills Mori Tower, 18F 5-11-2 Toranomon, Minato­ku Tokyo 105-0001 Japan Phone: +81-3-5733-3320 Fax: +81-3-5733-3321
Chinese English
Echelon Greater China Rm. 1007-1008, IBM Tower Pacific Century Place 2A Gong Ti Bei Lu Chaoyang District Beijing 100027, China Phone: +86-10-6539-3750 Fax: +86-10-6539-3754
Other Regions
Phone: +1-408-938-5200 Fax: +1-408-328-3801
You can submit a feedback form with suggestions on how to improve the product’s
functionality and documentation at This feedback form is not forwarded to technical support and should not be used to submit technical or product support related issues. Please send technical support questions to your Echelon support center.
viii Preface

Introduction to Resource Files

This chapter presents an introduction to resource files. It describes the
types of resources contained within resource files and how they are used
by network tools.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 1
Network Variable Types
Type information for network variables. This information includes the size, units, scaling factors, and type category (float, integer, signed, etc) for each type. Network variables can

Introduction to Resource Files

Resource files provide definitions of functional profiles, type definitions, enumerations, and formats that can be used by network tools such as the OpenLNS Commissioning tool. The type definitions include definitions for network variable types and configuration property types.
Resource files are grouped into resource file sets, where each set applies to a specified range of program IDs. The program ID range is determined by a program ID template in the file, and a scope value for the resource file set that specifies the fields of the program ID template that are used when matching the program ID template to the program ID of a device. The program ID template has an identical structure to the program ID of a device, except that the applicable fields may be restricted by the scope. The scope value can be seen as a filter, indicating the relevant parts of the program ID. The scope may be one of the following:
0 – Standard
3 – Manufacturer
4 – Manufacturer and Device Class
5 – Manufacturer, Device Class, and Device Subclass
6 – Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, and Device Model
For a device to use a resource file set, the program ID of the device must match the program ID template of the resource file set to the degree specified by the scope. This allows each LONWORKS manufacturer to create resource files that are unique to their devices.
For example, consider a resource file set with a program ID template of 81:23:45:01:02:05:04:00 and manufacturer and device class scope (scope 4). Any device with the manufacturer ID fields of the program ID set to 1:23:45 and the device class ID fields set to 01:02 would be able to use types defined in this resource file set, whereas resources on devices of the same class but by a different manufacturer could not access this resource file set.
A resource file set may also reference information in any resource file set with a numerically lower scope provided the relevant fields of their program ID templates match. For example, a scope 4 resource file set can reference resources in a scope 3
resource file set, provided the manufacturer ID components of the resource file sets’
program ID templates match.
Scopes 0 through 2 are reserved for standard resource definitions published by Echelon and distributed by the LONMARK association. Scope 0 applies to all devices, and scopes 1 and 2 are reserved for future use. Since scope 0 applies to all devices, there is a single scope 0 resource file set called the standard resource file set. A standard resource file set is included with the NodeBuilder tool, but periodic updates are available from the LONMARK association at You can define your own functional profiles, types, and formats in scope 3 through 6 resource files.
Each resource file set may contain definitions for the following resources:
2 Introduction to Resource Files
contain a single value or they can contain a structure or union containing multiple fields (for example, the SNVT_date_cal network variable contains 3 fields for the year, month, and day). Network variables can also contain enumerated values which allow the network variable to be set to one of a discrete number of values. Network variables types are defined in a resource file with a “.typ” extension. The maximum size of a network variable is 228 bytes.
Configuration Property Types
Type information for configuration properties. This information includes the size, units, scaling factors, and type category (float, integer, signed, etc) for each type. Like network variables, configuration properties can contain structures, unions, and enumerated values. Configuration property types are defined in a resource file with
a “.typ” extension (this is the same file used for
network variable types).
Functional Profiles
Functional profiles define a template for functional blocks. A functional block is a collection of network variables and configuration properties designed to perform a single function on a device. Each functional profile can define mandatory and optional configuration properties and network variables. When a functional block implements a functional profile, it must implement all mandatory network variables and configuration properties defined by the functional profile, and it may implement some, all, or none of the optional network variables and configuration properties. Functional profiles are defined in a resource file with an
“.fpt” extension. Functional profiles are also
called functional profile templates.
Enumeration Types
An enumeration type is a list of numerical values, each associated with a mnemonic name. If a network variable or configuration property type contains an enumeration, the definitions of the enumerated values are maintained separately as an enumeration type. Enumeration types are defined in a resource file with a “.typ” extension (along with network variable and configuration property types), and may also be defined in a separate C header file (“.h” extension).
Language Strings
Network variable types, configuration property types, functional profiles, and enumeration types can all reference text information used to describe their name, units, and function. This
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 3
text information is contained in separate language files. There is one language file for every language your resource file set supports. When a language file is translated, the references contained in the network variable types, configuration property types, and functional profiles still point to the appropriate strings. The file extension of each language file depends on the language. The standard language extensions are listed in Appendix A, Language File Extensions.
Each network variable and configuration property type must have at least one format defined. This format describes how the value will be displayed to or entered by network integrators and network operators. It is possible to define multiple formats for a network variable type or configuration property type. Different formats can provide the information in a different order (if the value is a structure or union) or provide a different scaling factor (for example, the SNVT_temp_f network variable type has three formats, one for Fahrenheit, one for differential Fahrenheit, and one for Celsius). Formats are defined in format files with an “.fmt” extension.
4 Introduction to Resource Files

Getting Started

This chapter describes how to install and start the IzoT Resource Editor.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 5
User Name
Your name.
The company you work for.
Phone Number
A phone number where a contact can be reached.
Email Address
An email address where a contact can be reached.
Web Address
Your company's Web site.
LonMark Manufacturer ID
If your company has a LONMARK manufacturer ID, enter it here. If you do not have a manufacturer ID, get a free temporary manufacturer ID from
Installation Option
Click Anyone Who Uses this Computer to make the resource editor available to all users on this computer.

Installing the Resource Editor

The IzoT Resource Editor is available as a standalone application, and is also available as part of certain tools such as Echelon's NodeBuilder Development Tool. This chapter describes how to install the standalone resource editor. See the documentation for your application to install a NodeBuilder Resource Editor as part of that application.
To install the standalone resource editor, follow these steps:
1. Download the ResEdit.exe file to your computer. The file is available from the
Members area of the LONMARK Web site.
2. Click the Windows Start menu, click Run, and then open ResEdit.exe. The
NodeBuilder Resource Editor Setup application appears.
3. Enter a temporary folder to unpack the Setup application into, and then click
Continue. If this is a new folder, a confirmation window appears. Click Yes to
create the folder. The Setup application files are unpacked and the Welcome window appears.
4. If a window appears that states than an older version of Windows Installer was
found, click OK to continue.
5. Click Next. The License Agreement window appears.
6. Read through the license. If you agree with the terms of the license, click I Accept
the Terms of the License Agreement, and then click Next. The Customer
Information window appears. If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement, click Cancel and do not install the software.
7. Enter the following information. Much of this information is automatically entered
into resource files that you will create with the resource editor, so it will save you time later if you enter complete information now.
8. Click Next. The Destination Folder window appears.
9. Select a destination folder for the NodeBuilder Resource Editor, and then click Next.
The Setup Type window appears.
10. Select Complete, and then click Next. The Ready to Install window appears.
11. Click Install. The installation completes.
6 Getting Started
Sort Device Resources
Displays resource items sorted by name or by index. If By Name is selected, resource items are sorted alphabetically. If By Index is selected, they are sorted by resource file index.
Active Language
Determines the language file that new strings will be placed in. This is called the active language
file. See Creating and Modifying a Language String.
Show Obsolete Resource Items
Display resource items that have been marked obsolete. See Removing and Obsoleting Resources.
Show Removed Resource Items
Display resource items that have been removed. See Removing and Obsoleting Resources.

Starting the Resource Editor

You can use the IzoT Resource Editor to create, modify, and view resource files, and also to add user resource files to the resource catalog. To start the Resource Editor, click the Windows Start button, point to Programs > Echelon NodeBuilder >, and then click NodeBuilder Resource Editor. The Resource Editor window appears.

Setting Resource Editor Options

You can set resource editor options that control how resources are displayed and specify the active language file. To view and modify resource editor options, follow these steps:
1. Click View, and then click Options. The Options dialog opens:
2. Enter the following information:
3. Click OK.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 7

Using Resource Folders

This chapter describes how to use the resource catalog to view all
available resource folders on your computer, and how to add, move, and
remove resource folders.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 9

Introduction to Resource Folders

A resource folder is a directory containing one or more resource file sets. You will typically create your resource file sets in a resource folder with your company name that is contained in the LONWORKS Types\User folder. For example, if you work for MyCo, you may create a resource folder in C:\LonWorks\Types\User\MyCo. If you anticipate creating many resource file sets, you may organize them in resource folders contained within your company resource folder.
A resource catalog is a file containing a list of resource folders. The resource catalog file is a file with a .cat extension. By default, the resource catalog file is contained in your LONWORKS Types folder and is named (the full path is C:\LonWorks\Types\ by default. Network tools use the resource catalog to find all the resources that are defined on your computer. The resource editor also uses the resource catalog to display all of your available resources.
The resource editor displays a hierarchical view of your resource catalog, and all the resource folders and resource files that it contains. The resource catalog is the top of the hierarchy. The second level of the hierarchy below the resource catalog file contains entries for each of the resource folders contained in the resource catalog. In the following figure, the resource catalog file is C:\LonWorks\type\Ldrf.Cat and it contains two resource folders: C:\LonWorks\Types and C:\LonWorks\Types\User\Echelon. The C:\LonWorks\Types folder contains the standard resource file set, and the C:\LonWorks\Types\User\Echelon folder contains Echelon-specific resource file sets.

Browsing the Resource Catalog

You can browse the resource catalog to view all the resource definitions contained within it. Click the icon next to a resource folder to expand the hierarchy beneath it.
When you expand a resource folder you will see all resource file sets contained in that folder. Each folder can hold multiple resource file sets. Each resource file set in the folder is listed with its name and its scope. For example, the Echelon user resource folder may appear as shown in the following figure:
10 Using Resource Folders
Network Variable Types
Contains the network variable types defined by this resource file set. Network variable types are used to implement network variables. They can also be referenced by other network variable or configuration property types, and may be referenced by functional profile templates.
Configuration Property Types
Contains the configuration property types defined by this resource file set. Configuration property types are used to implement configuration properties. These types will typically be referenced by one or more functional profile templates.
Functional Profile Templates
Contains the functional profiles defined by this resource file set.
Contains the enumeration types defined by this resource file set. Network variable and configuration property types can use these enumeration types.
Language Files
Contains the language files defined by this resource file set. Each language file contains a set of strings translated into a specific language. Expand a language file to browse the individual strings in the language file.
Language string resources are used to provide language-dependent details for all of the above resources.
Contains the formats defined by this resource file set. Each network variable type and configuration property type must have at least one format.
To view or modify the contents of a resource file set, expand it using the button. When you expand a resource file set you will see six folders containing resource file components, as shown in the following figure:
Each resource file set contains all of these folders, but some of them may be empty: Expand these folders to view or modify the following resources:
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 11

Adding a Resource Folder

You can add a new resource folder to the resource catalog. This makes all resource file sets contained within the folder available to network tools running on your computer, and also allows you to view and modify the resource files contained within the folder using the resource editor. To add a resource folder, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the resource catalog file at the top of the resource catalog, and then click
Add Folder on the shortcut menu. You can also click the Add Folder ( ) button on
the toolbar, or open the File menu and then click Add Folder. An Add Folder window appears.
2. Browse to the folder to be added to the resource catalog, and then click OK. The
folder should be located in a Types\User\<Manufacturer Name> folder within your LONWORKS folder (this is C:\LonWorks\Types\User\<Manufacturer Name> by default). The resource folder appears in the resource catalog.

Removing a Resource Folder

You can remove a resource folder from the resource catalog. Removing a resource folder deregisters that folder from the resource catalog; it does not delete the resource files within the folder. Use Windows Explorer to delete the files if you want to delete the resource folder and its content.
To remove a resource folder, right-click the resource folder to be removed in the resource catalog, and then click Remove on the shortcut menu. The resource folder name is removed from the resource catalog.
Be careful not to remove resource folders that contain resource file sets that are referenced by your remaining resource file sets, as this could render other resources invalid.
Moving a Resource Folder
You can move a resource folder to a different directory. To move a resource folder, follow these steps:
1. Use Windows Explorer to create the new folder.
2. Use Windows Explorer to move the resource file set to the new folder. A resource file
set consists of a type file (“.typ” extension), functional profile file (“.fpt” extension), format file (“.fmt” extension), and one or more language files with an extension dependent on the language (“.enu” for English US strings). A resource file set may
become unusable if one or more of these files are missing, so copy all of these files together if you copy or move the resource file set to another directory or computer.
3. Remove the old resource folder from the resource catalog as described in Removing a
Resource Folder.
4. Add the new resource folder to the resource catalog as described in Adding a
Resource Folder.
12 Using Resource Folders
Find What
The string to search for. You can enter all or part of a variable type name, configuration property type name, functional profile name, enumeration type name, language string, or format name. For

Refreshing the Resource Catalog

The resource catalog may get out of sync with the resource files on your computer if you update resource files using a tool other than the resource editor, if you delete a resource file set using Windows Explorer, if you update the resource file API on your computer, or if you copy new resource files into a resource folder using Windows Explorer. If this occurs, refresh the resource catalog in the resource editor by right-clicking the resource catalog file at the top of the resource catalog and then clicking Refresh Catalog on the shortcut menu. Any empty resource folders are removed when you refresh the resource catalog.
Any folders that are not present in your file system will automatically be removed from the resource catalog. This means that if you add a resource folder that is in a network or removable drive, and that folder becomes inaccessible, you will have to add the folder to the resource catalog again once the folder becomes available.

Searching for a Resource

You can search for specific resources in the resource catalog. You can search for network variable types, configuration property types, functional profiles, enumerations, language strings, or formats. You can search an individual resource file, a resource file set, a resource folder, or the entire resource catalog. To search for a resource, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the folder to search in the resource catalog and then click Search on the
shortcut menu. The search will cover all resources within the folder that you select. The Search dialog opens:
2. Enter the parameters for the search entering the following information:
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 13
example, you can enter “switch” to search for SNVT_switch.
Look In
The resource catalog, resource folder, resource file set, or resource file to search. By default, this will contain the folder you selected to begin the search. Click the arrow to increase the scope of the search. A list of your original selection and all levels of the resource catalog above your selection appears.
Resource Types
The type of resource to search for. You can limit the search to Network Variable Types,
Configuration Property Types, Functional Profile Templates, Enumerations, Resource Strings, or Formats. Clear Resource Types to
search all resource types.
Match Case
Searches for strings with the same case that you enter in Find What.
Find Whole Word Only
Searches for strings where the whole string matches what you enter in Find What. The search will not return results that contain the string in the Find What field if it is part of a larger word.
3. Click Find. The first search result appears in the resource catalog. Close the Search
window to operate on the result, or click Find Next to search for more results. To stop a search in progress, click Stop.
14 Using Resource Folders
Creating and Modifying a Resource File
This chapter describes how to create or modify a resource file set.
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 15

Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set

You can create a new scope 3, 4, 5, or 6 resource file set within any resource folder. Each resource file set has a number of properties that you will set when you create the set. You can edit these properties at any time.
The number of resource file sets that you will create will depend on the number of device types that you expect your company to develop, and the level of coordination that exists between your developers. For all but the largest enterprises, you may find it easiest to create a single manufacturer scope (scope selector 3) resource file set for your company,
and use it to maintain and distribute all of your company’s user types. Larger
enterprises may find it easier to coordinate manufacturer and device class scope (scope selector 4) resource file sets, where a unique resource file set is created for each class of devices. Very large enterprises can request multiple manufacturer IDs from the LONMARK association, assign a different manufacturer ID to each major division that does LONWORKS development, and then maintain a separate scope selector 3 resource file set for each division. If your company has multiple LONWORKS developers, you may find it useful to initially create manufacturer, device class, and device subclass scope (scope selector 5) resource file sets during development, and then copy the definitions to the appropriate scope selector 3 or 4 resource file set when complete. You can create a manufacturer, device class, device subclass, and device model scope (scope selector 6) resource file set for any special-purpose types that you want to apply to a single device type.
To create a new resource file set or edit an existing one, follow these steps:
1. Add a resource folder for your company if you do not have one already as described in
Adding a Resource Folder.
2. To create a new resource file set, right-click the resource folder, and then click New
Resource File Set on the shortcut menu. To modify the properties for an existing
resource file set, right-click the resource file set, and then click Open on the shortcut menu. The Modify Resource File Set dialog opens with the General tab selected:
16 Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set
Scope/Program ID Locked
Prevents modification of the scope or program ID template for this resource file set. This option is not displayed when you are creating a new resource file set because the scope and program ID template can be freely changed when you are creating a resource file set. This option appears when you are modifying a resource file set because modifying these options in an existing resource file set can break resources that reference this resource file set. You can modify the Scope and Program ID for an existing resource file set my clearing Scope/Program ID Locked. Be sure to fix any references to the resource file set if you do this
The scope for the resource file set. See Introduction to Resource Files for more information.
Program ID
The program ID template for the resource file set. Click Calculator to open the Standard Program ID Calculator (see Using the Standard Program ID Calculator). You only need to specify the program ID template fields that are required for the selected scope. Set all other fields to 0. If you use the standard program ID calculator, verify that these fields are set to 0 after closing the calculator. The Standard Development
3. Enter the following information about the resource file set:
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 17
Program ID setting is always ignored for resource files and should be cleared. The required values for each scope are as follows:
Scope 3: Manufacturer. Scope 4: Manufacturer and Device class. Scope 5: Manufacturer, Device Class,
Usage, Channel Type, Has Changeable Interface, and Usage Field Values Defined by Functional Profile.
Scope 6: Manufacturer, Device class,
Usage, Channel Type, Has Changeable Interface, Usage Field Values Defined by Functional Profile, and Model Number.
To change the program ID of an existing resource file set, create a new resource file set with the desired program ID and copy the resources from the old resource file set to the new one.
If you attempt to add or create a resource file set with a duplicate scope and program ID template to an existing resource file set, a warning is displayed when you generate the resource file set. You can resolve the conflict by removing one of the conflicting sets, or by changing the scope and program ID template of one of the sets.
Resource File Set Name
The name of the resource file set as it will appear in the resource catalog. To change the name of an existing resource file set, you must copy it and remove the old resource file set, or edit the resource file names using Windows Explorer and restart the Resource Editor.
Resource File Set Location
The resource folder containing the resource file set. Depending on which method you used to create the resource file set, you may be able to change the resource folder. If enabled, click to create or select a new folder. If you select a folder that is not in the resource catalog, it will automatically be added. You cannot change the location for an existing resource file set. To change the location of an existing resource file set, copy it to the new location, then remove the old resource file set.
Data Version
The version number of the resource files. By default, Major is set to 1 and Minor is set to 0 for a new resource file set (i.e. version 1.0). Increment the major or minor version number whenever you publish new resource files (see Generating Resource Files Using the Resource Editor).
18 Creating and Modifying a Resource File Set
The name of the company, and optionally the person, to contact about this resource file set.
Phone Number
The phone number to contact for questions about this resource file set.
Web ID
The Web address of the company that created this resource file set.
Email Address
The email address to write to for more information about this resource file set. Enter a valid email address for general inquiries, such as, or the specific email
address of the resource file set creator (e.g.
File Description
Text descriptions for the type file, functional profile, or language file (depending on what tab is selected). The default value is a string specifying the scope and file type.
Creator Description
Optional additional creator information (company name, contact information, etc) for the type file, functional profile, or string file (depending on what tab is selected). The default value is a string containing the information from the NodeBuilder Registration Properties tab. Changing the
Creator, Phone Number, Web ID, and Email
4. Click the File Header tab.
5. Enter the following company information for the resource file set:
IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide 19
+ 63 hidden pages