Enter Offset, the PV value and associated mV
Enter Slope, mV/pH, mV/decade, mV/ppm…
Enter measured Temperature
Set Up
Temp. Format
°C or °F
Adj. 0-100%
Back Light
Enter ON time
Range Lock
Choose: Auto, ppb, ppm, ppT
Screen Duration
Enter Name
Enter Name
4-20 mA
(1 or 2)
Range (PV or
4 mA =
20 mA =
Cal (more)
Trim 4.00 mA
Trim 20.00 mA
Fault (more)
3.5 mA
22 mA
Relay 1
Set Point
Period, Duration
Relay 2
Set Point
Period, Duration
Relay 3
Set Point
Period, Duration
Time out: None, 15 min, 30 min…
Baud rate
Off/On “ _ _ _ _ “
Off/On “ _ _ _ _ “
Off/On “ _ _ _ _ “
Off/On “ _ _ _ _ “
Sensor 1 or 2
Choose Type: pH, Cond, ORP…..
Enter % Comp
Enter mV value
Qty of Sensors
Choose 1 sensor or 2 sensors
Dissociation, Interference, Percentage, OFF
Load Default
Enter Signal Dampening (# of readings to average, 0-100)
Configuration, Serial #, Name, Outputs
Calibration logs, Serial #, Name
Sensor 1 or 2
Fixed value
4-20 mA
4-20 mA Ch 1
Enter Value
4-20 mA Ch 2
Enter Value
Page 1 Model T80
Thank you for purchasing products from Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc. ECD provides you with the finest liquid
analytical instrumentation available. If this is your first purchase from ECD, please read the entire manual before
installing and commissioning your new equipment.
Manuals are accessible on the ECD website at .
If there are any questions concerning this equipment, please contact your local ECD representative, or the
factory directly at:
Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc.
1500 Kellogg Dr.
Anaheim, CA 92807 USA
Telephone: +1-714-695-0051
FAX: +1-714-695-0057
This symbol is used to designate important information, warnings and cautions. Failure to follow
this information could lead to harm to the instrument or user.
No operator serviceable parts, service by authorized service personnel only.
This symbol is used to designate a WARNING “Risk of Electrical Shock”
Disconnect supply before servicing
Equipment protected throughout by double insulation.
Read the complete manual before installing or using the equipment.
Contents of this manual are believed to be correct at the time of printing and are subject to change without
notice. ECD is not responsible for damage to the instrument, poor performance of the instrument or losses
resulting from such, if the problems are caused by:
• Incorrect operation by the user.
• Use of the instrument in incorrect applications.
• Use of the instrument in an inappropriate environment or incorrect utility program (power supply).
• Repair or modification of the related instrument by anyone not authorized by ECD.
• There are no operator accessible parts. Service and maintenance to be done by authorized personnel only.
• If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE .............................................................................................................................9
UNPACKING THE INSTRUMENT ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 FEATURES ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.8 Power ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3 Model Codes .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Wiring, power ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 MENU STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 22
3.2.1 HOLD (Output Hold) ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 CAL (Calibration Menu) .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.4 TAG Transmitter Name ........................................................................................................................... 29
3.4.5 SENSOR Name ........................................................................................................................................ 30
4.2.1 Auto Cal with Quinhydrone .................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.3 Manual Cal .............................................................................................................................................. 38
4.6.1 AUTO Cal ................................................................................................................................................. 41
4.6.3 MANUAL Cal ........................................................................................................................................... 42
7.0 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................. 48
7.1 Front Panel Control Board Exploded ............................................................................................................. 48
7.2 Front Panel Control Board Exploded, with Relays ......................................................................................... 48
7.3 Transmitter Case, back with Cable Glands .................................................................................................... 49
8.1.3 Flow through .......................................................................................................................................... 51
8.2 S80 Part Number Configurator ...................................................................................................................... 53
A. Auto Cal Buffer Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 66
B. T80 HART Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 66
Fault Status ...................................................................................................................................................... 72
Warning Status ................................................................................................................................................ 72
Sensor Type ..................................................................................................................................................... 73
E. Resistivity Temperature Compensation .......................................................................................................... 74
F. SOFTWARE HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................ 74
1.ACCEPTANCE. If this writing differs in any way from the terms and conditions of Buyer's order or if this writing is construed as an acceptance or as a confirmation acting as an
FROM OR ADDITIONAL TO THOSE CONTAINED IN BUYER'S WRITING. Further, this writing shall be deemed notice of objection to such terms and conditions of Buyer. If this
writing is construed as the offer, acceptance hereof is EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. In any event, Buyer's acceptance of the
goods shall manifest Buyer's assent to Seller's terms and conditions. No addition to or modification of these terms will be effective, unless set forth in writing and agreed to by
a. Warranty. Seller warrants to Buyer that it holds and will pass marketable title to the goods sold hereunder. Seller warrants to Buyer that the items and components
manufactured by Seller will be free from defects in material and workmanship (subject, however, to tolerances and variances permitted by the trade hereunder) for a
period one (1) year for non-consumable products. Consumable electrodes and sensors have a conditional warranty based shelf life and process conditions and is
determined by Seller.
b. Exclusion and Conditions. Seller’s obligations with respect to the express warranties and remedies contained herein are conditioned on the following: (i) Buyer's return
of the non-conforming goods, if authorized by Seller: (ii) Buyer shall not assign its rights under these express warranties and any attempted assignment shall render
such warranties, but not any disclaimers or limitations, void and the goods sold shall be sold AS IS; and (iii) all products shall be carefully inspected for damage by Buyer
upon receipt, be properly calibrated for Buyer's particular use, and be used, repaired, and maintained by Buyer in accordance with the instructions set forth in Seller’s
product literature. Repair and maintenance by non-qualified personnel, product subjected to misuse or negligence, and/or damaged during shipment will invalidate
the warranty, as will the use of non-approved consumables or spare parts. As with any other sophisticated product, it is essential, and a condition of Seller’s warranty,
that all personnel using the product be fully acquainted with its use, capabilities and limitations as set forth in the applicable product literature.
3.DISCLAIMER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES. Seller gives no warranties except those expressly contained herein. Seller disclaims all other warranties implied by law usage of the
trade, course of dealing or course of performance including, but not limited to, the Implied warrantiesof MERCHANTABILITY and fitness for a particular purpose.
4.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. The following limitations of Seller's liability are acknowledged by the parties to be fair and reasonable and shall apply to any act or omission
hereunder, and to any breach of this contract of which these terms and conditions form a part:
a. Disclaimer of Damage. In no event shall Seller be liable for special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages whether arising under contract, warranty,
tort, strict liability or any other theory of liability. Such damages include but are not limited to loss of profits, loss of use of goods, damage to property, and
claims of third parties.
b.Suitability. Buyer acknowledges that it alone has determined the intended purpose and suitability of the goods sold hereunder. It is expressly agreed by the
parties that any technical or other advice given by the Seller with respect to the use of the goods or services is given without charge and at Buyer's risk;
therefore Seller assumes no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
c. Notice and Time of Claims.
i. Buyer agrees to check and inspect all products against shipping papers and for damage or shortage upon receipt of goods at destination.
ii. Every claim for shortage, damage in transit, or other cause visible upon inspection shall be deemed waived by the Buyer, or the Buyer’s customer in
iii. The parties expressly waive the statute of limitations and agree that any legal proceeding for any breach of this contract shall be waived unless filed
5. FORCE MAJEURE. Seller shall not be liable for any delay in delivery, or failure to deliver, due to any cause beyond the Seller’s control including but not limited to fires, floods, or
other forces of the elements; strikes, or other labor disputes; accidents to machinery; acts of sabotage; riots; precedence or priorities granted at the request or for the benefit,
directly or indirectly of the federal or any state government or any subdivision or agency thereof; delay in transportation o r lack of transportation facilities; restrictions imposed
by federal, state or other governmental legislation or rules or regulations thereof. If Seller, in its sole discretion, determines that Seller’s performance hereunder would result in a loss to Seller’s on this sale as computed under Seller’s normal accounting procedures because of causes beyond Seller's control, then the Seller may terminate this agreement
in whole or in part without liability for any delay in the delivery of, or failure to deliver, the goods sold hereunder
6.TAXES AND OTHER CHARGES. The Buyer will pay, or reimburse Seller if it pays, any and all taxes or tariffs or any other similar charges imposed upon th is contract, the goods
covered hereby or the delivery or use or resale thereof.
7.FREIGHT CHARGES. If the sale hereunder is other than F.O.B. Seller's facility, this acknowledgement is based upon the freight charges now in effect. In the event of an increase
or decrease in applicable freight charges before the goods are shipped, such charge in freight will be for the Buyer's account.
8.PRICES AND DELIVERY. Prices quoted herein are F.O.B. shipping point. Deliveries specified are only our best estimate and are subject to change. This quotation is based upon
freight charges now in effect. Buyer will be invoiced at the freight charge prevailing at the date of shipment. Prices are firm for orders meeting Seller's normal shipping
schedules. If shipments are held or postponed for any reason other than Seller's fault, and a price increase becomes effective during the period of such hold or postponement,
the increase will apply to all shipments that are held or postponed thirty (30) days or more from the effective date of the increase.
9.PAYMENTS. If in the judgment of Seller the financial condition of Buyer at any time prior to shipment does not justify the terms of payment specified, Seller may cancel the
order, withhold shipment, and/or require full or partial payment in advance. If payment is not made when due, Seller may suspend all future delivery or other performance with
respect to Buyer without liability or penalty and, in addition to all other sums payable hereunder, Buyer shall pay to Seller (i) the reasonable costs and expenses incurred by
Seller in connection with all actions taken to enforce collection or to preserve and protect Seller’s rights hereunder, whether by legal proceedings or otherwise, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs and other expenses and (ii) interest on all amounts unpaid after 30 days charged at the monthly rate of 1-1/2% or the
highest rate permitted by law, whichever is lower.
10.CANCELLATION OR ALTERATION. Buyer may not alter or cancel any order without Seller’s written consent. For any order altered or cancelled with Seller's consent, Buyer must
pay for all expenses and labor incurred up to the time of Seller’s consent, plus a reasonable percentage for profit. Any order delayed or deferred by Buyer will be subject to price
escalation for increased costs of production, and any other expenses caused by the delay. Material on such orders will be stored at Buyer's risk. Seller reserves the right to
invoice Buyer and require payment before shipment of any delayed or deferred order.
11.TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. Title and risk of loss shall pass to buyer at Irvine, California, unless otherwise specified in the contract. If delivery is made by common carrier, risk of
loss shall pass upon delivery to the carrier. Claims for loss or damage in transit must be made by Buyer to the carrier. Seller accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to
product in transit.
12.PATENT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT. If the goods sold hereunder are to be prepared for manufacture according to Buyers specification, Buyer shall indemnify Seller
against any claim or liability for patent, trademark, service mark or trade name infringement on account of preparation, manufacture and/or sale.
13.NON-WAIVER. If Government Contract Regulations require the addition, deletion, or modification of these terms and conditions upon prior n otification to Seller and Seller's
written acceptance thereof, such changes shall become a part of these terms and conditions. Seller shall not be bound by any Government Contract Regulations applicable to
Buyer’s contracts with the U.S. Government unless Buyer has expressly acknowledged, on the face of this document, the applicability of such Regulations to the transaction
between Buyer and Seller contemplated herein. Absent such acknowledgement, Seller is making the assumption in issuing this document that no such Regulations apply.
the case of resale, unless delivered in writing to Seller by Buyer thirty (30) days from the tender of delivery of the goods to Buyer, provided, however,
that claims for shortage must be made within seven (7) days of receipt.
within one (1) year after the accrual of the cause of action thereof.
Page 9 Model T80
14.JURISDICTION. All such disputes shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in Orange County, California. Buyer hereby consents to the jurisdiction of the State and
Federal Courts sitting in Orange County. Notwithstanding the above, should either party contest the jurisdiction of such courts, the other party may institute its suit in any court
of competent jurisdiction.
15.APPLICABLE LAW. All questions arising hereunder or in connection with the quotations or any order submitted in connection therewith and/or the performance of the parties
hereunder shall be interpreted and resolved in accordance with the laws of the state of California without regard to its conf lict of law provisions and excluding the United
Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods.
All requests for returned goods must be initiated through our Customer Service Department. Please call our
phone number (714) 695-0051 with the specifics of your request. The following conditions must be satisfied for
consideration of applicable credit for the return of products purchased from Electro-Chemical Devices:
1) The item is unused and in the original package.
2) The item was shipped directly from Electro-Chemical Devices.
3) The item has not been damaged in shipment to Electro-Chemical Devices.
4) Items containing date-sensitive parts such as electrodes, must be returned within 1 month of the
invoiced date.
5) Items without date-sensitive parts must be returned within 3 months of the invoiced date.
A Return Merchandize Authorization Number must be obtained from Customer Service and be provided on all
paperwork and packaging. To obtain a Return Merchandize Authorization Number, please provide the reason
for return, the date of purchase, your original purchase order number, and either our order number or our
invoice number. The issuance of a Return Merchandize Authorization Number is a verbal approval for return
only and does not guarantee credit or allowance. Returned goods must be received within 30 days of the
issuance date of the Return Merchandize Authorization Number or it will become null and void.
Necessary physical and mechanical inspection is completed upon receipt of the item. Applicable credit or
equivalent allowance is determined after inspection of the returned item. If all of the above conditions are met,
and the item has been approved to return to our stock, a restocking charge of 25% of the purchase price is
deducted from the applicable credit.
WARNING Electrical installation must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code
(ANSI/NFPA-70), Canadian Electrical Code and/or any other applicable national or local
Your Electro-Chemical Devices instrument has been carefully packaged to protect it from damage during
shipment and dry storage. Upon receipt please follow the procedure outlined below.
1. Before unpacking, inspect the condition of the shipping container to verify proper handling by the
carrier. If damage is noted, save the shipping container as proof of mishandling for the carrier.
2. Check the contents of the shipping container with the items and quantities shown on the packing list.
Immediately report any discrepancies to ECD.
3. Save the original packing material until you are satisfied with the contents. In the event the product(s)
must be returned to ECD, the packing material will allow you to properly ship it to ECD.
4. Familiarize yourself with the instrument before installation, and follow proper installation and wiring
Installation and wiring
Failure to follow the proper instructions may cause damage to this instrument and warranty invalidation.
Use only qualified personnel to install, operate and maintain the product.
The Model T80 transmitter should only be used with equipment that meets the relevant IEC, American or
Canadian standards. ECD accepts no responsibility for the misuse of this unit.
Basic Parts List
1. Model T80 Transmitter
2. Mounting Hardware
3. Instruction Manual
Revision Date Remarks
A 07/12 Initial release
B 03/13 Added Sensors and Conductivity Data
C 03/13 Updated Symbols
D 07/13 MODBUS Update
E 07/13 Turbidity, Conductivity, Cal Menu
F 05/14 Two Channels, MODBUS Update,
G 07/14 Resistivity Calibrations added
H 08/15 S80 Table corrected
I 09/15 Icons deleted
K 12/15 New Location
L 05/16 Salinity Added
Page 11 Model T80
The ECD Model T80 transmitter is a single or dual channel, intelligent, multiparameter transmitter designed for the online continuous measurement of pH, ORP,
pION, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, resistivity and turbidity in a general purpose
industrial environment. The Model T80 transmitter digitally communicates with any
ECD S80 digital sensor, automatically configuring the transmitter’s menus and
display screens to the measured parameter.
The Model T80 transmitter can be loop powered, 24 VDC powered or 100-240 VAC line powered. The standard
configuration has a 4-20 mA output and a RS485 serial communication port with MODBUS®RTU output. A HART®
communication version (single channel version only) is also available. Alarm relays are optionally available on
either line powered transmitter.
Multi-Parameter, pH, ORP, Specific Ion, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, Resistivity
Simple, user friendly menu structure
Noise free digital communication with sensors
Reads and writes calibration data to sensor
Dual Channel option has interactive channels, pH compensated readings, interfering ion corrections…
Non-Isolated 4-20 mA output and MODBUS® RTU standard, optional HART®
Digital protocol, all ECD S80 sensors
Optional analog to digital converter, 5 inputs [mV+, mV-, solution ground, temp + temp - (100 K-ohm)]
pH 0.02 pH
ORP ± 1 mV
pION Specific to electrode type
Dissolved Oxygen 2% of range
Conductivity 2% of range
Resistivity 2% of range
Turbidity 2% of reading
Temperature ± 0.3°C
Non-isolated 4-20 mA output (standard, one per Channel), Fault Condition: 3.5 mA, 22 mA or none
Modbus RTU (standard)
HART® (optional)
(Optional) Three (3) SPDT, 1 form C, 250 VAC, 10 Amp resistive maximum, relays, user configurable as Hi/Lo
alarms with expiration timer, Periodic Timers or Fault alarms
128 x 64 pixels (2.75” x 1.5”) LCD, Black on Grey background on loop powered instruments, Blue on White
background with LED backlight on 100-250 VAC and 24 VDC powered instruments, English or icon based
menus, numeric and graphical displays
Beige Polycarbonate, IP65, weatherproof, ½ DIN, (L x W x D) 5.7” X 5.7” X 3.5” (14.4cm X 14.4cm X 9.0cm)
Outdoor use (IP65)
Ambient Temperature -20°C - 70°C (24 VDC Models)
-20°C - 60°C (100-240 VAC Models)
Storage Temperature -30°C - 85°C
Relative Humidity 0 – 80%, up to 31°C
Decreasing linearly to 50% RH a 40°C
Altitude Up to 2000 m (6500 ft)
Mains Supply Voltage Fluctuations up to ±10% of the nominal voltage
Transient over voltages: CAT II
Pollution Degree: 2
Size 8” x 8” x 5” (20.5 cm x 20.5 cm x 12.7 cm)
Weight 1.6 lbs. (0.75 kg)
Example above shows part# T80-11-212-01, a two channel T80 transmitter for use with two S80 sensors,
110/220 VAC powered with two 4-20 mA outputs and MODBUS RTU and a universal mounting bracket.
Mount the T80 in a location where there is easy access to the analyzer and sensors. Install the system in an area
where vibrations, electromagnetic and radio frequency interference are minimized or absent. Do not mount in
direct sunlight or areas of extreme heat (temperature > 120°F). The IP65 T80 is suitable for outdoor use but it is
best to mount it with a protective cover or sunshield to prevent discoloring over the years.
Universal Mounting Brackets
Rail Mounting
Page 15 Model T80
Panel Mounting
Cut Out: 5.35” x 5.35” (13.6 cm x 13.6cm)
Electrical wiring should only be conducted by qualified personnel. See the T80 wiring diagram in Figure 2.2.X
Figure 2.2.1 Loop Powered Transmitter
Figure 2.2.2 4-Wire Transmitter, 24VDC or /110/22 VAC, MODBUS, Relays/Optional Digital Preamp
Figure 2.2.3 4-Wire Transmitter, Model TR86 turbidity and Model DO82 Dissolved Oxygen sensors
Page 17 Model T80
Disconnect Power before opening instrument.
WARNING Electrical installation must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code
(ANSI/NFPA-70), Canadian Electrical Code and/or any other applicable national or local
ECD recommends using a thermoplastic, outdoor sunlight resistant jacketed cable, wet location rated and ½”
flexible conduit. The power should be hard wired with a switch or breaker to disconnect the analyzer from the
main power supply. Install the switch or breaker near the analyzer and label it as the Power Switch for the
Loop Powered (2 wire configuration)
Attach the 24VDC signal cable to terminals #1 and #2 as shown in Figure 2.2.1 and on the diagram inside of the
T80 cover. Feed the cable through the gland fitting on the right hand side of the T80. Tighten the cable gland to
provide a good seal to the cable. The instrument can be powered up at this point with no harm to the analyzer
but it is best to wait until the sensor is installed.
24VDC (4 wire configuration)
Attach the 24VDC power cable to terminals #1 and #2 as shown in Figure 2.2.2 and on the diagram inside of the
T80 cover. Attach the 4-20 mA1 cable to terminals #3 (out) and #2 (return)single channel unit and attach the 420 mA2 cable to terminals #4 (out) and #2 (return) for a two channel instrument. Feed the cables through the
gland fitting on the right hand side of the T80. Tighten the cable gland to provide a good seal to the cable. The
instrument can be powered up at this point with no harm to the analyzer but it is best to wait until the sensor is
110/220 VAC (4 wire configuration)
Attach power cable as shown in Figure 2.2.2 or as on the diagram inside of the T80 cover. Feed the cable
through the gland fitting on the right hand side of the T80. Tighten the cable gland to provide a good seal to the
cable. The instrument can be powered up at this point with no harm to the analyzer but it is best to wait until
the sensor is installed.
Attach the sensor wires as described on the diagram inside the T80 cover. Feed the sensor cable through the
gland fitting on the left hand side of the T80. Do not use the same gland fitting for the AC power or
Alarm/Relays. The green terminal strip connectors are detachable from the circuit boards. Remove the
connector by pulling straight back from the circuit board.
Loop Powered Instruments:
Connect the 4-20 mA cable to terminals #1 (+24V) and #2 (-24V), Model T80-XX-0 X-XX.
24 VDC or 110/220 VAC powered instruments:
For instruments powered with 24VDC or the internal power supply, Model T80-XX-1X-XX (24VDC) and T80-XX2X-XX (110/220 VAC), connect the 4-20 mA cable(s) to terminals #3 (out) for channel 1 and #2 (return) and to
terminals #4 (out) for channel 2 and #2 (return).
Transmitters with HART® Communication can be wired as shown below. See HART® Communication menu in
Appendix 9.2:
Page 19 Model T80
The standard configuration has three SPDT 230V 5 A relays that can be wired either normally open (NO) or
normally closed (NC). The default configuration is set to use the relays as normally open.
Attach the sensor wires as shown in Figure 2.2.2 or as described on the diagram inside the T80 cover. Feed the
sensor cable through the gland fitting on the left hand side of the T80. Do not use the same gland fitting for the
AC power or Alarm/Relays. See MODBUS command register in Appendix D.
The ECD Model T80 transmitter is an intelligent, single or dual
channel multi-parameter transmitter designed for the online
continuous measurement of pH, ORP, pION, conductivity, resistivity
or Dissolved Oxygen in a general purpose industrial environment.
The Model T80 transmitter digitally communicates with any ECD S80
digital sensor. The measurement identity is contained in the
sensor’s memory. When an S80 sensor is connected to the
transmitter it automatically configures the transmitter’s menus and
display screens to the measured parameter.
The functions associated with each key are displayed on the screen, above the key for the Selection Adjustment
Keys and to the left of the key for the HOME and BACK keys. Press any Selection Adjustment key twice within one second to enter the HOME Menu Screen.
The HOME key performs two functions, it selects which Home Screen is displayed and it returns the active
screen to the HOME Menu Screen from anywhere inside the menu structure.
Three Display screens are available:
1. DATA SCREEN: Displays the measurement type, numerical value,
engineering Units, % Output of the 4-20 mA channel and temperature.
2. mV SCREEN: Displays the measurement type, the sensor’s raw millivolt
Value, % Output of the 4-20 mA channel and temperature.
3. GRAF SCREEN: Displays a Graphical representation of the 4-20 mA channel
% Output, the measurement type, the engineering units, and temperature.
Only one of the three graphical display styles is available through the HOME
key, either the Bar, Gauge or Line display. Choose which style will be
displayed in the Graph Menu. (pathway to Graph Menu: CONFIG → XMTR → LCD → Graph menu)
Each of the above screens also displays the condition of the optional Alarm Relays,
black if energized and white if de-energized.
The HOME key changes to the EXIT key in the HOME Menu Screen, pressing EXIT prompts the user to “Save
Changes” YES/NO when exiting the HOME Menu. YES applies any changes made in
the menus, NO exits the HOME Menu without applying any changes made in the
The BACK key changes the screen to the previously displayed screen when inside a
menu, it moves BACK one screen. On a dual channel transmitter it toggles between the PV1, PV2 and Dual
Channel Screens. The HOLD key toggles the output HOLD function ON/OFF in the MENU HOME screen.
Page 21 Model T80
The (4) Selection/Adjustment keys allow navigation and numerical adjustments to be made in the MENUs. To
enter the HOME Menu screen press any of the Selection/Adjustment keys twice within one second. The variousMenu choices and adjustment tools are displayed above the buttons once inside the MENU.
The LABEL and PASSWORD (Caps and Numbers only) Menus allow alphanumeric entry. Entry is accomplished by
scrolling through the alphanumeric list with the ▲ (forward) and ▼ (backwards) arrows to the character of
choice and then moving to the NEXT digit. Pressing and holding the ▲ or ▼ keys will initiate two speed auto
scrolling. The character set is sequentially listed below. The first character in the set is an empty space.
! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ¥ ] ^ _ ‘ a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } → ←
Double tap any Selection/Adjustment key to enter the HOME Menu Screen. Five menu choices will appear, CAL, CONFIG, INFO, SIM and HOLD. Each of the Menus is detailed below.
Pressing the HOLD Key activates the HOLD function, HOLD is ON, displayed.
Freezes the 4-20 mA output at the last value prior to activation
Freezes optional Alarm Relays in the current state
While in the HOLD mode the % Output display toggles between the last
value and HOLD
Pressing HOLD again turns the hold function off, Hold is OFF, displayed. The HOLD function remains ON until it is
turned OFF. (See Time Out in CONFIG>XMTR>OUTPUT>HOLD)
Four options are available, AUTO, STAND, MANUAL and TEMP. On dual channel instruments choose Sensor 1 or
Sensor 2 when prompted.
The first screen asks, “Is this a New Sensor, YES / NO”. If YES the calibration history
from the previous sensor is cleared from memory and a new register is started, if NO
then the calibration is written to the memory stack, (3) sets of data are stored.
AUTO is a two point calibration. The calibration proceeds in two steps, AutoCal 1 is an offset calibration
and AutoCal 2 is a slope calibration. Auto Cal provides automatic solution recognition of the calibration
solutions used for each measurement in accordance with the following list:
1. pH Calibration Buffers (US Standard), pH 4.01, pH 7.00 and pH 10.00 (see Appendix A)