EASTMAN BLUE STREAK II, BRUTE 627XS, 629XS Instruction Manual And Parts List

CE Approved
CE Approved
Model 629XS Auto-Stop
Instruction Manual and Parts List
Blue Streak II Model 629XS Auto-Stop
Brute Model 627XS Auto-Stop
Serial # _____________________________
This machine is equipped with a very sharp knife. Keep hands, arms, and hair away from the knife area at all times.
Misuse of this machine or failure to follow all safety instructions on this machine and in the instruction manual may result in serious personal injuries.
779 Washington St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14203-1396 U.S.A. • (716) 856-2200 • Fax (716) 856-1140 or (716) 856-2068
Website: www.EastmanCuts.com
Form C-1572
Limited Warranty. Eastman warrants to the buyer that the Blue Streak II and Brute shall be free from
defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 180 days commencing on the date of invoice. Any goods or parts claimed by the buyer to be defective must be returned to Eastman, freight charges prepaid, within the 180–day warranty period. If Eastman determines that the goods or parts are defective in materials or workmanship, Eastman's sole obligation under this warranty shall be, at Eastman's sole option, to repair or replace the defective goods or parts or to provide to the buyer a credit equal to the portion of the purchase price allocable to the defective goods or parts. This warranty shall not apply if defects are caused by product misuse or neglect, if the machine has been altered or modified by the buyer, or if other than genuine Eastman belts, emery wheels, knives or parts are used in the machine. THIS WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE TO THIS PURCHASE. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER­CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Limitation of Liability. Eastman's liability to the buyer, and the buyer's remedies from Eastman, whether in contract, negligence, tort, under any warranty or otherwise, shall be limited to the remedies provided in the foregoing Limited Warranty. In no event shall Eastman have any responsibility or liability to the buyer for (a) any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of use, rev­enue, or profit, even if Eastman has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or (b) any claim against the buyer by any third party. The price stated for the product sold is a consideration for limiting Eastman's liability.
Form C-1572
Table of Contents
Safety Information ........................................ 1
General Safety Precautions ..................................... 1
Operation ...................................................... 2
Initial Set Up ............................................................. 2
Operating Procedure ................................................ 3
Safety Considerations ................................................ 3
Starting the Machine .................................................. 4
Making a Cut .............................................................. 4
Turning Off the Machine ............................................. 4
Routine Maintenance ................................... 4
Care of the Machine ................................................. 4
Daily ........................................................................... 4
Twice Weekly .............................................................. 4
Weekly ....................................................................... 5
Lubrication ................................................................ 5
Daily ........................................................................... 5
Weekly ....................................................................... 5
Monthly....................................................................... 5
Sharpening the Knife ............................................... 5
Removing the Sharpener ........................................... 5
Adjusting the Belt Sharpener .................................. 7
Changing Sharpener Belts ......................................... 7
Adjusting Stabilizers for Central Alignment ................. 7
Checking the Sharpener Shoes .................................. 8
Checking the Extreme Down Position of the
Sharpener ............................................................ 8
Checking the Stop Screw on the Sharpener Shoe...... 9
Check the Width of the Bevel on the Knife .................. 9
Changing the Knife ..................................................... 9
Adjusting Bevel Bloc
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 14
Freeing Frozen Guides .......................................... 16
Shoes ................................ 11
Accessories ................................................ 16
Metal Mesh Gloves ................................................. 16
Ordering Details ....................................................... 17
Genuine Eastman Abrasive Belts ......................... 17
Ergo-Handle ............................................................ 18
Specialty Machines ................................................ 19
Plastic Master Model 627XSPM/629XSPM .............. 19
Micro Fog Model 627XSMF/629XSMF ..................... 19
Replacing the Rubber Driver Pulley ........................ 6
This manual contains instructions and part numbers for two different machines: Brute Model 627XS and Blue Streak II Model 629XS. If you contact Eastman Machine Company for information or to order parts, always specify the ma­chine name and model number.
If you are ordering electrical components, specify the volt­age, frequency (Hz), and speed (RPM) of your machine. You can find this information on a label attached to your machine.
Illustrated Parts List ................................... 20
Exploded Parts Illustrations .................................. 20
Patents Statement
Some parts of this manual and the equipment it describes are protected by the following U.S. patents: 5,178,232, 4,609,244, 5,111,582, 4,761,878, and D281,416. Other pat­ents pending.
Trademarks Statement
The names Eastman, Uni-Safe, Blue Streak, and Bevel Bloc are registered trademarks of the Eastman Machine Com­pany.
Form C-1572
List of Figures
Figure 1. Operating Features ....................................... 2
Figure 2. Controls and Adjustments ............................ 3
Figure 3. Removing the Sharpener.............................. 6
Figure 4. Replacing the Rubber Driver Pulley .............. 6
Figure 5. Changing the Sharpener Belts ...................... 7
Figure 6. Adjusting the Stabilizers ............................... 7
Figure 7. Changing the Knife ....................................... 9
Figure 8. Available Eastman Knife Types ................... 10
Figure 9. Adjusting Bevel Bloc Shoes ........................ 11
Figure 10. Bevel Bloc Shoe Assembly ......................... 12
Figure 11. Maintenance Supplies ................................ 13
Figure 12. Electrical Configuration ............................... 15
Figure 13. Freeing Frozen Guides ............................... 16
Figure 14. Available Metal Mesh Glove Styles ............. 17
Figure 15. Eastman Abrasive Belts.............................. 17
Figure 16. Edges Produced by Different Belt Grits ...... 18
Figure 17. Ergo-Handle ............................................... 18
Figure 18. Plastic Master ............................................. 19
Figure 19. Micro Fog ................................................... 19
Figure 20. Exploded Assembly View ............................ 21
Figure 21. Single-Phase Motor Assembly
(Assembled View) ....................................... 22
Figure 22. Single Phase Motor Assembly
(Exploded View).......................................... 23
Figure 23. Three-Phase Motor Assembly
(Assembled View) ....................................... 24
Figure 24. Three-Phase Motor Assembly
(Exploded View).......................................... 25
Figure 25. Front Bearing Housing with Oiler
Assembly (Exploded View) ......................... 27
Figure 26. Sharpener Housing Assembly
(Assembled, Front View) ............................. 28
Figure 27. Sharpener Housing Assembly
(Exploded, Front View) ............................... 29
Figure 28. Sharpener Housing Assembly
(Assembled, Rear View) ............................. 30
Figure 29. Sharpener Housing Assembly
(Exploded, Rear View) ................................ 31
Figure 30. Lower Gear Bracket Assembly
(Assembled View) ....................................... 32
Figure 31. Lower Gear Bracket Assembly
(Exploded View).......................................... 33
Figure 32. Standard and Baseplate Assembly
(Assembled View) ....................................... 34
Figure 33. Standard and Baseplate Assembly
(Exploded View).......................................... 35
Figure 34. Removing a Worn Plate Roller Shell ........... 35
Form C-1572
Safety Information
Throughout this manual, safety information is presented by use of the terms Warning, Caution, and Note. These terms have the following meanings:
A warning contains critical information regarding poten­tial safety hazards that can occur during proper use or misuse of the machine. Failure to follow these proce­dures may result in serious personal injury to the user.
A caution contains instructions for the use or mainte­nance of the machine. Failure to follow these proce­dures may result in damage to the machine.
Supplementary information may be given in a Note.
General Safety Precautions
• This machine is equipped with a very sharp and dan­gerous knife. Keep hands, arms, and hair away from the knife area at all times. When the machine is not in use, keep the pressure foot knife guard lowered and locked at all times. Safety gloves and glasses and appropriate clothing may prevent serious per­sonal injuries.
• Disconnect the power supply from the machine when it is not in use or during routine maintenance, in­cluding lubrication.
• The purchaser must ensure that the electrical power supply line complies with all the local electrical code, regulation.
• The purchaser must instruct all operators in the proper use of the machine according to the instruc­tions on the machine and in this manual. This train­ing must include instruction on the potential safety hazards arising from the use or misuse of the ma­chine. In addition to such training, the purchaser should provide written work instructions as neces­sary to ensure correct use of the machine for spe­cific cutting applications.
Safety and Indemnification
During the life of the machine, the purchaser agrees to pro­vide to all machine users (including its own employees and independent contractors) all relevant safety information, in­cluding warning labels and instruction manuals. The pur­chaser also agrees to maintain the safety features and work­ing condition of the machine, and to adequately train all users in the safe use and maintenance of the machine. The purchaser agrees to defend, protect, indemnify, and hold Eastman Machine Company harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages, and liabili­ties to the extent that they have been caused by the purchaser’s failure to comply with the terms and instruc­tions of this manual.
• The purchaser must provide appropriate safety mea­sures and equipment as recommended in this manual. Observe all statutory requirements concern­ing the use of hazardous machinery that apply to your location.
• Do not modify this machine or disable safety features. Unauthorized modification may result in serious per­sonal injuries to the user. Electrical connections to this machine must be made by a qualified electrician familiar with applicable codes and regulations. To prevent electrocution, a ground lead must be con­nected to terminal “E” on the attachment plug.
• This machine is intended ONLY for hand-held op­eration. Misuse of this machine or use of this ma­chine as part of another machine may result in seri­ous personal injuries to the user.
• Safety labels must be kept clean and legible at all times. Call the Eastman Machine factory to order replacement labels.
Form C-1572
Before operating the machine, read these instructions care­fully. Familiarize yourself with all the functions and adjust­ments of the machine.
Carrying Handle
Main Power
Foot Lift
ON/OFF Switch
Operating Handle
Start Button
Operating this machine from an incorrect electrical supply may damage it.
2. Check that the machine has been lubricated according to the schedule listed in Routine Maintenance–Lubrica- tion on page 5.
Note: At this time, carry out the full monthly lubrication schedule on page 5.
3. Make sure that the sharpener is in the locked position. To do this, push in the turning knob (Figure 2, F). While depressing the turning knob, turn the machine over a few revolutions by hand to see if the knife reciprocates easily. If the knife does not move easily, the sharpener may be in the unlocked position.
4. To lock the sharpener in place, lift the release lever (Figure 2, D) and press the sharpener lever (Figure 2, E) to release the sharpener. Raise the sharpener bracket (Figure 2, S) by hand to lock it in place. Once the sharpener is locked in place, you may disengage the release lever and sharpener lever. Repeat step 3 to ensure that the sharpener is now locked. If not, repeat this step.
Knife Guard­Pressure Foot
Figure 1. Operating Features
Initial Set Up
After the machine has been installed and before you use it for the first time:
1. Check that the electrical supply current and voltage that the machine is connected to are the same as stamped on its name plate. For three-phase machines, also check that the direction of rotation is correctly set by the turning knob (Figure 2, F). Refer to the tag attached to all three-phase machines for detailed instructions.
5. Visually inspect the blade to ensure that the top of the knife is flush with the knife lockbolt (Figure 7, 1 on page
9) and that the knife is perpendicular to the baseplate. If you need to adjust the alignment of the blade, see section Changing the Knife on page 9.
6. Check that the main power switch is in the OFF position. Then connect the attachment plug to the terminal block on the machine.
7. Hold the operating handle and switch on the machine. Press the start button and allow the blade to reach full speed. If the blade is struggling, the sharpener is still not in the locked position. If this is the case, turn off the machine and do the following:
7.1 With your left hand, switch the on the machine. Straddle the front of the sharpener with fingers and thumb.
7.2 Press the bell crank release lever (Figure 2, H) to disengage the sharpener mechanism from the motor.
Form C-1572
7.3 With your right hand, hold the operating handle and press the start button. Allow the motor to gather full speed and then release the release lever. This automatically returns the sharpener to the locked position.
Turn the motor on and off a few times before running the machine continuously. This permits the oil to warm up and flow easily into the close-fitting moving parts. Failure to do this may result in damage to your machine.
The machine is now ready for use.
A oil reservoir N pulley shaft D release lever O belt pulley E sharpener lever P plug F turning knob Q cover H bell crank release lever R pressure foot lever K tube S sharpener bracket L tube T knife guard/pressure foot M oil lifting handle
Operating Procedure
Safety Considerations
To prevent serious injury, read and follow these safety precautions.
Before starting or using your machine:
1. Check that you know and understand the following:
• That proper voltage is supplied to machine.
• How to turn off the machine in an emergency.
• The meaning of all warning labels on the machine.
• What happens to the machine when you operate the controls.
• Proper start-up procedures described in Initial Set Up section.
• What to do in the event of a jam or other unforeseen situation.
• How to disconnect power from the machine.
If you are not familiar with any of these points, ask your supervisor or contact an Eastman representative.
2. Check the condition of your machine and working area. Make sure that:
• There is no visible damage to the machine. Pay par-
ticular attention to the blade.
• No maintenance work is currently being performed
in your working area.
• No unnecessary people are in your working area.
• Your working area is clear of debris, spilled liquids,
food, drink, or other obstructions.
• Your clothing, hair, and jewelry cannot snag or be-
come tangled in the machine. Wear appropriate pro­tective equipment as necessary. Remove all rings, watches, neckties, and other loose objects. Tie up hair or wear a hair net.
Figure 2. Controls and Adjustments
If you are uncertain about any of these points, do NOT use the machine.
Failure to use all recommended safety measures and equipment may result in serious personal injury.
Form C-1572
Starting the Machine
If you have had the machine less than one month or if it has stood idle for any length of time, turn the motor on and off a few times before running it continuously. This permits the oil to warm up and flow easily into the close-fitting mov­ing parts.
Failure to warm up your machine adequately may dam­age the motor.
Making a Cut
Failure to keep hands, arms, and hair away from the knife area at all times may result in serious personal injury.
1. Bring the machine up to the material spread.
2. Switch on the main power to activate the automatic pressure foot lock.
3. Raise the knife guard/pressure foot by depressing the pressure foot lever (Figure 2, R) and lifting the knife guard/pressure foot lifting handle (Figure 2, T). Raise the pressure foot only enough to clear the material being cut.
Turning Off the Machine
When you have finished using your machine:
1. Position the power switch to off.
2. Make sure the knife guard/pressure foot is lowered to the baseplate by depressing the pressure foot lever (Figure 2, R).
3. Disconnect the attachment plug from the power source.
4. In cold weather, ensure that the machine is kept in a warm place when not in use.
Routine Maintenance
Always unplug the machine before performing mainte­nance, adjustments, or repairs.
After servicing the machine, always make sure the plate bolt nut is securely fastened (Figure 3, X on page 6) before resuming cutting operation.
4. Press the start button. Allow the blade to reach full speed, and enter the fabric.
5. Using the pressure foot lever (Figure 2, R) and the knife guard/pressure foot lifting handle (Figure 2, T), lower the pressure foot so that it is slightly above the material being cut. This will prevent the material from reciprocat­ing.
6. Begin cutting.
7. When you are not making a cut, or when the machine is not in use, keep the knife guard/pressure foot lowered to the baseplate by depressing the pressure foot lever (Figure 2, R).
8. Turn off the machine when not cutting fabric.
Care of the Machine
To ensure proper operation of your machine, carry out the following procedures at the intervals indicated. If you use your machine intensively, consider performing these pro­cedures more often.
Remove the knife and clean the knife slides with the slot cleaner (Figure 7, 2 on page 9) included with machine. To prevent undue accumulation of lint, do NOT oil the plate rollers. If the rollers stick, remove them from the plate and wash them in cleaning solvent.
Twice Weekly
Use an approved air hose or bellows to blow any lint from around the motor and sharpener.
Form C-1572
Failure to wear eye protection when using air hose or bellows may result in serious eye or facial injuries.
Remove the cover (Figure 2, Q) and clean any lint from around the screw mechanism in the sharpener.
2. Remove the plug (Figure 2, P) and insert a grease tube. Squeeze an amount of grease approximately the size of a pea into the opening.
Routinely check the tightness of the operating handle to ensure a secure connection.
Lubricate your machine according to the following schedule:
Use only specially compounded Eastman 30-weight, non-detergent oil. Use of sewing machine oil or deter­gent oil may result in damage to your machine. Do not oil the baseplate rollers. Use of an excessive amount of oil may damage the machine.
1. Place two drops of oil at each of the two locations shown in Figure 2, M. Use an oil can with a small spout. (A suitable oil can is furnished with the machine.)
2. Fill the oil reservoir (Figure 2, A) for continuous use. If you only use the machine intermittently, you can use less oil.
1. Carry out the Daily lubrication schedule above.
Sharpening the Knife
Sharpen the knife at frequent intervals or whenever you feel it is not cutting adequately:
1. Take the machine out of the lay.
2. Drop the knife guard/pressure foot using the pressure foot lever (Figure 2, R on page 3), located next to the machine operating handle.
3. Press the sharpener lever (Figure 2, E) downward with a slow, firm pressure to engage the sharpening mecha­nism. Too fast a lever action may cause the lever to lock. If this occurs, lift the release lever (Figure 2, D) and start over again.
Removing the Sharpener
1. Disconnect the machine from the power source.
2. Using the turning knob (Figure 2, F) raise the blade to top position.
3. Press the sharpener lever (Figure 3, E on page 6) approximately halfway down and to the neutral position, and lower the sharpener by hand.
2. Apply one drop of oil only to each of the following:
• Tubes at locations shown as Figure 2, K and L.
• Pulley shaft shown as Figure 2, N.
• Belt pulley shown as Figure 2, O.
1. Carry out the Daily and Weekly lubrication schedules above.
This machine is equipped with a very sharp knife. Re­move the knife when working in this area. Failure to keep hands, arms, and hair away from the knife area may result in serious personal injury.
4. Remove the back guide (Figure 3).
Form C-1572
5. Press the lever (Figure 3, E) to a neutral position and raise the sharpener to the top (original) position.
6. Remove the four hold-down nuts (Figure 3, V), unplug solenoid cord and remove the sharpener.
Note: If you press the sharpener lever (Figure 3, E) down too far (beyond the neutral position), it will lock the sharpener bracket. If this occurs, lift the release lever (Figure 3, D) and start over again.
W square shaft
Figure 4. Replacing the Rubber Driver Pulley
3. Hold the square shaft with a wrench. Position the wrench as close as possible on the shaft to the sharp-
ener housing.
D release lever
E sharpener lever V hold-down nut X plate bolt nut
Figure 3. Removing the Sharpener
Replacing the Rubber Driver Pulley
The sharpener is driven by a rubber driver pulley, as shown in Figure 4. Replace this driver pulley whenever it appears to be worn or damaged, as follows:
1. Remove the sharpener from the machine (see Remov- ing the Sharpener on page 5).
2. Press the sharpener lever (Figure 3, E) to a neutral position and lower the sharpener until an inch of the square shaft (Figure 4, W) is exposed.
4. Use a spanner wrench to remove the driver pulley by turning it clockwise as indicated by the arrow in Figure 4.
Note: The pulley has a left-hand thread.
5. Reassemble the new pulley on the sharpener.
6. Reassemble the sharpener on the machine.
Form C-1572
Adjusting the Belt Sharpener
Adjusting Stabilizers for Central Alignment
Note: You can obtain all the special tools you will require
for adjusting the sharpener by ordering tool kit #820C2.
O rear pulley T front pulley S slide with pulley U sharpener shoe
Figure 5. Changing the Sharpener Belts
Failure to unplug the attachment plug from the power source before performing maintenance may result in se­rious personal injury.
1. Disengage the attachment plug, if you have not already done this.
2. Depress the sharpener lever (Figure 2, E on page 3) halfway and lower the belt carrier to the extreme bottom position.
3. Loosen the screws (Figure 6, 1) and disengage the back guide (Figure 6, 6) from contact with the standard.
4. Loosen the screws (Figure 6, 2) and disengage the stabilizers (Figure 6, 4 and 5).
Changing Sharpener Belts
1. Push the slide with pulley (Figure 5, S) inward to relieve tension, then remove the worn belt.
2. Place the new belt over the front pulley (Figure 5, T), then between the sharpener shoe (Figure 5, U), and then over the rear pulley (Figure 5, O).
3. Release the slide with pulley.
Note: Sharpener belts are available in four grits: Rough, Coarse, Medium, and Fine. See Abrasive Belt Grits on pages 17-18 for ordering information.
1 screw 9 locknut 2 screw 10 clamping arm 3 locknut 11 sharpener shoe 4 stabilizer 12 shoe 5 stabilizer 13 tube 6 back guide 14 spacer 7 pivot screw 15 locknut 8 stop screw
Figure 6. Adjusting the Stabilizers
Form C-1572
5. Remove the locknut (Figure 6, 3).
6. Install gauge C189 on the exposed threaded end of the pivot screw (Figure 6, 7) and press the end of the gauge against the side of the standard.
7. Holding this position, engage the opposite stabilizer (Figure 6, 4) firmly against the side of the standard and tighten the screws (Figure 6, 2).
8. Remove tool C189 and press the positioned stabilizer (Figure 6, 4) against the side of the standard. Then fasten the opposite stabilizer (Figure 6, 5) firmly against the standard.
9. Re-engage the back guide (Figure 6, 6) in loose contact with the back of the standard.
Checking the Sharpener Shoes
The shoes should swing in and out freely without exces­sive up and down play. If adjustment is necessary, pro­ceed as follows:
1. Loosen the locknuts (Figure 6, 3) and tighten the screws (Figure 6, 7) as required.
Checking the Extreme Down Position of the Sharpener
The correct down position is with the tip of the knife at the center of the belt on the shoe (Figure 6, 12). The belt should be in the most downward position, and the knife should be in the most upward position. If the belts are too high, the bottom point of the knife will not sharpen. If the belts are too low, the bottom point of the knife will round off exces­sively. If adjustment is necessary:
1. Raise the belt carrier to the up position.
2. Remove the plastic cap from the tube for the screw shaft.
3. Insert a pin through the hole in the tube (Figure 6, 13) to prevent the spacer (Figure 6, 14) from turning. Then remove the locknut (Figure 6, 15).
The following step describes the correct procedure for setting spacer adjustment on different stroke machines:
Note: Prior to beginning adjustment, be sure that the spacer is threaded fully onto screw shaft.
Stroke Turns
2. Check the clamping arm (Figure 6, 10) with the belt carrier in the most downward position and the knife in the most upward position. The clamping arm should keep the sharpener shoe from moving in. If it fails to do so, the serrations on the clamping arm are worn or the sharpener shoe (Figure 6, 11) is worn.
3. Replace worn part(s) as necessary.
1-1/8" 11
1-1/4" 9
1-1/2" 13
1-3/4" 8
Note: Each turn = 1/32"
4. Turn the spacer clockwise with wrench C6153 to raise the bottom position, or turn counter-clockwise to lower the position.
Note: One turn in either direction adjusts the position by 1/32".
Form C-1572
+ 28 hidden pages