Part Abrasive Contact Wheel Contact Wheel Contact Wheel Bearing
Number Belt Size Description
Assembly Only (2) Req.
11200 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 11088 (2) 11077 (2) 11052 (4) 11055 (2)
*11201 1/2" x 18" 5/16" Dia. x 3/8" W Steel 1/2" W Platen 11068 11067 11051 11054
11202 1/4" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 1/8" W Rubber 1/4" W Platen 11074 11073 11052 11053
11203 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 1/2" W Platen 11078 11077 11052 11054
11204 1/4" or 1/2" x 18"
1" Dia. x 3/8"
Loose Belt Application 11080 11079 11052 11054
W Radiused Rubber
11206 5/8" or 3/4" x 18" 3/4" Dia. x 5/8" W Rubber 3/4" W Platen 11282 11281 11052 11285
*11220 5/8" or 3/4" x 18" 5/16" Dia. x 5/8" W Steel Polish Turbine Blades 11352 11353 11051 11285
11280 1/4" x 18"
1" Dia. x 3/8"
No Platen/ Offset Design 11086 11085 11052 11054
W Tapered Urethane
11286 1/2" x 24" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 1/2" W Platen 11078 11077 11052 11054
11287 5/8" or 3/4" x 20-1/2" 3/4" Dia. x 5/8" W Rubber 3/4" W Platen 11282 11281 11052 11285
*11300 1/2" x 18" 1/4" Dia. x 3/8" W Steel Polish Turbine Blades 11332 11333 11334 11335
*11301 1/2" x 18" 5/16" Dia. x 3/8" W Steel Polish Turbine Blades 11068 11067 11051 11054
11304 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber “Stroke-Sander” Arm-1/2" W Platen 11078 11077 11052 11054
11312 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber H.D. Version of 11203 Arm 11078 11077 11052 11054
11320 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber “Offset Arm” – prevent gouging. 11078 11077 11052 11054
11322 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber
Contains two 11395 Guide
11090 11077 11052 95610
Wheels – Prevents Undercutting
11325 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 1/2" W Steel Platen 11078 11077 11052 11054
11326 5/8" or 3/4" x 18" 3/4" Dia. x 5/8" W Rubber H.D. Version of 11206 Arm 11282 11281 11052 11285
11329 1/2" x 44" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 1/2" W Platen/ 17" Reach 11078 11077 11052 11054
*11341 1/2" x 18" 5/16" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber Polish Turbine Blades 11342 11343 11334 11335
*11350 3/4" x 34" 5/16" Dia. x 5/8" W Steel Bus Bar Arm/11" Reach 11352 11353 11051 11285
11360 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber No Platen/Offset Design 11078 11077 11052 11054
**42642 5/8" or 3/4" x 18" 3/4" Dia. x 5/8" W Rubber 3/4" W Platen 42652 11281 01187 11285
**42644 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber “Stroke-Sander” Arm-1/2" W Platen 42653 11077 01187 11054
42646 1/4" or 1/2" x 18"
1" Dia. x 3/8"
No Platen/Offset Design 42654 11079 01187 11054
W Radiused Rubber
**42650 1/2" x 18" 5/8" Dia. x 3/8" W Rubber 1/2" W Platen 42653 11077 01187 11054
“Stroke-Sander” Arm;
1/2" W Platen
Contact Arm Assemblies
Contact Wheel Assembly–Includes wheel, bearing and shaft.
Contact Wheel
Dynafile®II Standard Contact Arms
*Run at 45 PSIG. Not recommended for Electric Dynafile
II . **For use with Wet Dynafile®II . Contains sealed bearings.
See page 6 for Dynafile®II Abrasives and Accessories.
Contact Arm