Magnetic Liquid Level Indicator
Instruction Bulletin No. 204129
Thank you for purchasing the Dwyer ViewRite Magnetic Level Indicator . Please read this document prior to installing your
ViewRite and store it where it may be readily referred to for familiarization and maintenance purposes. If you require any
additional information, you are welcome to call Dwyer at the number shown below.
Record the Part Number of your ViewRite here to use when ordering spare or replacement parts:
Part Number:____________________
ViewRite Operating Principle
The liquid level of a tank is made visible, even at great distances,
through the use of a shock and vibration-proof magnetic level indicator
that employs “flags” arranged within a specially constructed external
housing: the flag assembly . The two sides of each pivoting flag are
marked with contrasting colors. A permanent magnet is encapsulated
inside each flag and forms a secure magnetic interlock with the
adjacent flags. As the liquid level rises, a float equipped with a
permanent magnet causes each of the flags to begin rotating in turn.
This action exposes the contrasting (fluid level indicating) color on
the other side of the flag. As the float and liquid level rise, each flag
below the level of the float completes a 180 degree rotation, while
remaining magnetically interlocked with the other lower flags.
Together, the rotated flags display a band or column of color, the
height of which corresponds with the liquid level within the tank. An
exclusive feature of the ViewRite is the patented magnetic guide
that is integrated into the flag assembly. This magnetic attraction
ensures that the float is always aligned for optimum performance
and exactness, regardless of any shock, vibration, or rapid change
to the level of fluid in the tank.
Flag Channel
Magnetic Flags
(Plain Side Out)
Magnetic Flags
Side Out)
Standard and Mini-ViewRites are supplied with the floats packed
either separately , or securely strapped to the unit. The float supplied
with each unit has been designed to the specific gravity of the fluid
being monitored, so that the permanent bar magnet will always seek
and indicate the fluid surface. Because of the attraction of the
permanent bar magnet in the float and the patented magnetic guide,
the ViewRite flag assembly can be rotated to a position which will
allow for optimum viewing.
(See the Maintenance Section on page 4 for instructions on how to rotate your
ViewRite flag assembly.)
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Read the following instructions completely - BEFORE installing the ViewRite.
Installation Precautions and Preparation
Failure to observe these precautions could affect the operation of your unit.
1. When locating the tank ports for the ViewRite, make sure that no strong magnetic fields or magnetic materials
(such as railings, protective cages, I-beams, etc.) will be any closer than 6 inches (153 mm) from the ViewRite.
2. Make necessary efforts to ensure that all tank-side modifications and equipment; i.e., the mating flanges, NPT
ports or shut-off valves (if used) will align properly with the connections. Improper alignment could
cause distortion and may damage welds and compromise the integrity of the ViewRite and/or the tank.
3. After any necessary tank modifications are completed, the tank should be cleaned to remove contaminants. This
will ensure that the installation is free of foreign particles; especially those which could be magnetic and which
could impair the performance of the ViewRite.
4. Do not begin the installation of the ViewRite until all necessary tools and materials are obtained. (Such as
mating flange gaskets, bolting hardware, etc. )
5. Gasket material typically supplied with the standard ViewRite unit is either Viton or nitrile rubber, Garlock 3000
style. Higher pressure units are typically supplied with FlexitallicTM gaskets.
6. All supplied flag assembly clamps are intended to be installed with a torque on the clamp screw not to exceed
5 lb.-inches.
Handle the ViewRite with care to avoid damaging the threaded areas, flange surfaces, etc.
For Standard ViewRites (Alloy and Mini)
1. Remove the protective packing materials from your ViewRite.
2. Position the unit horizont ally on a level surface.
3. Unpack the float assembly or, with the aid of a wire-cutter or similar device, remove the strapping that secures
the float to the exterior of the ViewRite Unit.
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D0 NOT : 1) Hold the V iewRite in a vertical position or 2) Drop the float assembly into the unit. Avoid this or
any action which could damage or dent the float. Such damage could cause the float to crush under normal
working pressures.
Remove Bolts
Standard ViewRite
Remove Bolts
Mini ViewRite
4. Remove the end cap or flange attaching bolts, as indicated in the appropriate drawing. Then remove
the end cap or flange.
5. With the unit still in a horizontal position, insert the float assembly into the weldment, with the “TOP” indication
on the float assembly moving in the same direction as the “UP” arrows that are located on each side of the
externally mounted flag assembly.
6. With the gasket or O-ring properly positioned, reassemble the end cap or flange to the weldment. Tighten the
end cap or flange bolts securely, using the proper recommended torque value as supplied in Figure A, page 4.
7. Slowly raise the top end of the ViewRite, while the bottom end remains on the level surface, permitting the float
to slowly slide to the bottom, avoiding any sudden impact damage to the float assembly.
8. Move the ViewRite to the tank and position the unit with the end marked “TOP” pointing upwards. Install any
necessary mounting gaskets or seals1, and align the mating port flanges, NPT’s or connections of the tank with
those of the ViewRite. DO NOT A TTEMPT T O FORCE ALIGNMENT. To do so may damage the welds or
compromise the integrity of the ViewRite. While following standard practices and procedures, tighten the flange
bolts, NPT’s or connections. Recommended torque values are supplied in Figure A, page 4.
9. Before Filling the T ank . . . . Be sure that the inst allation is free of foreign particles, especially any that are
magnetic. Check that all connections are secure. A hydrostatic pressure test of the complete assembly
is recommended.
Dwyers recommends that you include at least one support bracket in your installation for ViewRite units greater than
10 feet (120 inches, 3048 mm) in length. Depending on the specific installation, a load-bearing support at the base
of the ViewRite may be beneficial.
Gaskets or seals for the port flanges are not supplied with the ViewRite.
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