ft² ft² in² ft ft² in² ft
1000 6.7 965 60 3.4 482 30
1200 8.0 1158 72 4.0 579 36
1400 9.4 1351 84 4.7 675 42
1600 10.7 1544 96 5.4 772 48
1800 12.1 1737 109 6.0 868 54
2000 13.4 1930 121 6.7 965 60
2200 14.7 2123 133 7.4 1,061 66
2400 16.1 2316 145 8.0 1,158 72
2600 17.4 2508 157 8.7 1,254 78
2800 18.8 2701 169 9.4 1,351 84
3000 20.1 2894 181 10.1 1,447 90
3200 21.4 3087 193 10.7 1,544 96
3400 22.8 3280 205 11.4 1,640 103
Ridge Vent Area
w/o Eave Vents
Ridge Vent Area
with Eave Vents
ft² ft² in² ft ft² in² ft
1000 3.3 475 30 1.7 238 15
1200 4.0 570 36 2.0 285 18
1400 4.6 665 42 2.3 333 21
1600 5.3 760 48 2.6 380 24
1800 5.9 855 53 3.0 428 27
2000 6.6 950 59 3.3 475 30
2200 7.3 1045 65 3.6 523 33
2400 7.9 1140 71 4.0 570 36
2600 8.6 1236 77 4.3 618 39
2800 9.2 1331 83 4.6 665 42
3000 9.9 1426 89 5.0 713 45
3200 10.6 1521 95 5.3 760 48
3400 11.2 1616 101 5.6 808 50
Ridge Vent Area
w/o Eave Vents
Ridge Vent Area
with Eave Vents
Ventilation Requirements with Vapor Retarder
Vented Ridge Cap
The Vented Ridge Cap can provide proper ventilation to
an attic.
Fabricated from 24-gauge vinyl-coated metal
with or without a 6” Duro-Last® membrane skirt.
Available in 10’ lengths extending 8” out each
side from the peak.
Splice plates are used to join sections, if
Available in white, tan, gray and dark gray.
Contact Duro-Last or EXCEPTIONAL® Metals to
request a color chart, samples and information
regarding custom metals and finishes.
Energy Efficiency:
LEED® and ENERGY STAR® compliant; Recyclable.
1. Install in accordance with Duro-Last detail
drawing #4200 and #4200 installation.
2. Any deviation from the requirements set forth in
the detail drawings must be pre-approved, in
writing, by the EXCEPTIONAL Metals Technical
Duro-Last offers a wide range of warranty coverage for
EXCEPTIONAL Metals products when used with the
Duro-Last roofing system, including paint and finish.
Technical Services:
Product samples, detail sheets, color chips, and color
chart are available for your submittal package. For
assistance with questions or submittals, contact your
local representative or call EXCEPTIONAL Metals.
“Duro-Last” and “EXCEPTIONAL” are registered marks owned by Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. Revised 8/30/2012
Required Ventilation area for attic area without vapor
retarder is 1sf (ventilation) /150sf of attic area.
Required Ventilation for new construction that provides
a vapor retarder is 1sf (ventilation) / 300sf attic area.
Required Ridge Vent area can be reduced to 50% of
total required ventilation area, if the remaining area is
located in the eaves for a balanced system.
To determine required ventilation area, take attic area
and divide by either 150sf or 300sf (depending on if a
vapor retarder is present) and this will give the
required net free ventilation area (ft²).Duro-Last Ridge
vent provides 16 in² of net free area per lineal foot.
Contractor is responsible for compliance with all state
and local building codes.