The Duro-Last® Metal Compre s sion System may be
used as a perimeter flashing for the Duro-Last roofing
system. The s y s t em c onsists of a Galvalume steel base
and a snap-on metal co ver. The system is l isted by
FM Approvals as a Class 1 perimeter flashi ng with the
4 inch (102 mm) wide system ac hieving a Class 1-360
and the 6 inch (152 mm) wide system achieving a Clas s
The base is fabricat ed from 24-gauge Galvalume
steel and co mes in 10 foot length s . The base is
available in widths ranging from 3 to 8 inches
(76-203 mm).
The metal cover is 10 feet l ong and available in
24-gauge galvalume steel with 35 st o c k e d fini s hes
as well as in these spec ialized met als:
* .040 aluminum wit h Kynar finish.
* .040 aluminum wit h mi ll f in is h.
* 16-oz. copper.
* 2 4- gauge stainless s teel.
* 24-gauge bonderized (paintable) steel.
Contact Duro-Last, Inc. to request a color chart,
samples and information regarding custom metals and
The metal base and metal cover ar e ordered
separately in 10 foot lengths. They will be packaged
in cardboard tu be s or woo de n crates.
The cover is shipped with a protective plastic film
which should be removed prior to installation.
To clean the metal cover use so ap and water (i.e.
1/3 cup laundry detergent per gallon of water).
1. A wood nailer is re qu ired if 1 inch or greater of
insulation is used. The top of the naile r must be flush
with the top of the ins ulation.
2. Fasten the flange of the metal base with fasteners
spaced 6 inch es on center. When installing the base
within 10 feet of an ou tside corner the fastening
pattern is 3 inches on center.
3. Bring the roof membrane over the base and fasten it
6 inches on center into the vertical face of the metal
base. When installing within 10 feet of an outside
corner the fastening pattern is 3 inches on center.
4. Install the metal cover over the base and membrane.
5. The metal cover should be installed so tha t the joints
between sections are offset a minimum of 12 inch
(25 mm) from the joints between sectio ns of the
metal base.
6. Adjacent se c tions of cove r ar e de s i gn ed to overlap.
No joint clip s are required.
7. Refer to detail drawing 3110 for installation
information when roof system is mechanically
attached or FA31 10 when the roof syste m is fully
"Duro-Last " an d T he "World's Best Roof" are registered marks owned by Duro-La st , Inc.
Duro-Last: The Proven Performer®
Metal Compression System
(see details 3100 & FA3110)
Revised: 12/15/2011