How it all works.
1. Get to know the product.
Invite family or friends over, have a good look through the content together and discuss how
many gadgets you have around the home that require batteries. More than you fi rst thought,
right? Next, choose devices that you use frequently (a game console controller or digital
camera perhaps) and replace existing batteries with your new rechargeables! This handbook
will help you to integrate this Duracell charger into your everyday life so you can better
assess its capabilities and features, as well as tell your friends and family about it too.
Taking photos:
We love photos! Share th e products you’re using to try th e batterie s out via the ‘Submit
Conversatio n Report ’ tool. Simply g o to and log in to
your dashboard. We’ll post the m to the projec t gallery for all to see.
2. Your impressions and opinion.
Duracell is li stening. This is t he perfe ct oppor tunity to get your voice heard. E xpress
your thoughts, i deas and give feed back on this ch arger durin g the eight-week project by
participating in thre e surveys:
• The online starter sur vey at the beginnin g of the project
• The half-time online sur vey in the middle of t he project
• The fi nal online survey at the end of the projec t
We’ll email you as soon as these surveys ar e ready for you – we ca n’t wait to hear about
your experienc es!
In this day and age, most of us read online reviews to help us choose the right products for
us. As a Duracell expert with insider information, this is your chance to help others who are
thinking of buying a charger, so make sure your voice is heard!
Where should I write reviews?
The most popular sites people visit to read reviews for chargers are; Amazon, Tesco,
Ocado, Screwfi x and Asda. We want you to share your own review of the charger on some
(if not all!) of these sites.
What should I say?
The most important thing is that you’re honest! If you're stuck for what to write, a good place
to start might be:
• Special functions of this charger, like its fast-paced charge.
• How easy it is to use.
• Did the charger meet/exceed your expectations? If so, how?
• Were you surprised by its convenience?
Share links to the reports:
Make sure you tell us each time you leave a review – the easiest way to do this is to use our
URL tool. Simply go to and log in to your dashboard,
the tool is in the box on the left hand side.
How do I leave reviews on Amazon?
1. Visit
2. Some retailers may refer to our charger as the ‘Duracell 45-Minute Charger’, so type this
into the search box and click enter.
3. The charger should be the fi rst product listed – click the heading.
4. Once on the product page, you will see a gold star rating – click the button underneath that
says ‘create your own review’ and off you go!
5. Once completed, copy the link to your review and send it to us via the URL tool on our
Savvy Circle dashboard.