Duff-Norton Machine Screw Rotating 500lb - 1 Ton User Manual

Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions
With Parts List Publication Part No. SK-2389-R1
Machine Screw
1/4 Through 1-Ton Capacity
This manual contains important information for the correct installation, operation and mainte­nance of the equipment described herein. All persons involved in such installation, operation, and maintenance should be thoroughly familiar with the contents. To safeguard against the possibility of personal injury or property damage, follow the recommendations and instructions of this manual and keep it for further reference.
The equipment shown in this manual is intended for industrial use only and should not be used to lift, support, or otherwise transport people.
Section I General Information ................................................................................................. 3
1-1. General .................................................................................................................... 3
1-2. Applications.............................................................................................................. 3
1-3. Specifications........................................................................................................... 3
1-4. Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 4
Table 2. Upright Models......................................................................................................... 4
1-4. Dimensions (Cont.) .................................................................................................. 5
Table 3. Inverted Models ....................................................................................................... 5
1-5. Important Precautions.............................................................................................. 5
1-6. Warranty and Warranty Repair ................................................................................6
Section II Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 6
2-1 Lubrication ............................................................................................................... 6
2-2. Rebuild Procedure ................................................................................................... 6
2-3. Required Tools ......................................................................................................... 6
2-4. Disassembly............................................................................................................. 6
2-5. Cleaning................................................................................................................... 7
2-6. Inspection................................................................................................................. 7
2-7. Assembly ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2-1. Expansion Plug Replacement.................................................................................. 8
Section III lllustrated Parts List.................................................................................................. 9
3-1. General .................................................................................................................... 9
3-2. Parts List................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3-1. Exploded Illustration
Rotating Machine Screw Actuators.........................................................................11
Section I
General Information
1-1. General
1-2. Applications
This manual contains maintenance instructions for Duff Norton 1/4 through 1- ton rotating machine screw actua­tors. It describes and details procedures for installation, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, and assembly of these actuators.
The actuators described and illustrated in this manual are intended for industrial use only and should not be used to lift, support or otherwise transport people unless you have a written statement from Duff-Norton which autho­rizes the specific actuator unit, as used in your applica­tion, as suitable for moving people.
1.3. Specifications Table 1. 1/4-ton through 1-ton Series Rotating Machine Screw Actuators
Actuator No. Upright UM2556 UM2626 UM2502 Standard Inverted DM2556 DM2626 DM2502 Actuator No. Upright UM3056 UM3626 UM3502 Special Inverted DM3056 DM3626 DM3502
Rated Load (lb) 500 1000 2000 Diameter of 1/2 5/8
Lifting Screw .250 Pitch .125 Pitch .200 Pitch (inches) ACME ACME ACME Base Size (in.) 2 1/4 x 4 2 1/4 x 4 2 3/4 x 5 Worm Gear Std. Ratio 5:1 5:1 5:1 Ratios Optional - - 20:1 Turns of Worm Std. Ratio 20 40 25 for 1" Raise Optional - - 100 Maximum H.P. Std. Ratio 1/3 1/3 1/2 Per Actuator Optional - - 1/4 Torque at Full Std. Ratio 13 21 55 Load* (in-lbs) Optional - - 2 5 Jack Efficiency Std. Ratio 33.0 20.0 24.5 Rating (%) Optional - - 14.0 Weight with Base Raise of 6" (lb) 2.3 2.3 5.0
Weight for Each Additional 1" Raise (lb) 0.1 0.1 0.3
* For loads from 25% to 100 % of Actuator load rating. Torque requirements are approximately proportional to the load.
1-4. Dimensions
Note: Housing Dimensions and Base Configurations vary.
Table 2. Upright Models
Model A B C F G H I J K
Number Rating (in)
U M - 25 5 6 1/4 Ton Raise + 1 1/2 5 / 8 2 3 /8 0.312 7 /8 3/8 2 1/4 4 Holes- 9/32 Dia. on 1 3/4 Dia. B.C. 1 UM-262 6 1/2 Ton Raise + 1 7/8 5 / 8 2 3/8 0.437 7/8 3 /8 2 1/4 4 Holes- 9/32 Dia. on 1 3/4 Dia. B.C. 1 UM-2502 1 Ton Raise + 1 3/4 5 / 8 3 1/4 0.500 1 1/2 1 / 2 3 1/4 4 Holes-13/32 Dia. on 2 3/8 Dia. B.C. 1 1/2
Note: Dimensions are subject to change without notice.
(in) (in) (in)(in)(in) (in) (in)
+ 8 hidden pages