13000-30610-MAN (Rev. 5) © Diversified Technical Systems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved
Ethernet Controller
User’s Manual
SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller User’s Manual May 2019
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Table of Contents
DTS Support ....................................................................................................................... 3
Introducing the SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller ............................................................. 4
Control Panel ...................................................................................................................... 4
Using the PWR Input ....................................................................................................... 5
Using the ON Power Switch ............................................................................................. 5
Remote ON .................................................................................................................. 5
Using the COM Connectors ............................................................................................. 6
Using the Event Input .................................................................................................. 6
LED Indicators ................................................................................................................. 7
Basic Care and Handling ................................................................................................... 8
Shock Rating .................................................................................................................... 8
Mounting Considerations ............................................................................................. 8
Thermal Considerations ................................................................................................... 8
Power Management .......................................................................................................... 10
Power Consumption ....................................................................................................... 10
Internal Battery ............................................................................................................... 10
Power-up and Power-down Procedures ........................................................................ 11
Communication Features ................................................................................................ 12
Communication Method ................................................................................................. 12
Using Multiple SLICE PRO Systems ......................................................................... 12
Auxiliary Signals ............................................................................................................. 12
Start Record Input...................................................................................................... 12
Status Output Signal .................................................................................................. 13
Appendix A: Connector Information .............................................................................. 14
Appendix B: Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................ 16
Accessories/Support Equipment .................................................................................... 18
Appendix C: Hardware Configuration Specifications .................................................. 19
Changing the IP Address ............................................................................................... 20
Appendix D: Declaration of CE Conformity .................................................................. 21
SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller User’s Manual May 2019
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DTS Support
SLICE PRO systems are designed to be reliable and simple to operate. Should you need assistance, DTS has support engineers worldwide with extensive product knowledge and test experience ready to help via telephone, e-mail or on-site visits.
The best way to contact a DTS support engineer is to submit a request through the DTS Help Center web portal (support.dtsweb.com). You must be registered (support.dtsweb.com/registration) to submit a request (https://support.dtsweb.com/hc/en-
us/requests/new). Registration also enables access to additional self-help resources and
non-public support information.
This manual supports the following products: 13000-30610: SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller (Gen3) 13100-00010: SLICE PRO LAB 4-module Rack, Ethernet
SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller User’s Manual May 2019
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Introducing the SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller
The SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller is a communications and signal interface for a SLICE PRO system. It supports event, start record and status signals, and is compatible with all SLICE PRO and TDAS COM connectors. It supports up to 4 SLICE PRO modules, including the SLICE PRO SIM.
Shock hardened to 100 g for dynamic testing environments (crashworthy version only).
Ethernet 10/100BaseT/Tx supports daisy-chained systems up to 500 channels.
Internal battery with 1 hour capacity functions as primary or back-up power
(crashworthy version only).
LED indicators for power and system status.
Primary system input power via the power input connector is protected against reverse
current, over-current, and limited transient over-voltage conditions.
Compatible with SLICE PRO and TDAS equipment via the COM connectors.
Control Panel
The two 19-pin COM connectors are functionally identical and allow access to all communication features and signal lines. The PWR connector supports primary system input power and the ON power switch will power up or power down the system. See Appendix A for connector information and pin assignments. Mechanical specifications are included in Appendix B. Appendix C discusses the network parameters of your equipment.
(crashworthy) (stationary)
- Functionally identical
- To PC via REC cable (P/N 10700-0015x)
- Supports Ethernet 10/100BaseT/Tx, event input, remote on, start record input and status signals
- Compatible with all TDAS and SLICE PRO COM connectors
- Dedicated event input on SLICE PRO LAB ON power switch
- Cycles power ON/OFF
- Momentary; firmly press and hold for 2 sec
PWR power input connector
(images not to scale)
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Using the PWR Input
External power is provided via the 4-pin PWR connector and is used to 1) charge all SLICE PRO system batteries (Ethernet Controller and SLICE PRO modules) when system power is off, or 2) simultaneously charge and run a SLICE PRO system when system power is on. If input power fails, each unit
in the SLICE PRO system will transition to its own internal batterythe Ethernet Controller will not power the connected SLICE PRO modules. (When fully charged, battery capacity is sufficient to provide primary power and sustain full operation for 1 hour.)
Input Voltage,
System OFF/ON
Input Current,
System OFF*
Input Current,
System ON**
11.5-15 VDC;
15 VDC nominal
7.5 W;
500 mA per module***
15 W;
1 A per module***
* charging all internal batteries ** fully armed + charging all internal batteries
*** Ethernet Controllers are considered modules for the purposes of power calculations.
SLICE PRO LAB systems do not contain internal batteries and must be connected to external power at all times (15 VDC nominal; 9-15 V range at 40 W).
Using the ON Power Switch
A low-profile piezo switch is used for on/off control. There is no detectable movement in the switch; you must press and hold firmly for 2 seconds to start or stop the system. Total time from ON initiation to system ready is typically between 1-2 minutes. Multiple units in a chain may be started in any order. Be sure to follow proper procedures to avoid an unstable condition.
Remote ON
A SLICE PRO system may be powered on and off remotely via the COM connectors. This has the same effect as using the ON power switch. The system will power up and remain on as long as the signal is applied and will power down when the signal is removed. To use this feature, see Appendix A for pin assignments. (Note: A small number of early units do not have this feature. To quickly determine if this is available, short pin 10 to the case. A power­up LED sequence will confirm operation.)
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Using the COM Connectors
Ethernet communications, event input, remote on, start record input, and status signals are supported via the COM connectors. These connectors are functionally identical and are compatible with all SLICE PRO and TDAS COM connectors.
Communications are supported via an Ethernet REC cable (P/N 10700-0015x) using either COM port. SLICE PRO, TDAS G5 and TDAS PRO equipment can be daisy-chained via the COM connector using an RDC cable (P/N 10700-0014x) and following the interconnect protocol:
1. The Ethernet cable (P/N 10700-0015x) is connected to the first unit using either COM port.
2. The RDC cable (MASTER) is connected to the first unit using the open COM port.
3. The RDC cable (SLAVE) from step 2 is connected to the second unit using either COM port.
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for additional units. Each unit in the middle of the chain must contain one MASTER and one SLAVE connection. Up to 7 SLICE PRO, TDAS G5 or TDAS PRO systems can be connected in this manner.
Using the Event Input
The SLICE PRO Ethernet Controller contains an isolated, ESD-protected, contact-closure event input. The event input is available through both of the 19-pin COM connectors. SLICE PRO LAB also includes a dedicated
event input connector. This input provides a way to use a contact-closure switch in harsh or noisy environments without negatively affecting the data acquisition system. A software trigger can also be usedplease see your software manual for information on how to set a software level trigger.
The event input may be used in either of two ways.
In Circular Buffer mode, this input triggers data collection and marks zero time (T=0).
In Recorder mode, this input is used to mark T=0 only.
Simple Contact Closure
Self-powered with a current conducting capability of at least 5 mA Polarity must be observed if applying an event signal via a
semiconductor device such as a transistor or FET 1000 V isolation
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LED Indicators
There are two LED indicators. The status LED indicates communication and arm status and the power LED indicates power status. LED behavior is summarized below.
Idle or no power input
Armed in Recorder mode and waiting for Start Record signal to begin data collection
Recording; status line low
Recording; status line high
Communicating with PC (not armed)
Firmware version A1B6 or higher
Battery Charge
Power up
. . . . .
(0.4 Hz)
(1 Hz)
50% - <90%
20% - <50%
<20% or FAULT
Firmware version A1B2 or lower
Power up Connected to external power and unit is charging (power OK)1
Connected to external power and unit is charging (power OK)1 Connected to external power and unit has fully charged1
Battery low1 Connected to external power; power fault
SLICE PRO LAB systems do not contain internal batteries and must be connected to external power at all times.
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