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PG9944/8944/4944 In stallation
Instructi ons
Wi reless Ou tdo or PIR Det ector wit h C amera
The PGx944 uses eight PIR sen sors, ea ch a cting as a
Quad de tector toa ccur ately and relia bly deter mine
whethe r an a larm is justifie d. Feature s & benef its
l Optimum performa nce eve n inpoor weather con-
ditions such as snow, ra in,dust, wind a nd direct
l Tamper protection preve ntsope ning and removal
from wa ll.
l Built-inlink qua lity indicators re duce installation
time by eliminating the need f or the installer to
physically approa ch the control pa nel.
l Microproc essor-controlled c ompensation.
l Immunity to pets weighing up to 18 Kg (40lb).
NOTE: Pet immunity fe ature ha s not bee n eva luated
to UL 639 or ULC-S306-03 d ue to the fea ture not
being addr essed in either stan dard.
l Color or black & w hite images
l Auto-setup for brightness and contrast via the con-
trol panel
l Day a nd nightCMOS ca mera, with IR illumination.
This allows taking pictures in f ullda rkness
l Camera range of 12m ( 40ft); with IR illumination
10m (33ft)
l Camera operation modes:
l Post alarm – pictures a re take n after de tec-
tion by detector.
l Visual Ver ification
Device Setup
WARNI NG! To c omplyw ith FCCa nd IC RF exposur e
complianc e re quirements, the PIR detec tor should be
locate da t a dista nce of at least 2 0 cm fr om all per sons
during norma l opera tion. The ante nnas use d for this
produc tmust notbe co- located or opera ted in conjunction with a ny other a ntenna or transmitter .
NOTE: The PG Series wir eless PIR Motion de tectors
shall be installed an duse d within an environme nt that
provide sthe pollution degr ee ma x 2 and ove rvoltage s
The e quipment is designed to be insta lled only by qua lified ser vice pe rsons.
NOTE: To ensure the continued op eration of all wire less devic es af ter pe rforming a system def ault, a
global upload of all w ireless pr ogramming via D LS is
rec ommended be fore defa ulting the system. Af ter
completing the system def ault, downloa d the wire less
progra mming.
NOTE: Back tamper switch is re quired for UL commerc ialb urglary installations.
Initial batter y installation should be done on a flat surfac e. After inserting the batterie s, the LE D flashes for
60 sec onds and the de tector enters a 15 minute loc al
diagnostic mode.
NOTE: When manually p rogramming wir eless
devic es,if a de vice h as been powere d up for mor e
than 48 hours it cannot b e e nrolled into the syste m
until the de vice has been tampe red a nd re stored.
Whe npr ogramming the pane lusing Quick E nroll, follow the steps detailed in"En rollment."
NOTE: After restor ing a low battery trouble the system may take up to 5 minutes to clea r the tro uble.
To quick en roll:
1. O n a keypad pr ess [*] [8] [Installer Code] [ 804]
2. Pre ss and hold the device enroll button untilthe
LED lights steady and the n release the enroll button while the LED is still lit. A confirmation message then appears on the keypad.
3. Pre ss [*] key to conf irm ID.
4. Ente r [3 digit zone #].
5. Ente r [3 digit zone type] .
6. Ente r [1 digit partition #] for a llde sired partitions
and pre ss [#]. If using an L CD keypad you ca n
scroll to the desire d partitions and press [*] to
toggle the par tition.
7. O n an LCD keypad e nter the labe l by usingw ord
To pre -enroll:
1. Remotely c onfigure the unique ID number into the
system. For more informa tionse e the HSM2HOST
2. W hen on-site, pre ssthe device enr ollbutton.
NOTE: If the wirele ss device has bee n powe red for
more tha n 48 hours withoutbe ing enr olled, tampe r
and re store the device to enroll it.
Befor e permane ntly mounting any wirele ss device ,
tempora rily mount the de vice and perf orm a Plac ement test. Pe rform a walk test o f the cove rage area at
least onc e a y ear to ensure that the detec tor is w orking corr ectly.
1. Ta mper the devic e by removing the c over.
2. Restore the tamper. The device
now enter s Place ment test
mode for 15 minutes.
3. Tr ip the device a nd the red
LED blinks once to ide ntify
that a signal is being sent to the
rec eiver and the n blinksthre e
times to identify the signal
strength. To per form a wa lk
test, walk ac ross the far end of
cover age patter n inboth directions. The f ollowingta ble indicates re ceived signal strength indica tion.
LED Response Signal Strength
Green LED blinks STRONG
Orange LED blinks GOOD
Red LED blinks POOR
No blinks No communication
strengths are ac cepta ble. If you rec eive a POOR signal fr omthe devic e, re -locate it and re- test until a
GOOD or STRONG signal isr ece ived.
NOTE: For UL /ULCinsta llations, only STRONG signal leve ls are acce ptable. Af ter insta llation verify the
produc tfu nctionality in c onjunction with the compatible re ceiver s HSM2HOST9, HS2LCDRF(P)9 ,
HS2ICNRF(P)9 an dPG99 20.
NOTE: For de tailed Plac ement instruc tions refe r to
the contr ol panel Ref erenc e Manual.
Installation Note s: The top c over should only be
acc essed by authorize d servic e per sonnel or ma nufac turer. Do not obscure the de tector fie ld of view
with large objects. Install in position suc htha t expe cted intrude r motion is per pendicula r to the z ones of
detec tion.
Alar mstrigge red by conditions suc ha s weathe r, blowing leave s and bru sh, or re lated e nvironmental c onditions, etc., n eed tobe considere d when assessing the
installation an da pplication. If nuisan ce trips ar e not
tolera ble it is rec ommended that the wirele ss outdoor
intrusion de tection unit is enrolle d in the syste m to a
zone tha t is define d as a tr ouble a larm c ircuit.
1. Fix the bra cket firmly on a stable wall or pillar.
The orie ntationof the fixed bra cket must be as pa rallel as possible to the surve yed ground surf ace.
2. Ma rk drilling point
3. D rill
4. Fasten withthre e long scre ws
5. Fasten the detector to the br acket with two short
screw s.
Adjust the detec tor'shor izontal and
vertica la ngles acc ording to the
surveyed ground surface . The ver tical angle indic ator position for
various installation height and c overa ge distance c ombinationsis
detailed in the f ollowingta ble (the
information ref ers to a re latively
flat surveye d area . Verify the vertical adjustment by wa lk-test).
Mounting Height
Coverage Distance
6.7 ft4m13 ft6m20 ft8m26 ft
33 ft
39 ft
3.0m/ 10 ft - 1 2 2 3 3
2.5m/ 8 ft 1 1 2 3 4 4
2.0m/ 7 ft 1 2 3 4 5 5
1.5m/ 5 ft 2 3 4 5 - -
LED Operation
LED Indications E vent
Red LED blinks Stabili zation (warm-up 60 sec.)
Red LED on 0.2
Tamperopen/clos e
Red LED 2 blinks
One quad PIR detection in diagnostic mode
Red LED on 2 sec. Intruder alarm
To ente r the wir eless c onfiguration se ction ente r
[804][Z one Nu mber].
[001][01] Alarm LED - Default [Y]
Enables the devic es LED to
activate when an alarm event
[001][04] Supervision - Default [Y]
Enables supervis ion of the
[001][09] More Options
[03] 24Hr/Night - Default [Y]
Define if motion alarms are
always enabled or only
enabled at night. For UL/ULC
install ations night mode is to
used to supplement the protection covering the detection area.
[003] Hightraffic Shutdown - Default [01]
Activati ng this feature helps conserve battery
powerwhen the sy stem is disarmed by configuring a reporting timer.When motion i s
detected, the device transmits an al armto the
receiver and will not report any furtherevents
until the timer expires. Any motion detected
during the configured periodwi ll be reported
once the timer expires. No Delay causes the
device to report an alarm each time the
detector is tripped.
[01] Detector
(while disarmed)
[02] No Delay
[03] 5 second
[04] 15
second delay
[05] 30
second delay
[06] 1m delay
[07] 5m delay
[08] 10m
[09] 20m delay
[10] 60m
[004] Image Brightness - Default [04]
Lightens and darkens the image
[01] Image
[02] Image
[03] Image
[04] Image
[05] Image
[06] Image
[07] Image
[005] Image Contrast - Default [04]
Lightens and darkens the contrast.
[01] Image
[02] Image
[03] Image
[04] Image
[05] Image
[06] Image
[07] Image
[007] Detection Sensitiv ity - Default [02]
Selects the s ensitivity range of PIR devices.
[01] Low Sensitivi ty
[02] Mid Sensitivi ty
[03] High
Sensitiv ity
[04] UL Standard
[011] CameraToggles
[01] Color Default [Y]
[02] High Res.
- Default [Y]
[03] Normal
Res. - Default
[09] More
[09][01] AC
Power Default [N]
Caution! Risk of e xplosion if ba ttery is re place d by
an inco rrec t type. Dispose of used ba tteries a ccor ding
to the manuf acture r's instruc tionsa nd acc ording to
local rule s and r egulations. Batter ies are to be
repla ced by service persons only.
Black Mirr or Max. Cove rage: A t lea st12 m (40 ft) /
Dete ctor Techn ology: 8 indep endent qua d PIR detec tors oper ating in true Quad co nfiguration
Pet Immunity: Up to 18 Kg (40 lb)
Input Power : Two 3V CR17450Lithium b atteries
Note: For UL installations use Eve Energy Co. CR17450 only.
Battery Life (f or typical use ): minimum one ye ar, typical 3 ye ars ( notv erified by UL/U LC)
Low Batter y Thre shold: 4.0 V
Picture Resolution: 320x240 pixels QV GA
Frame Rate : up to 2 f ps (for user )
Alar mpe riod: 2 sec onds
Freque ncy Band (MH z): CE Liste d PG4944:
433MHz; CE/EN listed PG8944: 868MHz;
FCC/IC/UL/ULC listed PG9944: 912- 919MHz
Mounting type: W all mounting
Mounting Height: 1.5 – 3.0 m (5 –1 0 ft). Must be 8
fee tf or UL/ULC listed installations.
Horiz ontal Adjustment: -45° to +45°, in 5° step s
Ver tical Adjustment: 0° to -1 0°, in 2.5° ste ps
Tempe rature range: - 40ºCto + 70ºC (UL/ULC only
verif ied the ra nge - 35ºCto +6 6ºC)
Relative Humidity: up to max. 93% RH, non-c ondensing
White Light Immunity: Above 25000 lux
Size (H x L x W) :15 7 x 147 x 124 mm( 6-3/16 x 513/16 x 4- 7/8”)
Weigh t(w ith batter y): 600 g (21 oz)
4;HS2ICNRF(P)4; PG4920
868MHz Band: HSM2HOST8; HS2LCDRF(P)8;
912-919MHz Band: HSM2HOST9; HS2LCDRF(P)9;
HS2ICNRF(P)9; PG9920
NOTE: Only de vices o perating in ba nd 912-919MH z
are UL/ULC listed.
The PGx944 detector was design ed to adhe re to
applica ble priva cy regulations and only proce sses
data ne eded for the primary func tionality of the
devic e. Before using the de tector y ou will be aske d to
provide c onsent with processing o f the person al data
that the dete ctor ma y ca pture. N ote that the de tector
rec ords video to se cure the best f unctionality of the
devic e. The r ecord ings are pr ocessed secure ly and
automatic ally era sed on a pe riodic ba sis. Based on the
location of the module y ou may ha ve the ob ligation to
issue a notice about usingit.
The da ta reco rded thro ugh the PGx944d etector are
proc essed a nd maintained pr imarily by the data controller. Da ta c ontroller is the entity that pr ovides monitoring servic es to yo u.Y ou have the right to e nquire
about your data with them. For more inf ormation
about their privac y prac tices ple ase contac t the data
controlle r.
For more infor mation a bout Tyco p rivacy practic es
please v isit our website http://www.tyco.c om/privacy .
UL/ ULC N ote s
Onl ymode l PG9944 ope rating i n the f requency band 912-919MHz is
UL/ULC li sted. The PG9944 has b een lis ted by UL f or commercial and
resi dential burglary applicat ions and b y ULC for res identi al burg-