DSC Maxsys PC4020 System Manual

System Manual
• W A R N I N G •
This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read.
ATTENTION: With the PC4020 v2.1 use DLS-1 v6.2 or later, or DLS-2 v1.21 or later.
PC4O2O Software Version 2.1
Book 1
PC4020 Control Panel Wiring Diagram __________________ ii
Module Hookup diagram _______________________________ iii
Introduction_________________________________________ 1
System Overview
Maximum System Capabilities __________________________ 2 128 Programmable Zones ______________________________ 2 Escort4580 (VPM) _____________________________________ 2 LCD Keypads (LCD4500) ______________________________ 2 209 Outputs __________________________________________ 2 Switched Auxiliary Output ______________________________ 2 4 Enclosures __________________________________________ 2 Supervised Alarm Output_______________________________ 2 Event Buffer __________________________________________ 2 8 True Partitions _______________________________________ 2 Serial Interface Module (PC4400) _______________________ 2 Internal Memory _______________________________________ 2 Keypad User Options __________________________________ 2 Communicator ________________________________________ 2 LINKS Support ________________________________________ 2
Installation and Wiring
Suggested Wiring Procedure ___________________________ 3 RF Zones — Summary _________________________________ 4 Module Placement Test ________________________________ 4 Wireless PIR Motion Detectors __________________________ 4 Zone Supervisories ____________________________________ 4 Battery Troubles _______________________________________ 5 Restoring Battery Troubles _____________________________ 5 Default Serial Numbers ________________________________ 5 Combus Power and Operation __________________________ 5 Testing The Combus ___________________________________ 5 Mounting the Panel ____________________________________ 6 Programming the System_______________________________ 6 Hardware Reset of Memory to Factory Defaults ___________ 7
PC4020 Main Board Specifications
Control Panel _________________________________________ 8 Output Voltage ________________________________________ 8 Remote Keypad _______________________________________ 8
Terminal Connections
“AC” Power Terminals _________________________________ 10 Auxiliary Power Terminals “AUX” and “GND” ____________ 10 Switched Auxiliary Power Terminals ____________________ 10 Bell/Siren Terminals___________________________________ 10 Programmable Output Terminal “PGM” _________________ 10 Combus Terminals “RED”, “BLK”, “YEL” and “GRN”______ 10 Zone Input Terminals “Z1” to “Z16” _____________________ 10 Telephone Terminals “TIP”, “RNG”, “T-1” and “R-1” _____ 11 Battery Connections __________________________________ 11
System Keypad Functions
Introduction __________________________________________ 12 Partitions ____________________________________________ 12 Access Codes _______________________________________ 12 Partition Status Enunciator_____________________________ 12 Global Keypads ______________________________________ 12 System Master Code Functions ________________________ 15 Installer’s Programming Code _________________________ 15 Auto-bypass/Home-Away Arming ______________________ 15 Partition Keypads ____________________________________ 15
Printer Setup
Configuring the Printer ________________________________ 24
Downloading over Phone Lines ________________________ 25 Downloading with an On-site Computer _________________ 25
UL Listed Commercial and Residential Installations
Grade A Local _______________________________________ 26 Grade B Central Station and Grade A Police Connect ____ 26 Grade C Central Station _______________________________ 26 All Commercial Installations ___________________________ 26 Residential Installations _______________________________ 26 Programming ________________________________________ 26 Control of the Protected Premises ______________________ 26 Bell Location _________________________________________ 26 Protection of the Control Unit __________________________ 26 Casual Users ________________________________________ 26 User Information______________________________________ 26
Module Specifications
PC4108 Expansion Module _____________________________ 9 PC4116 Expansion Module _____________________________ 9 PC4164 Expansion Module _____________________________ 9 PC4204 High Current Output Module ____________________ 9 PC4216 Low Current Output Module ____________________ 9 PC4400 Serial Interface Adapter Module _________________ 9 PC4700 Fire Module ___________________________________ 9 LCD4500 Remote Keypad ______________________________ 9 Escort4580 (Voice Prompting Module) ___________________ 9
Appendix A
List of Available ASCII Characters______________________ 27
List of Diagnostics ____________________________________ 28
The PC4020 is a highly flexible and versatile control which will enable the installer to meet the most demanding security requirements. The heart of the system is the main control panel, designated the PC4020, which is connected to other system elements using common 4 conductor unshielded station wire. The main panel processes signal information and communicating with the monitoring station. The main panel is capable of supervising 16 zones, any of which may be defined for fire or burglary applications and also manages up to eight separate and fully independent partitions, assigning zones and their controlling keypads in accordance with installer programming.
The basic 16 zone capability of the PC4020 can be expanded using either PC4108, PC4116 or PC4164 modules which provide 8, 16 or 64 zones of additional inputs respectively up to a system maximum of 128 zones. The PC4108 and PC4116 are designed for use within any of the cabinets and are shipped as PC boards only. The PC4164 is designed to be placed inside the supplied cabinet.
Programming and system operation are carried out using the LCD4500 liquid crystal display keypad. The LCD4500 connects at any point in the system to the four wire communication bus or “Combus”, its specific identification being determined automatically in the process of installing it. A maximum of 16 LCD4500 keypads may be used on any one system regardless of size.
The PC4204 relay output module is available for installations requiring additional power beyond the 500 mA supplied by the PC4020 main panel. This module comprises a 12 volt DC power supply of 1.5 Amp capacity and four 12 volt relays with form C contacts which will provide switched outputs under any of the 35 options available in the list of programmable outputs. The PC4204 connects to the Combus via four wires as with other system elements. It requires a 16 -18 volt, 40 VA transformer and a 12 volt battery. Up to 16 PC4204 modules may be installed on any one system. The PC4204 is shipped as a PC board only.
The use of any power source other than a PC4204 to repower the Combus will result in a system malfunction.
The PC4216 low current module provides 16 separate outputs. Each output may be programmed to operate under the control of 1 of 35 options as listed in the programmable options section of the installation manual. Up to 8 other PC4216’s may be used to provide outputs for graphic annunciator or similar devices for the maximum of 128 zones. The PC4216 connects to the Combus with four wires. A maximum of 9 PC4216’s may be connected to a system. The PC4216 may be installed in the main cabinet or in other cabinet options and is shipped as a board only.
The PC4020 includes the capability of driving a serial printer using the PC4400 serial interface module. The PC4400 connects to the Combus with four wires. The printer may be located up to 200 feet (60 meters) away from the module. The PC4020 is also capable of communicating to a DVAC network using the PC4400 serial interface module. The PC4400 is shipped as a board only.
Maximum System Capabilities
• Control Units - 1 PC4020 Main Board
• 128 Zones PC4020 Main Board: 16 zones PC4108 Expansion Module: 8 zones PC4116 Expansion Module: 16 zones PC4164 Expansion Module: 64 wireless zones
• 64 High Current Outputs - Up to 16 PC4204 Modules
• 144 Low Current Outputs
- 9 PC4216 16 Output Modules
• PC4400 Serial Interface module : Serial Printer / or DVACS
• PC4700 Fire Module Support
• 16 Remote LCD Keypads - LCD4500
• Escort4580 Voice Prompting Module
• 1 Main Board Fully Programmable Output
• 1 12 V
• Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) components
• 1 Supervised Fully Programmable Bell/Siren Output
• 1 Telephone Interface (Main Board)
• 2 Telephone Interface (PC4700)
DC Switched Fully Programmable Auxiliary Power
Supply (Main Board)
replace fuses
(Main Board)
128 Programmable Zones
• 16 zones on main board expandable by using 8 and 16 zone modules
• 22 zone types including: instant, 2 types of interior, 3 delay, 4 fire, 7-24 hour, forced answer, momentary, maintained arming, Links supervisory and Links answer.
• Zone expansion is done by enrolling a zone expansion module
• Zones can be assigned independently to any partition(s)
• Programmable for NC loops, EOL resistor or Double EOL resistors
Escort4580 (VPM)
• All main user function accessible through the VPM
• Local and remote access abilities
• 241 word library for zone, access code and partition labelling
LCD Keypads (LCD4500)
• Total of 16 on the system
• Can be assigned to any partition
• Single keypad system control
209 Outputs
• 1 main board transistor switch to ground with 3A capabilities (programmable for 1 of 28 options)
• 64 relay outputs programmable for 1 of 28 options each (16-4204 modules with 4 outputs each)
• 144 switched transistor outputs programmable for 1 of 28 options each (9-4216 modules with 16 outputs)
Switched Auxiliary Output
• Programmable for 1 of 35 options
4 Enclosures
• PC4001C - PC4020 plus 2 modules
• PC4002C - 3 modules
• PC4003C - 1 module
• PC4004C - Attack resistant for PC4020 plus 2 modules
Supervised Alarm Output
• Bell Output, 700 mA, PTC 2.5 Amps,
DC - commercial and 11.6 - 12.6 VDC - residential
12 V
• Steady or Pulsed Output
• Programmable for 1 of 35 options
Event Buffer
• 600 events
• Date and time stamp
• Event Buffer Viewing - any System Master is able to view 512 events through the keypad including date and time stamp
• Event Buffer Printing - the entire event buffer (600 events) can be printed at once through the Installer’s mode
8 True Partitions
• Separate or shared zones from other partitions
• Individual keypads per partition
• Individual access codes for each partition
• Individual keypad zones (Fire, Auxiliary, Panic)
• Individual outputs programmable per partition
Serial Interface Module (PC4400)
• Used to output data to a local printer
• Used to communicate to a DVAC network
Internal Memory
• Retains programmed data even when both AC and Battery have been removed.
• The clock will have to be reset after a power down condition which will be indicated by an audible trouble beep and the keypad trouble LED is on.
Keypad User Options
They are all menu driven, including:
• Programming of several types of 4 or 6 digit access codes, 128 in total
• Bypassing from the keypad by authorized personnel
• Utility functions such as remote control of lights, door strikes, etc.
• Communicates in all 10 and 20 BPS single line and extended formats
• Radionics Rounds and Radionics Parity
• Sescoa Superfast format
• Ademco Contact ID format
• SIA 1986 format
• Sur-gard 4/3 DTMF format
• 3/1 and 4/2 formats
• Hexadecimal numbers
• DTMF and Pulse dialing
• DPDT line seizure
• True dial tone detect
• Anti-jam feature
• Three telephone numbers and nine account codes
LINKS Support (Not investigated by UL)
• 3 telephone numbers for LINKS
• Auto programming for LINKS zones
When designing a security system with the PC4020 that will be larger than 16 zones or have two or more Partitions it is best to first lay out the system on paper. This will help determine the total number of zones, additional expansion and power supply modules and other system elements that may be needed.
When the location of all points of protection is known the location of the zone expanders can be made. You will find that working from a plan, a layout will reveal the most economical use of system modules; two eight zone expansion modules instead of one sixteen zone, for example, can save long wire runs because of the location of zones.
The plan will also enable you to make the most efficient layout for the communications bus (Combus). This is the four conductor cable which can be standard station wire (four 22 AWG wires colour coded red, black, yellow and green) to which all system modules are connected in parallel. It is not recommended to run the Combus in shield unless it is being run through an area of high electrical noise.
The Combus may be up to 1,000 ft. (300 m) from the main board to the farthest module, with any number of modules in between. More than one Combus of 1,000 ft. (300 m) can run from the PC4020.
Note: Do not use shielded cable for Combus wire runs.
Suggested Wiring Procedure
The first step in designing a PC4020 installation is developing a system layout on paper. Doing this will allow you to work from a plan and help to avoid making mistakes and make programming easier.
Creating a System Layout 1 Draw a rough sketch of the building(s) layout in the
installation including the interior walls. Indicate on the diagram the location of the PC4020 main panel. The panel should be in a dry, secure location close to a non switched AC source, a ground connection and a telephone line connection.
2 Indicate on the diagram the location of all zones as
well as the device required such as smoke detectors, motion detectors, door contacts etc.
3 Zones may be grouped together into partitions.
Knowing the zone number of each zone will allow the partition setup done without mistakes. Locate any zone expansion modules (PC4108 or PC4116) required close to groups of zones for easier wiring.
Decide on the order to enroll the expansion modules. The first 16 zones (1 through 16) are on the main panel. As each module is enrolled it will be assigned in sequence the next available group of zones. If an 8
zone module (PC4108) was enrolled first, it would be assigned zones 17 through 24. If then a 16 zone expansion module (PC4116) is enrolled it would be assigned zones 25 through 40.
Once the order to enroll the expansion modules has been determined, number each zone accordingly.
4 Wireless zones (used with the PC4164) can be placed
anywhere within the reception range of the PC4164. Once the zone that are planned to be used are indicated on the diagram the location of the PC4164 can be shown as well. For best results the PC4164 should be placed in as central of a location as possible. Indicate next to the zone, the serial number of that zone. This will make placement tests easier.
5 Indicate each partition by boxing the area of the partition
on the diagram. From this diagram it can be quickly determined which zones belong to that partition.
6 Determine the number of keypads (LCD4500) required
for each partition and their location on the system. The maximum number of keypads on a system is 16. Each keypad on the system assigned to a partition can only be used to operate that partition. (EXCEPTION - A System Master or a multi-partition access code can access any partition that the code is assigned to from any keypad). Indicate on the diagram the location and the partition each keypad will be assigned to.
After the number of zones, keypads, and their locations, expansion modules and separately controlled systems (partitions) have been determined, decide other modules required to complete the installation.
7 The ESCORT4580 (Voice Prompting Module) is a
module which is connected to the Combus and the Telco lines of the control panel. This module uses the in house telephone(s) to give the user access to any partition the users code may belong to. The module may be enrolled as a Partition or Global unit.
Note: The ESCORT4580 is located in the Main Cabinet with the control panel.
8 Siren outputs can be programmed to activate if one or
more partitions go into alarm. The main panel provides one output (The Main Bell Output).
Additional outputs can be obtained from the PC4204 power supply/relay output module(s). Each PC4204 module has 4 form “C” relays, the last 3 of which can be used as any one of the 28 output options (See PGM Output List). Indicate on the diagram the location of each of the sirens, and the location of the PC4204 module(s).
9 The PC4216 module provides up to 16 programmable
outputs. Each output can be programmed for 35 different options (See PGM Output List). It is also used to display zones/status on a graphic annunciator. Each of the 9 PC4216 modules is capable of being programmed in any of the 25 available ways indicating the location of the PC4216 and the module number and also the module output option programmed.
See “PC4216 OPTIONS” for a list of the programming options.
10 Indicate the location of the PC4400 serial interface
module on the diagram. The PC4400 provides serial output to an on-site printer that will record the identity of the system, description of the occurrence (alarm, trouble etc.) by user, with date and time stamp. The PC4400 may also be used to connect to a DVAC network allowing the PC4020 to communicate to a DVAC receiver.
11 Mount the cabinet, panel (See “Mounting The Panel”)
and prepare the wires for connection to the panel.
RF Zones — Summary
Placing Components
Before permanently mounting components, each component should be tested in its intended mounting location to ensure it can communicate properly with the PC4164. It is recommended that the Module Placement Test is performed more than once for each zone.
For the best system performance, it is suggested that the PC4164 be mounted in as central location as possible and as elevated a location as possible.
In most installations, selecting a central location for the PC4164 will ensure reliable system operation. When mounting the PC4164 in a basement, it is recommended that the PC4164 be mounted as high and as close to the underside of the first floor as possible.
“***fair***” and the keypad will beep twice indicating that the placement was fair. A fair placement result means that the zone was placed in a location that has passed the module placement test.
• Poor - This result will be displayed on the keypad as “***poor***” and the keypad will beep three times, indicating that the placement was poor. A poor placement result means that the zone was placed in a location that has weak RF transmission strength and should be relocated. In most cases, moving the zone a short distance from its original intended location should correct the problem. After relocating the zone, repeat the module placement test. When the test results are satisfactory, continue with the next zone to be tested.
NOTE: To perform a module placement test on an RF PIR motion detector, the zone must be tampered then restored instead of opened then closed.
Wireless PIR Motion Detectors
To prolong battery life of a PIR Motion Detector, the detector features a High Traffic Shutdown Mode. If a motion detector is activated more than once within a 6 minute period, the detector will temporarily delay reporting activity to the PC4164. The Motion Detector will then require a 12 minute period of no activity before it will resume transmissions to the PC4164. Because the High Traffic Shutdown Mode prevents Motion Detectors from being tested during a regular walk test, the Motion Detector features its own built-in Walk Test Mode. To activate this mode remove the back plate from the detector to be tested, and then reattach it. The Motion Detector will be in Walk Test Mode for 90 seconds. The LED will come on for 3 seconds each time the detector is tripped. (Note: The zone will not transmit the zone trip to the PC4164 during this mode. To perform a walk test of the Wireless PIR the zone must be tampered and restored). At the end of the 90 second period the Motion Detector will return to normal operation.
Module Placement Test
This section will determine if the location of a zone is good. Once this section has been entered, the panel will then prompt the installer to select a zone to be tested. Use the [<][>] keys to scroll to the desired zone. Press the [✱] key to select the zone. The keypad will now display the message “Please Activate Zone”. When this message is displayed open then close the zone from the intended mounting location. The keypad will display the result of the module placement test (with respect to RF strength). Placement results are as follows:
• Good - This result will be displayed on the keypad as “***good***” and the keypad will beep once indicating that the placement was good. A good placement result means that the zone was placed in a location that has a strong RF transmission strength.
• Fair - This result will be displayed on the keypad as
Zone Supervisories
A zone supervisory is a transmission sent from the wireless zone to the PC4164 as a test transmission to ensure that communications between the zone and the PC4164 are still present. When the PC4164 receives the supervisory from the zone it will then transmit this information to the control panel. If the control panel does not get a supervisory within the "supervision time", the zone will be considered lost and go into the open state.. (If Double EOL is being used the zone will go into the Tamper Alarm state). If the partition is armed the zone will go into alarm and transmit the sensor fault and alarm reporting codes if programmed. The next supervisory that the PC4164 receives for a missing zone will restore communication with that zone and restore the Zone Supervisory Fault.
Battery Troubles
If a zone has a low battery trouble, then that zone does not report in with a zone supervisory within the "supervision time". The zone will not go into alarm. This has been included to reduce the possibility of a false alarm from batteries that do not get changed in the zone, and then the zone going into sensor fault.
Restoring Battery Troubles
A wireless zone battery trouble will only be restored after that zone has been Tampered and Restored. This will allow the batteries to be changed without multiple Battery trouble/Battery restoral transmissions taking place. In order for the batteries to be changed the cover must be removed from the back plate (tampering the zone). When the tamper is restored and the zone sends a battery trouble restoral (as well as the tamper restoral) signal to the PC4164, the battery trouble will clear.
Default Serial Numbers
Once this selection has been made the LCD will display the message "Confirm Default Press ". To abort press any other key. Once the [] key has been pressed the LCD will display the message "Resetting ". All RF zone signatures will have been erased from the PC4164.
Note: Deleting the RF signatures from the PC4164 will not remove the zone(s) from the partition assignment(s).
Combus Power and Operation
The PC4020 main board can provide up to 500 mA to power modules, keypads and devices. A PC4204 power module is required when additional current is needed either for powering detection devices or operating bells and sirens. The PC4204 requires its own transformer and battery and can provide up to 1.5A at 12 VDC. Four relays on the module provide form C switched outputs with contact ratings of 3 amps @ 12 VDC (10 amps @ 120 VAC) for a variety of programmable options. When used to repower the Combus the PC4204 must be wired in accordance with the instructions supplied with the unit. Use of a power source other than the PC4204 power supply module to supply additional power to the PC4020 system is not recommended for the following reasons:
If the main panel loses communications with a module, within a maximum of 30 seconds the panel will perform a system reset in which power to the Combus is removed. Five seconds later power is reapplied and the panel will attempt to communicate with the module. If the panel is unsuccessful communicating with the module it will display and report a Combus communications fault.
When the main panel performs a reset, relay 1 when programmed for “Combus POWER” will open. This will disconnect the power supplied to the modules, resetting them so that communications to the main panel are reinitialized.
For example, if the microprocessor on the module has been scrambled due to a transient, the PC4020 will power down the Combus, the PC4204 will mimic the PC4020 and cut off its power supply to the module. The module will be powered down. When the PC4020 returns power to the Combus, the PC4204 will reconnect its power supply, and the power to the module will return. Because the module was powered down and powered up, the module is now reset, and can communicate with the PC4020.
If a power supply other than a PC4204 was used, the module would never power down, never reset, and the module will stay off line requiring the attention of service personnel.
CAUTION: When used to power a module, the “RLY 1 COM” terminal of the PC4204 must be connected to the “RED Combus” terminal of the module only. The positive (RED) conductor of the Combus must be left unconnected to the module that is powered by the PC4204. The “BLK Combus” of the module should be run common to the negative (“BLK”) of the Combus. Use of a power source other than the PC4204 power supply module to supply additional power to the PC4020 system is not recommended.
The Combus is a four conductor cable to which all modules and keypads are connected in parallel. Connections to the Combus do not have to be home-run. For example if a storage building had an 8 zone expander (PC4108) and a keypad (LCD4500) located in it, the zone expander and keypad could be spliced together and run back on a single 4 wire cable to the nearest point on the Combus.
PC4020 PC4108
Testing The Combus
To test the Combus for a low voltage condition, connect all devices to the system (include any motion detectors, glass break detectors, etc.) and enroll each of the modules. Exit installers mode and allow the system to run normally for 5 -10 minutes. This will allow time for any modules that may have battery troubles time to report. If after this time there are any battery troubles be sure that the batteries are "good" by disconnecting the suspect battery and placing a voltage meter across the battery
leads (of the module); the output voltage should be 13.85 V. If the voltage is good then check the battery (under load), even if the battery is under a load the voltage should still be above 12.0 V. Once all (if any) battery troubles have been taken care of, be sure that there are no Combus Low Voltage troubles. If there are locate the modules with the low voltage troubles by entering Installers Mode and selecting Diagnostics. Refer to Appendix B for the List of Diagnostics. Once the module(s) have been isolated a PC4204 will be required to increase the power to be module with the low voltage trouble. Now that all trouble have been taken care of the next step is to remove AC power from all modules and allow the panel to run for 10 - 15 minutes on battery power alone. If there are any Combus Low Voltage troubles a PC4204 Combus repower module may be required at the Low voltage location to insure proper system operation. Repeat this test as required.
Mounting the Panel
Select a dry location close to an unswitched AC source, a ground connection and a telephone connection for mounting the Main Control Cabinet.
Remove the PC4020 printed circuit board, mounting hardware, and keypad from the cardboard retainer inside the large cabinet. Before attaching the cabinet to the wall, press the five white nylon printed circuit board mounting studs into the cabinet from the back.
Pull all cables into the cabinet and prepare them for connection before mounting the circuit board to the back of the cabinet. Press the circuit board down onto the mounting studs.
There is room in the Main Control Cabinet (PC4001C) for any two modules (PC4108, PC4116, PC4216 or PC4400). Modules requiring power (AC and battery PC4204) must be installed in the large Expander Cabinet (PC4002C). This enclosure will accommodate one module (PC4108, PC4116, PC4216 or PC4400) and a powered output (PC4204) or any three modules. A small Expander Cabinet (PC4003C) is available for a single module that does not require external power.
Once the wiring is completed power the system up by first connecting the battery followed by the AC transformer. All LCD4500 keypads should display the message ‘LCD4500 DSC Ltd.’. Press a key on any keypad that is to be assigned to Partition 1. The keypad will beep and display the message ‘4500 Mod. #1' and the keypad is automatically assigned to Partition 1.
Enroll every module to the system. Make sure you put down the number of each module enrolled. Refer to the Programming Manual for the required procedure.
When enrolling any PC4108 or PC4116 zone expander module make sure to note the zones which you assigned to the module.
This information is very important if it becomes necessary to Add or Delete zones to or from a Partition. Zones 1 through 16 are assigned to Partition 1 by default. This can be changed later in Installer Programming.
In Book 4 (Programming Work Sheets) you will find a System Overview section. Fill in the information as each module is enrolled. These sheets are designed to be left in the panel so if future service is required, the location and assigned number of each module will be readily available.
Once all modules are enrolled perform a diagnostics check on the panel to determine if any problems are present (see “Diagnostics”).
Programming the System
The PC4020 has the capability to operate as 8 separate alarm systems called Partitions. Dividing the panel into Partitions will allow you to control access to specific areas.
When the PC4020 is first powered up all zones on the main board and User Codes are assigned to Partition 1. If no other Partitions are required the entire system will be considered Partition 1. This is important to keep in mind as often in programming the panel will require you to enter the Partition to program.
For example, when programming entry and exit times, you must select the menu option ‘ADD/EDIT PAR’. The keypad will then prompt you for the Partition to add or edit. You must select Partition 1 for a system that has no additional Partitions.
The factory default setting for all options is provided in the Programming Work Sheets as well as programming ‘HOTKEYS’ for the option to allow quick programming.
Complete the Programming Work Sheets located in Book
4. Having this information prepared before programming the panel will speed up the process considerably.
All information for the panel may be entered in the Programming Work Sheets. Any zone expanders on the system will include a similar sheet and the information should be completed for these as well.
There is no set order in which the panel must be programmed, however, if you use the following guideline it may simplify the programming of the panel for the first time.
Step 1 - Define all Partitions
When the panel is first powered up the 16 zones on the main panel are assigned to Partition 1. Additional zone expanders enrolled to the system are NOT assigned to any Partition.
Any zones from 1 through 16 that are required on a different Partition must be DELETED from Partition 1 before they are ADDED to another Partition. Any zones above Zone 16 must be ADDED to the proper Partition. See “Zone Assignment” in the Programming Manual (Book
3) for the procedure to add and delete zones. When you ADD each zone to the proper Partition it will
save time if you also program the Zone Label, Zone Type and Zone Options. All of this information may be entered in the Programming Work Sheets located in Book 4 and in the programming work sheet included with each Zone Expansion module.
Note: Do not program any of the system outputs until all partitions have been added to the system. All output types that are selectable by partition will only allow the choice of enabled parts.
Step 2 - Program the System
Now that the Partitions have been defined and zones programmed, you are ready to program the rest of the system. It is best to follow the Programming Work Sheets starting at the beginning and carefully programming each section. Having the required information entered ahead of time will speed up this process considerably.
Once the Installer Programming is complete you can program user functions ([][6][Master Code]). Next, features on each partition can be enabled. Go to a keypad assigned to the desired partition and enable the features through [][6][Master Code] commands.
Step 3 - Program user Codes
From default the PC4020 comes with one user code assigned as a Grand Master Code (‘1234’ for 4 digit option, or ‘123456’ for 6 digit option). The other 127 user codes, 4 digit or 6 digit, may be programmed by entering User Programming Commands ([][5][Access Code]). See ‘Programming Additional Access Codes Using a System Master Code or a Supervisory Code’ section in this manual.
Step 4 - Testing the System
See “Bell/Comm Test” under [][6] User Functions or do the following. Contact the monitoring station to request a transmission test. Plug the telephone cord into the RJ31-X jack. If a DTS-1 is being used to monitor communicator transmissions, connect it to the telephone line and place the DTS-1 in the line mode by pressing the red “LINE/ LOCAL” button. Arm the panel, wait for the exit delay to expire and trip a detector on an instant circuit. Wait for the communication to complete. Disarm the panel and check with the monitoring station to confirm acceptance of the transmission. Perform additional transmissions required by the monitoring station.
Check the “TROUBLE” light on the keypad. If it is on, press [] then [2] to determine the trouble. The “Trouble Display” section in “Keypad Functions” gives a description of the different trouble conditions.
Step 5 - Instructing the End User
Describe system operation to authorized users. Provide user with the instruction manual and instruct them
to read it to become familiar with the system operation. Instruct the user to test the system on a regular basis as
described in the Instruction Manual. The Master Code should be changed from the default setting and recorded.
There is a wide range of possible uses for the [][4] and [][7] commands which are not described in the instruction manual. Be sure to explain the functions of the [][4] Sensor Reset and the [][7] Utility Output to the user if they are incorporated into the system.
Hardware Reset of Memory to Factory Defaults
If the Installer’s Code is lost through inadvertent programming, the only means of reprogramming the system is by a hardware reset. If the Installer’s Lockout is enabled, there is no way to reprogram the system without entering the correct Installer’s Code.
The PC4020 can also be reset through software in the installer’s programming. See “Factory Default” in the Programming Guide.
Note: Panels returned to DSC with the Installer’s Lockout feature enabled and no other apparent problems will be subject to an additional service charge.
To reset the panel to factory default conditions:
1.Power the system down by removing both AC and battery power to the main panel.
2.Short the zone 1 terminal and the PGM terminal on the main panel.
3.Restore power to the main panel.
4.Wait for 20 seconds then remove the short between the PGM and zone 1.
5.The system will have reloaded the memory with factory defaults. All modules will have to be enrolled again. The event buffer is the only part of memory that is retained during a factory default.
Control Panel
16 zones
• 16 fully programmable supervised zones (EOL resistor)
• Programmable for Double EOL resistors
Audible alarm output
• Bell output 700 mA, PTC 2.5 Amps, 12 V
11.6 - 12.6 VDC - residential
• Steady or pulsed output
Nonvolatile RAM (Internal Memory)
• Does not lose codes or system status on complete AC and battery failure
Programmable output
• Transistor switch sinks 3 A to ground
• Programmable for 1 of 35 options
Powerful 1.5 amp regulated power supply
• 500 mA auxiliary supply, 11.6 - 12.6 V (400 mA for UL Listed systems)
• Separate PTC for battery, auxiliary supply and bell output
• Electronic shut down protection of the Combus
• Supervision for loss of AC power, low battery, electronic shut down of modules
• Internal clock locked to AC power frequency or optional crystal time base
DC - commercial
Output Voltage
Typically, with normal AC on and a fully charged battery, the output voltage will be 13.8 VDC. With AC off and the battery discharging, the voltage will go below 10 volts and then battery cutoff will occur preventing further discharge. Devices that require power from the control panel should be capable of operation over the voltage range of 10 to 14
Remote Keypad
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up
• Alphanumeric liquid crystal display
• Built-in piezoelectric buzzer
• Full annunciation of zones and system status
• Dimensions 5.5” x 4.5” x 1” deep (150 x 114 x 25 mm)
• Rated current draw of 55 mA
Switched Auxiliary Supply Output
• Programmable for 1 of 35 options
• 11.6 - 12.6 V
• 300 mA maximum
• 12 volt 4 Ah minimum rechargeable gel-cell or sealed lead-acid battery
• 16.5 VAC, 40 VA
PC4108 Expansion Module
• Up to 128 zones total on system
• 8 zone expansion module
• Normally closed loops, EOL resistor, Double EOL resistor support
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 25 mA
• Provides Tamper Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
PC4116 Expansion Module
• Up to 128 zones in total on system
• Normally closed loops, EOL resistor, Double EOL resistor support
• 16 zone expansion module
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 30 mA
• Provides Tamper Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
PC4164 Expansion Module*
• Up to 64 zones in total on the system
• One module per system
• 64 zone wireless expansion module
• Support for Universal transmitters and PIRs
• Normally closed and zone module tamper support
• 4 wire quad hookup to the PC4164
• Nominal current draw of 110 mA
• Provides zone alarm/zone low battery/zone tamper reporting codes
• Low Combus supervision to the PC4020
PC4204 High Current Output Module
• 4 output high current module
• Up to 16 modules on system
• Minimum 40 VA 16-18 volt transformer required
• Minimum 4 Amp-Hour, 12 volt battery required
• Each output programmable for 1 of 35 options
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 25 mA
• Provides Tamper and Trouble Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
• 1.5 Amp output
PC4400 Serial Interface Module
• True RS-232 technology
• Handshake software switches
• Protocol XON/XOFF or DTR
• 5 possible baud rates 300, 600, 1200, 2400 and 4800
• DVAC communications
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 35 mA
• Provides Tamper Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
Note: 4800 Baud is only available on PC4400 software version 2.00 and above.
LCD4500 Remote Keypad
• Up to 16 keypads on system
• Alphanumeric liquid crystal display
• Built-in piezoelectric buzzer
• Full annunciation of zones and system status
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 55 mA
• Provides Tamper Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
• Dimensions 5.75" x 4.5" x 1" deep (144 x 114 x 25 mm)
Escort4580 (Voice Prompting Module)*
• One module per system
• Full voice prompts for all major user accessible sections
• Four wire quad connection to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 70 mA - 140 mA
• Automation Control capabilities - up to 32 Automation Module per system
• Low Combus supervision to the main board
* These devices are not UL listed. † These features have not been investigated by UL.
PC4216 Low Current Output Module
• 16 output low current module
• Up to 9 modules on system
• All module programmable for all 16 outputs, 1 of 35 options for each
• Programmable as alarm annunciators or zone followers
• Four wire (QUAD) hook-up to Combus
• Nominal current draw of 15 mA
• Provides Tamper Reporting Codes
• Low Combus supervision to PC4020 Main Board
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