DSC IT-100 Developer Guide

This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read.
IT-100 Data Interface Module v1.0
Developer’s Guide
Table of Contents
Section Description............................................................................................................. Page
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................1
2 Communication Protocol.........................................................................................2
2.1 RS-232 Communications...........................................................................................2
2.2 Baud Rate...................................................................................................................2
2.3 Handshaking ..............................................................................................................2
2.4 Command Protocol ....................................................................................................3
3 Additional Programming Requirements ...............................................................4
3.1 Power Up / Power Loss..............................................................................................4
3.2 User/Master Codes.....................................................................................................4
3.3 Programming Delays .................................................................................................4
4 Application Originated Commands .......................................................................5
5 IT-100 Originated Commands................................................................................8
Appendix A: IT-100 Responses to Application Commands...............................14
Appendix B: IT-100 Error Codes .........................................................................17
Appendix C: Application Notes............................................................................18
How to Bypass a Zone using the Virtual Keypad of the IT-100.........................18
How to Change the Temperature Using the IT-100............................................18
How to Macro Multiple Commands Together....................................................19
Appendix D: Ascii Codes.......................................................................................20
IT-100 Data Interface Module - Development Guide
1. Introduction
The IT-100 module is an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows third-party applications to communicate with PowerSeries™ security systems. IT-100 API commands can be incorporated into any application that can send and receive hexadecimal ASCII codes. Common applications include:
Custom User interfaces
Integration of additional building systems (e.g. a CCTV system) with a PowerSeries™ security system.
This manual describes the commands that are available to developers of third-party control applications for the PowerSeries™ series of alarm panels using the IT-100 Data Interface Module.
For details on installing and setting up an IT-100 module on a PowerSeries™ panel, refer to the IT-100 Installation Instructions.
For information on how to integrate these commands into your application, refer to your programming language documentation.
Refer to Appendix A for programming examples.
1.1 Virtual Keypad
The virtual keypad functions allow third party emulation of a PowerSeries Keypad. Keypresses can be simulated by sending the Key Pressed Command (070) followed by a numeric key, emergency, or function key value. See Key Pressed (070) in Section 4: Application Originated
Commands. The IT-100
NOTE: For Virtual Keypad Functions to work. The Virtual Keypad Control (058) must be
enabled. This is the default setting
Keypad Commands. Keypad Commands are not limited to simulating keypresses with virtual key commands. Most commands / functions may simulate a number of keystrokes to initate a function.
For example the Set time and Date command (010) replaces 18 keypress commands required to enter the date and time:
IT-100 Virtual Keypad commands send data so that keypad responses can be duplicated in a software application. All Keypad indications (ie. indicator lights, moving cursor, bell outputs) are transmitted as IT-100 initiated commands. These include:
(901) LCD Update (902) LCD Curosr (903) LED Status (904) Beep Status (905) Tone Status (906) Buzzer Status (907) Door Chime Status
IT-100 Data Interface Module - Development Guide
2. Communications Protocol
2.1 RS-232 Communications:
The IT-100 communicates with the application with a serial cable from an on-board RS-232 interface (DB9 connector).The connection uses only the RX, TX and GND lines in the RS-232 Standard and does not support hardware/software flow control.
2.2 Baud Rate
The default settings are:
9600 baud rate with 8 bit data, No parity and 1 stop bit
The baud rate can be changed by the application by sending a Baud Rate Change (080) command. The IT-100 responds with the Baud Rate Set (580) command to confirm the change. Recommended Baud rates are listed below. .
If Virtual Keypad Control (058) is NOT enabled or Time Stamp Control (055) is OFF the default 9600 baud rate will meet the requirements for normal operation. A higher baud rate is required if these options have been selected. DSC recommends using the highest baud rate compatible with cable length. Baud Rate Default settings can be can also be set as follows:
Disconnect Keybus cable (if connected)
Jumper pins 2 &3 of the RS232 DB9 connector
Connect Keybus and wait for LED to start flashing
Remove jumper between Pins 2 & 3
Baud Rate will now be set to the default value (9600 baud)
Refer to the IT-100 Installation Instructions for additional details
Baud Rate Cable Length*
9600 (def)
19200 38400 57600 115200
50’ (15.2m) 25’ (7.6m) 20’ (6.0m) 8’ (2.4m)
*Cable Capacitance 50pF/ft
2.3 Handshaking
NOTE: The IT-100 does not support handshaking and does not buffer events. If the appli-
cation computer stops functioning, events occurring during that time will be over­written.
Two types of commands available to the application developer: Commands which your application sends to the IT-100 and Event-driven or State-Change commands which the IT-100 sends back to your application.
Handshaking is only initiated by Application Originated Comm ands, the IT-100 does not initiate handshaking, therefore IT-100 can not determine if the application is active or inactive. When a command is initiated by the application, the IT-100 responds with a Command Acknowledge(500) if a communication is successful or with Command Error (501) if a comman d has been received with a bad checksum.
2.4 Command Protocol
All data is sent as hex ASCII codes. The transmission protocol consists of the following:
IT-100 Data Interface Module - Development Guide
End of Packet
Code 654 1 (Partition 1-8) Dh 2h CR LF ASCII (Hex) 36, 35, 34h 33h (Partition 3) 44 32 0Dh 0Ah
CCC Command (3-digits)
DDD...DDD Data Bytes
CKS Checksum
CR/LF End of Packet
The 3-digit Command tells the module or the application what to do. Commands are 3 characters long. For example, the Partition in Alarm command (654) would be sent as hex ASCII codes ‘36 35 34’. See the following tables for supported commands.
This is the data required for the command. For example, after the Partition in Alarm com­mand (654), the application must specify which partition should be armed (1-8). The fol­lowing tables indicate the data requirements are for each command. Some commands, like the User Closing (700), have space holding zeros. In this case all 4 digits are sent even though this module uses only two.
The checksum is calculated by adding the hex value of all command and data digits, and truncating the result to 8 bits. The upper and lower nibbles of the result are converted to ASCII characters before sending. E.g., a Partition Alarm on partition 3 would be sent like this: The command and data fields contain: 6 5 4 3 The ASCII codes for this would be:36 35 34 33 The Checksum = 36 + 35 + 34 + 33 = D2.
Carriage Return & Line Feed Each transmission is followed with a carriage return (hex ASCII 0D) and a line feed (hex ASCII 0A) to indicate the end of a transmission.
Data Bytes
End of Packet
IT-100 Data Interface Module - Development Guide
3. Additional Programming Requirements
3.1 Power Up / Power Loss
When using the IT-100 with a PC5020 (POWER864) panel, the first command after power-up of the IT-100 may show incorrect partition information if that command displays the partition. This is due to the method the IT-100 uses to detect which type of panel it is connected to. If partition information is critical, the installer should open and close a zone to clear this condition before leaving the installation.
On power-up, the IT-100 is not immediately aware of the state of all partitions and zones. When the IT-100 detects a change-in-state the appropriate change-of-state command listed above will be sent. The output of the API Command 001 (STATUS) state information it displays may be false if the IT-100 has recently been added to the security system bus. This is because the IT-100 has not seen a state transition yet and therefore reports the default state for both partitions and zones; READY and CLOSED respectively. Partition information also may not be displayed if the IT-100 has not detected a partition status change for that partition. These issues are only relevant for 5 minutes maximum after the IT-100 has been added to the system bus.
Configuration commands for the IT-100 module (e.g., 010, 055, 056, 057) are stored in on-board EEPROM and are not lost in the event of a power loss to the module.
3.2 User/Master Codes
Some IT-100 commands require a user code in order to execute. An example would be command output (CMD 020). If a code is r equired by the panel, the IT-100 will issue a 900 command to indicate to the application that a 4-digit or 6-digit code must be entered.
Arming, disarming and functions that require codes to execute follow the following protocol.
• Select the function (arm, disarm, output) by sending the appropriate command.
• If a code is required, the IT-100 will send command 900.
• The application must then respond with command 200 containing a valid user code.
NOTE: If no code is required a command 200 is not required. The application will have the
panel’s time window for entering the access code. If a command 200 is issued to the IT-100 outside of the panel’s window, it is ignored. Maintenance codes are not supported by the IT-100.
3.3 Programming Delays
It is not always possible to determine the delay the IT-100 will take to respond to an application command. Depending on the alarm system configuration and complexity delays can vary dramatically. Some error codes (See Appendix B: Error Codes) will indicate if partitions etc. are not ready to respond or if certain functions are busy. These types of error codes can be used by the application to prompt repeated queries.
IF problems arise programming for unanticipated delays, contact your DSC representative.
IT-100 Data Interface Module - Development Guide
4. Application Originated Commands
Application Originated Commands request data from the ala rm system or set the alarm syste m to a specific stat e. Applicat ion ini tiat ed commands fall within the range of [000]-[499]. IT-100 initiated commands fall between codes [500] to [999]. For commands with a known or absent data the checksum is provided. The range of responses that the IT-100 generates for each command are included and summarized in Appendix A for quick reference.
NOTE: Depending on the type of alarm system and the options programmed, the IT-100
may send additional responses to application commands than are listed here. Refer to Appendix B for possible error codes or the System Error(502) command.
Command Data Bytes Checksum End of Packet
Poll 000 (30, 30, 30h) 0 90h CR(0Dh) LF(0Ah)
Verifies communication channel with IT-100. IT-100 responds with:
Command Acknowledge...............................(500)
Status Request 001 (30, 30, 31h) 0 91h CR(0Dh) LF(0Ah) IT-100 responds with general zone, partition, and trouble status updates to the "Control Software Application". Troubles ar e limited to the status
of the trouble LED on a keypad. Only the partitions that have been detected, and their trouble states, will be di splayed. When connec ted to a P ow­erSeries panel, the module will send the status of: all zones, troubles, and status of enabled partitions only.
The IT-100 responds to this command with the following commands in the sequence indicated:
1 Software Version(908) command Partition Status Commands (Maximum 8 commands, 1 for each Partition), may include any of the following:
Partition Ready..............................................(650)
Partition Not Ready.......................................(651)
Partition in Alarm..........................................(654)
Partition Disarmed ........................................(655)
Exit Delay in Progress...................................(656)
Entry Delay in Progress ................................(657)
Keypad Lock-out...........................................(658)
Keypad Blanking...........................................(659)
Command output in progress........................(660)
Invalid Access Code......................................(670)
Function Not Available.................................(671)
Failed To Arm...............................................(672)
Partition Busy................................................(673)
Code Required...............................................(900)
Trouble LED Commands (Maximum of 8 Commands, 1 of the following for each partition)
Trouble LED ON ..........................................(840)
Trouble LED OFF.........................................(841)
9 LED Status (903) commands (Total of 9 Commands, 1 for each LED status reports ON, OFF or FLASHING)
1 Ready 6 Program 2 Armed 7 Fire 3 Memory 8 Backlight 4 Bypass 9 AC 5 Trouble
Zone Status Commands (Maximum of 64 Commands, 1 of the following for each Zone):
Zone Opened ................................................(609)
Zone Restored ..............................................(610)
Labels Request 002(30,30,32h) 0 92h CR(0Dh
IT-100 responds by sending all programmable labels to the Software application. The IT-100 responds with:
Broadcast Labels...........................................(570)
Set Time and Date 010 (30, 31, 30h) 10 (hhmmMMDDYY)** XX XX CR(0Dh) LF(0Ah) Sets new Time and Date on the Alarm System. The IT-100 responds with:
*Code Required............................................. (900) *Dependent on Alarm System programming.
** Hexadecimal ASCII
LF(0Ah )
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