Dräger REGARD Instructions For Use Manual

Alarm Tripped
Power Inhibit
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
FOR YOUR SAFETY............................................................................................................... 4
Safe operation ................................................................................................................ 4
CE marking and ATEX marking...................................................................................... 5
Special conditions for safe use....................................................................................... 5
OPERATION............................................................................................................................ 6
Intended use................................................................................................................... 6
Description..................................................................................................................... 6
Operational fault relay .......................................................................................... 6
Electromagnetic compatibility......................................................................................... 6
Display card front panel controls and indicators.............................................................. 7
Display ................................................................................................................. 7
LEDs.................................................................................................................... 7
Controls................................................................................................................ 8
Relay module indicators................................................................................................. 8
Acknowledging alarms.................................................................................................... 8
Relays configured “Single” and “LNAK1” ............................................................... 9
Operational faults..........................................................................................................10
Operational fault codes........................................................................................10
WARNING - FAULT C indication on the relay display card..................................11
WARNING - FLTMB indication on the relay display card .....................................11
Loss of communication between relay display card and relay module(s)..............11
INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................12
Install relay display card................................................................................................12
Install relay modules......................................................................................................12
Set module numbers ...........................................................................................15
Connect equipment to relay terminals..................................................................16
Connect DC supply to modules............................................................................16
Optional connections.....................................................................................................17
Remote reset.......................................................................................................17
Operational fault relay .........................................................................................17
Switch-on and initial checks...........................................................................................18
Command mode............................................................................................................19
Function of front panel controls in command mode..............................................19
Table of commands .............................................................................................20
Configure channel cards and master card......................................................................21
Configure relay display card..........................................................................................21
Configuration sequence.......................................................................................22
Optional configuration settings.............................................................................27
Recommended maintenance intervals...........................................................................28
Commands for system maintenance..............................................................................29
TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................................................33
Relay display card.........................................................................................................33
Relay module................................................................................................................33
Part numbers.................................................................................................................33
EC-Type Examination certificate...................................................................................34
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Follow the instructions
Follow the instructions for installation, operation and maintenance.
Use in areas subject to explosion hazards
The relay module and relay display card are not designed for use in a flammable atmosphere without suitable protection.
Liability for proper function or damage
Liability for proper function of this apparatus is irrevocably transferred to the owner or operator to the extent that the apparatus has been commissioned, serviced or repaired by personnel not employed or authorised by Draeger Service, or when this apparatus was used in a manner not conforming to its intended use.
Draeger Limited can not be held responsible for any damage caused by non­compliance with the above recommendations. The warranty and liability provisions of the terms and conditions of sale and delivery of Draeger Limited are likewise not modified by recommendations given above.
This apparatus must be inspected and serviced by experts at regular intervals and a record maintained of such inspections and servicing. Repairs and general overhaul of this apparatus should only be carried out by competent personnel.
We recommend that either a training course or service contract is obtained from the Draeger Service department and that all repairs are also carried out by them.
Safe operation
For safe operation:
Set relays on relay modules normally energised. In the event of power loss, communications failure or configuration data loss, the relays will de-energise.
Connect an alarm device or other indicator to the operational fault relay on the relay display card.
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
CE marking and ATEX marking
Regard cards and modules are CE marked to indicate conformity with the essential requirements of the “ATEX” Directive 94/9/EC:
The number after the CE mark is the number of the Notified Body involved the production control phase.
The card also carries the following marking in accordance with the directive:
This marking means that the card is suitable for use in non-hazardous areas, in non­mining Category 2 applications for the detection of flammable gases.
THIS MARKING DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE CARD IS “EXPLOSION PROOF”. Regard cards cannot be used in areas subject to explosion hazards (“hazardous areas”) without suitable additional protection.
The certification code corresponds with the ATEX EC-type-examination certificate:
DMT 02 ATEX G 002 X
The year of construction of the card/module can be derived from the card's/module's serial number.
Special conditions for safe use
When relay display card(s) and relay module(s) are used, the fault relay of the
master card shall be configured as master fault.
After configuration of the relay display card, check that the Regard channels used
are present within the system.
The power supply of the relay modules shall be supervised by external means in
such a way that there is a signal if the supply voltage falls below the minimum value.
If safety-related alarms or fault signals are configured with relay display cards and
relay modules, two relays on separate relay modules shall be used in a redundant arrangement. The relays shall have the same configuration and be wired in such a way that the external device is activated if one of the two relays switches.
Relays that are intended for safety-related purposes shall be configured as
latching and non-acknowledgeable during the alarm condition.
II (2) G
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Intended use
The REGARD relay modules and relay display card provide:
Additional common and voted alarm relays for a system comprising any combination of channel cards.
A1, A2, A3 and/or Fault relays for each channel of a Regard HART card or eight­channel display card.
NOTE Neither A3 alarms nor use with the Regard 'HART' card are included in the
scope of the EC-type examination certificate DMT 02 ATEX G 002 X.
Additional alarm relays for single-channel Regard cards.
The relay modules and relay display card are intended for permanent installation in a non-hazardous environment, such as a control room or marshalling cabinet.
The relay display card fits into the Regard rack and controls up to 16 relay modules. Each relay module has 16 relays. The relay modules are connected to the relay display card by a single twisted-pair cable. Relay modules can be located up to 1km from the relay display card, allowing shorter cable runs between the actuating relays and the controlled devices.
Up to eight relay display cards can be fitted in a Regard system – i.e. connected to the same RS-485 bus. This restriction is removed if remote configuration of the relay display cards is not required.
The relay display card “listens” to the messages on the RS-485 bus between the Regard master card and channel cards. The relay display card requires a Regard
master card for operation. The master card must be configured to communicate with all channel cards that are programmed on the relay display card .
NOTE – the relay display card gives no indication that a particular channel is not communicating with the master card. Communication faults are indicated on either the master card or the relevant channel card.
Operational fault relay
The relay display card has one relay, that indicates a critical operational fault of the relay display card or relay module(s). This relay is always normally energised, latching and non-acknowledgeable.
Electromagnetic compatibility
The Regard relay module and relay display card have been tested for compliance with the EMC Directive. Take the following steps to ensure compliance:
Installation must follow the instructions given in this manual.
Installation must also follow the Draeger document “Guidelines for the construction
and installation of Regard systems to comply with the EMC Directive” which is available separately.
Observe instructions to use screened cable, where given Instructions or precautions that are essential for electromagnetic compatibility are
identified by “EMC!” in the margin.
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Display card front panel controls and indicators
Display normally shows the state of each alarm relay in sequence. When a relay is in its alarm state, only relays in alarm are displayed.
Display Meaning 001:CLR
Relay 001 in non-alarm state
Relay 002 in alarm state
Operation of relay 016 not set (no operation)
Relay 256 disabled
Operational fault
Relays are numbered from 001 to 256. Relays on relay module 1 are numbers 001 to 016, relays on relay module 2 are numbers 017 to 032, and so on.
The LEDs show the status of the alarm relay currently featured in the display.
LED State Meaning
On Off
Relay in alarm state Relay not in alarm state
On Flashing Off
Alarm tripped & acknowledged Alarm tripped, not acknowledged No alarm
On Flashing
DC power on Operational fault
On Blinking on (normally
off, on every 5 secs) Blinking off (normally
on, off every 5 secs.)
Relays inhibited
Relay(s) disabled
Relays inhibited + relays disabled
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Function of front panel controls during normal operation:
Push button Result Note
Display relay latch mode
E.g. 001:LACK
Display relay energise mode
E.g. 023:ENER
Display relay operating mode
E.g. 002:SA1
Channel number of relay configured SINGLE
E.g. 002:CH13
Display status of next relay — Display status of previous relay
Hold / release display of relay status
Key presses alternately hold and release display
Acknowledge / reset alarm
Relay module indicators
Power LED indicates that DC supply to module is connected.
Relay LED next to each relay is lit when relay coil is energised.
Acknowledging alarms
The action required to acknowledge an alarm depends on it mode. Momentarily connecting the remote reset terminals of the relay display card will also acknowledge an alarm. Note that, since one display card can control up to 256 relays, it is possible for all 256 relays to be acknowledged by a single reset operation. In particular, if any relays are set to ACK1 or LACK1 then those relays will be untripped even in the presence of an alarm condition (see the warning below).
Mode Action required to acknowledge alarm:
Common Press Reset on relay display card or master card Single Automatically acknowledged by channel alarm (except when set
Voted Press Reset on relay display card or master card
WARNING – when a relay latch mode is set to ACK1 or LACK1, a tripped relay can be cleared even though an alarm condition may still be present. These latch modes are generally employed as a convenience to silence audible alarms while the cause of the alarm is being addressed.
See explanation of relay configuration options on page 25
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Alarm is acknowledged while alarm condition is still present
Setting Alarm trips Reset pressed Alarm clears Reset pressed
Relay trips Alarm acknowledged
Relay stays tripped
Relay clears No effect
Relay trips Alarm acknowledged
Relay stays tripped
No effect Relay clears
Relay trips Alarm acknowledged
Relay stays tripped
Relay clears No effect
Relay trips Alarm acknowledged
Relay clears
No effect No effect
Relay trips Alarm acknowledged
Relay clears
No effect No effect
Alarm is not acknowledged
Setting Alarm trips Alarm clears Reset pressed
Relay trips No effect Alarm acknowledged; relay clears
Relay trips No effect Alarm acknowledged; relay clears
Relay trips Relay clears Alarm acknowledged; relay stays
Relay trips No effect Alarm acknowledged; relay clears
Relay trips Relay clears Alarm acknowledged; relay stays
Relays configured “Single” and “LNAK1”
Relays configured Single and LNAK1 must be acknowledged at the relay display card or master card, by pressing Reset or through remote reset input, if the channel card gas alarm is acknowledged at the channel card before the gas alarm clears.
Event Relay (alarm) state
Gas alarm trips on channel card Relay in alarm state.
Tripped LED flashes
Channel card acknowledged Relay in alarm state.
Tripped LED on
Gas level falls below trip point Relay in alarm state
Tripped LED Off Channel card acknowledged No change Subsequent channel card acknowledgement No change Reset pressed on relay display card or master card Relay in non alarm state.
Tripped LED off
See explanation of relay configuration options on page 25
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Operational faults
An operation fault is a failure in the operation of either the relay display card or the relay module. Operational faults are either:
critical – card may stop working, or
advisory – card will continue to work safely, but its functions may be limited
When an operational fault occurs:
Power LED flashes once a second
If fault is critical, operational fault relay de-energises
Display shows fault code alternately with normal display
Press Reset to clear the fault. If fault will not clear, or recurs, call Draeger Service.
Operational fault codes
Fault code Meaning Remedy
Push button key fault. Advisory. One of the front panel push button keys appears to be continuously pressed.
Check push button keys.
Communications failure – Regard. Critical. Relay display card is not receiving data from the Regard master card. Alarms will not activate relays. (See below for a fuller explanation.)
Check the integrity of the RS­485 connections between the relay display card, master card and all channel cards.
Communications failure – module. Critical. One or more relay modules are not acknowledging messages from the display card. (Modules may be receiving data, but this cannot be confirmed.) Relays may not operate.
Check module number. Check RS-485 connection to relay modules.
Relay or Card Data error. Critical. Configuration settings have been corrupted. Default configuration settings will be used. Relays may not operate.
Check configuration settings.
Supply voltage too high. Critical.
Reduce supply voltage.
Supply voltage too low. Critical.
Increase supply voltage.
Microcontroller failure. Critical. Card/module has stopped working.
Hold down Reset to reset the card.
Module Communications failure. Advisory. Module number nn is not receiving data from the relay display card. All relays on module will automatically de-energise.
Check module Nos. Check RS­485 connection to relay modules.
Relay module DC supply brownout. Critical. Fault in DC supply to relay module number nn.
Check power supply to relay module.
Relay module watchdog reset. Advisory. An unknown error has caused relay module number nn to reset.
Check relay module installation.
Remote reset fault. Advisory. Remote reset terminals appear to be continuously shorted. The remote reset input will be ignored.
Check remote reset.
Watchdog reset. Advisory. Unknown error caused card to reset. Card will continue to operate normally.
Check relay display card installation.
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
In the situation where multiple faults occur consecutively, the first fault to occur will be displayed. When that is cleared subsequent faults may be displayed if they are unaffected by the clearing of prior faults. In the situation where multiple faults occur simultaneously, only one will be indicated on the display. The fault states are monitored continuously in the following order: FAULT DR, DC, C, CM, HV, LV, BR, Bñ, Bò, Bï, Bð, FLTMC, FLTMB and FLTMW. Any of these may be overridden by the hardware exception faults Mx, Wi and We
WARNING - FAULT C indication on the relay display card
The relay display card (RDC) is designed to listen to communications between the master card and channel cards. A FAULT C indication will be indicated on the RDC if:
§ there is no valid communication between the master card and at least one
channel card,
§ the communication link to the RDC is broken,
§ the checksum setting is not consistent throughout the system.
On a system with more than one channel the RDC will appear to be working normally providing that at least one channel is communicating correctly with its master card. Channels not communicating correctly will not generate alarms, however, these channels will exhibit communication faults either on the channel card itself or on the master card.
WARNING - FLTMB indication on the relay display card
The relay module initiates a brown-out indication on the RDC at voltages much lower than the minimum specification. It is possible for the relay module to malfunction due to a low supply voltage without this fault appearing on the RDC.
Loss of communication between relay display card and relay module(s)
If the RS-485 connection between the relay display card and a relay module is broken, or the communications between the two is otherwise interrupted, all relays on the relay module will de-energise.
There is a delay of 5 seconds, after the connection is broken, before the relays de­energise. If the connection is re-made within 5 seconds, the relays do not de­energise.
When the connection is re-made, the relays will stay de-energised for 10 seconds.
REGARD Relay Module & Relay Display Card (ATEX version)
Issue 1 – July 2003
Handle circuit boards with care during installation. Do not touch the circuit boards or components.
Use of the relay modules and relay display card requires a Regard master card. All Regard channel cards (e.g. 4-20, Ex, HART, 8-channel) must be connected to the same RS-485 bus as the relay display card and the master card.
The diagram below shows how the relay display card and relay modules connect to a Regard system. Note that there is a separate RS-485 bus from the relay display card to the relay modules. (Diagram for illustration only.)
Install relay display card
Fit the relay display card in slot in Regard rack.
EMC! Tighten the screws on the front panel fully.
Install relay modules
EMC! Install the relay module in a metal enclosure or other enclosure which gives protection
against radio-frequency interference.
Fit relay modules to 35mm symmetric or 32mm asymmetric DIN rail.
Maximum cable length of the RS-485 bus must not exceed 1000m
Voltage difference between 0V at the relay display card and all relay module must
not exceed 5V. Use an RS-485 isolator if the voltage difference is greater that 5V.
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