The RV-4C is designed for use with the TR-3,
TR-4 and TR-4C transceivers. It permits reception, transmission, or both transmission and reception on a frequency removed from the VFO setting
of the transceiver, but in the same band to which
the transceiver is tuned. The RV-4C consists of a
highly stable permeability-tuned solid-state VFO, a
cathode follower, associated control circuitry and a
5-inch 4 Ohm speaker.
The unit is housed in a cabinet which matches the
transceiver. An AC-4 (or AC-3) power supply can
also be housed in this cabinet. The dimensions are
as follows: 5-3/8 inches high,
inches deep. Weight is
For use with the TR-4C it is necessary to plug the
RV-4C into the RV-4 plug
the TR-4C chassis. No jumper need be removed
when the unit is installed nor is a jumper plug
needed when it is disconnected.
To operate the RV-4C with a TR-3, it is necessary to remove the bottom cover of the TR-3 and
remove the jumper wire between pins 2 and 8 of
the RV-3 jack (52). Replace the bottom cover of
the TR-3 and connect the RV-4C cable to
Connect the speaker lead to the 6-inch lead protruding from the power supply power cable connector.
When the RV-4C is disconnected from the TR-3,
it is necessary to insert a jumper plug in the RV-3
jack. This plug should consist of an 8 conductor
male plug (Cinch Jones Type P-308 with either the
CCE, FHE, FHT, or CCT metal caps-remove cable
clamps) with a jumper wire connected between
pins 2 and 8.
It is necessary to ground the RV-4C
chassis to the transceiver chassis and to a
good earth ground with a short piece of
inches wide
on the bottom of
Main Tuning control determines the frequency of
the VFO and is calibrated in exactly the same way
as the transceiver VFO. The RV-4C FUNCTION
control has four positions: OFF,
and XMIT.
In the OFF position, the unit draws B+ and filament current but does not provide any output. The
transceiver will transceive normally.
In the RCV position, the RV-4C determines the
receiving frequency and the transceiver VFO determines the transmitting frequency.
In the RCV/XMIT position, both transmit and receive frequencies are determined by the RV-4C.
In the XMIT position, the RV-4C determines the
transmitting frequency and transceiver VFO determines the receiving frequency.
The PTO indicator lamp is located to the right of
the PTO dial. This lamp lights whenever the RV-4C
is being used to control the frequency.
We will check and align your RV-4C at the factory
for a nominal fee if it has not been tampered with.
Transportation charges are extra. Any necessary’
repairs will be made on a time and material basis.
Please write or call the factory for authorization
before returning your unit for alignment or service.
Address your request for authorization to:
R. L. Drake Company
540 Richard Street
Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
ATTN: Customer Service Department
Telephone: (Area Code 513) 866-3211
(Code-A-Phone Service after
1630 Hours E.S.T.)
The RV-4C has two controls: The Main Tuning
control and the RV-4C FUNCTION switch. The
If the AC-4 (or AC-3) power supply is installed in
the RV-4C cabinet, it will first be necessary to
remove it from the cabinet by removing the four
screws holding it to the bottom of the RV-4C
cabinet and sliding it out the rear.

In general, most trouble encountered in radio equipment of good design is due to tube failure. The
RV-4C has been designed so that tube replacement
can be made without need for realignment. The
best method of finding defective tubes is direct
substitution. It is best not to rely too heavily on
tube checkers.
Careful consideration has been given in the design
of the RV-4C to keep maintenance problems to a
minimum. However, it is quite possible that some
problem will arise which cannot be solved by tube
substitution. If this occurs, we suggest that you
either return your unit to your dealer or write
direct to our service department describing your
problem in detail. Include full information concerning external connections, control settings, tubes
substituted etc. Do not return equipment to the
factory without prior authorization.
The voltage and resistance charts and the schematic
diagram should be valuable in isolating minor problems. However, no attempt should be made to
service the RV-4C unless you are thoroughly familiar with electronic circuitry and servicing technique.
The RV-4C is very carefully aligned at our factory
and should require no further adjustment. If a
tracking error in the VFO is noted, the unit should
be returned to our factory. However, if the unit has
the same calibration error from one end of the dial
to the other, and if the error cannot be corrected
by the movable index line, the dial scale can be
slipped slightly on its shaft until the discrepancy is
The only component in the RV-4C which should
require any readjustment is coil L2. This coil is
mounted inside the small aluminum can on the
RV-4C chassis. To adjust L2 proceed as follows:
Switch the RV-4C FUNCTION switch to RCV
and tune its VFO to the 4.0 MHz crystal calibrator signal. The transceiver FUNCTION switch
should be on CAL and the BAND switch on 80.
Tune L2 for maximum S meter reading. Note
that coil L3 has a value determined by the length
of the cable connecting the RV-4C to the
transceiver. Do not change the cable length or misalignment will result.
Voltage Chart
NOTE: These measurements were made from ground with an 11
2 3
4.2 12.6*
5 6 7 8
4.2 6.3*
VTVM. The RV-4C was
connected to the transceiver which was in the receive condition. The RV-4C FUNCTION switch
was on the RCV/XMIT position. An
11 K 11 K
indicates AC voltage.
Resistance Chart
0 0
5 6 7 8 9
NOTE: These measurements were made from ground with the RV-4C connected to the transceiver
but with the transceiver disconnected from the power supply. Where two resistances are shown, the
top value was obtained with the RV-4C connected to the TR-3 and the bottom value was obtained
with the unit connected to the TR-4. The RV-4C FUNCTION switch was in the RCV/XMIT