Dovado USB Mobile Broadband Router, Tiny Reference Manual

USB Mobile Broadband Router
Reference Manual
The Mobile Choice for your Broadband Internet
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Table of Contents 2
Reference Manual
Introduction 3
Package contents 3 Additional required items
Reference Manual 4
Hardware installation 4 Reset button 4 Modem 5 Connecting Status Overview Bar 7 Data Tra c Usage Report 8 SMS Noti cation of Data Tra c Usage 9 SMS Remote Control 10 Remote Commands 11 Noti cation SMS 12
Advanced Settings 13
WLAN Settings 14 LAN Settings 18 System Settings 20 Internet 22 WAN Port Settings 23 Connection Tracker 24 Upgrading the  rmware 26 Con gurations 27
Troubleshooting 28
Internet 28
Support 30
Technical specifi cations 30
Guidelines for safe and effi cient use 31
Product care and maintenance 31 Limited warranty 32
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Introduction 3
Thank you for choosing the Dovado USB Mobile Broadband Router.
Package contents
Before continuing to the next section, make sure all of the listed items below are included in your package. If something is missing, kindly contact your reseller.
• Router - USB Mobile Broadband router
• Power supply
• WLAN antenna
• Velcro pads, for optional surface mounting of the router
• Quick Wizard Guide and Reference Manual
Additional required items
In addition to the items above you will need a mobile broadband USB modem in order for the product to work. This modem provides the wireless link to your operator’s network and is sold separately.To use the Internet you need a computer.
ATTENTION: As the DOVADO portfolio of routers are con­stantly being updated to support new modems, features as well as fi xes, it is advised that you remain updated with the latest fi rmware. To download the latest fi rmware, please visit rmware
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Introduction 4
The Reset button
The location of the reset button is at the back of the router. If you need to erase all the inserted parameters and password, along with restoring the factory defaults settings, then hold down the reset button for approximately 8 seconds. For restart of the router just press the reset button quickly.
1. USB-port
2. Internet/SMS LED
3. Reset button
4. SMA connector for WiFi antenna
5. DC Power Input
6. LAN port
7. WAN port
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Reference Manual 5
On the Modem->Modem Settings page, you will be able to insert all the valid inputs in order to access the internet via your mobile operator. There are several relevant bits of information which are necessary in order to complete this task successfully:
• APN (Access Point Name). If you are not sure what your mobile operator’s
APN is, please contact them or check with your modem manual.
• PIN code.This is your PIN code provided with your SIM card which resides in
your USB modem.
• Username & Password: Some operators may require you to insert a username
and password along with APN information in order to authenticate towards the mobile network. If you haven’t been provided this, then using only an APN might be sufficient. If not, then please contact your operator.
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Reference Manual 6
The following scenarios should assist you in enabling your router for Internet access, depending on which type of USB modem you have inserted into the router.
If your scenario is not available in this guide, then please visit for latest update.
Once the information has been inserted, the unit will automatically try to establish a connection to the operator’s network. A solid green light on the Internet LED indicates a successful connection.
Note: Mobile operators typically have an Access Point Name (APN) as the key
relevant point of entry towards the mobile broadband network. Make sure to have the name of your APN in advance of confi guring your USB modem. If you are using any other technology besides GPRS, EDGE, UMTS or HSPA, you might not require an APN.
Scenario 1: 3G USB modem using a SIM card
• In the Modem->Modem Settings page, select to use SIM.
• Enter your operator
Access Point Name and a PIN code if using one.
• Push
Save Modem Settings.
Restart the router.
Scenario 2: 3G USB modem using a SIM card along with a username and password
• In the Modem->Modem Settings page, select to use SIM.
• Enter your operator Access Point Name and a PIN code if using one.
• Push
Save Modem Settings.
• Go to Modem->PPP and make sure that PPP is enabled.
• Enter your Username and Password
Save PPP Settings.
Restart the router.
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Reference Manual 7
Connection Status Overview Bar
Atop of the user interface, a bar displays an overview of your Internet connection. This information sits outside the security zone of your router, and does not need to be accessed via an authorized login, thus saving time on checking the connec­tion status.
The Connection Status Overview Bar shows the following information:
Date: Synchronized with a DOVADO NTP (Network Time Protocol) server
upon each new successful Internet connection.
Time: Displayed in a 24-hour format (HH:MM). In case the displayed time is
incorrect, you can set the time-zone in the
Signal: The latest measurement gathered by the USB modem upon connection is
displayed in a percentage value, along with the technology (2G, 3G or 4G). The value is only updated after initiating a new connection.
Connection: Indicates whether your current Internet connection is via the inser-
USB modem or via an Ethernet WAN port. This is useful if your router has
been configured to perform automated failovers between one dropped Internet connection to a secondary (backup) connection.
Connection Indicator: Green color indicates that the DOVADO router is con-
nected to the Internet via a USB modem. Red color indicates that it is discon­nected from the Internet.
Traffic: Quickly displaying this month’s Internet consumption in gigabytes (GB)
on the downlink and uplink of both Internet interfaces (USB modem and Ether­net WAN).
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Reference Manual 8
Data Traffic Usage Report
It is possible to keep track of how much Internet traffic is consumed each new calendar month.A log is also held for the previous month. The chart displays how much data has been downloaded as well as uploaded per Internet interface, be it a USB modem or Ethernet WAN port. A total is also calculated for the month per interface. As these figures are automatically updated every few minutes, a forced update can be manually requested by pushing the Update button.
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Reference Manual 9
Notification of Data Traffic Usage
Upon enabling this feature, the router can send you an SMS and/or E-Mail notifi cation after a certain amount of data has been consumed by your Internet connection. It will then continuously update each time it passes that interval, thus providing you with an overview of your monthly data consumption.
The router can alert you after every 100MB, 250MB, 500MB and 1000MB of downloaded or totally accumulated bi-directional traffi c passed during the calen­dar month.
Note: By using your USB modem directly in the computer, the router will only be able to display the amount of data the router itself has consumed when the USB modem is inserted into it. It will not display what the USB modem has consumed; therefore, to acquire the most accurate accumulated fi gures, please contact your Internet service operator.
To enable notifi cation by SMS, go to
SMS->REMOTE CONTROL, and select the
Traffi c Limit Reached, located under Notifi cation SMS.
To enable notifi cation by E-Mail, go to SYSTEM->E-Mail, and enter your E­Mail account confi guration.
Then proceed to INTERNET->TRAFFIC, and select how often you would like to be notifi ed by SMS and/or E-Mail for an updated total of your calendar month’s data consumption. You can also specify which kind of data to keep track of (down­loaded only, or downloaded and uploaded; depending on your mobile broadband subscription terms).
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Reference Manual 10
SMS Remote Control
If your SIM card and 3G USB modem support SMS (see in the router, then you’ll be able to employ this feature to remotely control the router from your mobile phone. A short text command can be sent from your phone to administer any of these tasks instantly.The configuration allows an unlimited range of authorized mobile phone numbers to be inserted into the list.
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Reference Manual 11
You can specify which number will be viable for sending commands, receiving notifications, or both.To insert the number, use international dialing format (e.g. +46 for Sweden, followed by the rest). For each number that is inserted with its rights, click on Add to list. Note: For each number that is entered, and tagged with a “Notifi cation” tick mark, an individual SMS will be sent by the router in case of any notification. By doing so, this will generate a larger load of SMS traffi c to your mobile broadband subscription.
Remote Commands
The short text commands are: Status, Restart, Disconnect, Connect (or
Status: The router will reply to you stating that it’s either connected or discon-
nected from the Internet. It will also contain the IP address (if connected) of it’s WAN/3G interface along with signal information.
Restart: The router will restart itself.
Disconnect: The router will disconnect itself from the mobile broadband net-
work. Internet connection will be dropped, though SMS will still be active.
Connect (or Reconnect) : The router will connect itself to the mobile broadband
network. Internet connection will be enabled.
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