Dovado TINY User Manual

USB Mobile Broadband Router
Reference Manual 7.1.5
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Reference Manual 7.1.52
Table of Contents
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3
................................................................................................................................... 41 Package contents
................................................................................................................................... 42 Access the router
................................................................................................................................... 53 Limited Internet Mode (L.I.M.)
................................................................................................................................... 54 Direct interface vs PPTP interface
Status Overview Bar Menu System
................................................................................................................................... 71 HOME
................................................................................................................................... 72 INTERNET
................................................................................................................................... 103 MODEM
................................................................................................................................... 104 WAN
................................................................................................................................... 115 LAN
................................................................................................................................... 126 WLAN
................................................................................................................................... 147 VPN
................................................................................................................................... 158 SMS
................................................................................................................................... 179 SYSTEM
................................................................................................................................... 1910 UPGRADE
................................................................................................................................... 2011 RESTART
................................................................................................................................... 2012 LOGOUT
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
................................................................................................................................... 211 Enabling the API
................................................................................................................................... 212 Connecting to the API
................................................................................................................................... 213 Logging in to the API
................................................................................................................................... 214 API Syntax
................................................................................................................................... 225 Router info
................................................................................................................................... 226 Upgrade via API
................................................................................................................................... 227 SMS
................................................................................................................................... 248 Check services available
................................................................................................................................... 249 API Coding
................................................................................................................................... 261 Scenarios
................................................................................................................................... 262 Frequently Asked Questions
Support Open Source Notice
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30 30
© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
................................................................................................................................... 301 GPL v2 Applications
................................................................................................................................... 342 GPL v3 Applications
................................................................................................................................... 393 LGPL Application
................................................................................................................................... 444 Mixed Licenses
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© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC
Reference Manual 7.1.54

1 Introduction

Thank you for choosing a Dovado USB Mobile Broadband Router. Dovado has quickly become the leading brand in terms of support for 4G/LTE and 3G USB modems. Simply insert your compatible USB modem into the Dovado router, and the two will be automatically paired in order to get you online on the Internet. A well-known fact about Dovado is that it is quick to support new modems and features, and provide you a smooth upgrade process with help of the DOVADO Firmware Utility (Express Upgrader).
On every page in the router's User Interface, you will see this icon. Click it, and you will be
directed to the appropriate chapter in the reference manual automatically for further information and guidance.

1.1 Package contents

Make sure all of the listed items below are included in your package. If something is missing, kindly contact your reseller.
Router - USB Mobile Broadband router Power supply Quick Wizard Guide USB extension cable WLAN antenna Velcro pads, for optional surface mounting of the router
Additional required items:
In addition to the items above you will need a mobile broadband USB modem in order to connect to a mobile network. This modem provides the wireless link to your operator's network and is sold separately. To use the Internet you need a computer.

1.2 Access the router

To access your router's menu system, connect your computer via WLAN or LAN port (with an Ethernet cable) and access the website.
To connect by Wireless LAN (WLAN), search for a wireless network called "DOVADO".
Once you have reached the login page, the information below is the default settings for your router:
Username: admin Password: password
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© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC

1.3 Limited Internet Mode (L.I.M.)

Dovado routers support most Hi-Link (Huawei) and CWID (ZTE)-based USB modems. However, unlike traditional USB modems, these specific models are designed to act as routers, imposing certain limitations due to the complication of a second private network layer.
If you are in need any of the following capabilities, then please make sure to contact your operator or reseller the router-based modem:
Limitations with Huawei Hi-Link modems: UPnP, SMS and Bridge Mode cannot be used. Port Forwarding is limited to a maximum total of 15 individual rule assignments. The 192.168.1.x subnet cannot be occupied by the Dovado in conjunction with these modems, as the Hi-Link device occupies this subnet.
Limitations with ZTE CWID modems: UPnP and Bridge Mode cannot be used. Port Forwarding does not work (at all) on certain models. SMS is limited to certain models. The 192.168.1.x subnet cannot be occupied by the Dovado router in conjunction with these modems, as the Hi-Link device occupies this subnet. Some modem models might already occupy, therefore requiring your Dovado router to use a different subnet’s IP address, such as
There exists at least three known combinations of capabilities when it comes to ZTE router-based modems
Version 1: (USB modems)
SMS is available Port Forwarding is not available IP address cannot be changed on the USB modem, but might be required on Dovado router
Introduction 5
Version 2:(Mobile Hotspots devicesa and USB modem)
Port Forwarding is available SMS is not available
Version 3: (Mobile Hotspots devices, not USB modem)
SMS is available Port Forwarding is available

1.4 Direct interface vs PPTP interface

The Dovado router can have two IP Interfaces connected to the Internet: Direct Interface and PPTP Interface. It is possible to access the router and clients behind it via both interfaces using
their IP addresses
Direct Interface this is the router's own interface which it normally uses to communicate on the Internet PPTP Interface this interface exists when a VPN PPTP service is used. When PPTP is used the router has two IP addresses to the Internet.
Remote Management and Port forward notice
Not all Mobile Broadband operator, ISP and VPN providers allow external access to your router from the Internet. If the provider blocks such access it is not possible to use Remote Management or performing port forwards. Please contact your Internet Service Provider if you are having problems with accessing the router from the Internet.
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Reference Manual 7.1.56

2 Status Overview Bar

Atop of the user interface, a bar displays an overview of your Internet connection. This information sits outside the security zone of your router, and does not need to be accessed via an authorized login, thus saving time on checking the connection status.
The Connection Status Overview Bar shows the following information:
Date: Synchronized with a Dovado NTP (Network Time Protocol) server upon each new successful Internet connection.
Signal: The latest measurement gathered by the USB modem upon connection is displayed in a percentage value, along with the technology (2G, 3G or 4G). The value is only updated after initiating a new connection.
SMS: Shows the number of unread SMS's.
WLAN: Shows whether a 20 or 40MHz channel has been manually selected. The value within the
brackets indicates the channel(s) currently used.
Time: Displayed in a 24-hour format (HH:MM). In case the displayed time is incorrect, you can set the time zone in the System->NTP page.
Connection: Indicates whether your current Internet connection is via the inserted USB modem or via an Ethernet WAN port. This is useful if your router has been configured to perform automated failovers between one dropped Internet connection to a secondary (backup) connection.
IP: Shows the IP address the router has received from your Internet/Mobile-broadband Service Provider.
VPN: Show the IP address that the router has received from your VPN Service Provider
Connection Indicator: Green color indicates that the Dovado router is connected to the Internet
via a USB modem. Yellow color indicates that the router is connected Internet, but LAN and WiFi clients is disable to access the Internet due to that scheduled event in the Internet Scheduler. Red color indicates that it is disconnected from the Internet.
Traffic: Quickly displaying this month's Internet consumption in gigabytes (GB) on the downlink and uplink of the USB modem.
New FW: Indicates if there is a new firmware for the router. Click on the text to get to the Live Upgrade page

Menu System

The menu system is structured into sub-categories related to various functions and features. For each topic, there are sub-menus to the right side where you can alter the settings to suit your needs. All changes that are applied must be saved. Regardless of how many changes have been applied throughout the menu, they will only take effect once you have applied a Restart.
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© 2014 Dovado FZ-LLC

3.1 HOME

To view information about your Dovado router, click on the Home button in the menu. This is the first page you will see once logging into your router.

3.1.1 Home

This page displays information such as the router's serial number and also which firmware version it currently operates on.

3.1.2 Start Wizard

The Setup Wizard is a simple walk-through configuration that will ask you which settings you wish to use in order to access the Internet as well as secure your wireless network.

3.1.3 Troubleshooting

By default, the Troubleshooting Wizard is continuously enabled. If it detects during the course of your setup that there is something wrong, the Troubleshooting Wizard will then advise you on what the possible faults may be.
Note: The Troubleshooting Wizard will not operate if either the Connection Tracker, Ethernet WAN port or a CDMA modem is being used.
Menu System 7


Once you have configured your Mobile Internet connection in the Modem section, you can define the role of your Internet interface (USB modem or Ethernet WAN port) as well as improve the general Internet uptime. This section will also give you the means to access your monthly data consumption.
Improvement of connection uptime: If your mobile Internet connection is not holding well in terms of uptime, then please make use of the Connection TrackerTM feature within the sub-menu. This feature will poll the Internet to see if it is responding. If there is no response, the router will take steps to correct the situation.
Bridge Mode (NAT disabled): For usage scenarios where an additional private network (Network Address Translation) would impose difficulties, your Dovado router can be converted from the regular Routed Mode (NAT enabled) to Bridged Mode (NAT disabled). Please note that by selecting Bridge Mode, the Dovado router will not be operating its firewall.

3.2.1 Internet Connection

The router can be used in two different modes: Routed or Bridged.
Routed Mode (NAT Enabled)
In the (default) routed mode, multiple devices share a single public IP address. In this mode, the Dovado router can be used with either a USB modem (default mode) or with a fixed broadband connection such as ADSL or Public Ethernet.
Make sure to connect your ADSL/CABLE-TV modem with an Ethernet cable to the WAN Port of the Dovado Router.
Bridge Mode* (NAT disabled)
Bridge Mode will disable the NAT/routing functionality and allow you to connect any device to the router's LAN port or WLAN interface. The device you connect to the router will get its IP address directly from the mobile network.
In this mode, the router will be transformed into a converter between USB and LAN or WLAN. As it will no longer retain any functionality dependent on IP, certain features such as Connection
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Reference Manual 7.1.58
Tracker, PPTP VPN and E-Mail Notifications will not be operational during use of Bridge Mode.
*Please check to see which modems support Bridge Mode
To alter your router into a bridge, go to the Internet->Internet Connection page within the router menu, and select either of two Bridge Modes. If you are not planning on using any specific WLAN client, then use the "Bridging USB with LAN" option in order to avoid any associated issues that may arise later on. Once the Bridge Mode has been applied, saved and restarted; the router will indicate "CONNECTION: BRIDGE" when you log into the menu page again.

3.2.2 Status

Here you can see the details on your current connections. There are 3 categories.
Modem which shows the modem information Ethernet which shows the Ethernet WAN information PPTP which shows the PPTP settings
If no data is available for the connection, then the data for that connection will be blank

3.2.3 Scheduler

Dovado Routers contain a scheduler which can be used to control what time Ethernet LAN and WiFi clients should be able to access the Internet. For example, specific rules can be created to allow Internet access between Monday to Friday between 08:00 to 17:00, whereas all other times it will not be possible to access the the Internet. The router will still be connected to the Internet, however your network devices will be blocked from accessing the Internet. Internet traffic can be forced On or Off by using the Manual Control button on the page. It is also possible to control the Internet access via SMS. In order to use SMS, the router needs to be configured via the SMS sub­menus.
It is also possible to create groups of days (for instance weekdays vs. weekends) in order to simplify clustering of events.

3.2.4 DNS

Here you can alter the DNS (Domain Name System) settings in the router.
Dynamic DNS Server Settings: In most cases, the operator which provides the internet service towards your router is handing out a constantly-shifting (dynamic) IP address. The Dynamic DNS feature allows you to contact your router via an easily accessible hostname, such as
The Following Dynamic DNS provider is supported
The following information needs to be filled in Other Dynamic DNS provider
Profile Name The name of the Dynamic DNS profile Service Provider Select which provider you want to use Username The username to your Dynamic DNS provider Password The password to your Dynamic DNS provider Domain Name here you enter the Dynamic DNS name that you have registered. e.g Interface Here you can select if you should use the direct IP interface (default) or use the PPTP interface to update the dynamic DNS
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Special note for
Hash does not use usernames, instead they use a private hash signature
Special note for Other Dynamic DNS provider
Service URL here you enter the URL to your Dynamic DNS provider that the router should use when updating your Dynamic DNS. It uses HTTP Basic authentication to authenticate with the server This is an example of a Service URL: hostname=customhostname
Custom DNS: If your operator's DNS servers are unavailable, or if you wish to use a 3rd party DNS server, then insert the IP address of up to two different servers which the router should use. As a result, all devices on your network will then use those specified DNS servers.

3.2.5 Connection Tracker

In order to ensure maximum Internet availability you can use the Connection Tracker feature. When inserting a minimum of 2 unique IP addresses, these addresses will be "pinged" with an interval that you specify in minutes in the Interval field. After entering the selected IP addresses, you can test the ping function to these addresses by pushing the Test now button directly below the IP address fields. The result will be shown to the right of each IP address field.
Menu System 9
WARNING: Please note that if you are paying for bandwidth usage, activating this function will add data consumption to your monthly bill. An approximate figure for the additional monthly data consumption will be indicated directly to the right of the Interval field. Raising the interval value will lower the monthly consumption.
Should your internet connection drop, you have 3 options on how the router should react:
Redial only (in WAN Ethernet mode: Reinitialize interface). Default value that attempts to reestablish the broadband connection.
Redial and Restart (the router restarts itself after 3 failed redial attempts). Using this option, your local area/wireless network will be unreachable for a short while during the restart of the router.
Auto fail-over to secondary interface. (WAN-to-USB or USB-to-WAN). The router is connected to both a USB modem and a fixed broadband connection. Both of these interfaces must be properly configured in the event of a fail-over between each other. You can check which interface is your primary connection on the Internet->Internet Connection page.

3.2.6 Traffic

It is possible to keep track of how much Internet traffic is consumed each new calendar month. A log is also held for the previous month. The chart displays how much data has been downloaded via the USB modem. A total is also calculated for the month per interface. As these figures are automatically updated every few minutes, a forced update can be manually requested by pushing the Update button. Notification of Data Traffic Usage
Upon enabling this feature, the router can send you an SMS and/or E-Mail notification after a certain amount of data has been consumed by your Internet connection. It will then continuously update each time it passes that interval, thus providing you with an overview of your monthly data consumption. The router can alert you after every 100MB, 250MB, 500MB and 1000MB of downloaded or totally accumulated bi-directional traffic passed during the calendar month.
Note: By using your USB modem directly in the computer, the router will only be able to display the amount of data the router itself has consumed when the USB modem is inserted into it. It will not display what the USB modem has consumed; therefore, to acquire the most accurate accumulated figures, please contact your Internet service operator.
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To enable notification by SMS, go to SMS->Remote Control, and select the Traffic Limit Reached, located under Notification SMS. To enable notification by E-Mail, go to System->E-Mail, and enter your E-Mail account configuration. Then proceed to Internet->Traffic, and select how often you would like to be notified by SMS and/ or E- Mail for an updated total of your calendar month's data consumption. You can also specify which kind of data to keep track of (downloaded only, or downloaded and uploaded; depending on your mobile broadband subscription terms).
For more information, please visit


This submenu will provide you the means of checking the reception signal of your mobile broadband, as well as configure/alter the settings of your mobile broadband Internet connection.

3.3.1 Modem Status

This page details your USB modem's radio signal with the corresponding mobile operator base station. It will also display which network mode the router is connected to (4G, 3G or 2G). In addition to which, exact details regarding which mobile operator your SIM card is registered to, along with the USB modem's unique IMEI number, and the SIM card's unique IMSI number. This information might be useful when dealing with your mobile operator's helpdesk.

3.3.2 Modem Settings

On the Modem->Modem Settings page, you will be able to insert all the valid inputs in order to access the Internet via your mobile operator.
There are several relevant bits of information which are necessary in order to complete this task successfully:
APN (Access Point Name). If you are not sure what your mobile operator's APN is, please contact them or check with your modem manual.
PIN code.This is your PIN code provided with your SIM card which resides in your USB modem. Username & Password: Some operators may require you to insert a username and password
along with APN information in order to authenticate towards the mobile network. If you haven't been provided with this, then using only an APN might be sufficient. If not, then please contact your operator.
My L.I.M modem requires a username and password for its web admin pages
This setting is needed if your USB modem requires Username Password to access its GUI
Enable DMZ settings on ZTE modem to support Port Forwarding
This settings needs to be enable if you have a ZTE modem with WEB gui support and want to do portforward

3.3.3 PPP

Here you can alter the settings regarding your modem connection
Echo timeout The PPP echo timeout value, this value is normally 60 seconds Echo count The PPP echo counter value, this value is normally 3 seconds

3.4 WAN

The Dovado routers can not only be used with mobile broadband they work also with Cable­modems, ADSL-modems etc.To activate the WAN port you must first go to the tab Internet- >Internet Connection and select WAN as Primary Connection.
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3.4.1 WAN Port Settings

The default setting is that your operator automatically will allocate you an IP address. Should your operator have given you a static (specific) IP address, then select Manual (Static) settings and fill in the given information in the relevant fields.

3.5 LAN

Here you can alter the settings that are relevant to your specific network, such as the Local Area Network (LAN) IP addressing, the Dynamic IP address pool (DHCP) as well as the Port Forwarding rules that will allow inbound access to your computers from the outside (Internet).

3.5.1 LAN Settings

The network settings for the router. Network Settings allows you to change the default IP address for your router. However, in most cases you do not need to change this setting.
Note: The IP address for the router is used on your private network only. It is not possible to change the subnet mask.
Click on Save LAN Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.

3.5.2 DHCP

Menu System 11
DHCP Server allows you to enable or disable the built-in DHCP server. When enabled, all clients on your private network will automatically obtain an IP address from the range specified under Client IP Address Range (valid range is from 1 to 254). When disabled you have to manually enter an IP address from this range into each client. Client Network Information allows you to set a domain name for the router and specify an additional DNS server.
Static Address Assignment: Can be used when you want a client to obtain the same IP address each time it logs on to your private network. This setting works no matter if the DHCP Server is enabled or disabled. Select how you want to identify the client, either by hostname or MAC address (it is possible to define 253 static IP addresses based on MAC addresses or hostnames).Type in the hostname or the MAC address under Host Identifier and finally, set the desired IP address under Internal Address. Please make sure not to assign the IP address of the router to any of the clients. Click on Add and then Save DHCP Settings when you are finished.
View DHCP Table: is a function that shows the IP and MAC addresses of all clients that are connected to the router.
Click on Save DHCP Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.

3.5.3 Port Forwarding

The settings for manually unblocking certain communication ports in your private network. Reserved Ports is a list of logical ports that cannot be used to access your private network from the public Internet. Port Forwarding to LAN lets you specify which ports clients on the public Internet shall be able to communicate through, to clients on your private network.
Under Port Range, select a range (any range that does not contain the ports listed under Reserved Ports) from 1-65535. Select the type of traffic that should be let through on these ports, TCP or UDP, or Both. Finally, type in the Destination Address, which is the IP address of the client on your private network that you want to be accessible from the public Internet.
It is possible to select if the router should do the port-forwarding on either the Direct IP Interface or on PPTP connection if available.
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It is also possible to forward incoming GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) traffic to a single host.
Click on Add when you are finished.
Note: By default, no traffic is permitted inwards if the request is initiated by an external user. However, clients on your private network can always access the public Internet.
Click on Restart for the changes to take effect.

3.5.4 UPnP

The settings for Universal Plug and Play. The router supports Universal Plug and Play. UPnP is a feature that enables client application on devices behind the router to automatically trigger the opening of TCP/UDP ports through the firewall in the router. UPNP will only work on the Direct IP interface, it will not work on PPTP interfaces. As a security precaution, this feature is disabled by default and can be enabled manually.

3.5.5 Hosts

To view the current list of connected devices, click on "Show Hosts on LAN". The list will present the IP addresses along with their corresponding unique hardware (MAC) addresses.
As certain devices on your LAN might require a familiar representation (such as ""), you can pair the LAN IP address of that computer to "". This means that if you try to surf to from another computer on the same network, the router will redirect you locally to that specific computer.

3.6 WLAN

This menu will provide you the possibility to view/modify the Wireless LAN (WLAN) Settings.

3.6.1 WLAN Settings

Here are the settings for the wireless network. Wireless Band drop-down menu lets you choose what wireless standard to use in your private network. Possible choices are 802.11b with a maximum transfer rate of 11Mbps, 802.11g with a maximum transfer rate of 54Mbps, 802.11n with a maximum transfer rate of 150Mbps or 802.11b +g+n if you have clients with mixed types of network cards.
Channel drop-down menu lets you change the radio channel for the wireless communication. This is useful if you experience poor performance that could be as a result of interference from other wireless devices.If Auto is selected, the router will automatically determine which channel it should select.
Bandwidth drop-down menu will be enabled whenever 802.11b+g+n or 802.11n is selected as the Wireless Band. By default, 20MHz is selected as it ensures the best compatibility with client devices. When selecting 40MHz, a second channel is enabled which can increase throughput for compatible 802.11n which also support 40MHz. Please note that by selecting 40MHz, you might experience incompatibility with certain devices. In such case, please use 20MHz.
The 2nd Channel drop-down menu will be available once the Bandwidth has been manually set to 40MHz. From there, you can appoint the placement of the secondary channel to be located either below or above the primary channel. Please note that when using 40MHz, the gap between two bonded channel points is equivalent to 4 numbered channels. Therefore, if selecting channel 6, the paired channel will either be 2 or 10, depending on your selection of placement.
Data Rate drop-down menu is the setting for the transmission speed at the selected Wireless Band. If you experience problems at high data rates, then we recommend that you select a lower data rate.
SSID (Service Set Identifier): is the name of the router that will appear in other Wireless LAN clients when they perform a network search.
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Default value is DOVADO
SSID Broadcast: enables or disables transmission of the SSID from the router.
When disabled, other Wireless LAN clients will not find the router when they perform a network search.
Fragment length: is a setting that affects the quality of the wireless transmissions. If you experience a high packet error rate you can decrease this value in small steps to reduce this problem. Setting the fragment length too low may result in poor performance. Default value is 2346.
RTS length: is a setting that affects the quality of the wireless transmissions. If you experience inconsistent data flow you can decrease this value in small steps to reduce this problem. Default value is Off.
Wireless Radio: enables or disables the WLAN. If you do not use any Wireless LAN devices it is recommended that you select disable.
Click on Save WLAN Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.

3.6.2 Authentication

Menu System 13
The encryption settings for your Wireless LAN. Encryption is disabled by default. Choose Enable to show the available settings.
There are three main types of encryption methods in the Authentication Type dropdown menu, which are WPA1/WPA2-PSK, WEP Shared Key and WPA1/WPA2-Enterprise.
WPA-PSK is the most secure, and therefore the best recommended method. Choose it from the Authentication Type drop-down menu and then enter a pass phrase between 8 and 63 characters. The key is case sensitive. All Wireless LAN clients must use the exact same pass phrase in order to access your network. The absolute securest setting is to use WPA2 together with AES ciphering; however, older devices might not support it.
If you have a device that does not support WPA-PSK authentication, then select WEP Shared Key. Choose a Key Type, either HEX or ASCII. Then choose Key Size; 64 bits (for HEX this is 10 characters and for ASCII 5 characters) or 128 bits (for HEX this is 26 characters and for ASCII 13 characters): the longer the key, the stronger the encryption. The key is case sensitive. You have the possibility to define up to 4 different keys at once so that you can rotate keys in order to randomize your security.
WPA1/WPA2-Enterprise is based on the strong WPA-PSK authentication. However, the authentication is done on a RADIUS authentication server. For the router to negotiate with such a server, the server's IP address, communication port and login password must be configured. Such a solution is typically used in an enterprise environment.
Click on Save Authentication Settings and then Restart for the changes to take effect.

3.6.3 MAC Address Control

The settings for restricting access to your private network via white-listing of authorized clients. MAC Address Control enables or disables the MAC address filtering on the MAC addresses under WLAN->MAC Address Control. MAC Address Control is a security function that limits which clients can access your private network and the public Internet through your router. Enter the MAC address of the client that you want to grant access to your network (instructions on how to obtain the MAC address in Windows and Mac OS X are listed below). Click on Add in order to grant access for a new device.
Note: that the function is enabled or disabled under WLAN->WLAN Settings. Disabling the function does not clear the MAC Address Control List.
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1. Click on the Start button and then Run.
2. Type cmd and press enter.
3. Type ipconfig /all in the command prompt and press enter. The MAC address is found on the physical address line
1. Click on the Finder icon, followed by System Preferences.
2. Open the Network icon and click on the relevant interface.
3. Click on Advanced, and the hardware ID will be shown. This is your MAC address.

3.7 VPN

The router can be used as a PPTP VPN (Virtual Private Network) terminator / client. VPN is widely used for connecting to corporate or private networks from another location.
The credentials must be given to you by the administrator of the virtual private network.
Using the VPN feature and the connection tracker is not possible at the same time. Connection Tracker will be disabled if VPN is enabled.
For further information, visit

3.7.1 Info

The router can be used as a VPN (Virtual Private Network) terminator / client. VPN is widely used for connecting to corporate networks from a remote location. The credentials must be given to you by the administrator of the virtual private network.
Note: If your Internet connection should run into any disconnects or strange behavior when using
session intensive protocols (such as BitTorrent) during use of an encrypted PPTP tunnel, then please make sure to enforce a low speed cap on the relevant application. Real-time (MPPE) encryption/decryption is a CPU-intensive task for the router and offers limited bandwidth throughput.

3.7.2 PPTP

For setting up a VPN with PPTP you need to provide the server's IP-address or hostname, along with login credentials. This should have been provided to you by the system administrator or your VPN service provider. It is sometimes optional to use encryption, referred to as MPPE. The usage of encryption will result in lower throughput as well as higher transmission latency (ping), since each data packet must be encrypted/decrypted.
To enable PPTP select the tick box and enter the VPN Server profile
To create a new VPN Server, click on the drop-down and select Create New Profile and fill out the following settings
Profile Name here you enter the name of the profile eg. MyVPN-Service Server Enter the host-name / IP address to which you want to connect Username The VPN account username with which you want to connect, if you don't know it
please contact your IT administration or your VPN provider Password The VPN account password with which you want to connect, if you don't know it please contact your IT administration or your VPN provider
Echo timeout The PPP echo timeout value, this value is normally 60 seconds Echo count The PPP echo counter value, this value is normally 3 seconds MPPE (encryption) Select if the connection should use encryption or not. Encryption can
have impact on the throughput and latency. By default, encryption is Enabled Default profile Click here if you want that the router automatic should connect with this profile
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+ 32 hidden pages