Operations Manual
Model: BC2325R
Bun Caramelizer
formerly DOUGHPRO. New Name. Same Quality. Superior Service.
Operation Instructions
Please read carefully before attempting to use this appliance.
Step 1. Carefully unpack and clean toaster plates with mild soap then sponge clean
with cold water.
Step. 2. Place in location where it will be used allowing for clearances per the
dimensions indicated.
WARNING! Allow 2” minimum clearance between adjacent equipment and/or
wall areas.
Do not touch hot surfaces.
Step 3. Plug into proper 208V wall outlet. If other appliances are connected
to the same circuit make sure the total load does not exceed maximum
ampacity of the circuit. Electrical information is as follows:
208V/50/60Hz/1 phase/3800W/18.27 Amps
Step 4: Operation
To set the desired timer on the far left control, use the up or
down arrows to adjust desired time. To initiate the countdown of the timer
press the set button. To stop the countdown or reset the expired timer
press the set button again.
up or down arrows to adjust and set the desired time. Press the start and
stop button to begin the timer countdown. You may stop the countdown at
anytime by pressing the start and stop button again.
To set the additional timers on the right side of the front panel, use the
Zone 1
Zone 2
Dough Pro cleaning procedures and margarine substitute
Recommended cleaning procedures and settings (no Teflon):
1. Add 4 oz. of clean and smooth hand soap to a 4” hotel pan.
2. Fill 4” hotel pan with 120 minimum degree water to the dimple. Do not let cold water to hit pucks as they may cause
warping and cleaning. Also this will result in the pucks being very tough to clean! The hotter the pucks are, the easier they
are to clean!
3. Remove pucks from dough pro using tongs and place on a sheet tray.
4. Once the pucks are placed on the sheet tray, reduce the temperature of the dough pro surface to 275 degrees.
5. Place 1-2 pucks in the hot soapy water. The water temperature will rise to about 130 degrees. Using tongs or dishwasher
heat reduction gloves, remove the puck from the hot soapy water (the puck will take about 5 seconds to cool to a
temperature that is comfortable to handle). Immediately scrub the puck using a RRGB approved scrub pad. Always start
with the edges and then move to the crown of the puck. If scrubbing becomes tough, re-dip the puck into the hot soapy
water to elevate the temperature. Each puck should take about 30 seconds to clean if the procedure is executed correctly.
Pucks should be 100% free of any residue or carbon build up.
6. Repeat step 5 until all pucks are clean. Special Note: The procedure calls to add only 1-2 pucks at a time to the hot soapy
water, this is important to the cleaning process because the pucks will stay hot while waiting to be scrubbed as this
important to the ease of cleaning.
7. Once all pucks have been scrubbed, place the pucks on a dish rack and run through dish machine to clean and sanitize.
8. Return to the surface of the dough pro. Using a dry towel, remove any excess bread crumbs, seeds and debris from the
9. Slowly add soapy hot water to the surface (it is ok to use the same soapy water from the hotel pan that pucks were cleaned
in). You should need no more than 2 cups of hot soapy water to clean entire surface). Water will steam. Using a clean scrub
pad and a dry towel, scrub surface to remove all oil and carbon build up. It is also recommend to use dishwasher heat
reduction gloves while scrubbing the surface.
10. Once clean, sanitize the dough pro surface with Quat water, place pucks back onto the clean sanitized aluminum surface.
11. If cleaning mid day, return temperature to spec seng. If at close, turn off dough pro unit.
BC2325 Trouble Shooting Guide
Symptom Probable Cause Action to be Taken
Power Button on Control face is
depressed but doesn’t turn on.
Power Cord is not plugged in.
Plug power cord into wall 's
receptacle and depress power
button on controller
Circuit Breaker is tripped off in the
site's breaker box
Reset circuit breaker that the Grill is
plugged into. Depress Power Button
to turn on.
Transformer has taken a electrical
surge and is damaged
Check voltage on the secondary side
of the Transformer. If you read
12VDC then you are receiving voltage
to the Controller.
Replace Controller. Controller
should be on once the power button
is depressed.
Possibly blown Fuse Check fuse
Digital Controller's LED's are
scrambled or randomly irratic
Possibly a componet on the Digital
Controller is damaged
Replace the #1 position which is the
Digital Controller. More than likely
the other three timers are fine.
Possibly control needs to reset
While unit is on (controller lit up)
Unplug unit, wait for 1 min. then
plug machine on and depress power
Digital display shows PROB. No
heat in that particular zone (inner or
outer zone).
Sensor in one of two zones lost it's
Disconnect prob that is open (by
using Ohm Meter) and replace. Do
not cut and splice new sensor. Install
new 2000 ohm RTD sensor to under
side of Heat Platen and reconnect to
Digital display shows Relay and
Particular zone is over heating or
outer zone).
The Mechanical Relay on the
switched side is not opening to
regulate temperture.
Replace the Mechanical Relay.
One of the three Heater Platens not
hot enough
The offset function in the Controller's
setting needs to be adjusted to
achieve proper shade of grill marks.
Call Doughpro (800) 624-6717 for
instructions. This information must
not to be given to operators of the
Carmelizer. They may get confused
and cause further temperature
Beeper not functioning or
intermitten beeper sound.
Beeper is failing. Replace Controller board