DJI 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & iPad Ground Station User Guide V1.14

2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & iPad

Ground Station User Guide V1.14

Thank you for purchasing DJI products. Please strictly follow this user guide to mount and connect the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink, install the Assistant Software on your computer, as well as the App on your mobile device.

Note The map of Mainland China download from Mainland China IP addresses has differences with the actual

geographic environments. If users download the map of Mainland China from foreign IP addresses, which will be more accurate.

2.4G Bluetooth Datalink

The 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink consists of the Air end and the Ground end, which provides reliable and stable remote wireless transmissions for Ground Station based applications. The signal flow is as shown below.


Signals from



PC Ground




Ground Station










Flight control CAN-Bus

The Air







Ground end




iPad Ground


Signals from Flight



BTU module







control system





Flight control systems that support the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink

ACE ONE(Firmware V4.02 or above), WKM(Firmware V5.24 or above),

NAZA-M, NAZA-M V2(Firmware V4.00 or above), A2(Firmware V2.0 or above)

Important: To make your Phantom 2 compatible with the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink, please update the firmware of Phantom 2 and BTU module to the latest version.

1.1 In the box

The Ground end of

The Air end of

2.4G Bluetooth

2.4G Bluetooth






DC power





Important the firmware of BTU should be upgraded to version or above to use with the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink.

1.2 User supplied

To use the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink and Ground Station, please prepare the Flight control system, the aircraft, batteries, PC or iPad etc.

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1.3 Connections and use

(1)Please assemble the antenna of the Ground end first.

(2)For connections and use please refer to the diagram below.




The tail of the Antenna


should be pointed

downward and



unobstructed to ensure the


communication distance.


The Air end

To Flight control system


To any CAN-Bus port on ACE ONE, WKM




Or to the CAN2 port(or the CAN-Bus port


on the devices connected to the CAN2


port) on A2


Distance between the

The Ground end


two ends should be


more than 1.5m




The tail of the Antenna

should be pointed

upwards and


unobstructed to ensure

the communication



USB port

Connect to a PC via a USB cable to use the PC Ground Station or configure the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink in the Assistant Software.

CAN-Bus port

Connect the BTU module when using the iPAD Ground Station

Extra power supply port

C o m m u n i c a t i o n & power supply port

DC power port


Connect DC power, you


can choose one of the


USB power supply or DC


power supply to provide


power for the Ground




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PC Ground Station

2.4G Bluetooth Datalink Assistant Software

Assistant Software of Flight control system

iPad Ground Station

Assistant of Flight control system

3S-6S Battery

9.9V~25.2V DC power


(1)You can configure the Flight control system using the Assistant software on a PC or iOS mobile Device wirelessly over the link of the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink, however you cannot upgrade the firmware of the Flight control system using this communication route.

(2)When connecting a BTU module or a LED Bluetooth unit to the Flight control system to configure in the Assistant on mobile devices, as well as connecting a BTU module to the Ground end to use the iPad Ground station, the two Bluetooth communication links will not interfere with each other.

(3)If the Air end is changed to connect to a new Main controller, you should power cycle the Ground end.

(4)Make sure the LED indicator of BTU module is green after power on, for specific usage details please refer to the BTU Manual.

(5)For usage of the PC Ground Station please refer to the latest Ground Station User Manual.

Important :

(1)If there are obstacles between the ground and air ends then the radio signal of the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink will be weak; please make sure the antennas are always visibly unobstructed during the flight. Human body, trees, buildings or hills will disconnect the link between the Air end and the Ground end.

(2)Make sure the antenna of the Air end is pointing down, and the antenna of the Ground end is pointing upwards; it’s better to put the Ground end at a high place to get further transmission distance.

(3)When using the ACE ONE Flight control system with the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink, the Ground Station will connect to the Main controller 15s after power on.

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1.4 LED Indicator descriptions

The LED Indicators of the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink will work after power on, the descriptions are shown below.









The Air



Green blinks


Solid Green

The Air end links with the




Ground end successfully

Red blinks


Solid Red

The Air end delinks with the




Ground end




Yellow blinks

Searching the







Main controller






Green blinks


Solid Green

The Air end links with the










Ground end successfully




Red blinks


Solid Red

The Air end delinks with the









Ground end










Yellow blinks Power voltage of the Ground end is less than 9.9V

Notes :

(1)LED Indicators on both ends will blink when powering on, then the TX/RX indicator of the Air end will blink when searching the Main controller.

(2)The LED Indicators of LINK on both ends should be solid green to indicate that the two ends have linked successfully.

(3)It’s recommended to check the power voltage of the Ground end regularly when using batteries for power supply, in order to avoid over-discharging.

1.5 Upgrade

Use the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink Assistant software to upgrade the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink and BTU module. Please refer to the diagram below to connect when upgrading.

To upgrade the Air end

To upgrade the Ground

and the Ground end

end and BTU module

2.4G Bluetooth

2.4G Bluetooth

Datalink Assistant

Datalink Assistant



Important : POWER CYCLE the Flight control system and 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink after upgrade.

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DJI 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & iPad Ground Station User Guide V1.14

iPad Ground Station App

The iPad Ground Station is designed for remote flight control in applications of surveillance, aerial photography, etc., it should be used with the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink to achieve auto flight after the setting of the routes. The application with easy usable design offers great portability and simple operation, which will provide users with an extraordinary flight experiences.

2.1 Introduction




Map information display

Joystick mode

One key Take off/ Go Home

Flight display in real time

Single waypoint

Auto Landing

Flight simulator


Customized Waypoints

4 kinds of Route Template

Customized Route Template

Low voltage alert

Voice guidance function

GPS SNR Display






Flight control systems that support the iPad Ground Station WKM(Firmware V5.24 or above), NAZA-M, NAZA-M V2(Firmware V4.00 or above) A2(Firmware V2.0 or above).

Important: Phantom 2 supports iPad Ground Station V1.4.58. To use the iPad Ground Station with the Phantom 2, please update the main controller firmware to V2.00 or above, update the central board firmware to V1.0.1.24 or above while the BTU firmware should be updated to V1.0.1.3 or above.

iOS Devices that support the iPad Ground Station

iPad3 iPad4 iPad mini iPad mini with Retina display iPad Air iOS 6.1 or above

2.2 First Time Use


First time use






Tips and Notes





1. Open your iPad and search “DJI” in the App Store to download and install








the Ground Station(GS) App.











2. Open the Bluetooth function of your iPad.




There will have popups if you forget to







enable the Bluetooth





3. Connect the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink and BTU module to the Flight

Please refer to the Datalink part to



control system, power on.










4. Run the GS App, create an account through the Internet and login.

PC account is available to login.




5. The GS will search your Main controller and named with“NEW”, you will

LED in GS indicates

after the GS is



be asked to set a new name and a password for the Main controller.

connected with the Main controller



6. Please read the tips text carefully after login. Open the FisrtUse function

FisrtUse function can be opened and


to make use of the help text.




closed in“More“




7. Enable the Flight Simulator and try out the follow functions:



(1) Flight Simulator can be opened and



Use the sticks on the screen to control the aircraft


closed in“More“



Single waypoint

Edit a single waypoint and go



(2) When using the GS the Flight control



Use the templates


set routes,

batch the


system will enter into GPS control mode and










waypoints and upload the routes, then confirm and go


the aquired satellites shoule be more than 6.














Use to locate the aircraft


or the iPad



(3) In GPS


mode the













Auto Landing

The aircraft will land slowly




priorto the

Transmitter, Users























the control mode switch to other mode and


One key Go Default Home point is the one recorded by the aircraft


back to the GPS mode quickly to get the




















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automatically after recording conditions are satisfied

8. Disable the Flight Simulator and power cycle the Flight control system to start real flights. Click on Joystick and you can use One key Take off to take off your aircraft

control by Transmitter.

(1)Please view the map of fight fields via Internet in the GS before outdoors flights, then the maps can be used off-line.

(2)Please use the GS for real flights after you are familiar with its use and functions, Refer to all help text in the App.

2.3 Using Tips

1.Customized Route Template

In Waypoints mode, users can set a route and click to save it as a template. Users can view all the customized route templates in the template menu, slip from right to left on a template and you can choose to detele it.

2.Capturing waypoints

In Waypoints mode, click to capture the aircraft attitude (including longitude, latitude, height and nose pointing direction) properties to build a new waypoint during flight. This function is always available when the

UAV is hovering or flying.

3.GPS SNR Display

iPad Ground Station has added “SNR Health” and “SNR Fluctuation” index monitors for GPS signals. Pilots will be able to monitor GPS signal quality, ensuring they have strong and stable signals for better flight performance. By referring to these two values, pilots will be empowered to find the best locations for takeoff and flight, while also detecting areas that might interfere with GPS signals.

Click . The SNR interface provides you with “SNR Health” and “SNR Fluctuation” index monitors whose values change according to aircraft maneuvers and environmental interference.

The “SNR Health Index” shows the GPS signal strength captured by the GPS receiver. A larger number indicates a stronger GPS signal. We highly recommend pilots only take off when the SNR health value is greater than 36.

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