dixell Ichill 260L_D DUO, Ichill 261L_D DUO User Manual

1592015820 User Manual IC200L/D DUO rel 1.0
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User Manual Ichill 260L_D DUO Ichill 261L_D DUO
(Firmware version 1.9)
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1. GENERAL FEATURES .............................................................................................. 8
1.1 Main Function ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2. ICHILL 260/261L_D FEATURES ............................................................................. 10
3. USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................. 11
4. REMOTE KEYBOARD ............................................................................................. 15
5. FIRST INSTALLING ................................................................................................. 15
6. WIRING CONNECTIONS ......................................................................................... 16
7. ANALOG AND DIGITAL OUTPUT CONFIGURATION ........................................... 26
8. PROGRAMMING WITH THE “HOT KEY 64” ......................................................... 31
9. PROGRAMMING USING THE KEYBOARD ............................................................ 31
10. CHILLER / HEAT PUMP SELECTION ..................................................................... 36
11. HOW TO SWITCH ON / SWITCH OFF THE UNIT ................................................... 37
13. DISPLAY LAYOUT ................................................................................................... 38
14. DISPLAY CONFIGURATION ................................................................................... 39
15. DISPLAY INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 41
16. FUNCTION MENU “ M” KEY ................................................................................... 42
16.1.1 Compressor overload alarm; manual reset ................................................................................................43
16.1.2 Compressor overload alarm; manual reset with password .........................................................................43
17. ENERGY SAVING .................................................................................................... 48
17.1 Energy Saving Activation By Digital Input ..................................................................................................48
17.2 Energy Saving Time Table With Rtc ............................................................................................................48
18. DYNAMIC SETPOINT .............................................................................................. 49
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19. COMPRESSOR REGULATION ............................................................................... 51
19.1 Compressor Security Time ...........................................................................................................................51
20. CHILLER / HEAT PUMP REGULATION .................................................................. 51
20.1 Parameter Description ..................................................................................................................................51
20.2 Proportional Regulation ...............................................................................................................................52
20.3 Neutral Zone Regulation...............................................................................................................................53
21. COMPRESSORS MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 54
21.1 Compressors Start- Up .................................................................................................................................54
22. COMPRESSORS ROTATION .................................................................................. 56
23. CAPACITY STEP CONTROL................................................................................... 56
23.1 Minimum Load Start- Up .............................................................................................................................58
23.2 Intermittent Solenoid Valve for Screw Compressor ....................................................................................58
24. COMPRESSOR INVERTER CONTROLLED ........................................................... 58
24.1 Inverter Compressor In Heat Pump And External Temperature ...............................................................62
25. COMPRESSOR RACK ............................................................................................. 62
26. COMPRESSORS WITH DIFFERENT CAPACITY ................................................... 63
27. CIRCUIT MANAGEMENT: SATURATION OR BALANCING .................................. 64
28. PUMP DOWN ........................................................................................................... 64
29. UNLOADING ............................................................................................................ 66
29.1 High Temperature Of The Evaporator Water Inlet ....................................................................................66
29.2 Condenser High Pressure, Condenser High Temperature Or Evaporator Low Pressure ..........................66
29.3 Low Temperature Of The Evaporator Water Outlet...................................................................................67
30. SOLENOID VALVE FOR LIQUID INJECTION......................................................... 67
31. EVAPORATOR WATER PUMP / SUPPLY FAN (AIR/AIR UNIT) ............................ 67
31.1 Evaporator Pump Group ..............................................................................................................................68
31.2 Modulating Evaporator Water Pump ..........................................................................................................68
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32. WATER PUMP OF THE CONDENSER ................................................................... 69
32.1 Condenser Pump Group ...............................................................................................................................70
33. CYCLIC OPERATION OF THE WATER PUMPS .................................................... 70
34. HOT START ............................................................................................................. 71
35. LOAD MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 71
36. CONDENSER FAN REGULATION .......................................................................... 71
36.1 Output Step Rele’ Condenser Fan ................................................................................................................72
36.2 Pwm Output For Fan Control ......................................................................................................................73
36.3 Condensing Unit: Common Or Separate Condenser ...................................................................................73
36.4 Proportional Regulation Of Condenser Fans ...............................................................................................73
36.5 On/Off Regulation Of Condenser Fans ........................................................................................................74
36.6 Pre-Ventilation And Post-Ventilation...........................................................................................................74
38. AUXILIARY RELAYS ............................................................................................... 77
39. AUXILIARY PROPORTIONAL OUTPUTS ............................................................... 78
40. DEFROST CYCLE .................................................................................................... 81
40.1 Automatic Defrost Procedure .......................................................................................................................81
40.2 Other Information About The Defrost .........................................................................................................82
40.3 Forced Defrost ..............................................................................................................................................83
40.4 Combined Defrost .........................................................................................................................................83
40.5 Manual Defrost .............................................................................................................................................83
40.6 Defrost In Unit With Two Circuits ...............................................................................................................83
40.6.1 Start defrost in unit with common condenser ............................................................................................83
40.6.2 End defrost in unit with two condenser ....................................................................................................83
40.7 Defrost With Condenser Fan Procedure ......................................................................................................84
40.8 Defrost Parameter Description .....................................................................................................................84
40.9 Defrost Dynamic Set Point ............................................................................................................................86
41. PRODUCTION OF SANITARY HOT WATER .......................................................... 87
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41.1 Anti-Legionella Function ..............................................................................................................................89
41.2 Water Pumps Management ..........................................................................................................................90
41.3 Sanitary Water Second Set Point .................................................................................................................91
41.4 Sanitary Hot Water Production: Valves In Water Circuit ___ Fs01=1 (Air/Water, Water/Water Unit) ...91
41.4.1 - Sanitary hot water operation when the unit is producing hot water .........................................................91
41.4.2 - Sanitary hot water operation when the unit is producing cold water ........................................................92
41.5 Sanitary Hot Water Production: Valves In Gas Circuit ___ Fs01=2 (Air/Water, Water/Water Unit) .......92
41.5.1 Sanitary hot water operation when the unit is producing hot water ............................................................92
41.5.2 - Sanitary hot water operation when the unit is producing cold water ........................................................92
42. SOLAR PANEL MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 94
42.1 Solar Panel In Sanitary Hot Water ..............................................................................................................94
42.2 Solar Panel In Heating Mode ........................................................................................................................94
43. UNIT WITH HYBRID EXCHANGERS (AIR / WATER UNIT).................................... 95
44. GEOTHERMAL FREE COOLING ............................................................................ 96
44.1 Fan speed control if compressors and free cooling are used for cooling (CF97=3)......................................98
45. RECOVERY FUNCTION .......................................................................................... 98
45.1 Unit With Two Separate Idraulic Circuits ...................................................................................................98
45.2 Unit With Two Idraulic Circuit Working In Parallel ..................................................................................99
THE RECOVERY CYCLE ............................................................................................... 100
46.1 Recovery Disabled....................................................................................................................................... 100
46.2 Recovery Enabled ....................................................................................................................................... 101
46.3 Note About Recovery Enabled/Disabled .................................................................................................... 101
47. OPERATION RELATED TO THE REAL TIME CLOCK ......................................... 101
47.1 Real Time Clock Disabled By Digital Input ............................................................................................... 101
47.2 “Only supply fan” working mode” ............................................................................................................. 101
48. MESSAGES - ALARM CODES ............................................................................. 101
48.1 Automatic / Manual Alarm Description ..................................................................................................... 101
C1Pd - C2Pd – compressor oil differential pressure.............................................................................................. 115
49. AUTOMATIC TO MANUAL ALARM PROCEDURE .............................................. 120
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49.1 Alarm .......................................................................................................................................................... 121
49.2 Alarm: Circuit Alarm ................................................................................................................................. 122
49.3 Alarm: Compressor Alarm ......................................................................................................................... 123
50. TABLE OF THE PARAMETERS ............................................................................ 124
51. BLACK-OUT........................................................................................................... 145
52. INSTALLING AND MOUNTING ............................................................................. 145
52.1 ICHILL 200 L FORMAT: Panel cut- out .................................................................................................. 145
52.2 ICHILL 200 L FORMAT: metal front frame ............................................................................................ 145
52.3 Ichill 200 Din Format SERIES ................................................................................................................... 146
52.4 Vertical boards Vi620 – panel cut-out ........................................................................................................ 146
53. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .............................................................................. 147
54. ACCESSORIES ...................................................................................................... 147
55. TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................ 149
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General advice
This manual is part of the product and should be kept near the instrument for easy and quick reference. The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be
used as a safety device.
Check the application limits before proceeding The technical data and information in the user manual could change without obligation to notice.
Check the supply voltage is correct before connecting the instrument. Do not expose to water or moisture: use the controller only within the operating limits avoiding sudden
temperature changes with high atmospheric humidity to prevent formation of condensation
Warning: disconnect all electrical connections before any kind of maintenance. The instrument must not be opened. In case of failure or faulty operation send the instrument back to the distributor or to “Dixell company with
a detailed description of the fault.
Consider the maximum current which can be applied to each relay (see Technical Data). Ensure that the wires for probes, loads and the power supply are separated and far enough from each
other, without crossing or intertwining.
Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the end user. In case of applications in industrial environments, the use of mains filters (our mod. FT1) in parallel with
inductive loads could be useful.
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IC260L_D/261L_D is an electronic controller for chiller unit applications having one or two circuits:
Air/air Air/water Water/water Condensing unit
Additional features : Heat pump with gas reversibility
Chiller management:
One circuit up to 4 compressors Double circuit up to 6 compressors Screw compressors
Compressor start up:
Direct Part winding Star - delta
Capacity step control:
Continuous control Step control Modulation control (screw compressors)
Regulation of the compressors
Working hour trade-off Start-up trade-off
Management of two pump groups
2 pumps evaporator side 2 pumps condenser side
Pump down management
With dedicated pressure switch Low pressure switch Low pressure transducer
Unloading circuit
High temperature of the evaporator inlet water High temperature of the condenser inlet water (unit with recovery) High condensing pressure Low evaporating pressure
Maintenance messages
Compressors Evaporator pumps Condenser pumps
Auxiliary relays
It is possible to configure two relays with indipendent regulation
Weekly Energy saving
Three different time bands per day (only if RTC onboard) Energy saving enabled by digital input
Weekly ON/OFF:
Three different time bands per day (only if RTC onboard)
Dynamic setpoint:
It is possible to modify the set point according to outside temperature or a dedicated 4..20mA probe
Change over :
Automatic operative mode selection (chiller / heat pump) maccording to outside temperature
Defrost management:
Combined control temperature / pressure
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Forced defrost Different way to enable the defrost (temperature / pressure / digital input)
For heating integration
Two proportional outputs for condensing fan speed control (inverter or phase cut) with configurable signal:
PWM 0÷10Volt 4÷20mA
Four proportional control outputs 0÷10V or ON/OFF
To control the dumper To control an external relay
Complete alarm management
Internal Data logger up to 100 events
Supervisor / monitoring
TTL output for XJ485 interface (ModBus protocol) for XWEB Dixell monitoring system
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18 configurable configurable
6 (NTC/PTC) configurable configurable 4 (NTC/PTC/0..5V/4..20mA) configurable configurable
2 PWM outputs for condensing fan
2 0÷10V or 4÷20mA for condensing fan configurable configurable 4 0÷10V configurable configurable
Output for remote keyboard VGI890
12 Vac/dc (+15%;-10%)
24 Vac/dc (± 10%) opt opt
Internal RTC opt opt Buzzer opt opt
configurable = configurable by parameter  opt = optional
= default
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Meaning of the LEDs
IC260L / IC261L models
IC260L / IC261L metal front panel
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Meaning of the leds on the models VI620 - VI620S remote keyboard
Push and release
Show chiller set point
and heat pump
Push once
In chiller or heat pump if the Energy saving or the Dynamic setpoint are enabled it shows the real
setpoint Setr, the led is blinking. Push for 3 seconds the release Change between chiller / heat pump During the programming: push one time
Select a parameter or confirm a value Push once with probe label
showed on the bottom display
Change between the read-out of the circuit 1 and the
circuit 2 and viceversa
Push once Select the readings of the first circuit Pushing once during the programming
To change the parameter code or value Push for 1 second during the
1 time shows the Pr2 programming level
2 time shows the Pr3 programming level
Push once Select the readings of the second circuit Pushing one time during the
To change the parameter code or value
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Push once
Turn the chiller on, if the unit is on led is on
The led is blinking if there is a power on delay or
during the pump down
Push once
Turn the heat pump on, if the unit is on led is on
The led is blinking if there is a power on delay or
during the pump down Push once enter the function Menu
Push for 3 seconds To set RTC parameters (if the RTC is inside) Pushing once during the programming
To exit from a group of parameter
Push for 3 seconds together Enter the programming In Pr3 level: push SET and the
push DOWN key
Select the parameter level visibility Pr1 / Pr2 / Pr3
Push once together
Exit the programming
Push 5 seconds (heat pump with ok condition)
Manual defrost
In Pr3 programming level Push SET and then the MENU key
In Pr3 defines if the parameter can be changed or not in the other levels.
ON Auxiliary relay #1 active
OFF Auxiliary relay #1 not active
ON Auxiliary relay #2 active
OFF Auxiliary relay #2 not active
Defrost delay counting active
Defrost end
Display and Icons
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Celsius degrees: ON for temperature measurements of probe values or parameters
Fahrenheit degrees: ON for temperature measurements of probe values or parameters
Bar: ON for pressure measurements of probe values, setpoint or parameters
Psi: ON for pressure measurements of probe values, setpoint or parameters
ON = compressor 1 active Blinking = compressor 1 delay counting
ON = compressor 2 active Blinking = compressor 2 delay counting
ON = compressor 3 active Blinking = compressor 3 delay counting
ON = compressor 4 active Blinking = compressor 4 delay counting
ON = compressor 5 active Blinking = compressor 5 delay counting
ON = compressor 6 active Blinking = compressor 6 delay counting
General alarm: blinking if there is an alarm not identified by an icon
Anti freeze heaters/ integration heating / boiler: ON if the output is on
Flow alarm/ (differential) pressure switch / supply fan thermal (air / air unit) : is blinking if the configuration of the digital input is active
Real time clock: On when the bottom display show the RTC ON during the programming with time based parameter value In function menu indicates the defrost delay counting
Water pump: On if at least one of the four configurable pump group is on
Condenser fan: ON if at least one of the PWM or relay outputs for fan control is active
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Meaningg of the bottom display led
Led # 1 – 2 (With RTC)
If the bottom display shows the RTC the 1 and 2 leds are blinking.
Led # 1 – 2 In function Menu
During the time counting to the next defrost for one or both circuits the led 1 and 2 are blinking. LED Parameter programming
In Pr2 level: led #3 indicates the visibility while the #1 and #2 show if the parameter can be modified or not. In Pr3 level: led #3 and #4 indicate the visibility while the #1 and #2 show if the parameter can be modified or not.
The IC200L/D can be connected with 2 remote keyboard. The remote keyboard can have the NTC probe on board that is used to show the room temperature and also to control the temperature regulation. To connect the remote keyboard it is necessary to use shielded cable for a maximum lenght of 150mt. In case of no communication between the instrument and the remote keyboard the display shows “noL” (no link). Mod. VI620 – standard keyboard Mod VI620S – keyboard with internal temperature probe Use the connection cable CAB/CJ30 (2x0.2 mm2) to interface the IC connector to the shielded wire.
On Board Clock (Optional)
Giving power supply the bottom display shows “rtC” alternated with a temperature or pressure value: It is necessary to set the RTC.
If the probes are not connected the display shows the corresponding probe alarm messages. In this situation the RTC setup and the programming are available.
ATTENTION The RTC function is an optional and it is not possible to update the instrument but it is necessary to order the instrument already complete of this features.
With power failure the RTC back-up battery maximum duration is 1 week. After this period it is necessary to setup the clock again.
Real Time Clock Setup
1. Push M key for 3 seconds until the bottom display shows “Hour” and the top display shows its value.
2. Push SET one time: the value is blinking.
3. Use the Up and Down keys to adjust it. Push SET one time to confirm; automatically the display shows next parameter.
4. Repeat the operations 2. 3. and 4. for all the RTC parameters:
- Min: minutes (0÷60)
- UdAy: day of the week (Sun = Sunday, Mon =Monday, tuE =Tuesday, UEd = Wednesday, tHu = Thursday, Fri =Friday, SAt =Saturday)
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- dAy: day of the month (0÷31)
- MntH: month (1÷12)
- yEAr: year (00÷99)
Ichill 260L
10 relays 18 digital inputs (free of voltage) 10 analogue inputs: NTC probes or through configuration 6 NTC / PTC and 4 pressure transducer 4÷20mA or ratio-metric 0÷ 5.0Volt 6 modulating outputs 1 output for remote panel (max 2 remote panels) 1 TTL output for “Hot Key 64” connection or for XJ485, interface module for monitoring system, connection. MAX current on the relay contacts relè 5(2)A 250V - MAX common current 12A 250V
Ichill 261L
14 relays 18 digital inputs (free of voltage) 10 analogue inputs: NTC probes or through configuration 6 NTC / PTC and 4 pressure transducer 4÷20mA or ratio-metric 0÷ 5.0Volt 6 modulating outputs 1 output for remote panel (max 2 remote panels) 1 TTL output for “Hot Key 64” connection or for XJ485, interface module for monitoring system, connection. MAX current on the relay contacts relè 5(2)A 250V - MAX common current 12A 250V
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Ichill 260D
10 digital outputs (relays) 18 digital inputs (free of voltage) 10 analogue inputs: NTC probes or through configuration 6 NTC / PTC and 4 pressure transducer 4÷20mA or ratio-metric 0÷ 5.0Volt 6 modulating outputs 1 output for remote panel (max 2 remote panels) 1 TTL output for “Hot Key 64” connection 1 RS485 output with modbus RTU protocol for monitoring system, connection. MAX current on the relay contacts relè 5(2)A 250V - MAX common current 12A 250V
Ichill 261D
14 digital outputs (relays) 18 digital inputs (free of voltage) 10 analogue inputs: NTC probes or through configuration 6 NTC / PTC and 4 pressure transducer 4÷20mA or ratio-metric 0÷ 5.0Volt 6 modulating outputs 1 output for remote panel (max 2 remote panels) 1 TTL output for “Hot Key 64” connection 1 RS485 output with modbus RTU protocol for monitoring system. MAX current on the relay contacts relè 5(2)A 250V - MAX common current 12A 250V
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Temperature probes connection (NTC – PTC Probes)
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D.
PbC = Probes common terminal
Digital Inputs
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. GND = Digital inputs common terminal
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Pressure Transducer connection (4 ÷ 20mA signal)
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D.
12V = Pressure trasducers common terminal
Ratiometric Transducer connection (0 ÷ 5V signal)
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D.
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PWM Output for Condensing Fan Speed Control
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. The PWM signal has to be connected to the cut of phase controller: Mod. XV05PK mono-phase , cut phase control 500 Watt (2A) Mod. XV10PK mono-phase , cut phase control 1000 Watt (4A) Mod. XV22PK mono-phase , cut phase control 2200 Watt (9A)
Condensing Fan control: 0 ÷ 10Vdc signal
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. In case of only one condensing circuit configured, the Out1 / Out2 outputs work together giving the same signal.
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Condensing Fan Control: 4÷20mA signal
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. In case of only one condensing circuit configured, the Out1 / Out2 outputs work together giving the same signal.
Proportional outputs 0 ÷ 10V dumper control
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D.
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If the dumper motor has a common pole for the 0..10V and the power supply, the connection has to be done as showed below. Ground connection has to be evaluated case per case.
Proportional outputs configured to manage an external relay
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D.
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Hot Key 64 Connection
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. The programming HOT KEY 64 allows to upload or download a copy of the parameters of the instrument (see HOT KEY paragraph).
XJ485 Connection
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L . The XJ485 interface is a converter between the RS485 and the TTL connector output. The RS485 uses two terminals (+) and (-) that must be connected respecting the polarity to build the serial line. Use the CAB/RS02 to connect the XJ485 interface to the TTL connector.
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RS485 connection (IC260D / IC261D)
The Ichill 260D and Ichill 261D have a RS 485 output to connect the controller to the ProgTool or a XWEB (monitoring, controlling and supervising system). Make attention to the polarity of the RS 485 signal.
Remote keyboard VI620
Connection diagram for IC260L / IC261L / IC260D and IC261D. Using the remote panels provided with the ambient NTC probe the display measurement, and the control can be managed directly by this probe. Use shielded cable for the connection up to 150mt maximum. In case of communication failure the upper display shows “noL” (no link). Use the CAB/CJ30 to interface the ichill connector to the shielded cable. It is possible to connect maximu 2 remote keyboard.
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Analog input Pb1 - Pb2 - Pb7 - Pb8 - Pb9 - Pb10
Parameters involved: CF08 = Configuration PB1 CF09 = Configuration PB2 CF14 = Configuration PB7 CF15 = Configuration PB8 CF16 = Configuration PB9 CF17 = Configuration PB10
0. Not enabled
1. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 1 discharge
2. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 2 discharge
3. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 3 discharge
4. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 4 discharge
5. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 5 discharge
6. Temperature probe PTC for compressor 6 discharge
7. Temperature probe PTC for solar panel
8. Temperature probe NTC for evaporator inlet
9. Temperature probe NTC for evaporator 1 outlet
10. Temperature probe NTC for evaporator 2 outlet
11. Temperature probe NTC for common evaporator outlet
12. Temperature probe NTC for common hot water condenser / recovery inlet
13. Temperature probe NTC for hot water of the condenser / recovery circuit 1 inlet
14. Temperature probe NTC for hot water of the condenser / recovery circuit 2 inlet
15. Temperature probe NTC for hot water of the condenser / recovery circuit 1 outlet
16. Temperature probe NTC for hot water of the condenser / recovery circuit 2 outlet
17. Temperature probe NTC for hot water of the condenser / recovery common outlet
18. Temperature probe NTC for free cooling water inlet circuit
19. Temperature probe NTC for dynamic setpoint external air / boiler / change over
20. Temperature probe NTC for combined defrost circuit 1
21. Temperature probe NTC for combined defrost circuit 2
22. Temperature probe NTC for auxiliary output 1
23. Temperature probe NTC for auxiliary output 2
24. Temperature probe NTC sanitary water 1
25. Temperature probe NTC sanitary water 1
26. Temperature probe NTC solar panel
27. Temperature probe NTC for condensing circuit 1
28. Temperature probe NTC for condensing circuit 2
After the number 28 the configuration can be selected from o 1 to c73 that allows to set an analogue input as digital input (see polarity of the digital input/outputs).
Analog input Configuration Pb3 - Pb4 - Pb5 - Pb6
Parameter involved: CF10 = Configuration PB3 CF11 = Configuration PB4 CF12 = Configuration PB5 CF13 = Configuration PB6
0 Not enabled 1 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 1 discharge 2 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 2 discharge 3 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 3 discharge 4 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 4 discharge 5 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 5 discharge 6 Temperature probe PTC for compressor 6 discharge 7 Temperature probe PTC for solar panel 8 Temperature probe NTC for evaporator inlet 9 Temperature probe NTC for evaporator outlet 1
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10 Temperature probe NTC for evaporator outlet 2 11 Temperature probe NTC for common evaporator outlet 12 Temperature probe NTC for common hot water condenser / recovery inlet 13 Temperature probe NTC for hot water condenser / recovery inlet circuit 1 14 Temperature probe NTC for hot water condenser / recovery inlet circuit 2 15 Temperature probe NTC for hot water condenser / recovery outlet circuit 1 16 Temperature probe NTC for hot water condenser / recovery outlet circuit 2 17 Temperature probe NTC for hot water condenser / recovery common outlet circuit 18 Temperature probe NTC for free cooling water inlet 19 Temperature probe NTC for external air dynamic setpoint/ boiler / change over 20 Temperature probe NTC for combined defrost circuit 1 21 Temperature probe NTC for free cooling water inlet 2 22 Temperature probe NTC for auxiliary output 1 23 Temperature probe NTC for auxiliary output 2 24 Temperature probe NTC sanitary water 1 25 Temperature probe NTC sanitary water 2 26 Temperature probe NTC solar panel 27 Condenser probe circuit 1 ( temperature NTC / pressure 4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt ) 28 Condenser probe circuit 2 ( temperature NTC / pressure 4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt ) 29 Evaporator pressure probe circuit 1 (pressure 4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt ) 30 Evaporator pressure probe circuit 1 (pressure 4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt ) 31 Aux 1 output probe control (4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt) 32 Aux 2 output probe control (4÷20 mA / ratio-metric 0÷ 5Volt) 33 Dynamic setpoint probe (4÷20 mA) 34 Compressor 1 or circuit 1 pressure probe 35 Compressor 2 or circuit 2 pressure probe After the number 35 the display read-out goes from “o 1” to “c73 that allows to set an analogue input as digital input (see polarity input of digital inputs).
Digital Input Configuration Id1 – Id18
Parameters involved: CF36 = Configuration ID1…CF53 = Configuration ID18
0. Not enabled
1. Remote ON / OFF
2. Remote chiller / heat pump
3. Flow switch/ Supply fan overload
4. Flow switch of heated side
5. Antifreeze heater circuit 1
6. Antifreeze heater circuit 2
7. High pressure switch circuit 1
8. High pressure switch circuit 2
9. Low pressure switch circuit 1
10. Low pressure switch circuit 2
11. Compressor 1 high pressure
12. Compressor 2 high pressure
13. Compressor 3 high pressure
14. Compressor 4 high pressure
15. Compressor 5 high pressure
16. Compressor 6 high pressure
17. Compressor 1 overload
18. Compressor 2 overload
19. Compressor 3 overload
20. Compressor 4 overload
21. Compressor 5 overload
22. Compressor 6 overload
23. Condenser fan overload of circuit 1
24. Condenser fan overload of circuit 2
25. Condenser fan overload of circuit 1 and 2 (comun)
26. Water pump overload of evaporator 1
27. Water support pump overload of evaporator
28. Water pump overload of condenser 1
29. Water support pump overload of condenser
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30. Recovery request circuit 1
31. Recovery request circuit 2
32. Start/End defrost circuit 1
33. Start/End defrost circuit 2
34. Energy Saving
35. Pressure switch / compressor 1 oil
36. Pressure switch / compressor 2 oil
37. Pressure switch / compressor 3 oil
38. Pressure switch / compressor 4 oil
39. Pressure switch / compressor 5 oil
40. Pressure switch / compressor 6 oil
41. Pump down pressure switch of circuit 1
42. Pump down pressure switch of circuit 2
43. Generic alarm from digital input with stop regulation n° 1
44. Generic alarm from digital input with stop or signal regulation n° 2
45. Operation working mode: by RTC or keyboard
46. Operation mode with supplay fan only
47. Digital input of thermoregulation request (condensing unit)
48. Digital input of cooling request (condensing unit)
49. Digital input of heating request (condensing unit)
50. Request step 2 (condensing unit)
51. Request step 3 (condensing unit)
52. Request step 4 (condensing unit)
53. Request step 5 (condensing unit)
54. Request step 6 (condensing unit)
55. Request step 7 (condensing unit)
56. Request step 8 (condensing unit)
57. Request step 9 (condensing unit)
58. Request step 10 (condensing unit)
59. Request step 11 (condensing unit)
60. Request step 12 (condensing unit)
61. Request step 13 (condensing unit)
62. Request step 14 (condensing unit)
63. Request step 15 (condensing unit)
64. Request step 16 (condensing unit)
65. Sanitary water flow switch
66. Solar panel flow switch
67. Only sanitary water
68. Sanitary water heaters overload
69. Sanitary water pump overload
70. Sanitary water second set point
71. Phase sequence alarm
72. Sanitary water priority
73. Free cooling water pump flow switch
Digital Output (relay) Configuration RL1- RL14
Parameter involved: CF54= Configuration RL1…CF67= Configuration RL14
0. Not enabled
1. Alarm
2. Evaporator water pump / Supply fan
3. Support water pump of the evaporator
4. Anti-freeze heater / integration heating / boiler circuit 1
5. Anti-freeze heater / integration heating / boiler circuit 2
6. Water pump of the condenser recovery circuit
7. Support water pump of the condenser recovery circuit
8. 4-way valve for chiller / heat pump inversion of the circuit 1
9. 4-way valve for chiller / heat pump inversion of the circuit 2
10. 1° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 1
11. 2° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 1
12. 3° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 1
13. 4° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 1
1592015820 User manual IC260_261L_D DUO FW1.9 rel. 1.0
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14. 1° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 2
15. 2° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 2
16. 3° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 2
17. 4° condenser fan step ON/OFF control of the circuit 2
18. Solenoid valve of the pump-down circuit 1
19. Solenoid valve of the pump-down circuit 2
20. Recovery valve circuit 1
21. Recovery valve circuit 2
22. Free cooling ON/OFF valve
23. Auxiliary output circuit 1
24. Auxiliary output circuit 2
25. Solenoid valve Intermittent for screw compressor 1
26. Solenoid valve Intermittent for screw compressor 2
27. Solenoid valve of the liquid injection for compressor 1
28. Solenoid valve of the liquid injection for compressor 2
29. Sanitary valve 1
30. Sanitary valve 2
31. Sanitary heater 1
32. Sanitary heater 2
33. Sanitary heater 3
34. Solar panel water pump
35. Solar panel valve
36. Sanitary water pump
37. Hybrid exchanger 1 circuit 1
38. Hybrid exchanger 2 circuit 1
39. Hybrid exchanger 1 circuit 2
40. Hybrid exchanger 2 circuit 2
41. Defrost status
42. Chiller status
43. Heat pump status
44. Sanitary water status
45. STD-By status
46. Solenoid water valve circuit 1
47. Solenoid water valve circuit 2
48. Direct start-up : compressor 1 relay PW start: relay PW 1 of the compressor 1 Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 1
49. PW start: relay PW 2 of the compressor 1 Star-delta start: relay linea 2 compressor 1
50. Star centre of the Star-delta start of the compressor 1
51. Capacity step valve 1 compressor 1
52. Capacity step valve 2 compressor 1
53. Capacity step valve 3 compressor 1
54. By-pass gas valve compressor 1start
55. Direct start: compressor 2 start
PW start: relay 1 of the compressor 2
Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 2
56. PW start: relay PW 2 of the compressor 2 Star-delta start: relay line 2 of the compressor 2
57. Star centre of the Star-delta start of the compressor 2
58. Capacity step valve 1 compressor 2
59. Capacity step valve 2 compressor 2
60. Capacity step valve 3 compressor 2
61. By-pass gas valve compressor 2 start
62. Direct start: compressor 3 relay PW start: relay PW 1 of the compressor3 Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 3
63. PW start: relay PW 2 of the compressor 3 Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 3
64. Star centre of the Star-delta start of the compressor 3
65. Capacity step valve 1 compressor 3
66. Capacity step valve 2 compressor 3
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67. Capacity step valve 3 compressor 3
68. By-pass gas valve compressor 3 start
69. Direct start: compressor 4 relay PW start: PW 1 of the compressor 4 Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 4
70. PW start: relay PW 2 of the compressor 4 Star-delta start: relay line 1 of the compressor 4
71. Star centre of the Star-delta start of the compressor 4
72. Capacity step valve 1 of the compressor 4
73. Capacity step valve 2 of the compressor 4
74. Capacity step valve 3 of the compressor 4
75. By-pass gas valve compressor 4 start
76. Compressor 5 relay
77. Compressor 6 relay
Condenser proportional control configuration (2 outputs)
Proportional outputs used to configure a proportional output signal to condenser fan control
Parameters involved: CF68 = Condenser control configuration for circuit 1 CF69 = Condenser control configuration for circuit 2
0= 0 ÷ 10Vdc (for external mono or three-phase fan control board) 1= 4÷20mA (for external mono or three-phase fan control board) 2= PWM (only for external mono-phase fan control board with cut phase control)
Proportional output configuration 0 ÷ 10 Vdc (4 outputs)
Parameters involved: CF70 = Proportional output 1 configuration CF71 = Proportional output 2 configuration CF72 = Proportional output 3 configuration CF73 = Proportional output 4 configuration
0 Not enabled 1 Modulated evaporator water pump 2 Modulated Free cooling valve
3 not used
4 Auxiliary output 0÷10V n° 1 5 Auxiliary output 0÷10V n° 2 6 Proportional output for modulating compressor 1 7 Proportional output for modulating compressor 2 After the read-out number 4 the display goes from the label “o 1” to “c47 (see input/output polarity), that allow to configure the output as digital output to control an external relay.
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