Dish Pointing Angles
Use the tables below as follows:
1. Find the ZIP code for your location.
2. Find the row that contains the ZIP code or the first three digits of the ZIP code. For example, the correct row
for ZIP code 80112 is 801XX.
3. Write down the number in the AZ column in the “Azimuth” blank on page 3.
4. Write down the number in the EL column in the “Elevation” blank on page 3
5. Write down the number in the SK column in the “Skew” blank on page 3.
Note: The skew varies if using a DISH 500+ or DISH 1000+. Ensure you pick the correct skew for the dish
antenna you are installing.
Zip Code
00001 117 15 69 71
00002 120 12 77 78
00003 117 17 67 69
00004 120 16 71 73
00006 121 15 73 76
00007 116 9 77 78
00008 140 26 79 83
00010 115 11 69 71
00011 121 17 71 74
00013 162 45 83 89
00019 160 43 83 89
00020 164 46 84 90
00022 155 44 79 85
00025 160 42 83 89
00028 160 44 82 88
00031 161 49 81 88
00032 164 49 82 89
00033 162 44 83 89
00034 156 42 80 86
00035 158 42 82 87
00037 157 44 80 86
00038 158 43 81 87
00039 156 43 80 86
00040 164 46 83 90
00044 162 45 83 90
00047 158 44 81 87
00048 158 44 80 86
00049 155 42 80 85
00050 156 42 80 85
00051 161 45 83 89
00052 161 45 83 89
00054 155 42 79 85
00055 156 42 80 86
00058 164 46 83 90
00065 161 44 82 88
00087 243 37 136 140
00097 244 39 139 142
DISH 500+
Zip Code
00116 222 45 124 129
00119 225 44 126 131
00120 225 44 126 131
00124 222 44 123 128
00125 257 18 123 126
00126 255 20 124 126
00127 259 19 126 128
00128 254 20 124 126
00130 258 18 125 127
00132 257 19 124 126
00133 256 20 124 127
00134 259 18 126 128
00135 257 19 124 126
00136 258 19 124 126
00137 259 18 124 126
00138 258 18 125 127
00139 255 20 125 127
00140 256 20 124 127
00141 259 18 125 127
00145 256 19 125 127
00147 256 20 125 127
00148 259 18 124 126
00151 260 18 126 128
00152 248 27 129 131
00155 246 28 128 131
00156 246 28 128 131
00157 246 28 128 131
00159 254 22 128 130
00160 216 29 110 113
00161 214 29 109 113
00164 205 30 106 110
00165 206 30 106 110
00166 206 30 106 110
00168 255 21 125 127
00169 254 21 125 127
00170 254 20 124 127
00172 254 21 125 127
DISH 500+
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