N88408 10-05
© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
PPaarrttss SSuupppplliieedd
z One IR Transmitter.
z Two IR Transmitter Harness.
z Two IR 2-Channel Headphones
IImmppoorrttaanntt NNootteess
For best results, the IR transmitter must be installed as shown in figure 1
with the LEDs pointing towards the rear of the vehicle.
Audio input can be connected to either a low-level fixed audio output or a
variable level audio output (such as a speaker or headphone output). If it is
connected to a low-level output, only the volume control on the headphones
needs to be adjusted to control volume level. If connected to a variable level
outputs, then the volume adjustment needs to be accomplished at both the
sources and at the headphones.
WWiirree HHaarrnneessss ((wwiitthh RRCCAA ccoonnnneeccttoorrss))
1. Using two dual RCA (M/M) cables (not supplied—length to be determined
by installation requirements), connect one end of each to the Red and White
RCA jacks. Connect the other ends to the channel A and channel B to each
of the low level signal sources (A and B).
2. Connect pin 4 of the channel A harnness (Black wire, negative) to the
ground of the vehicle.
3. Connect pin 5 of the channel A harness (Red wire, +12 volt) to the ignition source. This is an ignition wire that provides +12V when the ignition key
is turned on.
IIRR TTrraannssmmiitttteerr
1. Plug wire harness into transmitter.
2. Remove the 2 plastic caps on the transmitter to exposed the mounting
screw holes (figure 3).
3. Fasten transmitter to headliner using two short metal screws.
UUssee ccaauu--
ttiioonn,, ddoo nnoott ddrriilll
l tthhrroouugghh tthhee rrooooff ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee.. LLooccaattee aa rrooooff mmeettaall bbeeaamm
oorr gglluuee aa ppiieeccee ooff wwoooodd ttoo tthhee mmeettaall rrooo
4. Reinstall the plastic caps.
22--CChhaannnneell WWiirreelleessss HHeeaaddpphhoonneess
Follow the instuctions with the owner’s manual for the headphones for proper operation.
FFiigguurree 11——TTrraannssmmiitttteerr MMoouunnttiinngg DDiiaaggrraamm
FFiigguurree 11——TTrraannssmmiitttteerr MMoouunnttiinngg DDiiaaggrraamm,, ccoonnttiinnuueedd
FFiigguurree 22——WWiirriinngg HHaarrnneesssseess
FFiigguurree 33——IIRR TTrraannssmmiitttteerr