Directed Video HP400 User Manual

MMooddeell HHPP440000
UUsseerrss MMaannuuaall
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Congratulations on your purchase of the sophis­ticated, high-tech, Automotive Infrared Stereo Headphone. These headphones free you from the entanglement of wires to allow you the maximum enjoyment of music or video. To ensure maximum performance of the headphones please read this manual completely.
SSppeecciiaall FFeeaattuurreess
z 40mm drivers for improved bass response. z Automatic Level Control to prevent input
signal overloading.
z Utilization of high-frequency infrared light to
assure a clean signal for reception.
z Adjustable headphone band. z Automatic power OFF (after a few minutes
without a signal source, the power to the headphones will automatically turn off).
EExxppllaannaattiioonn ooff CCoonnttrroollss
1. Infrared Pickup Sensors - The head pone receives audio signal from infrared transmitters.
2. Battery Cover
3. Volume Control
4. Power Switch
5. Power Indicator LED
BBaatttteerryy IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Place 2 alkaline AAA batteries into the battery com­partment of the headphones. Make sure that the batteries are installed with the correct polarity.
N88400 10/04
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
NNoonn--TTrraannssffeerraabbllee LLiimmiitteedd CCoonnssuummeerr WWaarrrraannttyy
Directed Electronics, Inc. (Directed) promises to the original pur­chaser that the automotive video monitor and/or source unit(s) (the Product), excluding accessories, purchased and installed from a Directed authorized dealer within the ninety (90) days after pur­chase of the new vehicle, in which the Product is installed, is free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and con­ditions for a period of three (3) years from date of purchase or the first 36,000 miles as registered on the new vehicle's odometer read­ing at time of delivery of the Product for warranty service, whichev­er occurs first. Product purchased or installed more than ninety (90) days after the new vehicle is purchased are warranted for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase of the Product. Directed promises to the original purchaser that all video acces­sories will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and condition for a period of ninety (90) days after the date of purchase. A sales receipt and/or warranty registration card is required to provide proof of date of purchase of the Product or accessories. Should the Product be determined defective during the applicable warranty period, the Product will be repaired or replaced with a new or comparable reconditioned part(s), at Directed's option. To obtain warranty service, the Product must be returned to a Directed author­ized dealer along with proof of purchase and installation. NNoottee::
This warranty does not cover labor costs for the removal and
reinstallation of the Product.
IINN OORRDDEERR FFOORR TTHHIISS WWAARRRRAANNTTYY TTOO BBEE VVAALLIIDD,, YYOOUURR PPRROODDUUCCTT MMUUSSTT BBEE SSHHIIPPPPEEDD WWIITTHH PPRROOOOFF OOFF PPUURRCCHHAASSEE AANNDD IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN BBYY AANN AAUUTTHHOORRIIZZEEDD DDIIRREECCTTEEDD DDEEAALLEERR.. AALLLL PPRROODD-- UUCCTTSS RREECCEEIIVVEEDD BBYY DDIIRREECCTTEEDD FFOORR WWAARRRRAANNTTYY RREEPPAAIIRR WWIITTHHOOUUTT PPRROOOOFF OOFF DDIIRREECCTTEEDD DDEEAALLEERR IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN WWIILLLL BBEE DDEENNIIEEDD.. This warranty is non-transferable and does not apply to any Product that has been modified or used in a manner contrary to its intend­ed purpose, and does not cover damage to the Product caused by installation or removal of the Product. This warranty is VOID if the product has been damaged by accident or unreasonable use, negli­gence, acts of God, neglect, improper service or other causes not arising out of defect in materials or construction. This warranty does not cover the elimination of externally generated static or noise, or the correction of antenna problems or weak television reception, damage to tapes, video games, software, camcorders,
discs, speakers, accessories or vehicle electrical systems, cosmetic damage or damage due to negligence, misuse, abuse, failure to fol­low operating instructions, accidental spills or customer applied cleaners, damage due to environmental causes such as floods, air­borne fallout, chemicals, salt, hail, windstorms, lightning or extreme temperatures, damage due to accidents, road hazards, fire, theft, loss or vandalism, damage due to improper connection to equip­ment of another manufacturer, modification of existing equipment, use of a faulty tape cartridge or cleaning of the VCR head, or Product which has been opened or tampered with for any reason or which has been damaged due to alteration or service performed by anyone other than Directed Electronics, Inc. AALLLL WWAARRRRAANNTTIIEESS IINNCCLLUUDDIINNGG BBUUTT NNOOTT LLIIMMIITTEEDD TTOO EEXXPPRREESSSS WWAARR-- RRAANNTTYY,, IIMMPPLLIIEEDD WWAARRRRAANNTTYY,, WWAARRRRAANNTTYY OOFF MMEERRCCHHAANNTTAABBIILLIITTYY,, FFIITT-- NNEESSSS FFOORR PPAARRTTIICCUULLAARR PPUURRPPOOSSEE,, AANNDD WWAARRRRAANNTTYY OOFF NNOONN-- IINNFFRRIINNGGEEMMEENNTT OOFF IINNTTEELLLLEECCTTUUAALL PPRROOPPEERRTTYY AARREE EEXXPPRREESSSSLLYY EEXXCCLLUUDDEEDD TTOO TTHHEE MMAAXXIIMMUUMM EEXXTTEENNTT AALLLLOOWWEEDD BBYY LLAAWW,, AANNDD DDIIRREECCTTEEDD NNEEIITTHHEERR AASSSSUUMMEESS NNOORR AAUUTTHHOORRIIZZEESS AANNYY PPEERRSSOONN TTOO AASSSSUUMMEE FFOORR IITT AANNYY LLIIAABBIILLIITTYY IINN CCOONNNNEECCTTIIOONN WWIITTHH TTHHEE SSAALLEE OOFF TTHHEE PPRROODDUUCCTT.. DDIIRREECCTTEEDD HHAASS AABBSSOOLLUUTTEELLYY NNOO LLIIAABBIILLIITTYY FFOORR AANNYY AANNDD AALLLL AACCTTSS OOFF TTHHIIRRDD PPAARRTTIIEESS IINNCCLLUUDDIINNGG IITTSS LLIICCEENNSSEEDD DDEEAALL-- EERRSS OORR IINNSSTTAALLLLEERRSS.. IINN NNOO EEVVEENNTT WWIILLLL DDIIRREECCTTEEDD EELLEECCTTRROONNIICCSS,, IINNCC.. BBEE LLIIAABBLLEE FFOORR AANNYY IINNCCIIDDEENNTTAALL,, SSPPEECCIIAALL OORR CCOONNSSEEQQUUEENNTTIIAALL DDAAMMAAGGEESS ((IINNCCLLUUDDIINNGG LLOOSSSS OOFF PPRROOFFIITTSS)),, BBYY PPUURRCCHHAASSIINNGG TTHHIISS PPRROODDUUCCTT,, TTHHEE CCOONNSSUUMMEERR AAGGRREEEESS AANNDD CCOONNSSEENNTTSS TTHHAATT AALLLL DDIISS-- PPUUTTEESS BBEETTWWEEEENN TTHHEE CCOONNSSUUMMEERR AANNDD DDIIRREECCTTEEDD SSHHAALLLL BBEE RREESSOOLLVVEEDD IINN AACCCCOORRDDAANNCCEE WWIITTHH CCAALLIIFFOORRNNIIAA LLAAWWSS IINN SSAANN DDIIEEGGOO CCOOUUNNTTYY,, CCAALLIIFFOORRNNIIAA.. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warran­ty lasts. In such states, the limitations or exclusions of this Limited Warranty may not apply. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. In such states, the exclusion or limitation of this Limited Warranty may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. In such states, the exclusion or limitations of this Limited Warranty may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
OOppeerraattiioonn CCAAUUTTIIOONN::
Please carefully read the following to
prevent hearing damage or equipment damage.
1. Ensure that the batteries are correctly installed in the headphones.
2. Turn the headphone volume nearly off before turning on the power. Turn on the headphone power then adjust the headphone volume to a comfortable level. Note, that the volume control at the source, if connected to a headphone source, may also require adjustment).
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment complies with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to pro­vide reasonable protection against harmful inter­ference in a residential installation. This equip­ment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre­quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Directed Electronics, Inc.
Vista, CA 92081
© 2004 Directed Electronics—All rights reserved
N88400 10-04