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Connect the unit to a proper power source.The following
are the electrical requirements for standard units without
any electrical options. Should your unit have electrical
options such as a duplex receptacle, overhead lights,
refrigerated base, etc, please check the rating tag on the
unit to determine the proper 120 VAC electrical power
1. Models DCF/27, DCF/37, DCF/47, DCF/2, DCF/3, DCF/4,
DFT/2, DFT/3 & DFT/4:
Electrical: 120 VAC, 15 AMP (NEMA 5-15R Receptacle).
These units are equipped with a1/3 H.P Compressor.
2. Models DCF/57, DCF/67, DCF/5, DCF/6,DFT/5 & DFT/6:
120 VAC 20 AMP Service (NEMA 5-20R Receptacle).
These units are equipped with a 1/2 H.P. Compressor.
The drain valve must be closed prior to use. Turn the unit
on by turning the master switch to the “On”position. Let
unit operate for at least 45 minutes prior to use. Please
note that these units are designed to maintain cold food
temperatures.Thus pans of food product must be
prechilled prior to being placed into the unit. Never place
food directly into the
refrigerated wells of refrigerated base.
IMPORTANT:Th e re are louve r ed panels loca ted on the
f r ont and back of the unit. A constant air flow must always
be maintained thru these louve red panels.Th u s , t h ey must
n e ver be bloc k ed or the airf l o w obstru cted in any manner. If
this is allowed to oc c u r,the cooling efficiency of the unit will
be affe cte d. Bl oc k ed or obstru cted louver panels can also
cause damage to the co m p r essor thus invalidating the
wa r ra n ty.Never allow for napkins or other paper prod u cts to
o b s t ru ct the air flow thru the louve r ed panels.
To maintain proper cooling and to prevent compressor
damage, the compressor coils must be cleaned, at a
minimum every 4 months. To do this, disconnect the
electrical power to the unit, remove the two louvered
panels and clean the coils by vacuuming out the dust and
dirt. Blowing the coils out with air pressure is the most
efficient way to clean the coils. However, if air pressure is
used, the unit must me relocated to a controlled
environment away from food product and away from all
non-experienced personal. Failure to properly clean the
compressor coils on a regular basis will reduce the
cooling efficiency of the unit. This situation can also
cause damage to the compressor thus invalidating the
warranty.The cleaning of the refrigeration coils is the
responsibility of the facility. This procedure is not a
warranty issue.
Counters must be cleaned after use or at least once daily.
All food spillage must be removed.
For long equipment life:
1. NEVER use chlorinated or other harsh cleaners. Contrary
to popular belief, stainless steel is not totally impervious.
Ch l o rine and other harsh cleaners can cause the stainless
steel units to rust, pit and corrode.
2. NEVER use commercial steel wool or steel wool type
scouring pads. The fibers from these pads c an become
impregnated into the stainless steel foodwells and
cause/expedite rusting, pitting & corrosion of the
3. ALWAYS clean foodwells after each use or at a minimum
daily with non-chlori n ated cleaners approved for stainless
s t e e l. Scour each foodwell to remove all food buildup
with a plastic or pure stainless steel scouring pad. Follow
by a through rinsing and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
1. 1/3 H.P. Compressors: Refrigeration Type: 134A,
Refrigeration Charge=25 Ounces
Pressure settings: 150 psi Low Pressure & 350 psi High
Electrical Rating: 120 VAC,7.2 R.L.A Amps & 9.5 Start-up
2. 1/2 H.P. Compressors: Refrigeration Type 134A,
Refrigeration Charge 30 Ounces.
Pressure Settings: 150 psi Low pressure & 235 psi High
Electrical Rating: 120 VAC, 8.8 R.L.A & 11.5 Start-up