Programmable Interval
12V Timer Module
User Manual
Distrib ute d b y:
Te c hBra nd s b y Ele c tus Distrib utio n Pty. Ltd .
320 Vic to ria Rd , Ryd a lme re
NSW 2116 Austra lia
Ph: 1300 738 555
Int’ l: +61 2 8832 3200
Fa x: 1300 738 500
www .te c hb ra nd s.c o m

Technical Specifications:
• Power Input: 12VDC
• Low current drain: <50mA when relay is on, <5mA when
relay is off
• Timing accuracy: ±1% at all settings
• Dimensions: 72(L) x 65(W) x 43(H) mm
• Never get any part of the module wet.
• Never attempt to open, modify or repair any part of the
• Set the jumpers to program the timer, according to
the connection diagram and jumper settings table
• Plug in the supplied to the module, and the black and
red cables to a power supply 12V.
• Use only the positive cable/terminal from the power
source of the device you want to connect to the
interval timer. Connect the positive cable from the
power source of the device to the N/O cable for a
Normally Open switch or N/C cable for a Normally
Closed switch of the Interval Timer. Then, from the