Digitech AA-0378 User Manual

Programmable Interval
12V Timer Module
User Manual
Distrib ute d b y: Te c hBra nd s b y Ele c tus Distrib utio n Pty. Ltd . 320 Vic to ria Rd , Ryd a lme re NSW 2116 Austra lia Ph: 1300 738 555 Int l: +61 2 8832 3200 Fa x: 1300 738 500 www .te c hb ra nd s.c o m
Technical Specifications:
Power Input: 12VDC
Low current drain: <50mA when relay is on, <5mA when
relay is off
Timing accuracy: ±1% at all settings
Dimensions: 72(L) x 65(W) x 43(H) mm
Never get any part of the module wet.
Never attempt to open, modify or repair any part of the
Set the jumpers to program the timer, according to the connection diagram and jumper settings table included.
Plug in the supplied to the module, and the black and red cables to a power supply 12V.
Use only the positive cable/terminal from the power source of the device you want to connect to the interval timer. Connect the positive cable from the power source of the device to the N/O cable for a Normally Open switch or N/C cable for a Normally Closed switch of the Interval Timer. Then, from the
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